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tv   [untitled]    January 31, 2024 9:00am-9:30am IRST

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they have water, electricity, infrastructure, etc., but they can do these or finally agriculture, if the land is exempted, that means it belongs to the people, if it is national, government land, etc. , i can't do the same . i can emphasize the conversion industry, because the honorable minister of agriculture, javad kashwarzi, has also emphasized this . some time ago , he interviewed about the conversion industry license, so we are saying that this is us. i will repeat the slogan for the growth of the country, for the growth of the country's production. let it be accepted, we have nothing to do with it at the moment , of course, we have to check that growth in tivar as well , so that we can hear your answer, mr. abhitzadeh . the difference between the number of animals or, for example, the size of our
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aquatic fisheries unit, is not very clear. regarding the aquatic units , the doctor said that the distance that exists now is 100 meters, and he also said that in the coastal provinces, there is a 30% discount, which means 70 meters in the province. internal 20% means 80 meters in the same distance of my aquarium as the doctor said 250 units. who applied for aquatic plants, he could not get it, which means that there was no distance of 70 to 80 meters from the farm next to him to get it, this is significant, but besides this, look at the scientific documents that exist in a study that is in the international laws of the ministry of industry. the base of new zealand has done and reported that
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different distances have been set for breeding farmed fish in different countries , for example in norway and part of australia which is tasmania, in fact this distance is said to be at least one kilometer in order to prevent the transmission of disease and parasites and this distance in scotland says that it should be at least 8 km . please note that this is also a government document, that is , it is not an article that you say, and then the evaluations that they did themselves say that if this distance is less than 5 km ok, it is not able to guarantee the prevention of disease transmission, so no matter how much we do not give permission, and you check
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, in norway, it respects the distance of 1 km , while we came here during different years because of different issues that have been raised. and in the licensing commission of the ministry of jihad, which is the animal medicine organization as a member of that licensing commission , there have been many adjustments, mr. doctor , because everyone knows this well after studying these records, let's not forget that we have dangerous agents, we have infectious and biological agents that can cause diseases. the body and next to it we have a word called risk . we increase the risk as we reduce the distances, and increasing the distances reduces the risk. a number must be accepted in a reasonable way, and you see what you see in the country. different intervals, for example, now, as the
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doctor said, there is an allergy on poultry 1 the distance between the meat and egg farms is one kilometer away from the transmission of the infectious bronchitis agent of the corona virus. there are articles that it can be up to 1,200 meters . it is the same in my other cases. now, mr. doctor, we have a series of instructions. we have a letter. yes , yes, in response to that letter, we mentioned the legal issues and also gave a copy to mr. dr. sayah . it was signed by the respected head of the organization a few days ago. at the end , there are examples of these cases of distances in the world and non-vazalek we also brought ali. despite this, because we felt that
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maybe the center needs to have more information , my colleagues are working on related parts, which are other examples of distances and ways of transmission and infectious agents, so i will send this to you again as a single letter. thank you, mr. sadat, the producer of agricultural products is present in another studio above, as an example , they wanted to get a license, mr. sadad , what problem did you encounter? i want to check from two aspects, one is the distances and boundaries between units of the same class, such as light livestock and livestock. poultry style with poultry and others, the distances between the units of the medical department and unrelated units, like now, the same shock absorber that i said
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at the beginning of the expansion of the units of the same class. the document that you said that hygiene should be observed so that our traps are not destroyed and the corona virus is a good example of what we are saying is one of these intervals that have been determined . i say and hope that your colleagues can help us and the beneficiaries they are behind closed doors. answer me on what basis . for example, i would like to say that a light trap should be between 100 and 500 meters away from another light trap. let me say that the virus that wants to be transmitted by air can also be transmitted at 100 meters, 200 meters and 500 meters
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. where did these numbers come from ? well, the names of the countries, mr. doctor , are not criteria for us from a scientific point of view. there are other countries whose entire area may be the size of, for example, one of our provinces. from a scientific point of view, where did these numbers come from, and i think that your colleagues should review these , and i would like to say again that we are not considering all privacy, there are some privacy that we would like to share with you if you have the opportunity. mr. abhitzadeh, the most important point that is being raised . very much with the principle of the existence of intervals, someone like that it does not have the principle of that regulation , when will it be clear, if it is clear, because mr. sadat also pointed out that on what basis each of these was prepared, see, there was a discussion where he said that these
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viruses with how much air is transferred or tree work what effect does it have? not all viruses are able to travel long distances through the air. when i said that viruses can't be transmitted by air , how far can it be? i wanted to give an example, for example , in the case of livestock, they said that the foot and mouth disease virus can move 50 kilometers with the wind in an area where there is land, and up to 200 kilometers in an area where there is sea. kilometers can move, so
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it's not like we have viruses that can't move, the distances are much greater if we consider the volume in a country like scotland. it's not big, the rules say that there should be a distance of 8 kilometers between the water supply units it is natural that they should also say, because the space of our country is very small, why should we put 8 kilometers , the population is important, yes, your statement is correct, but there is something in these bylaws that you compiled, for example, that the population, as in your previous statement, is the poultry population. i would like to tell you and other animals that the population is dense.
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there are also developed countries, see mr. doctor. please allow me, because mr. sadat asked a question that has yet to be answered . it was about tree planting, what effect does it have? well, of course, the existence of natural barriers can reduce the transmission of factors, and this it can have a positive effect, but if we want to compare it with a country , there is no problem. we can see a report together in a program if you agree. it is an overview of the opinions of others.
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let's talk about it, let's go back and continue the debate . abhitzadeh, head of health and prevention of the animal medical organization, the basis that distances should be taken into account is based on the fact that health principles should be observed in order to prevent the occurrence of diseases. different it also helps the stability of employment. sadat producer of agricultural products. some restrictions have no scientific or rational reason, but there are hundreds of ways to get a license and hinder business. the prohibition law in our country dates back to the previous decades, and due to the advancement of technology, they should take the health of the environment seriously, not the distances. in drafting this law, in the opinion and consultation of the producer community. it has not been used. biranvand, an animal husbandry expert , said that due to the effect of population density on the spread of diseases
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, it is necessary to have a distance between animal husbandry units. in places like livestock settlements that neighbors are ranchers together. this spread of the disease is significant. in the animal husbandry industry, both hygiene and distance must be observed. darvish , an expert of the secretariat of the deregulation board, according to note 4 of article 1 of the law. any restriction that they want to impose in the form of a law for any license must first be reviewed by the deregulation board and after approval by the board of ministers, it becomes enforceable. the directive of haraim behdashi should have been approved by the ministry of agricultural jihad, which unfortunately did not happen. gol paegani , technical deputy of animal medical system organization, policy maker haraim and health distances of the ministry of the world. but since a new law in this regard has not been approved and promulgated, the criteria for the action
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of the veterinary medicine organization and the veterinary medicine system are the same as the previous laws and instructions. sayah, the head of the national center for improving the business environment of the ministry of economic affairs and finance. the prescription of health bans is illogical because it has caused an unbelievable high percentage of jobs and businesses as well as valuable agricultural land in the country. because of this recipe , health taboos remain unused and must be reviewed and obstacles removed so that we can see more activity of farmers in production. alireza shaukti radio news agency. well, we saw mr. shaukti's report together. mr. sadat, do you have an example for us and the viewers? yes , i must correct it first, mr. doctor, maybe we mean it wrong. to understand that we definitely believe in the existence of haleem, my point is , where is the scientific reference for these numbers, where are the scientific reasons
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that the tree gets a 20% discount at distances of this number, 20% or this number of 100 meters, 200 meters, 300 meters, based on which scientific research based on which virus or bacteria it has come from, it has been declared that corona is a very good example, mr. doctor what happened to corona? it happened when the people of the country were vaccinated and the vaccine came. well, now those obstacles have been removed . you can give that example. let's go. i'm just going to complete this discussion. look for a moment. we have all the vaccines when it comes to livestock diseases. the person in charge of distributing the vaccine is the veterinary medicine organization, but why is there such a fear that these diseases will become contagious and may
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not be controlled or prevented? we have different problems and two are a communication bridge between users and the manufacturer of the vaccine, which is the respected organization of medical doctors, should be active to see how the vaccine works, whether it was successful or not . you will see the answer. i want you to say, for example, for example, for now, in the episode. we are units that are similar to each other , like two units of light livestock or heavy livestock . i saw the cooperation in the report that you aired about livestock farms as an example of not now. for example , did you yourself apply for a license or do you know someone who if you are an applicant for a license, please be objective that i can work with different animals and work
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, for example, in the beekeeping industry, a very clear example. you see, in the revision that the doctor said, if a dear wants to have a queen breeding permit, it was found in the revision that this unit must be 10 kilometers away from the next unit . a bee, the doctor , is in his most difficult state, if something pollinates him in the area around him. niad wants to fly 3 to three and a half kilometers, come and go, now the side unit also if. this is a very small block between the unit, for example, the distance between 2 and the trap let's see with each other, when it can be prevented , that is our width. we are not saying
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that haram should not exist . whether it's a research unit or you have one, and it's different . our view is that if livestock settlements were not left to their own devices , they would be allowed to exploit any way they wanted . we say that there should be more monitoring and awareness raising in order to prevent occurrences there will be more diseases and vaccinations and a better environment. dear ones , are you living like the peak of corona now? no, we also know that viruses are transmitted through the air . who will do the main harm , mr. doctor? i am spending my money on my skin and blood. thank you, mr. sadat . please, mr. abhithzadeh, please tell me one thing about the vaccine that
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you mentioned. for example , we should replace prevention with the presence of intervals . one is the same two points that mr. safari also mentioned. mr. sadat about that what are the basics of haraim? obviously, for each unit, there is also an example about the electricity generation plant . if you have an answer , please tell me about vaccines. and getting infected and unfortunately their lives. also, the loss in medical livestock is the same, depending on the type of disease and depending on the biological factor, which may be a biological factor such as the plague of small drinkers, which is called ppr, and there is only one serotype. there is a form of it and
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the vaccine made from it is able to create immunity in livestock for up to 3 years and gives a suitable level of immunity , but in many diseases, vaccination is a factor in helping to prevent the disease , for example, in the foot and mouth disease that i gave as an example in all the reference books or in the reference of fao's kharbar agricultural organization, which is one of the most reliable , declares that the so-called vaccine alone cannot prevent the disease and it should. it should be combined with health, quarantine, biological security and related issues so that it can prevent the occurrence of disease . as for what mr. doctor said about the so-called power plants, we believe that
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solar panels can be installed on the roof of livestock farms , there is no place in our regulations that prohibits this . he explained according to the things that are for the veterinary medicine system , not for, for example, the ministry , mr. doctor. there are other industries that you mentioned that were even related to the ministry of health , there are all the minutes of the meeting and expert work and intervals that have been specified
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, all of which were signed by the officials of the ministry of health. it is not the case that if we say that there is a distance between judicial industries or a place , it is only related to medicine. live or suppose that the ministry of energy has forced that, sir, in order to maintain the so-called side industry of your food , the livestock slaughterhouse must have this distance and it should be done. thank you, mr. safari. now let's not skip the other sources, first of all , this was inquired from the organization of veterinary medicine system , and there are two reasons for it. my reason is exactly the same there is a regulation in that regulation , it is not signed by the ministry of energy. it means that, for example , the electricity manager of the ministry of energy said mr. gawdari sherry
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how much should be up to 25 megawatts , he also said 200 meters. you have a cow as far as khursheed power plant. i will bring you the picture . it means that this letter is quite famous . gulkhonest, if someone is interested in cattle farming, he should go and ask for it next to the greenhouse, because i want it from the veterinary medicine system says that you should be at a distance of 50 meters from the greenhouse, for example, 10 meters . you can't hit it, on the contrary, if the greenhouse wants to come next to a cattle farm, because the farmer engineer system can hit it, we don't know why. in that case, for example, cucumbers will get sick, i don't know. the things that should be criticized in the greenhouse, this example, and this thing that i said, those other things are on the road. i don't know that these also have privacy, but they are in another place . they have the articles of the law in the image of the ministers of the constitution. this is really not there. it is not really there.
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it was broadcasted, in their talks , they talked about sustainable production several times, sir, this is sustainable production, and i wish they would say exactly what they mean by sustainable production and what things advance sustainable production, and still we didn't understand. in what relationship and formula did this 200 meters go , 200 meters, and why, for example, compared to two years ago, it became 80 meters, for example, 300 meters, it cannot be a typo, even they are not so similar. it means that the land that has been acquired is one and the same, for example , there are applicants and the applicants are kept, the motivation is the same it kills their production and does not leave their country alone. it's all the same, a series of other things are really affecting the country, we don't like it, after all , the population of the country is moving forward, the country is developing, we don't like to be an importer of food
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, how should this product be formed, it should come forward , the people want to work. i have many examples from other people, for example , you had a goat for 50 ras . it has made the production more expensive because the party either has to buy a bigger land or is forced to should he move his land or is he forced to give away privacy from his own land , that is, he should not use his own land, that is, he has 1,000 meters of land, 200 meters of which he can use . this gentleman is from kerman province. if you have something, send it to us. for example , we have an applicant in the investment council for following up on the finance department. 50.
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it was active until we received a request from gilan province in 2001. these are active since 2008, which means that they are the oldest, the newest ones are 20 years old, and they are actively producing. they said that you must go and get an operating license. ok, this year , the operating license is going to be issued. they said that you did not respect the privacy . we cannot give you an operating license. my father asked to renew the license, meaning the operating license. for example, 2 years ago , he was giving his fish outside, people were eating , they were getting sick, what happens next, in the beginning when
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i started, for example, there is an obstacle that must be overcome, but with my many applicants, over 200 people , just talking to them on the phone is an obstacle. is not almost an obstacle for the producers of livestock, tourism and related industries who want to come to work and make money in this country. the supreme leader of the revolution said today that it was a very good match that, for example, this issue of permits should go forward and this is what the minister said. respected javad agriculture, all the members and leaders of the country want the production to be done, but they see that he is a medical doctor, that is, the other side thinks there is another problem, mr. abhithzadeh . please, do you agree with what mr. doctor said that how the production should take place is a lot of talk. it is beautiful if you look at animal husbandry you can see in the world that the production
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is moving towards female companies that can produce a lot and because these big farms take a lot of land for their own production, they maintain the privacy of their own land and the farm. they create in the middle of the ground to ensure that these distances are respected. regarding permits that may not have been renewed, if someone has a health permit and later the privacy has been violated , there is a note that they will renew the permit because at the time the permit is issued, the conditions of this part of the rules it exists and you can tell
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me the details. i don't have but there is such a thing, i will call the doctor if necessary. they say that the 81 license was not issued because the legislator was unable to issue an exploitation license, either in article 19 of the law on the veterinary medical organization of the country or in the law of the animal husbandry system society. he has set a time limit of 2 years. he said that the existing units must obtain a health permit within two years . if a unit fails to obtain a health permit , the lawmaker says that the ministry of agriculture should accept the closure of that unit or move the unit. should he close it , what should he do with his fish breeding pond? it's funny that he can't do that mr. dr. sal, for example , suppose that the year 2008 was a very good example.
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i don't have breakfast, lunch, or anything for my children because there is no food, where can we get it so that the children can be fed ? where can i bring you food? all the tents around us are the same and there is no food in them. we are living in
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very, very bad conditions . greetings and good morning to the family of muhammad and ajl farajham. dear and respected viewers, welcome to the sports news. the file for the eighth round of the asian nations cup will be closed tonight. on the last day of the competition, bahrain and japan will face each other at 15:00 and our national team will face syria at 19:30.


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