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tv   [untitled]    January 31, 2024 8:30am-9:01am IRST

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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. hello, good morning . welcome to the capital market news. the economic spokesman of the government announced the continuation of measures to allocate equity shares to the survivors under the protection institutions. mr. khandozi expressed his hope that this legal task will be determined by the end of february. heath of ministers refused to approve it because some ministries have not yet approved the shares of investment companies for equity shares. the relevant ministers, i hope that
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we will be able to get the approval of the ministries for the shares in the month of february or before the end of the year. let's receive and fulfill this duty of the budget law . tuesday's stock market trading, like the previous days, was associated with relative supply in most groups. yesterday, the total index was 47 percent and the equal weight index was 50. the withdrawal of money from stocks and fixed income funds continued. the indicators of the glass hall continued to move in the negative direction of the fluctuation range in trading on tuesday. on this day, the total index was placed in the range of 2 million 1135 units with a negative yield of 47 hundredths percent equal to 993 units. equal weight index.
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he took a step in the direction of the whole index, with the difference that the price of small shares transactions decreased compared to the index the instruments were more intense. homoz index on this day with a negative yield of 57 hundred percent equal to 4183 units at the level of 7349 units. glass hall witnessed more than 8,200 million shares of arak financial in 460,000 transactions with a value of 5,460 billion tomans. mellat and parsan had the most negative impact on the stock market index, and compared to the symbols of the three plains , fakhuz fakhas and shabdis, they prevented further reduction of the total index . the capital inflow and outflow index at the end of trading on tuesday, saturday, the stock exchange reports the outflow of 500 billion tomans of real money. but the most the inflow of real money was allocated to the groups of sugarcane farming, manufacturing of communication devices, and the most outflow of real money was from the automobile and construction groups.
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bank parts and chemical products were carried out. the status of the symbols of the glass hall also indicated that 195 symbols were positive and 572 were negative, so that the glass hall saw 75% of the market symbols become negative. also, 48 symbols were encountered with the buy page and 68 symbols with the sell page. the total value of purchase pages is 196 billion tomans, the total value of sales pages is 227 billion tomans. but on the other side of the otc index market, despite the fact that at the beginning of the market, it had an upward trend, but it could not maintain it until the end of the market, and finally, with a decrease of 59 units, it reached the number of 2548 units. in farabour, traders traded 3.2 billion shares in 304 thousand transactions with a value of 1985 billion tomans. ghazal arab gul of sada vasima news agency. well , as we have seen in the report, the total index of the stock
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market decreased at the end of trading on tuesday, however , according to the recent price increases in some parallel markets such as gold, according to experts , the flow of real money can change its direction towards the stock market moves. due to the outflow of liquidity from fixed income funds and stocks , we saw liquidity entering the physical markets, including the currency market and the gold market, which unfortunately led to an increase in prices in these markets in the past few days . currently, many stocks with real value they themselves found a significant distance, which seems that soon with the release of fenar, the capital market will witness a proportional growth, in fact, the initial offering of fenar will be done in the stock market. the second market
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of fraubourse iran, tuesday, is the starting price of 20 million shares, equivalent to 8 of the total shares of pars fener it was a spring symbol. 861 per spring share. warning to crypto-currency investors the regulatory authorities of digital currencies asked investors to trust artificial intelligence software and assistants. the us futures trading commission has warned investors who are looking for high profits in the field of digital currencies
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not to rely on artificial intelligence-based chatbots or intelligent virtual assistants for asset selection and investment. this commission emphasized that despite the popularity of trading assistants in recent months, artificial ears cannot. predict the future slow the proliferation of social media platforms and cyberspace activists makes it easier for fraudsters to spread false information. melanie dove, director of the us futures trading commission's office of information education, stresses that investors need to be vigilant because artificial intelligence has become a new way for criminals to take advantage of novice investors. investors before trust. and using trading assistants or receiving buy or sell alerts from them should check the background of the company or trader. in 2023, trading assistants based on artificial intelligence will be one of the hottest topics discussed in
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it was the field of cryptocurrencies. april 2023 in april of this year , several regulators in the united states took legal action against the trading assistant based on artificial intelligence. its providers claimed that this assistant can create up to 2.2% daily efficiency using artificial intelligence. however, securities regulators from the states of montana, texas and alabama stated that the platform is running a phony scheme, as there is no evidence that ai trading assistants exist and, if they do exist , the possibility of providing such returns is close to zero. is. in a ponzi scheme. initial investment mode with money the investors of the second generation have been paid and with this method people's trust is gained. despite all the warnings , a large cryptocurrency exchange called bitgate has announced that it is investigating the use of artificial intelligence in its platform
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. a thousand tons of all kinds of hydrocarrying products go on the supply board of the energy exchange, the largest volume. supplies are dedicated to raffinate gas intermediates. more than 37,000 tons of hydrocury products are offered in the inner hall of the energy exchange . the international hall has witnessed the supply of more than 30 thousand tons of various products. in yesterday's transactions all kinds of products worth more than 931 billion tomans were sold on the energy exchange. the dollar value of these transactions reached more than 21 million dollars. and that more than 22. 2 thousand tons of various products were traded in the commodity exchange on tuesday. 93 thousand tons of all kinds of goods were sold in the open auction hall. petrochemical and petroleum products hall experienced 9800 tons of chemicals and polymers. the volume of transactions in the hall of industrial and mineral products
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was more than 17 thousand tons. about 20,000 tons of cement were sold in the cement hall. 694 witness trade hall. non iron and acetic acid was. more than 4 thousand tons of goods were traded in the secondary market. the end of capital market news, god bless you dears. the importance of elections in electing a strong parliament
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, the key is in the hands of the people. iranian coach sharaf irane has a telegram channel playing with the whole country . why in these six months? we do not agree. in their recent meetings, the leader of the revolution named real competition as one of the pillars of the election , which means that the field should be open for the presence of different economic, political and cultural viewpoints for everyone with their different viewpoints. to be able to have a real competition in this big field in this big competition
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make an active presence in the field of elections. one of the issues on which the experts disagree, as i told you, is that these prohibitions of these sanitary distances, which are said to be necessary, or one of the obstacles to business , we saw today in the meeting of the producers with the leader of the revolution that they are not allowed to issue business licenses. the work of facilitating it and the conditions of how permits are issued now, the leader of the revolution. there were criticisms that experts and activists in the business field say that this is one of the issues that can hinder business, on the other hand, as you said. activists in the field of veterinary medicine and health activists say that these distances are necessary to prevent the radiation of diseases and some problems that may arise. stay tuned for this part of the debate. very
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well, here in the upper studio, mr. mehdi safari , an expert at the monitoring center and improvement of the business environment, is present as a person who believes that these distances should be adjusted , mr. abhithaszadeh, the vice president of health and prevention of the animal medicine organization of the country, who believes in these distances, is from the animal organization we also have mr. nasser sadat's medicine as one of the producers in the field of agriculture in another program studio they are present above and to us. the main issue is how long these distances should be and between which units they should be. the main issue
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is this. we in the business center have now started studying and researching this matter . at first, it was with reports and complaints from people, that is, people were calling. they sent letters and even said that we want to go and get a license, but the medical problem prevents the license. we made a series of statistics about the rejected permits, then we looked for the reason for the rejection, and we reached a really strange number: 4400 person and work permits during the last 5 years. of course, 97, for example, until 401, in the beginning of our study , 4400 mats were rejected due to non-compliance with hygiene.
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and we saw that people's reports are coming and now we started asking why it should be forbidden now , what are the recipes based on the law. what happened , where did it start, and we reached the point that on 15/6/41 , we sent the first letter to the ministry of home affairs, ministry of jihad, from the center, which was the instruction, let's have a meeting together , sit down and talk, send your documents to what was the reason for this and this? unfortunately, the answer was not received . we sent them the next letter on 7/25 again, there was no answer. on 30th of 11th
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, please provide your documentation regarding the fact that this hygiene recipe should be like this and the amount should be like this, even between these units. the letters were as follows. now, in some letters, my problems were mentioned . again, we wrote to mr. dr. nik bakht. this year, that is, on november 7th, this year, it was the result. now , we finally sat down in a meeting and talked to each other. and in that meeting, there were some good things, and now
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there was a promise of reform and these talks. in that meeting, this is a summary of the events of mr. abhithadzadeh, basically, necessity. may do you know these distances or do you see this as an obstacle in business terms? regarding sanitary distances in livestock farms, i would like to tell you that based on the law approved in 135 , article 19 of this law requires that animal husbandry prohibitions be established in order to preserve livestock capitals, and after that, in 1351, a regulation was issued. a time is approved in the cabinet and the animal husbandry system is formulated and it is announced that the sanitary distances between animal husbandry and various animal husbandry industries, which i mean by cattle breeding, sheep breeding, poultry and aquaculture breeding , are approved after that, and in 1357 even
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the official recipe for this topic. it will be compiled and with the signature of the then minister of agriculture and rural development , it will be notified to the veterinary medicine organization for implementation. after that, in 2008, the law on the animal husbandry society of the country will be approved, and in article 6 of it, it will be announced that the ministry of agriculture is obliged to, within 6 months, do the regulations related to this article, which is about health prohibitions to preserve the country's livestock capital , and in article 2, it declares that the so-called health prohibitions of livestock stem from the law of the country's veterinary medicine organization, which is article 19 and article 6 this
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is the so-called law of the country's comprehensive animal husbandry system to do this is for legal purposes, but the issue of maintaining sanitary distances between livestock farms is something that has been proven both scientifically and experimentally . you are working with viruses and bacteria, which can spread in different ways they can be moved between farms , for example, the wind can move them, even the air can move the virus in a normal state , with the flow of water, with the flow of sewage, with the flow of cars, proximity to the road and traffic on the road. humans and animals are all capable of transmitting pathogens therefore, in the early years when this law
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was approved, an expert team was formed and they determined the distances between the units as sanitary boundaries, but of course, at that time, we did not have such a severe animal husbandry and the density was lower . all regulations are available according to the existing rules and regulations, these intervals are determined. well, first of all, mr. doctor , talking about an almost up-to-date and new topic, now two or three years have passed since it started. it's over, well, according to the vaccine, finally collective immunity , and that means two or three years of restrictions, but after that, we are all now without maze, we sat next to each other in the subway, and those restrictions were removed, but this time , my doctor, who pointed out that from 1951-1952 , the regulation was written in 1957, which says
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that there are distances, now it may have increased a bit, but the distances there is the next article in the year 138 of the law of nizam. after promulgation of this law, the ministry of agriculture is required to write the instructions within 6 months and get the approval of the cabinet. now that we are in 1402 , it has been 14 years since the law passed. rulings various court of administrative justice to this sentence, which means that this instruction has not reached the honorable delegation of ministers, is also found in the letter that i have here, mr. dr. khawazi to mr. dr. mr. dr. nowrozi to mr. dr. khawazi zadan on 14.9 . i think it was after the meeting that we had together, mr. dr. nowrozi pointed out that due to the fact that this regulation was subject to time and these things were
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not approved by the cabinet , to send the draft again means that they were supposed to send another draft, send the draft actually, in the last 10 years, we can count 92 now that this mirror is finally mr. dr. nowrozi's signature has arrived . the spaces have not changed. the spaces are the prescription and the confirmation. he doesn't have the honorable ministers either, and he should have. now, why did this happen, and these should be asked from the ministers of agriculture or javad agriculture, why the delay of this order did not work, and these, and now let's go back to the same law of the veterinary medicine organization and that regulation that existed before 2008 and 92 these were written again , the same question is raised. accepted, we say that, sir, the distance should be clear and complicated. he wants to prove the distance, but how much and between what if there are units, it needs to be proven . for example, in the book on the animal husbandry system that
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the doctor said in the appendix , he drew a series of tables that are very small. now, it is not very small. here, for example, it is written that the distance between the slaughterhouse and other poultry should be 80 meters, so what? malaki after this 80 meters year 92 orders. it was that these spacings between different units, why and how did we get to this number? there is a relationship, a cause , something about the disease. so far, the same question you have raised, let's ask mr. abhithzadeh where these numbers come from. what is the calculation? he has a book well, mr. doctor mentioned that after. in the editing, the numbers have increased and decreased, and mostly i want to say that the numbers have always been decreasing, not increasing. now, if from 88 to 92
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, we have one case of decrease, one case of increase, for example , it became 200 meters and we have a thousand meters here as well in order for us to have a stable production, these distances are being worked on. expert work in the same old days, even now that we are looking at it, for example , mr. doctor gave a beautiful example regarding the distance between a poultry farm and a slaughterhouse, a slaughterhouse, a slaughterhouse , a slaughterhouse, a slaughterhouse, see the slaughterhouse as one. one of the main sources is that the animals that go there have different health conditions. different health conditions go there, and after the processing , the method is done, and the stage that is done , the final product must
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leave the slaughterhouse in a clean, healthy way. naturally, when there is a slaughterhouse in the neighborhood, the traffic of cars increases, the traffic of people increases, and this itself increases the risk of facing a danger. but in the case of me, for example, poultry, for example, because i think mr. bozor tsab is more looking for an example, if i want to tell you, well, the disease poultry infectious bronchitis as a disease that is caused by the coronavirus and not, it means that it is from the same family that created the problem and these scientific sources and scientific references prove that the face can move with the wind and this movement means that
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it is easily the virus can move between chicken farms that are less far apart. if you look at the regulations of other countries, you will see that in india, in the philippines, or in egypt, they officially say that it is a thousand meters from egypt. know what sensitivity and importance it has because it is your field he is saying that he should be 5 km away from other poultry farms. in fact, these distances are not such that he wants to be prominent only in iran , and other places in the world are also doing this. out of 4,000, 400 permits have been rejected. 1200 of them were for conversion industry units , 1500 of them were for livestock breeding units, and
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750 of them were for poultry , 500 of them were for cave breeding greenhouses , 250 of them were for aquatic breeding. let's talk about the other 3,500 and why we should have them another thing that mr. doctor said, for example, the country of egypt, the country of the philippines, the country of india, india, for example , have a distance of 1000 meters. is there such an instruction in your order of 1992? if you see it, it is more than 100 pages long. 100 pages of recipes , he checked all units in detail, in addition to animal units , industrial units, services, i don't know, cosmetics , cellulosic products, all this is my decision piece by piece , and there is a table for it, and there is something for it, there is a distance, for example, now a unit like the production of shock absorbers , car shock absorbers, etc. level 4, for example, industries it should be located 300 meters away from the cattle farm
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. i don't know how cattle breeding can interfere with industries, for example, farming assistance . if you can, i or something else happened, i have a letter here. it's like asking them to say that mr. doctor , power plant production farm means power plant. considering the abandoned cases , the distance between the dairy cattle farm and the solar power plant up to the capacity of 25 megawatts, now the megawatt written here is 200 meters, while now mr. doctor, we want to talk day by day, now they are building people's sheds, there are companies that are saying that the roof of your solet is now, what do you know about this iranian
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, don't throw papers and such. we will build a power plant for you, we will put a solar panel roof on the roof of your sheds, there are industrial companies, there are probably also livestock, we will build this for you , it means that a solar panel can be placed on the roof of a dairy cow, so you know, the distance is less, i don't know about the roof. a solar panel can be placed and it can be a solar power plant and produce electricity, but the status of this matter is also mentioned in the mirrors, the article that mr. dr. it is absolutely correct to speak in countries.
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the most important factors in the shedding of the virus, now the spread of the virus is correct, mr. doctor, according to this recipe , there is no difference between a chicken farm of 500 meat pieces and a poultry farm of 5000 meat pieces and 50000 meat pieces. at all, this parameter of number and density is not included , the climate parameter is not included in the northern provinces , now some places say that a discount of 10 to 20 percent, for example, is fine. it is not a path-breaker, why do i say a path-breaker, i'm sorry it took a long time, it is not a solution and it is not a solution because we calculated these active units with current mapping methods and these are one and a tenth million hectares, one million and 100 thousand hectares , not one meter and two meters, one million and 100 thousand hectares. among the lands of the country, they are located in the territory of the livestock units
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. these lands are usually good lands that , for example, can be used for production. i will complete what i said . they have access to water, electricity, infrastructure, etc., but they can also be cultivated. the body, if the land is an exception , it means it belongs to the people, if it is national government land, and so on okay, i can't do the same thing, it means that this is the case, while the conversion industry is possible, i emphasize because the honorable minister of agriculture, javad kashwarzi, also emphasized this. how long have you been interviewing for the conversion industry license ? i mean, we are saying that this obstacle will be removed. for the growth of the country, for the growth of our country's production, we can satisfy him and we have a cut in the tour industry, i repeat again, it is acceptable, considering the sensitivities , we have nothing to do with it at the moment, of course , the growth in the tour should also reach the level that we can, mr. abhitzadeh . let's hear you, basically, you these meters with which metro do you specify a standard, because you gave an example for twitter, but i would like to say something about the difference between


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