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tv   [untitled]    February 1, 2024 1:30am-2:00am IRST

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mr. doctor, we started our work in the first place when we had to hire dr. fani. i say that you made this decision in the year 1992. in the sixth grade , read the interview of mr. fani in the tassim news agency . the 300,000 teachers who are lacking today, mr. sahraei , were produced overnight, and were not produced overnight, mr. doctor, you should also accept that the forgiveness was during your period of responsibility, but
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let me see, mr. doctor, when the entrance channel for education and training becomes farhangian university , it was your order and the documents we do it according to the authority the supreme leader, who specifically trains teachers from the university's channel and mosque , don't let me interrupt mr. doctor's talks . he wants to go and get 50,000 people to enter , as you promised, 300,000 people to enter. i am telling you that you and dr. haj babaei took 164 of our technical and professional buildings and gave them to our technical and vocational university overnight when mr. badhai and i went to the president of the technical and vocational university when we asked him. he kept calling that we did not transfer the documents to our name, you should transfer these documents
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. once we decided, we went to him and said, sir , 12,030 of this document has been transferred to your name. we are now building a building to train teachers for our own students. and we don't have much space for education . do you know what mr. dr., the president of the technical and vocational university at the time , told us ? technical vocational university 1 d. we went to the rooms of the building we saw that there was a laptop in the room, there was a printer, there was a tv, there was a computer, now it is not there, we added all these together, it is 3 billion tomans dear, it is 3 billion tomans. in the name of vocational technical university, we need 3 billion tomans in cash .
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to have this possibility means that farhangian university has the capacity to produce 300,000 graduates a year. do you agree that this authority should be maintained or not? basically, it is an effect of the quality does not remain, mr. shayan. dear, look, you have a container in your glass , you can pour water in the same amount . let's see the story. now, i am talking about the fact that farhangian university has not been successful in terms of quantity in a decade of its activities and activities. quality quality well, let me say this sentence, mr. s. i was the vice president of this university . i must defend the dignity of the university that i was the vice president of. we worked hard, your excellency, for 7 years , we were the vice president of education at all universities, now the vice president of supervision, why all universities, student tuition is 27 million, you are 17 he used to give millions to students, why didn't you go, mr.
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doctor? yes, you should have gone . you were the vice president of the university . sahib farhangian is lower than all the universities in the country, the number i have is 140 , and other universities are 27 million . farhangian university is 17 million. why do they say yes? you put someone in charge of the budget, who was a 40-year-old retiree and had never been to the defense program organization. your tick you announced that the university should be closed, we should hand over the schools and buy services , mr. doctor, do you know the budgeting system in your country? something
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is passed in the parliament, then it is notified to the guardian council. if we can , the quality in farhangian university is not only not up to expectations, it has really declined. i have to tell you why, i believe that there should be a structural relationship between farhangian university and the education research organization.
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why should education be created in the content production of teacher education textbooks? you see, the textbooks we produced have a philosophy behind them . as of now, the educational leader should convey these concepts to the class so that we can achieve the educational goals. they should have structural coordination . the second discussion is a masterful discussion. i believe that many of our teachers are not yet faculty members in terms of the structure of the ministry of science. the ratio of student to teacher knowledge is within the limit it is not desirable, but no real effort has been made in the past 8 years. no one has read farhangian university's line. if i am admitted to farhangian university , the audit committee should be specialized. after
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me, they will not only recruit these young people of zero kilometers with a doctorate degree with a high rank. look at the teacher training teacher. or the teacher should have understood the school himself. if you want to learn the teaching methods, you can't establish a university as you say . what is the job of a teacher for a university? so let's train teachers with the style we want here mr. doctor , let me say a sentence now . no , let me see, mr. doctor, a plan that mr. sahraei was pursuing . you see, we have maybe 50,000 of these people, recently they gave us a plan
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to use education teachers as members of the faculty, mr. doctor, maybe it's been about 7 months, they want to bring 2,000 people from this community. use as a faculty in farhangian university see the regulations of the ministry of science for faculty members. these are the rules and regulations for farhangian university. this sentence that you said today, sir, we should form our own council, our own expansion, mr. dr. bande, in 2014, in the board of governors of farhangian university, they shouted that we should have our own university's audit committee, like azad university of islam , azad university itself today for he hires a professor himself , evaluates himself, conducts an audit, becomes a student. well, look at the last paragraph that you mentioned. of course i made a hint the third reason is still the heart of my farhangian university
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. this is not a new thing. at that time , if i don't mention the name now , i think it was around 1992-1993. for our farhang university , the student per capita is now 17 million tomans, other universities are 27 million, if we improve this per capita, if this university is a strategic university, according to the leader , it is necessary to have a sovereign university, he says , the rules of the hand and the foundation, let me say one sentence, what about the government mr. raisi, what about mr. rouhani's government? the governments did not have a minister with supply and with enough capacity to produce a minister who has supply. we have the support of the leadership , we have the general policies of the system, we have the transformation document, we have the
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plan of the society. at one time , the president did not give the minister of education time to speak , to go sit there and say that this university needs so many faculty members and has so little space. i don't say yes. farhangian university cannot provide for the shortage of 300,000 teachers . an education that has not been trained at all, and four people are shouting in the street today to fill the long speech of the class , it is better to attract university graduates for now, when our need reaches a state of equilibrium, only farhangian university is the last 4 years. they gave me a plan, which is also a fallacy. look at the second plan. we train a teacher, a head of knowledge
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is intertwined with skill . he is not supposed to go to college for two years. then he comes and stretches his legs and says that i don't recognize this university at all i know this teacher , i don't agree with him. we are in the 20th year. he was accepted a month later . he was sent to the school and took a four-answer test. he said that this is the confirmation of academic qualification. a teacher who is being trained is just getting lame. woe to someone who in one month he is going to lead the class with a four-choice test question. mr. mehr mohammadi has a good sentence . the management criticizes him, he says that we have a term for newly graduated teacher training
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, they use the term induction in the first years. they are experiencing a teaching crisis . farhangian university should also support its graduates , monitor and supervise . i am saying that despite all these shortcomings, farhangian university is still in teacher training. its success is better than educational science colleges. i respect you, i graduated there myself, but i want to tell you that the old education and training had everything it had from the graduates of the teacher training centers of the 60s . so much for you. it is important that you really accept this statement. farhangian university
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was established during the period when mr. haj babaei was the minister and your excellency was the vice president. why do you say , sir, that our 400 teacher training centers are very good , very excellent, why did you go to the center? teacher training caused the closure of farhangian university, mr. doctor. i want you to look at a supplementary sentence . don't say that i am an opponent of farhangian university. i belong to farhangian university. my whole effort is that our education as the largest institution in this country, the population of our country is 16,700,000. we have 16 million and 700 thousand students , they have fathers, they have mothers, they have sisters. for all of these , they are actually the customers of this institution. we have a huge responsibility for this institution. sangin, should
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we send this to the class or not? yes, in year 9. after what happened, the 6th grade was fixed, mr. doctor, we sometimes had to suspend some drivers in the ministry, in the offices of kalmon. we feel this with our own eyes. in this voice and television, there are millions of people who see the driver. what does it mean if someone is selected at all? first of all, the selection of someone who wants to be an administrative staff should be a teacher.
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being that most of the employees of the office bring their children in the name of diploma and sub-diploma. due to the fact that ahmadinejad's government came and fixed the employment contract for all the companies, they took their men out of their pockets . he has a bachelor's degree and a training course leave it to him for a second. it is known
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that mr. askari azade is called the president. mr. askari azad is now listening to me. at that time , the commission is not speaking at all. it is my newspaper. now , if necessary, i will tell you the date. the ahmadinejad government during the time of mr. haji babaei was the most employed . they should compare the number of recruitments of mr. rouhani's government and compare them. they said that the teacher's training was good. the teacher's degree was firstly a post-graduate degree, but then his degree was not accepted by the ministry of science. it is accepted that we graduated from a university whose degree is approved by the ministry of science, but not later with 17 tomans per capita, how much money is spent on a student in this country, they should send it here instead of taking the student's money, saying that because
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you stay in the dormitory at night, you eat 45, pay your salary in this government, the adviser to the minister told me. he said that why should we give money to teachers, to teachers, scholarships , well, teachers whose inflation is 45, now we have implemented the rating , the average salary has reached 15 million last year, the government has announced that due to inflation, the difference line for a family of 4 will be 16 million this year, even if it is 40 let's add that 23 million should not hurt the hands of the president, very good, very good, the previous government, that's all it was not implemented , but there is still a long way to reach the inflation. our dear teachers should be given attention, but let's actually discuss the issue of farhangian university . i mean, i am saying that farhangian university is saying that it will kill like this. i am saying farhangian university. you said that teacher training is so efficiency and effectiveness, i asked
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a question, were you trained as a teacher or not, mr. doctor , i am a trained teacher, so see what's wrong with farhangian university, a sovereign university, it doesn't have a professor , the government should give it, its budget is low, it should provide it , yes, why is there money for other universities, for us?
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no, doctor, i said something at the beginning of my presentation, i said that we should not ignore the realities of society, the facts are that you have us, you use the word supply , we teachers of research methods say, sir, this requires an operational definition, which means you have to define the supply. that is, why did the minister raise the air , the minister gave
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, does he have such permission to allow the fundamental transformation document to come and take action outside of the law of the sixth development plan, the fifth development plan, mr. doctor, permission was given. when presenting the budget to the parliament, he said that we should stand if the friends of education cooperate is it possible for the administration to hand over 10% of our schools gradually every year, which the parliament opposed and did not
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allow us to allow , in fact we don't have 4 more minutes until the end of the program ? please take a minute to summarize your talk, doctor, on the subject of farhangian university, that is, 10 years have passed, i really think that the subject of farhangian university and shahid rajaei university, because after all, both of them have universities , they train ninoy for the education of the country, a subject that i think this round table should be held here once a month. friends , let's talk about it, talk about it and present a solution. now, at the same time
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, farhangian university should remain. being a teacher , mr. dr. we had 400 teacher training centers , mr. dr. sarkhiz, which give strength to the education of 3 universities of kharazmi university. eastern azar and sabzevar university were training teachers, and the mother universities of the provinces were also training teachers in my faculty of educational sciences. today, i believe this, i believe this is because this creation of force in education should be resolved at least for a certain period of time . remember the right of farhangian universities to attract academic staff per capita and to establish a structured relationship with research organizations in
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the discussion of content production. the expectation was that the supreme council of the cultural revolution would ask the supreme council of education to approve the document every 5 years. monitor and actually claim that you are in this 5 what year did you work? if you need to revise , if you need help, log in. i ask for help from the leadership , so don't let it fall into your hands. thank you very much. i would like to inform you, dear viewers, that the above program , as you know, was presented to you in two parts, one at the same time, i.e. at 15:00 to 16:00, and the other one at 19:00 and 3:00 until haval at 20:00. they have a conversation with the representatives of different periods of the parliament of this program as falmajlis from tonight, you will be invited to attend at 19:00. and 30 and
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that's why we won't have the higher program at this time. thank you very much for following the higher today to the end . i thank both of you. it was a very good discussion. thank you for being with us . see you all again. i submit to the great god. wherever you are today, tomorrow is lonely.
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2:00 am tehran time and dear viewers to this section. obligations of the relief committee for this work in the provinces varzifa announced and said that by the end of the year , another 15,000 clients will be self-sufficient.


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