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tv   [untitled]    January 31, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm IRST

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let's develop it, so to speak, because we may have an increasing or decreasing aspect like any other market . well, the government says that you should continue at your own risk . because i don't see this as worthy of a legal discussion, i even hesitate to point out the meaning of the words, because sometimes there is a typo in the sentences used in this field, and it's annoying, so we don't need to address it further. for example, in parallel approaches to syntax. an organized summary of buying and selling network for example, cryptocurrencies or so-called entry into this market are forbidden to be announced . law in the exact meaning of the word "law" in the scientific sense of the word means mustafa majlis , for government regulations, dignity and legal personality in the sense that it can fit the needs of the society, we need a
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focused and precise and poor legislation that can the framework of shari'i principles should enter into the subject because i would also like to mention this and if it is in your questions, i will be happy to address it. by the way, in iran today, there is a dialogue attributed to the position of the supreme leader. which he referred to the legislative system, basically this sentence cannot and is not attributed to him, because he misunderstood the sentence, the answer is that i advise, i recommend that you refer to the state of legislation , pay attention to the laws and regulations of your country, in terms of opinion on the basics of islamic jurisprudence and the constitution of the islamic republic of iran the urbanization of the law and the legislation of the city are two completely different categories. if we seek to make the city legal, we went wrong and did something against the city
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. we must do the law according to the four principles of the constitution. who say that some people believe that the reform is the rule and they must carry out their activities with absolute satisfaction and there is no need for legislation at all, because if it was forbidden, the lawmaker should have said it, and others say no, according to the famous saying , they assume the opposite and look at the middle view that i believe that in terms of our jurisprudential foundations for welcome to technology. i apologize for completing this in 30 seconds. we welcome it in terms of religious and religious principles. we don't face any so-called theoretical refusal of technology, we have a focused narrative from imams who prescribe this , our problem is in quality. the quality of transparency should be defined by the legislator. mr. ashtiani, what do you think the legislation is like and how it should be ? in my opinion, one of the best sentences
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that i have seen in the laws of the country, frankly, in this context , was the part that came in paragraph one of the resolution of the board of ministers approved on august 13, 2018, which states that accepting the riskiness or risk of cryptographic assets is the responsibility of the individual. the reality is that we have seen some time ago when we see the encouragement from the government towards a financial market like now, every financial market expects this creation and even in some of our laws and regulations as in the discussion. licensed monetary and financial institutions at the time in 1396 and 7 we saw, we saw that it was not due to time and the government side, even the funds deposited in these institutions or even banks , so what is mentioned in this part, by the way, i see this as a progressive part. the second point
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i wanted to say is that we have very strict rules regarding this issue. when we have the definitions under the law, then we don't have it, and we have a very big legal gap that, in fact , our judicial system definitely needs a unified principle for this matter, and this is a piece that i want to present to you. defining the nature of the encrypted entity means defining the nature of the code erza, sir, this property can work with. with a proper definition of digital assets, which we don't have, of cryptographic assets, which we don't have, with a solid legal definition, then the previous laws and regulations are ruling, and if we come to any issue and technological field, which sometimes lasts for a few weeks or a few more months. being that from their creation
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to their destruction, for example, maybe weeks, months or a year later , there is no news of that supply code at all, how can we do this with a law. it's hard to legislate the entire password , in my opinion, the law in the world of digital economy is a little dry and rigid instead of legislation, in my opinion, reed or any rail system or even guard rail system is more suitable for the field of digital economy. to some extent , we have to sleep for 3 months and wake up in the field of digital economy. today, we are illiterate, if it took 50 years for the number of airline users to reach one million people, today we see that in the field of digital economy, it is a different matter, or in the field of blockchain and cryptocurrency, it is a matter of less than 24 hours. we are faced with a million users
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, how can we legislate for this matter? of course, let me complete this point . i am in favor of regulation in this area . in my opinion, regulation has a definition. regulation means that we have nuts and bolts as rate variables so that we can reach the desired state and regulate the market to some extent. but if we want to look at the digital economy areas with a legislative approach, we must stop and see, measure the risk, determine the framework, approve, and move forward . in my opinion, in the field of economics digital should be paid attention to, the internet of value , whose main foundation is blockchain and cryptography, without the idea
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of ​​metaverse, without the idea of ​​artificial intelligence, without the idea of ​​blockchain . in my opinion , we just wasted an opportunity, of course, until today , we wasted an opportunity with the way we took it, which i will mention. an intellectual discipline to have a method to regulate the system, for example, our finances, we don't need to change in every field for every unit. economic, political, social, let's make an independent law. if we do what the islamic republic of iran majlis has not done since the beginning of the revolution, and really do this as a reminder to all those who are concerned about this now , they will be present in the parliament as a representative of the nation and help legislation i would like you to know that once and for all as a member
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of the majlis, if you are appointed, god willing , think about the concept of what does community legislation mean? if we have a society legislation the field of economic law is enough . we don't need to come face to face with 5 years at a time to see what has happened to technology today . if the legislation of the society is followed in its scientific sense , it will answer everything. for us, the legislation of the society has many, many requirements . for example, if we had written our computer crimes law in 1988 in the form of a society law, today we would not have to worry about the fact that this law even defines theft wrongly, and the law of 1988 even defines computer fraud wrongly. subject matter many of my friends who work in the field of cryptography are worried that if my information is hacked, it means that our property will be stolen. what is the status of the follow-up and what crime am i facing now? unfortunately, our approach is a very sloppy, undisciplined, undisciplined market approach , for example, i look at it from a market angle, he
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looks at the issue from the angle of, for example, the election, as the famous saying goes, he looks at the issue from another angle, from the angle of advertising , so we have to put this aside. let's leave it alone let's talk scientifically and rationally, scientifically , if we have a society legislation in the field of economic law. whether in the cyber space or in the normal and classical space , we will not have any so-called problems in the next 20 years in the face of the modern technological world, because the legislation of the society extends to everything, so-called, the entire criminal economic financial laws of switzerland are equivalent to there have been no laws approved by the government board of the islamic republic of iran since the beginning of 4th year until now, when we are in bahman 42. well, this is self -explanatory. what does it mean? now, an interesting point to mention, mr. doctor , do you know how the country of switzerland is currently dealing with the phenomenon of cryptocurrencies? doctor, please tell me . we will be happy. since 2017, the country of switzerland
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has proposed the method of sro or self-regulatory organization and its own institutions for this issue, by the way . and maybe to some extent this case is compatible with your discussion, that is. the question is, what should we do in ramreza
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? today 's concern for the country is this, why am i here? why did an active business fail to develop the appropriate tools for this field , and it has caused an iranian person to be able to achieve a beautiful technical competitive position in the foreign platform? unfortunately , this is one of the biggest damage that we have seen in the field of cryptography. in 2018, a foreign platform blocked all iranian cryptocurrency assets. before that, in 2013, a platform called amtigax suffered a crash, and no one was free to do anything, especially if it was from iran. this is one of the things that actually endangers our national wealth when we accept that one person. the level that has been created for the people and for the country that we have this kind of limitless wealth in
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the future boundless world and the boundless digital economy is unimaginable without this kind of wealth . we, the people, have an approximate penetration rate, i read the report , it was almost equal to russia, we have a penetration rate of about 10 and 10%. our user was not really into new foreign business tools he chooses the competitor. we didn't even get a chance to attract when the uae and turkey are laying the red carpet under the feet of this case with a special kind of regulation. in fact , it is a good regulation that
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we do not do in this field. 5 scientific articles from our university professors in the field of blockchain, cryptocurrencies, and other things have not yet been properly accounted for in our country. after all these years and so many users, this situation is a bit strange. this is due to the lack of regulation. in my opinion, there is room for criticism , and the fact is that it's alcoholism thank you very much, mr. keshtian, how many? or your suggestion regarding the legislation that growth and development are prevented and that
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there is no such regulation. yes, look, this really needs to be clarified . honestly, i agree with this. it means that it is logical. this is the correct statement. let's look at this issue in terms of economic growth and the function of the so-called capital builder in the real sense, so there can be no opposition at all, we need this issue. to be fair, we need to sit down and form a think tank and ask if the secret of the widths is really there now you can help our society and people . i believe in a person. look at the civil law. we define property. we say that property must be something or an asset that has a legitimate, rational benefit that can be accessed. this is our entire definition of property in our civil rights , so whatever it is. whatever we want to call wealth or property , it must have these parameters, the code of land has these parameters . see, considering
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that we are not at the point of gratitude we can talk about the issue, not a prescription, and the government has taken a position that in my opinion , it is a so-called shoe, which means that the government is coming from one angle, in fact, it accepts that there are legal restrictions on passwords, on the other hand, it takes a kind of guard that the audience of this is me. i have been asked many times if the government says that the code is legal , even now we have an exchange and it is operating in this area. well, this is in the strict sense of the word . i am criticizing the lack of it. the transparency of the government's position is really a reality we have to see. it means that the government knows that if it says openly now, even the central bank will prohibit transactions in the area of ​​rosa, which is now the vice president of crime prevention in the judiciary. in this autumn, it will be official that any activity in the field of cryptography will be allowed, of course, with a condition that it is organized. it is forbidden to take it as a member-recruiting aspect. it is forbidden to declare any crime
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. of course, they meant the activities of the shrine. doctor , i will say the same. adding a cream to it , but the problem is that the problem is here, which means that there was not much point with the password, not the reality you see, one thing you should forgive, mr. doctor , one thing we need to pay attention to is that the nature of this field based on the blockchain platform has an unmanageable nature. in the whole world, governments are faced with a phenomenon that had a golden point, the way the government deals with every part of the secret of peace is that it can turn an opportunity into a threat or a threat into an opportunity, that is, as soon as a government starts limiting it and restricting its people, china's experience is the experience of nigeria and many other countries, for example, china. be much stronger than us in this field of limitation it gave the opposite result, that is, it led to the strengthening of the underground market or the migration of people to platforms outside
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their country, and therefore today we have reached maturity and an understanding that this field should not be promoted. he recommended that there should not be unrestrained restrictions on the method used . our country has reached an ecosystem of regulation in the world today, but there was an irreparable lag and delay, and i hope that this delay will not continue any longer. in the name of god, light , in the name of god, light, light, in the name of god, light on light, in the name of god, light on
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light, in the name of god, light on light, in the name of god, god is great , god is great, god is great, god is great. there is no god but god. i bear witness that muhammad is the messenger of god. i bear witness that muhammad is the messenger of god. i bear witness that muhammad is the messenger of god
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. i bear witness that allah is the most high. hai ali al-falah , hi ali al-falah, hi ali
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khair al-amal. hai ali khair al-amal allah akbar allah akbar la ilaha illa allah la ilaha illa allah
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mr. kenani, there is a point that they say that if it becomes legal, it will lead to the outflow of foreign currency from the country, the outflow of capital from the country, what do you think if you allow it? it is out of respect for the listener who might expect to hear the answer to the question that is being asked. i will answer the previous question. give me because the answer to the previous question abtar and considering that i personally don't have a habit of talking to the audience and, as the famous saying goes, people in front of me keep silent, but your previous question remained unanswered, and that is that there were 300 statements in the question that needed to be answered, whether we are really for the code of widths. finally, do we agree with the economic function or not? if we agree , we should accept it, and if we have to accept it, in what way should we regulate it , so to speak? technological products are in the fields of the country for many years, i
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carried this criticism with me in the debate we had with foreign social networks, our debate there was not with the fact that we don't need a social network, sir, we say a controllable social network available, a network that is compatible with the legal system of the islamic republic. iran should respect if the attorney general of the islamic republic of iran wants to pursue a case and the text messages of that data center should be answered and those custodians, so with that logic i entered into this discussion that we will accept technology if it really works economically. if a think tank is formed, he said, sir for the system of the islamic republic of iran, within the framework of our goals, the policy of our words has a function , we must vote to enact and prescribe it, so we should not lose sight of the issue that we do not discuss its functions, because my work scope is not such, i respect the country's economic society. i will not put them in their shoes and leave it to an economist. explain more whether the code widths and the quality of their activities have an economic justification in that sense or not, because you know that the activities resulting from the added value of these code lands now have a
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think tank and a global decision-making body behind it. no, there isn't a think tank that will make a price today. you can see it at the highest level . let me give an example of one of the contradictions of the fans of raza raza. observability of the inflation rate per day. they are talking, while the code of widths , you can see now, overnight, their number will increase by tens of thousands, that is, it is possible, so some people call this value-added, some say quality and value improvement, while it shows that the definition is still he does not know inflation, that is, if anyone the definition of inflation does not refer to the multiplication of the price of a product or the use of a payment instrument as a double asset . let them be us and we will use their words, so we respect and we will pass this issue, but at the moment, you see, we need to
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clarify the place of the code of land in the legal system of our country in the form of a macro-economic legal policy. let's clarify our economic system before thinking about this let's think about what approach the central bank should take and what the government should do . we need our legislative apparatus in a macro-dialogue, for example, in a macro-legal dialogue, the code of lands , if it works within the framework of a certain law or with a certain function. or they are for some executive purposes and they are used, their presence and use are prescribed and have legal validity, we don't need to talk about masadi, for example, about bitcoin, let's make an independent law about other passwords, as the famous saying goes. independent legislation is not a big statement, while i would also like to point out this pay attention, it is necessary to really discuss the problems of governments at the global level with cheap code. i don't know how much it was in your discussion. the government and at the global level, the sensitivities they have towards the activity of passwords will help us a lot in overcoming these issues
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, mr. ashanani . to apply the order of the case , today we are the result of the regulation that has been done to some extent in the world and in iran, and this ecosystem that has been formed. by the way, he got this feature and this was one of the most important points that the activists of the encrypted exchange field always have in front of them, and well, there are a lot of cases , a lot of inquiries and many other issues that are caused by the judicial order, from the side of fraud or irani has been able to be implemented because of the transparent nature of this area. one of the most important features of the blockchain and cryptographic assets is the transparent nature of the blockchain technology on which they are based, which is almost the reason why,
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according to the statistics i want it from 2017 that i know for sure in fact, 99% of the crimes related to the financial sector were committed through the traditional banking system . he doesn't use this field because he wants to become a criminal somewhere, and in that case, the court order can actually be applied to him . i thought this area was addressed to the central bank's regulatory and regulatory authorities remember, many times in the speeches of even the head of the food agency at the time, mr. central bank, why doesn't it regulate this area , leaving the central bank alone is its inherent duty and natural concerns and concerns
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about inflation. melimon and many of the subtle issues that were in your question, but on the other hand, addressing the central bank and waiting and leaving it alone is the same thing, mr. sadrabadi. it has been until today that the device is in good condition the field of finance means the ministry of economy and finance , unlike other countries in the world, we have not entered this field yet, and we had all the expectations from the central bank, which was under a lot of pressure, and it was natural that the reactions and behaviors that it wants regarding the nature and nature of the operation be that as it may, this incident has caused us to witness a delay until today, the fact that this delay is intentional, i do not agree with it, and of course i know that the working group is actually composed of many and many
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different institutions in the country. the supreme council of virtual space is holding meetings taking over the regulation of this area , they are definitely pursuing the definitions legally , this working group is working under the title of the working group for organizing the exchange of cryptographic assets . they are advancing the field to a very good extent , but the state of delay that exists until today. iranian companies that are having trouble receiving bank notes and bank accounts due to sanctions can safely transfer their funds by spending a few minutes and having an electronic wallet.
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to receive for this reason, for economies like our country's economy, which is under sanctions and under pressure, cryptocurrencies create a great playing field to strengthen the country's economy. masoud sharifi , economic expert, if the government encourages the use of cryptocurrencies in small financial transactions the ability to bring in capital and especially its equivalent money, even on a small scale, and international exchanges due to the boom in production. especially with neighboring countries. farzad hashemi, economic expert. passwords can create a good capacity for the country in the conditions of sanctions. therefore, it is not possible he dealt with this economic activity in a negative and filtering manner. filtering domestic collections active in the field of crypto-currency increases the number of users of foreign sites, which in addition to leaving the country , also
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brings challenges regarding the security of people's assets. hossein. according to mahmoudi , an economic expert, the cryptocurrency market is more than a market for circumventing sanctions , it is a platform for exiting the currency, because through this market, rials are easily converted into dollars. mohammad dereza maani yekta , vice president of central bank's payment systems department, the risk of the land market is not only in the price fluctuation due to iran's sanctions, the wallet in which we put the password may be blocked, and there is no place to complain about fraud in this area. cryptocurrency owners believe that the government and banks should not interfere in the creation of money and transactions, and in this area, the account holder's details of the destination account are unclear, which is not acceptable. salman kanani, an economic expert, with the legalization of the cryptocurrency market, we are placed in a very wide range of international interactions and the possibilities are limited.


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