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tv   [untitled]    January 31, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm IRST

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in the name of allah, the most merciful , the most merciful, may god bless muhammad and the family of muhammad and the family of muhammad, and the speed of their death. hello, dear viewers , i invite you to join us with economic news. the permission to issue 280 thousand billion tomans of special deposit certificate was announced to the banking network. these bonds are offered with a 30% interest from today. i am currently talking with the deputy of the bank's credit department.
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central, mr. omrani, hello, mr. omrani , in which banks are these bonds offered and what are the conditions for buying them , in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. on the 11th of this day , we have notified the banking network of the permission to issue 280 thousand billion rials of special certificate of deposit. from this day, honorable people can go to the bank and all the banks are partners in this plan, and dear people in their own accounts , whichever bank they are. they can go and purchase this certificate. as you said in your initial conversation, the interest rate of these bonds will be 30% per year.
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considering that it will be used for high-yield plans based on the announcement of the banks involved in this matter at the maturity of these bonds. if there is a definite profit, the excess profit can be paid on the account, which means that there are no special conditions that people should have to buy this product, not all people, no, not at all, only with exceptions. the investment funds of all natural and legal persons want the possibility to buy these bonds. now, mr. omrani, how long will the sale of these bonds continue, according to the plan made in the central bank, these bonds will be sold for 7 working days from the 11th and finally until the 18th of bahman. the month will continue. very good, thank you , mr. omrani, deputy director of the bank's credit department central during twenty. in the last four hours, the quota
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of gas injection into the country's national network was broken and reached 85 million cubic meters. according to the director of the control center of iran national gas company, during this period , the amount of gas consumption in the domestic sector reached 417 million cubic meters. with the cold weather in the country , there is a new quota for gas consumption. yesterday, a new quorum in gas consumption was achieved in this sector in 1402. according to the officials of the national gas company, the domestic , commercial and non-major industries accounted for more than 70% of the gas delivered to the country's transmission network . more than 35% of this consumption in three provinces tehran, khorasan. razavi and isfahan, which compared
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to the beginning of bahman this year , had a consumption of about 24 million cubic meters per day, which is equivalent to all the subscribers of our sardsir province, zanjan and kurdistan , which is equivalent to one million and 100 thousand subscribers. gas consumption in the domestic sector needs management, of course, for good the consumptions have also been rewarded, the cost of gas has decreased compared to before because we spend in such a way. next gas consumption, at least, for example, we can use a heater with a low flame in every room, for example, with two to three rooms, we will try to collect gas, but in the height of winter, the peak consumption is around 30,000. toman of each of our subscribers will be reduced by 10 to 35% compared to the previous year between december 15th and march 15th, not only will their gas bill be free, but they will also receive a bonus of 10 times the price of gas. with
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optimal use of air, a significant amount of gas consumption can be reduced. we are very careful . it should be suitable. we should not leave the windows open . in the winter, we should wear appropriate clothes. in my room , i closed it when it was cold. only in the living room, the gas is on , the heating is on, the air is on. let's close our window sills by optimizing gas consumption, in addition to providing energy for the domestic sector , sustainable gas supply to the industry will take place . well, dear and respected viewers, as we saw in the report , according to the announcement of the national gas company , gas consumption in the commercial and non-major household sectors registered a new limit in the last 24 hours, of which about 420 million cubic meters belong to the household sector. in
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this regard, i am having a conversation with the head of the control center of the national gas company, mr. koshki . registered how much do you expect to reach by the end of the week? i also say hello to you and all the dear viewers of this news section. well, yes , as you mentioned, we had a more wintery week this week than last week. the amount of our gas consumption in the domestic and commercial sectors has almost increased since the beginning of the week. 10 %, and at the beginning of the week , we had 550 million cubic meters of gas consumption in the domestic sector, and this number reached about 600 million cubic meters yesterday, and it is a new record for this year's consumption, but the same as actually announced by the meteorological organization.
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this trend of decreasing temperature continues in the coming days, as you can see in the graph behind me. in the coming days and at the end of the week, the graph shows that the temperature will decrease on friday and saturday , and it will intensify. and as a result, the amount of gas consumption increases. our predictions are that by the end of the week on friday and the beginning of next week on saturday, another 10% will be added to the current amount of gas consumption, and we will have something around 650 to 60 million cubic meters of gas consumption in the domestic and commercial sectors. now the gas network it is completely stable. we have prepared the network and to enter the cold that is ahead of us.
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our colleagues in the gas production sectors are trying their best so that, god forbid , we do not have any interruption in our gas production and the maximum gas production in the country. no, currently all parts of the country have favorable gas pressure conditions and we do not have any particular problem, but as you mentioned in your order, this amount of consumption of 600 million cubic meters is about 70% of the country's gas production. it demands that our dear compatriots manage our compatriots who are in commercial departments are operating, please
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be careful about controlling the temperature of administrative and commercial centers. if there is any question, i am at your service. mr. koshki was with us, the head of the control center of the national gas company, the information of large facilities. and the related parties of the banks are still published with a delay. according to this year's budget law, the information on the large facilities and the related parties of the banks was supposed to be updated on the website of the central bank within 3 weeks after the end of each season , but the information related to the autumn season was only for 10 banks have been published. according to the director of the supervision department of the central bank, the information of other banks until the first half it will be published in february. the court session is officially established here, the court to deal with economic crimes , where the weight of the cases reaches one thousand billion tomans, or maybe millions of dollars, the funds that mr. emami and his affiliate network have acquired one thousand and 15 billion tomans of coarse grains that have not been in years.
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not long ago, people only heard the first letters of their names and surnames, and this issue had become a source of tension. with the help of mr. sim kekha , you borrowed from dal zal rajz institute, the missionary sinshisad zadzad toman, to publish the names of the students of the higher education first in the law. the budget. 1401 became a legal clause with the vote of the people's representatives. according to this legal clause, the bank and the central bank were obliged to publish the information of students of large education on a quarterly basis. the 13th government came to implement this legal clause. it was the law. this is not our policy in the central bank, if you ask me, i may have a different opinion, but it is the law , we definitely asked the banks to implement the law. but in the beginning, the banking system was not at the feet of the government and
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did not publish its information in this field in a complete and regular manner. recipients of loans more than 100 billion tomans of national banks of iran, the middle east, industry and mining and capital have not been published yet. the central bank managers considered the main cause of the delay to be a system. i hope we will be able to use zainaf-e-bahad systems. because if this happens , the information can be published immediately. but the completion of the same incomplete information by the end of the year made about half of the banking education transparent last year, and this led to the re-approval of this clause in the budget law of 1402, with the difference that a time limit of three weeks was set for the release of this information. at least 3 weeks after the end of each season, the first phase of the zainaf system was launched, but despite the fact that about 20 days have passed since the legal deadline for the fall season, this information has only been published for 10 banks. zain naf vahad
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has not yet been completed and fully operational. also, according to the promise of the director of the supervision department of the central bank, by the end of this week, the information of 10 other banks will be posted on the website of the central bank, and we will reach 26 and 7 banks, this will be finalized by the middle of next week, god willing. create the transparency of the context to deal with this battle of debtors. and now when you go to the news agencies let's do it, we can see its effects. sara fazli of central insurance news agency announced that people can get loan facilities of up to 200 million tomans to buy various insurance policies . one of my old friends was riding a motorcycle
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and we had an accident and we fell. this servant of god died behind me. it was 3 days before my insurance ran out. on the one hand, it is not worth asking for that one toman. involve your family for 1 million tomans, 2 million tomans. central insurance has announced that 37% of the 37 million vehicles in the country do not have third party insurance. this statistic is higher in the case of motorcycles. unfortunately, about 87 of them did not have a third-party insurance policy, so it caused many problems for our dear people in accidents. third party insurance.
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signed a memorandum of understanding so that people can buy their insurances in installments. the limit of this loan is 20 million tomans. they can go to any agency without paying any money on their own. the insurance policy will be issued to them from the bank and they will receive an sms from the bank. this education is 0% , which means that there is no interest at all. we hope that with the implementation of this plan, our countrymen
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will also be inclined to buy this insurance policy and cover some of this underinsurance. rozsheh aaliya without interest and without work, people do not need to go to bank branches , this facility is paid electronically at the agency and insurance branches and after validation, mahmoud rahimian, sed and sima news agency. spokesperson of the anti-trafficking headquarters reported dealing with 170 offending websites in the clothing sector gave according to mr. dehghani, a number of virtual pages are active. they were also detected in blocked foreign platforms and will be dealt with soon. no use at all. i want to start a revolution in clothes, look at us. they announce on their web pages that they have changed the equations of the clothing market. jackets are better than each other, all
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brands. i said, how can i empty my pocket , i will give 375 to the customers to say 5 to 5 to buy it.
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they are used if you want to experience the originality, quality, price and variety in the collection at the same time. definitely , the first word of the sale of smuggled clothes is only for platforms external is not filtered. some websites have similar conditions. according to the statistics of the anti -trafficking headquarters, the statistics of clothing smuggling into the country is one billion dollars. that is, something like 50 thousand billion tomans, or better said, about two months of people's subsidy, is spent on the unofficial import of goods, which are mainly produced by iranian producers. but the spokesman of the headquarters for combating goods smuggling says about dealing with this violation. actions have also been taken to deal with contraband such as clothing in cyberspace and 170 websites have been identified in this regard, which with the cooperation of the prosecutor's office in cyberspace virtually, these cases will be blocked, and the owners of these
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will be given the necessary warning and a case will be filed against them. the cases will be opened for investigation , according to the officials of the anti-spoofing headquarters, a number of clothing sellers have been identified in foreign platforms and they will be dealt with soon . .
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the importance of elections in electing a strong parliament , the key is in the hands of the people, coach of iran. we do not agree to be higher than any or higher today wherever we are. we are higher tomorrow. to the name of god, greetings, politeness, respect, service to you , the viewer. dear and honorable winners of the higher election program of the leader of the revolution, in their recent meetings , they called the real competition one of the important pillars of the election, which means that the field
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should be open for the presence of different political, economic and cultural views so that all these different currents can participate in the competition. they should form a real competition and have an active presence in this field. one of the topics that experts disagree on. the management method and whether the market is considered legal or illegal is a mystery. obviously, the range of cryptocurrency supporters they know a new tool for trading and they think that in the current situation of our country , it can be used for example to bypass sanctions. on the other hand, critics point to the fraudulent market that we sometimes see, and that basically it cannot be considered a very suitable tool for bypassing sanctions or principle. in particular, it is an alternative to know for the transactions we are doing. stay with the higher debate . thank you for this topic with the guests we will talk with
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. well, here in the upper studio, mr. kanani, professor of law at islamic azad university, is also present, as well as mr. ashtiani, a member of the board of the blockchain association. hello and greetings to both guests of the program, i would like to start with mr. korani and this question. basically, what is your opposition to the current situation, in the name of allah, the most merciful , the most merciful? let's get better . first of all, i will at least give myself a reminder about these two words, which may be enlightening and helpful for my dear viewers, and that is, basically, when we talk about a discussion, what kind of purely human discussions do we have? disease and classics and what interdisciplinary debates , debates that combine technology and humanity, we must make it clear that people
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can look at the issue from their own personal point of view , sometimes people from a preferred angle, for example. they look at the issue that maybe they don't believe in me, but they see it as appropriate to the current conditions of the society, so if i am at your service today, my best effort is to be in a completely impartial, completely scientific position and purely based on that function of mining. a discussion that can be beneficial for our society, god willing, and if it is obvious, it can also be harmful ok, let's point out the disadvantages so that, for example, our legislative institutions can make a better decision , so i see myself in this position . i am at your service. see, in answer to this question, i will briefly explain. basically, before we talk about the password, we should explain. before we basically say what is the password, what are its problems , what are its benefits in our society, we should ask a philosophical question. it is generally about the amount of respect and the amount of rationality that we show to ourselves and to the technological world and the technologies that we encounter.
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question: i would like to enter into the discussion from the point of view of the society, from the point of view of the people, from the point of view of the legislative apparatus , from the point of view of the ruling government, basically , what is the philosophy of the concept of cryptocurrency, which technology did the cryptocurrencies originate from, which world can they trust in today's world and for which purposes? more recently , let me summarize the same discussion. for many years, we have had questions about commercial documents, such as checks, which was basically the question of whether this instrument is considered payment or self-payment. it is basically considered money. sometimes, in most of the dialogues in today's iranian society , they are introduced from the same family and synonymously, which is really wrong, and sometimes correctly , they talk about the general and specific logical relationship between them, which naturally, when we talk about digital currencies, we definitely we can say that there is a digital width, but as the saying goes, the code of width is the so-called exit of its subject, because they have a logical relationship, so at the beginning
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of the word, we must make it clear that in terms of the philosophy of technology and the philosophy of the technology looks at something like digital cryptography where are we going to go? in short, i believe that the word "currency" is an interpretation, although it really has the function of land, although it is the code of latitudes and digital latitudes. they have the money, although they really facilitate exchanges, although they really eliminate the mediation of banking and exchange systems and many other functions, but in my opinion, it is still not in the legal system of the islamic republic of iran, nor in the perspective of international documents. in the approaches of international organizations such as the world trade organization , we should not consider currency in the true sense of the word, which is essentially a currency. we have a series of problems and challenges there as well, but i think mukhtar's definition is that yes, we are faced with a set of data designed in a mathematical algorithm called width. in the debate
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, they also have new functions, but the issues are very obvious and direct with the classic banking system . in short, the issues such as the lack of monitoring of the active manner of their transactions cause us to have doubts in the field, so whether the legislation is excellent or not is an important issue. we have to answer him, mr. ashtiani, what do you think? with these descriptions that mr. kolani has , he agrees with this essential definition of erza's code. hello, i am at your service, mr. konani, dear guest of your program, dear viewers of this program , i am at your service that today we are facing a new class of assets, some of which are known as cryptocurrency, those packaged by central banks, so to speak
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it is pinned to each other with a national width, so to speak. and their format is under the code of assets, which are known as an asset and asset class. when we look at this ifrs definition, it is the most accurate there is a definition that after that the american stc also accepted it and even recently the etfs on this asset enter the globalization stock market with this definition as a legal asset , we understand that it does not deny that it can work as money. and so it was here that an interesting thing happened in the world in the middle of legislation, central banks became the custodians of regulation and legislation and review and comment on the monetary function of this asset and this asset in the field of financial and asset markets along with other markets traditional like real estate market, precious metal market the stock market emerged as an asset class, and it was natural that part of
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people's capital in the world, and naturally in our own country , would be attracted to this market. mr. kenani , would you like to ask for your opinion on the status of legalization and the current situation of cryptocurrency in the country? yes, you see, it is really one of the most important debates that we need to address in our own country right now and make it clear that this is the final task of saying yes to legislation or abandoning approaches interested in legislation in this field. and i would like to inform you that we in iran today with two we are faced with a legal view or two views of the concept of law and legislation in the case of ramzharza, one view that our governmental governing body has, that is, the government body , specifically from the president to the cabinet and in government bodies, and one view of the concept of law and legislation, which naturally the legislature and the parliament itself can have it. i find it deeply saddening
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to see the government's perception of the concept of passwords or the legislation in the field of passwords. you should probably be informed, for example, we have resolutions that have been approved by the government body, which are explicitly based on the rule of disclaiming responsibility from the government as a decision of the government. in order to take a position on the legal status of cryptocurrencies, it is welcomed, which means that, in the government equity market, the sentence is really offensive, even the writer of these lines can say that if the traders or those who trade with cryptocurrencies . they themselves accept the risk of this phenomenon , they themselves commit that whatever they commit to themselves, of course, whatever happens here, they are responsible for it, the government does not have support, the government system does not help, it does not take responsibility. it means, in fact, the implicit prescription of the government in some way it is taking a position that we somehow agree with this situation of the so-called password function, that is , if you and i
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exchange our password, we recommend buying. let's call it because it may have an increasing or decreasing aspect like any other market. well, the government says that you should proceed with your own responsibility. this is a regulation or an area. we will see this approach in the continuation of this approach. there is another agreement in the body of the government. now, i am very like i don't see this as worthy of a legal discussion . which is used in this field, and annoyingly, we don't need to deal with it more than, for example, in parallel approaches to the type of tajam. organized a network of buying and selling, for example, cryptocurrencies, or the so-called entry into this market, to be prohibited from announcing . currencies have not merged . i strongly believe that the law in the strict sense of the word , the law in the scientific sense of the word, means the approval of my parliament for government officials with dignity and legal personality. a meaning that can fit the need.


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