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tv   [untitled]    February 1, 2024 10:30am-11:01am IRST

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in the big celebration of home appliances city, for every 35 million tomans purchased in cash or cash , get a free electronic medicine with a reputable brand as a gift at the same moment for a limited time in all branches of tehran, isfahan and saree. sweep the gifts at home appliances city. in the name of the lord of beauty and beauty, the friend of god , the most merciful and most merciful, i greet you, dear viewers of khabar khemet network . the series of
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chah ghardon and the program of sepid qonun karim, of course , known as karimachi gholam, my name is gholame, broadcast the series next week, a tv show "gardon " will start on channel 2. "i have a treasure, raze , for us, you are talking about my father's words." it is two families , it is broadcast from saturday to wednesday every week at 21:30. 189 projects are in the writing category in the script office of the national media. the average receipt of our design in yes system is about four, which means we receive four designs per day for review. until now, when i come to your service, 1501 plans have been received and reviewed.
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from that collection, 458 projects have entered the review stage the camp has been transformed and from that collection of 189 books, he has entered into a script contract and is busy writing friends, which he has now put in different stages . examining the causal laws of the periods of the islamic council on issues related to health, hygiene, treatment and the environment is the subject of this program. and the best radio documentaries will be presented at the opening ceremony of the third pejavak radio documentary festival. the programs that were aired during the past year, on the fourth day of ardibehesht, the anniversary
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of the establishment of the radio, we appreciate these works. which are the documentaries that were aired, documentaries on the subject of hijab and modesty of the iranian hero, the environment, the art and literature of the islamic revolution, and the sacred defense and the capabilities of the country . jan sadeghzadeh sada and sima news agency, different sima farda channels will show a series of movies. the hot seat is the new movie of this series. we will continue the hunger strike until our demands are met. the movie exiles will be broadcasted at 10 o'clock on channel three. from now on, any movement of politicians is for the sake of the public. a group of fighters
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they were arrested and imprisoned after the august 28 coup. on his daughter's birthday, a man receives orders to hack bank accounts and prevent a bomb from exploding. this is the story of the hot seat, which will be broadcast on tehran channel at 13:30. two old friends who love fishing win an exciting prize. this is the story of an exceptional fish movie that will be broadcasted at 17:00 on show network. penguin bloom will be broadcasted at 19:00 on the show network. the film tells the story of the disabled mother of a family and the discovery of a crow chick named pengun. life and activities
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the struggle of nelson mandela's wife is depicted in the movie winnie mandela, which will be broadcast at 21:00 on show network. and the movie 1917 will be broadcasted at 10:00 pm on farat network. this movie tells the story of two soldiers in world war i who have to inform their comrades about the german attack. maryam mohammadi, radio and television news agency. the third national festival of animation productions. and iranian puppet shows will be held from 24th to 26th of bahman in zahedan. the works submitted to this festival are in the judging stage. sistan baluchistan, in its burnt city jami
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it was discovered that sofalin, whose role was an early animation, is the host of the third national festival of animation productions and puppet shows in iran. celebration. animation productions, god willing, which will be called soon. god willing, we will be able to support these selected groups as much as possible . so far, about 300 animation and puppet works have been directed to the director. we tried to introduce a few topics in particular as the priorities of the festival, in addition to all the topics that an artist can address
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, for example, the issue of islamic iranian lifestyle, the area of ​​sacred defense, the issue of resistance, the issue of unity, national cohesion. works on the subject of palestinian resistance. because the elections were already known, we have animations that directly or indirectly refer to the issue of elections, and of course, animations such as the small soldier of the intifada sang, such animations in the field of palestinian resistance. the third national festival of animation productions and puppet programs of iran has already arrived. the winners of this festival will be announced on the twenty-sixth of february, and soon their works will
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be broadcast on the children of sima channel. i am having a conversation with mr. alireza, who is the broadcaster of sistan balochistan center, in the studio in this center. i greet you, mr. kikhah. please tell me where the judging of the works has reached , is it over or not, and is the judging still going on? hello, i am serving you and all the dear viewers and god bless you. no , the judging has been started for a few days and it is still going on. i am thinking that it will continue until the 15th of bahman, god willing , because
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we did not expect this number of works. the judging continued, we had until the fourth of bahman, in fact, the deadline for submitting works. iqbal was very good, both from the province and from outside companies, in fact, and this caused some of the judging to take a long time, and god willing , the judging will be over by the middle of february, and the service of the chosen ones will be announced. god willing, mr. kikha, the number of works how much was it? because you say it was a lot. how much was it? about 300 works, of course, 300 works that entered the final judging stage and 700 hours of animation. these works that you say have reached
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the judging stage will be selected. of course, there are both puppet works and animation. yes, yes, yes, from both fields, puppet shows and animation. yes. mr. kikha , could you explain a bit about your festival, for example, how is the festival organized , because anyway, the festival is a new festival, yes, yes , welcome to your presence. the festival started seriously almost 3 months ago, and the works were collected, god willing, from the twenty-fourth of bahman, we will witness the beginning of the festival , guests will enter the province, ascetics will be in the university. sistan baluchistan, the beautiful university of sistan baluchistan , which is one of the most beautiful universities in kishore, god willing , hosts this.
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on the second day, in addition to the fact that our animation field and our loved ones who are active in this field and are our guests in the workshop and in our workshops , we have the opening day on the first day and the reception of guests will be present from morning to evening, god willing , we will be in this the workshops are present in the same university of sistan baluchistan, while we also have something for the guests. it will start from the second day, when the historical sites of the burnt city itself will be a symbol of the animation of the world and the first place that actually he has produced an animated work, god willing , it will be one of the places we visit on the third day, which is the last day, god willing, we have a series of side programs that are actually part of this managers' day. national and provincial networks and festival officials, god willing, we will have specialized meetings, and
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god willing , the festival will be held on the 26th from 6:00 p.m. to the end of the festival . they will be with us and they will hold programs before the festival until the end of the festival, god willing, mr because you mentioned it's burnt and the questionable video related to the festival is ready. let's watch it and continue our conversation with you. from the sadness of the soil of sistan, the land of suffering and treasures. where the spirit of art has grown in the body of its people. along. the turning of the white cheltris to
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the height of the history of baluchistan, the ardent and the blue waters of the mokoran beaches , we celebrate your enthusiasm in the third national festival of animation productions and puppet shows of iran, zahedan, 24th to 26th of bahman 1402 . and the image of the center of sistan baluchistan, mr. kikha since you mentioned that the university of sistan baluchistan , in fact, as you said, the beautiful university of the province is the host of this festival. i want to see if people can also use the festival programs . the festival program is completely specialized . yes , iranshahr, god willing
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, we will have field programs, that is, national figures in the field of children will be present. we will have celebrations . thank you very much, mr. kikha, because we have arrived . and me with you i'm saying goodbye here, i know it's fajr decade. i congratulate the islamic revolution and congratulate the 45th anniversary of the victory of the islamic revolution on the dawn of the creators, to our dear people and to the wise leader of the islamic revolution. i am happy that today we want to celebrate two important events, one is the revival of factories and closed and semi-closed factories , the other is the happiness of the dear leaders in this region
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, the happiness of the fishermen, the happiness of all of us , the hardworking faces of the hardworking people and those who have heart they put their trust in god and want to benefit from this divine blessing. with day and night effort they are waiting for their work to be legally prescribed and they are always following up to get their
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license. some of our loved ones said that they have been waiting for 20 to 25 years for a license to be at sea for a holy and blessed job . the revolution and always as sincere border guards and the country of the people of this system and the history of bandas and this region of hormuz shows the resistance and standing of the people from the time of the aggressive presence of the portuguese when the people resisted and stood
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until the victory period of the glorious islamic revolution and the history of the revolution in bandar arab and in hormuz and sahel region our sitters and to the holy defense and the proud martyrs that we see in this region, the dear and proud commanders who dedicated themselves to the islamic revolution for the security of the region and the security of the country. hundreds of martyrs in the region of hormozgan province, and today, which is doing great things , is happening at the hands of young people, at the hands of our revolutionary jihadist forces. i have to thank mr. minister of jihad agriculture and his colleagues in the province, mr. minister of economy and
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finance, who are working hard. i must thank each and every one of my loved ones for issuing licenses to the dear fishermen who give peace to themselves and their families. dosti, and especially the jihadi governor, mr. eng . this peace of the dear ones is very important for us, from all those who have a role in this matter to follow up and i hope that the fishing issue will prosper even more, the fisheries department in the ministry of jihad will follow up on all the issues related
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to politicians. not all actions have been done, but it is definitely a service: with their own help, their cooperatives , siadadas, they help themselves, the people here are very good and hardworking people, take help from them , our dear people in this area have solved many knots. they will open the fisheries department, god willing , they will cooperate with the people and fishermen in the whole region, god willing , with their own cooperation, they will definitely provide services to this group. the hard worker of the society, the poverty, the low expectations and the productive society, these are the productive people of the society, they are trying, all the people are benefiting from their efforts , god willing, their other issues will also be paid attention to
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and followed up , which is very important. the fact that their work is in order and that their work is in order is a source of satisfaction for us. farzaneh was the leader of the revolution, the issue of concern about closed factories and workshops in the country, thank god , the movement to revive closed factories was indeed a movement that friends followed very well. and we enter every province, we see that, thank god , good steps have been taken, and it must be said that hormozgan province has the highest rank in this regard and has been able to revive more than 600 factories. first of all , there is a reason to be grateful to the boundless door of hazrat haq that this
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great work has been done. one of the examples of these revived factories is the place where we are located. 14. the ship that is in the hands of capable workers dear engineers, it is being restored and built here. it is possible, and the owners who trust this collection and work are prospering. today, we have seen that 400,500 people directly and a considerable number of people are indirectly related to this place. this collection reaches a thousand people. friends say that it is possible to reach a thousand people, this is very possible. here , our dear worker, who
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spoke from his heart with his very beautiful language and was pleasant, his words were very good and pleasant words for me and our loved ones. we are very happy that the factory , which was closed in 2017 , has been restored today and the dear workers are working. this will be a collection, god willing, and the works and blessings of your work will be many , whatever help is needed . mr. madani, whom i sincerely thank, and mr. minister, mr. aliabadi , god willing, and his colleagues will follow. here, its problems will be solved and
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it will be able to be put in the production cycle better , god willing . alhamdulillah, it has this situation and these conditions . we know that they were taught to us by sardar sarafraz mr. tangsiri and his colleagues, dear friends of the hormozgan corps , dear basijians, all those who played a role in making this collection possible . hormozgan province should reduce its unemployment. may its production increase, employment should be increased, men and women in this province
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should find peace with regard to their jobs, let them all know that they will be blessed with the almighty god , they will definitely have this divine reward . it has entered the channel of 7,000 times, it is very satisfying. we can bring half-closed factories to the production cycle. it is a pure profit for the country, because we want to build a factory , import equipment, build a shed, bring equipment , bring machinery, let the production wheel start. one there is no shed built, the ground is ready. for whatever reason, the equipment provided has a defect , it has problems, the problem of the factory must be fixed, this is definitely a priority for us today, the issue
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of revitalizing closed and semi-closed factories must continue much stronger than in the past, god willing , and this movement that started today channel 7,000 has been folded . it is very sad to mention that , god willing, we will be able to have a day in the country when workshops and factories will no longer be closed or semi-closed in the country, and employment will be done in a way that is desirable, and no one will have to worry about a job. ok, then this production naturally brings economic prosperity , production definitely creates economic growth. definitely, all this leads to a strong iran. where does iran's strength come from? of strong production. of strong forces.
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and efficient from a strong economy and today, which is the first day of the fajr decade, we must honor the memory of our great imam and send greetings to the pure souls of the martyrs for us , independence, freedom, the islamic republic , dear martyrs and the imam, and the presence of the people, the epic presence of the people all over the country. praise be to god, he gave this country freedom, independence, and the holy system of the islamic republic of iran. political independence without economic independence is not enough, economic independence is also enough
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, they emphasize what the leadership and all of us order. they advise both the student and you, the employer, the investor, the responsible worker in every field, that we should strive for economic independence, the resistance economy, the growth of production , the axis of all these is production, if the production in the country flourishes, economic growth of 8% will be achieved. not long ago , the supreme leader of the revolution told a group of economic activists that economic growth depends on the government supporting the private sector of companies , economic activists, entrepreneurs, and investors. in our field, we also believe that the government provides the necessary support to the private sector in relation to
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active companies. we must provide the necessary support in the production fields, and this can surely bring us closer, god willing , the cooperation of the private sector with the government will bring us closer to the growth of production and economic growth, god willing. i appreciate and thank you. i hope, god willing , we will see better reports day by day, both from the province and from this industrial complex. god willing, for its growth , shipbuilding is something that can be done in this region today. it has a lot of space. now, god willing, it will prosper day by day. great things can be done in your hands. it is just the beginning of the road. with your capable hands, great things can be done for hormozgan province as well as for the region.
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in the persian gulf, god willing, the persian gulf has a lot of scope, it has a lot of capacity , your work can be very valuable, see the maritime economy, which is led by the leader and has been communicated in the policies of the system, one of its effects is your work, the maritime economy can be built from the infrastructure the important aspects of the sea economy are one of the important effects and infrastructures of the economy the sea is the work of shipbuilding that you activated here today, thank god, today with 500 workers or 800 people indirectly, and tomorrow , god willing, with hundreds of people who will be added to this number. activate the sea economy. the activation of the economy, the activation of fishing, and what you did today, issuing licenses to politicians, is one of the sub-infrastructures of the activation of fisheries in
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this region. it will be, that is, when our leader is in good spirits, he is motivated, without backing, with support for his work, with actually supporting him , you know that, of course, you know that his work will prosper , and i saw this spirit from the leaders today. a very high spirit and happiness that i saw on their faces, i think, god willing, with the capable hands of the beloved siad and with your management in the ministry of jihad, agriculture , and fisheries , god willing, it will achieve great things. i would like to express my gratitude to all of them on this trip, especially to the media, to the respected moderator, to the beloved policemen, to the basij brothers, to all of them , and to all of them, peace and blessings
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of god be upon you.


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