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tv   [untitled]    February 1, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm IRST

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now, i don't want to take up your time here . in general, what i want to say is, first of all , i sincerely appreciate and thank everyone, especially in this weather and in this atmosphere, for all the dear workers who were able to put these 157 industrial and energy projects into operation. i thank all of you , including mr. minister, mr. governor, manager. dear dear workers , i am very grateful to all of you and you must know that this is a big step towards economic independence . economic independence is important. this work of yours is one of the important manifestations of what we can do. it means that
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you can do great things. i hope, god willing, what has been done and will be exploited today, thanks to the blessings of the dawn of the islamic revolution, 157 industrial plans and projects, in fact , there are only 15,7 to 128 factories and industrial units that are active in the province today. i would like to express my gratitude to all those dear people who i was able to express along with their industrial and economic units . please accept my thanks from this distance. i will travel to the province, i will come to these units , i will tell you not to be tired, and i will appreciate and thank you for your efforts. .
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the honorable commander of the islamic revolutionary guard corps of hormozgan province, the honorable head of the country's audit bureau, and all the dear people who are present at the meeting, and the respected and hardworking management of this factory, who gave very good explanations about this at the entrance, pointed out that this work is 85% since the year 1400 4001 and it is now running on 402 that before that. the preparations have been completed, 85 works are being completed in these two years, with the strength and work of the jihad that our loved ones have done, i must sincerely thank them for the jihad work that they have done in these two years. may this work come to an end, and
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i would like to thank the members of the media and radio and television who take the trouble to reflect this good news in the first decade of fajr, both in the province and in the country. peace be upon you and god's mercy. i will not be a volunteer in the next election because i do not consider myself a worthy representative of the people we expect from the person who was the representative . now, i did not tell you that our peace and war are based on the character or the blind herd .
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he can achieve his goals . in the name of god. hello and good night , dear listeners and viewers of phil majles program. in tonight's program , we are in the service of mr. ahmad amirabadi farahani, who represented the 9th, 10th and 11th periods of the majlis. and in this period , they lost themselves. they say that three terms
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are enough for representation and that's why we can talk to them about very active and well-known representatives. done the meetings are recent, and now we want to ask them to explain a little more about why they think three terms are enough for representation . hello, good night. in the name of allah, the merciful, the most merciful. what days will this program be aired, but i am very happy that we are at your service during the blessed days of the month of rajab, and congratulations on these days. i would like to serve all our dear people , the fact is that 12 years of representation is correct in my opinion, well, it is a bag of experience, but i think that if a representative can go, he should go around.
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come and allow someone else to express the atmosphere of the election, especially the representatives who have a higher chance of getting votes. now someone comes and knows that he will not get votes , which means that there were organizational changes and completion and maturity in the parliament. i was in the presiding committee period , i think it means 9th and 10th or
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10th and 11th months . it is forbidden to be a budget plan, therefore , in the 10th parliament, i was the chairman of the council , i was the council's internal affairs commission, because i was a city councilor in the 11th parliament. i was a member of the economic commission because my major was financial management and economics, and because of my major and because i had worked in my bank , i was more able to join that commission, and i had mastered the teaching of my university, which was debate, statistics and accounting, and so on. i went to the economic commission to discuss my expertise and education , the difference is that the most important issue was the change of the building. i think you were here once to open it one day
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, but the water started running from one place, nothing was ready. we came back and even the 7th parliament has been open for a year. right here, yes, it was here at the beginning of the seventh parliament i think that since the second year of the third year of the 7th parliament, well, of course, the events that happened there, in my opinion , other than the change of buildings, these were about strengthening the research center. many people say that the research center has changed a lot. yes, it has made a lot of progress. it has been remarkable that the accounting department itself has also grown well, and it helps the mp a lot . of course, you are a mp. it must use all the capacities , that is, a public administration must have a public knowledge, have a dignity it can almost be said that you should see economic issues, you should vote, both social and political issues, and if you go to give a speech
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, you should also sit with all kinds of groups, strata, and specialties . the representatives of the cities and small towns of qom, of course , is not a small city, the big city of qom is not a small city , but we have many marginal and deprived areas in qom , which many people may not believe now, that's why our representatives are somehow deprived of a region, like me. i grew up from a deprived area i arrived here, where in qom is nirgah, nirgah area, you may have heard that it is the north of the famous area. my blood was there, i grew up there, and my blood is still there, you left early, you went to the fronts . yes, i was 13 years old, he tampered with my birth certificate , i
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tampered with the front. they are from different provinces , most of them live in that region. they have the population of qom, and now that the reality of the problems of the areas of kochiko city we have there, let me say this, yes , now that the population of the tribe has increased, it is its powerhouse. the influence and that demographic importance is not the same as it used to be. now, even though we have a region called pardisan with a population of about 300,000 in baskan mehr , it has become one of the most influential after i left there, but this part of those born in the 60s did not go to pardisan at all. they are almost a large part of the region, they are still the same turka, but yes, one of the regions. which is also influential there, but still nirga and shah ibrahim
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are the first to talk about the qom elections, the city of qom is a very sensitive city, how did you vote with a gap in all three terms, and you were elected when i was talking to the people of qom and to some in general sima's programs and these, tv here and there , some irrelevant things that the enemies of these people are saying now, sir, i don't know that they were elected before and they themselves are getting out of the fund, have you seen that they say a lot of these things ? this completely invalidates your words. for example, in one period , they were competing with mr. dr. larijani. mr. dr. lalijani himself was not a small figure in this country. his father was their honorable father, ayatollah al-azma , and their brother was the head of the judiciary. after all, the responsibility of that one brother is that of most of their elders. maslawit to be big yes, but my servant, for example, well, brothers usually
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have free jobs, we were working from the families of mustafafi , we were deprived, that is, in terms of, for example, if you count it as a center of power , well, they grew up in a center of power. a marjah marjah family is considered a center of power in our country , from a religious point of view, well, look at the people among us , they take us out of the fund, and by the way, for example , they also have more votes, so this shows that the will of the people, if it comes from the fund. excuse me, the governor of qom, the governor of the tribe most of the general managers of qom are all in favor of mr. dr. larijani, the executive board was in favor of him . internal elections
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are held safely in our country. now it is possible for a person to come to a ballot box, for example, he says, "who should i vote for, sir? he is uneducated. he tells flanio to write, and he doesn't write." mr. amiradi, in your opinion , bringing the parliamentary elections closer to the presidential elections will not lead to the formation of a kind of party-like system. that is, to nef for example, there are 6 months left before the presidential election and the parliamentary elections, so that the one who wants to be the president can see if he was able to form a strong faction or not. in my opinion , it would be better if the presidential elections were held at the same time as the parliament. i think dr. larijani got 17 votes, mr. larijani got 170 votes. then, mr. adad was praising and saying that we were sitting, well, this representative in front
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of our seats said, "mr. doctor, we are devoted, we voted for you," he said, "3 days, 230 people." i said, "i you voted, we have problems until you are not a party . for example, a representative from a small town wants to come and clarify and says, "sir, if i don't vote for this minister , it won't go to my constituency at all. if i don't handle it, i won't be a representative at all." he is stuck here , what should he do? he wants to make it clear, but he is afraid that this will happen at some point.
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for this reason, we should go to the side of hizbam party in iran, because most of them are made by the government . iranian parties are made by the government , they are not made by the nation. let the different governments take me with them when they leave. also, because the party has money, you can see it in the world, for example , right now, the american elections are taking place. look, for example, a certain university announces. some institute or some factory has given so much money to this republican president or to this democrat president and they clearly announce it, but this is not news in our country, our country does not have these issues because governments support parties and governments leave, parties usually or they will be destroyed and their activities will be almost zero
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that he says again, come back to power. they are starting their activities again, that's why there is transparency in issues like this. sometimes in these parts, there are problems. for example, when we went to sweden , the swedish parliament identifies the parties with the green color of its seats . each of the parties has a special color, so here when a party decides to vote or not to vote on an issue, it is no longer a representative . tell this representative that i will not take care of your constituency because the party has decided that the party should be responsible, that representative minister should also be responsible to the party, and the party, if you see, the representative. he didn't do well, he won't be included in his list or he will be held accountable. our country, for example , comes to the election on your side and gives a series of slogans
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. he decides that he will come to the parliament and declare autonomy or not. he said he is independent . he enters the parliament. he enters a faction . in future courses, you should think about it, change the organization, what devices do you think should be added be it in the name of god, the light, in the name of god, the light
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, in the name of god, the light
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, in the name of god , the light. hai ali al-falah , hi ali al-falah, hi ali
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khair al-amal. hi ali khair al-amal allah akbar, allah akbar
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, there is no god but allah, no, my dear, you see, he is talking , talking, talking, and my boss, who does not want to turn off his speaker because he is afraid of losing it, tell him in the constituency, sir , turn off the speaker of our representative. so this is useless, you should not vote for it, it is unsuppliable for this reason, they should be educated, in my opinion , for example, whoever voted
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, you are now or not, for example , what is your view on regional issues, or, for example , what do you see as the main problems of qom, the main problems. what do you see in the country , do you have a solution for it or not ? do you think you can go to parliament, what can you do? we have the guardian council, what are you thinking about doing in this country ? don't go there to think that the whole world is going to work tony, you have to settle down, you can't do anything, be disappointed, come back, you have to know where you are, where you want to go, and
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where hekran is located in the islamic republic of iran . he can do it, then he will go, people promise, you can see, for example, the party comes and says , sir, i am going to join the army. 12 dear sir, i am not a soldier at all. according to the constitution, being a soldier is a matter for the general staff. then, you are a soldier. 12 how many soldiers do we have with this? 12 we are going to leave, he says, i don't know they say, i know, 500,000 people say, 500,000 people say yes, 500,000 soldiers will be discharged, your bases will be empty, your borders will be empty. we will hire a professional, well, how many to 500 thousand to 500 thousand multiplied by 13 months with a month of id multiplied by at least 10 million tomans
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? he goes , the council looks back, he goes, the council turns back, he says, sir, what is this, what is our position? we represent the people. you said that you tampered with your birth certificate at the age of 13 and went to the front. i had to because my punishment was very heavy, the truth is, first of all, i was getting shot, i didn't realize that you were shot, or an
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rpg hit my wireless. i fell, then i was shot again, and i fell. i was watching the same scenes , then they came to iraq. it was almost an embankment and it was raised, coming towards us from the embankment, coming this way on the other road, starting to shoot the children on that side. his hand shot me. he came towards me to shoot me. i had his shot . i started my martyrdom. i started my martyrdom . i reached the holy name of the prophet. he was doing something , but at the same time i called, i thought i called him, he came back, this iraqi's stomach was full of bullets
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, this fell on his face, my arms are no longer close to me. mr. bei betan had a bullet in front of him. we had to pull him back. until i reached a place, i felt like i had lost consciousness. hey, he's coming back. i went and regained consciousness until i came back. i only remember seeing a sign written by shahid baqa'i, which means the patient of baqa'i. i had brought it to ahvaz. later i realized that it was like an army transport to bring us from shiraz. well, i passed out in shiraz . i passed out and regained consciousness fourteen and 15 days later. i came just to say that one night it was like it was over, i was taken in the mortuary of the hospital in the morning, the children of tawan came to take me like this, seeing a sweaty bag , then i realized that i still have breath , they came back again, maybe they did it to me later, i didn't understand at all at that time. then i came to the hospital imam hossein of tehran was hospitalized here for about 7, 8, 9 months because i was in a wheelchair for almost two years, and i was born in nokhai.
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first, i was a girl. your mother got rid of you. in the beginning, when you were going, hey, my mother, mr. ofgami slept under my bed in the hospital for 9 months . after i went to university, these girls were students and i took them to the camp. when ryan had not started, in 1972 , this was not like this. it hadn't started, no , it hadn't started at that time. for example, i used to make signs in the war zones in the south
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. for example, we for i had to go to the army for two or three days to get a permit . it was not so coordinated. how many children do you have? i have three children. they are girls. one is a boy, the eldest daughter, or a boy, the first daughter. he was born in 69 19 11 69, he was our first child. parsa called and he is in qom, my two daughters are in tehran, my son is in qom, 78. yes, 78 means he will be 24 by 8. he will be 24 years old, yes, he also called early.
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has a baby he said last year that he got married this year. do you have grandchildren? yes, i have two grandchildren. i have two granddaughters. is your mother still there? no, unfortunately, 73 his death. my father died when i was 6 years old. aha oh, so when you were going to the front of the mother, you were only tormented. yes, we are 5.
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well, our mother is traditional, after all, she is old and not like today's women. she said that i can't answer the imam . the welfare relief committee was the underprivileged and the deprived. i announce this rule for christians then it will be wrongly induced into the society that you should look at everyone.


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