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tv   [untitled]    January 31, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm IRST

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dear and honored , as announced in the news, according to the chairman of the program and budget commission of the islamic council, the pension of the beneficiaries of the relief and welfare committee will increase by 30% in the coming year. billion tomans of the government to increase the judicial security and the development of social justice in the country. based on this, the incentive subsidy of the electronic goods plan for 61 million people from the first seven deciles of income will increase by 100 thousand tomans . we invited to investigate this issue further. from the minister of labor and welfare cooperation mr. seyyed solat mortazavi's social network, i greet him and welcome him. first of all, say hello to continue the conversation, in the name
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of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful . and thank you very much, mr. mortazavi. we have to say goodbye to our dear viewers and the community of channel one. if you want to continue this conversation , please follow us through khabar . hello, you are a viewer of vijeh news talk show with the presence of the minister of labor and welfare cooperation. social
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dear mr. seyyed solat mortazavi, mr. mortazavi , please tell me the details of this new electronic product that is going to be presented on the 17th of bahman, and what is the purpose of this? i honor and offer the best greetings to the high spirits of all martyrs . fortunately, in the 13th government, in order to fulfill their duties and also help the people, especially the low-income groups, in order to support social takaful, some important projects have been put on the agenda of the government. one of these plans is the electronic product plan. that
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fortunately, it was operational in 1402 , it faced ups and downs, and now that we are at your service, more than 17% of the target community welcomes this plan in order to rearrange and redefine and update the plan. amendments were made in this electronic product plan. first of all, 11 items of goods in the form of electronic paper goods are available to different entities of seven tenths of income. the amount of subsidy that
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was paid for the purchase of goods from the electronic goods platform was 120 thousand tomans in the previous period, now it has increased to 220 thousand tomans for 3 months yes for 3 months for now, in the previous plan, the eligible people must buy 200 thousand tomans from the subsidy place. in this plan, you can get up to 120 thousand tomans incentives from your favorite store. in this plan, there is no need to buy up to 200 thousand tomans. 11 items are coded. buy it can be included in this subsidy
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, for example, if in this plan for each person, for example. it is determined that two kilos of rice per month has been determined. it has been determined that a family of four can buy 8 kilos of rice per month. he should receive his help, chicken in the same way, meat in the same way, beans in the same way, pasta in the same way, the same 8 kilos of rice must be bought in the shopping cart, it is almost exclusive, that is, if someone buys 11 items, the equivalent of 220 thousand tomans will be given a double subsidy. the seller will deposit, which means that the buyer will buy at the base price, and the difference
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of 220,000 tomans will be deposited into the store's account through the national credit network. and they have the option to do so whether the purchase is made or not
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, this project is included in the seven tithes. the total of our seven tithes is 61 million people . from the 17th of bahman to the 17th of ardi behesht next year, the purchase will continue . as i said, it is a weighted purchase, which means that anyone who buys any amount of these goods will be subject to an incentive or double subsidy, that is, mr. doctor. i'm sorry if you took 8 kilos of rice for a family of four he came and bought 5 kilos of rice, the 3 kilos he didn't buy will be removed from his pocket, that is, he will receive a double subsidy for the same 5 kilos. look at the subsidy of 300 tomans and 400 tomans that
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will be given to them every month through the relevant headquarters. it is possible for him to remain on his own , if he buys any amount in terms of weight , he will receive the subsidy again. for example , if a family whose value is 8 kilos of rice now buys 5 kilos of rice, the same 5 kilos of rice will be subsidized. well, mr. mortazavi, the question arises here, is it definitely the same 11 the item of goods that is in the same sabbath must be purchased together. suppose a family feels that they want the entire cost.
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let me ask more, it means that if a family decides to buy all this subsidy money, that 743 thousand tomans , it is not possible for them , it is not possible for them, according to the amount and share that has been determined , they can buy the same amount, for example, one kilo of chicken per capita per month. you have bought a lot from the electronic product platform, do you have a table to declare the amount of these products or not? yes, the characteristic table is at your disposal in the previous sections, in terms of the same 11 items of goods. there are eggs, there is chicken meat, and there is oil there is pasta, there is rice, there is sugar
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, there are beans, and frozen meat. now, in relation to our meat , the amount of subsidy that is given to meat depends on what he wants. it will belong to him. well , the stores you announced, the same store in yar, have almost developed. according to the latest estimate, about 210,000 stores across the country will welcome this project to the national credit network system, connecting approximately 10 up to the big chain stores with all the talent and with all their national and provincial networks have a contract with this plan and are party to the plan.
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20 online stores cooperate with this plan . almost according to our estimate , there is no point in the country that would face problems if a taxpayer customer decided to use the benefits of this electronic product plan. this is possible in small villages in cities all over the country, that is, a village that is not well-off in one area , how can we do it there with the shortest distance, we tried , in addition to chain stores, other stores are also connected to it, i think. i think the hidden point is very limited and almost accessible for 1. various judicial bodies and helping children under 5 years
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of age to pay subsidies to them . the government will provide more incentives for those who receive electronic goods from june this year in six stages. it started, now it shows more than 75% coverage. every person, if he buys 200 thousand tomans from his subsidy, yes, 11 of the 11 items in question , will be subject to a double subsidy of 120 thousand tomans. according to the announced statistics currently, 61 million people are included in this incentive plan by the ministry of cooperation, labor and social welfare. more than 27 million people have benefited from the 120,000 toman incentive plan for electronic goods. they used 30% of the beneficiaries, i.e. 18 million people, at least
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once, and 15%, i.e. more than 9 million people , use this incentive scheme on a monthly basis and buy 11 of its basic goods. milk and nine chickens, kandeh mese khammar. this rice, these beans, oil, cheese, we don't work , 245,000 tomans will be deducted from your goods, payable by you, which will be deducted from your personal card, 53,000 tomans, of course. in addition to the electronic catalog, about 132,000 households with children under the age of five who need extra nutrition will receive a monthly subsidy of one million tomans or 600 tomans for the electronic catalog , which they can buy from 16 items of this plan
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for each child, if in the 1st to 5th deciles, 1 million tomans per person will be deposited into their account monthly, for the 6th and 7th deciles , 600,000 tomans per person. currently, 210,000 stores are ready for people to go and buy their own items. in the program you can shop in the stores section. vahid hajjians of radio and television news agency , mr. mortazavi, what is your goal in implementing this plan for food security and helping families with children under 5 years
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old in the implementation of the youth and population law? until now , when we are at your service , sums have been deposited into the accounts of household heads in 3 stages . at what time interval , we have deposited the amount in december, december, february, and march every two months. the deposit amount is 1 million tomans for tenths 1 to 5 and 60 thousand for tenths 6 and 7 toman, in other words, this project helps the food security of households and children from 5 months to 59 months
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. there are 1,000 people, according to the refinement that has been done , 132,000 of them have been included in this plan . for the children's food security plan , a total of 16 items have been planned, to which 11 items, some fruits, apples, oil seeds , dates, figs and vegetables will be added .
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as i told you, the 1st to 5th tithes are up to one million people and the 6th and 7th tithes are 600,000 tomans for each child. now, the question may be that if a family has two children, are both children included? yes, it means that if a family has two children under the age of five and is included in this plan, it will be paid one percent in the tenth.
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their subsidy is on its own, with the establishment of a double subsidy , they can use the electronic product plan, which means that all these families can use it. yes, mr. minister , some families may be left behind. this plan, now these children under five years of age , how should they communicate and become more difficult , you or the ministry of health should take action. missions 1 to 7 must be submitted to the ministry of health through the ministry of health and medical education, because they are compiled through health and treatment centers and rural and urban health centers . they must refer to the same way. a new list will be presented and its amendments. it will take place
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, very well, so if there is a remnant of this plan , go to the nearest health center, mr. b. minister, do you have another plan called the yesna plan, which it is dedicated to breastfeeding mothers and is in line with the youth of the population. please tell me a little more about my plan . this plan is also an innovative plan that was started in collaboration with astan quds rezai and with the blessed name of hazrat ali bin musa al reza, in the first place for the first decade. income a number of mothers who need a judicial basket have been introduced. from this collection, in the first decile, 22,000 eligible mothers were identified only in one decile of income, and these
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26,22,000 people are being implemented as a sample plan . there are 22,000 people in 8 provinces : south khorasan, north khorasan, razavi. farez lorestan golestan hormozgan , kokluyeh and boyi rahmat, god willing, with funding and with the help we hope to have from supporting institutions , including the executive headquarters of the imam's command of the islamic revolution foundation, we will be able to develop this project, approximately 400,000 tomans for each mother. each mother's account is deposited and these 16 pens can be used for different plans. the children's food basket and the yesna project with an electronic product list plan in this form, in which they must
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buy 11 items and on average buy 11 items with that specific weight, to get 220,000 tomans subsidy. they should be given an incentive or double this completely open plan, that's it. the family can , for example, buy only meat, or only rice , or only buy. again , i would like to remind you that these three plans are applicable to all families that are included in the plan , that is, they can also use the electronic goods plan.
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we are following the discussion of the youth law of the population with hazrat ali, and we have that in this law, it says that the 8th and 9th deciles should be removed from their subsidy and should be given to other deciles. why this law? it has not been implemented properly until now, finally, yaran belongs to ahad. there are different societies and we are in the process of reviewing and reviewing. i think that if
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we can get funding from other sources and implement it, it will be more favorable. besides , the law that you said, which is attributed to the islamic council, is also in hand. we hope that, god willing, resources will be provided and we will not need to deprive anyone of the subsidy. very well, mr. doctor , please explain to us about the percentiles . did you go in that direction or not? please tell me that after tithing, it was supposed to be done in percentile, and yes, you see , there is both tithe and percentile. almost every decile is divided into 10 percentiles. we have almost 100 percentiles
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, whose income percentiles and income percentiles are palpable, can be checked and identified . not being eligible for subsidies until now, everyone is eligible for subsidies, the first decile to 3,400,000 tomans receive a subsidy, and the fourth and above deciles receive 300,000 tomans. we have time to leave this to the continuous discussion that the welfare organization's relief committee recipients receive . please tell me what will be the situation of these pensioners in the next year.
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an innovative new plan has been designed in the ministry of labor cooperation and social welfare. social takaful plan and plan to define extreme poverty, absolute poverty and poverty line. our effort is to bring different income deciles to a balance point. in this regard, in 1402, almost 40% was given to the pensions of various individuals under the cover of the hazrat relief committee imam and welfare organization were added. in the news that you mentioned, which was quoted from the chairman of the parliament's unification commission, it is also 30 this year. it is added that the government's effort is to
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increase the pension of these usurers in a conventional and reasonable way. of course, this is not just a pension. livelihood and support packages available to aghad are covered by the relief committee. rehabilitation facilities are provided to the disabled under the coverage of the welfare organization. in this government, there are approximately 56,000 housing units for people covered by the welfare organization. it has been made available to them about 345,000 units have been completed so far and handed over in the area of ​​rehabilitation and employment creation for various individuals covered by the imam relief committee and welfare organization from the mandatory facilities and other facilities in the industrial budget , especially in note 18 of the 2010 budget. .. 4002
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the necessary forecasts have been implemented in the field of employment, both the behsis organization and the relief committee have taken very good actions. the end result of the efforts of the government and the supporting institutions is that we can by re-energizing various entities under the cover of the behsis organization relief committee. we can turn them into revenues make it suitable inshallah, they will cross the poverty line , god willing, mr. mortazavi , we were in the news for the year 1403, apparently 30% will be added to the continuous income of the recipients of the imam's relief committee and welfare organization . it has been predicted and we hope that we will be able
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to implement and operate it as soon as the budget is announced for the year 1403. well, in addition to this pension, which the less fortunate of the society should receive anyway, some experts believe that as much as possible i want to ask you , where did the one million jobs that were supposed to be created for these loved ones end up? at what stage is the one million job opportunities or employment? only the limit of not being covered by aid and welfare has been one million job opportunities for the whole society . fortunately, now that we are at your service, both in 1401 and in 9 months of 1402, that goal has been slightly exceeded in 140d and one
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adult' more than 1,130,000 job opportunities were created , and now in the first 9 months, the average is 91 targeting means that more than 75,000 job opportunities have been created. some people and some members of the media ask us that these are job opportunities that have been created. how can you prove that job opportunities have been created ? according to the reports of the iranian statistics center , the unemployment rate during these two years of the government has decreased by approximately 1.70 to 1.80 . we verify both by sms and
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by phone and in the field on the other hand the amount of compulsory insurance and the number of new insured persons of social security are proof of the creation of more than one million job opportunities in the country in a year. very well, thank you very much, mr. mortazavi, minister of labor cooperation and social welfare . good evening, dear viewers. let's be
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in the name of allah, the merciful, the most merciful, ladies and gentlemen, hello , welcome to the world. today, i am hosni sadat shabiri , and i will accompany you on this program for one hour , america. until a few days ago , it received a blow from the resistance forces of the region, a blow that led to the death of three soldiers of this country in the base the american military was on the border between iraq and jordan. american officials chose their reactions to this attack as if


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