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tv   [untitled]    February 1, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm IRST

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state. i will not be a volunteer in the next election. because i do not consider myself a worthy representative for the people. we expect this from someone who represented him . now it does not give any perfection.
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in order to give up their right to vote, they may take orders from a coach and coordinate from one place between the one who votes and the one who does not vote , the difference is from earth to heaven. a person who votes and declares his wishes and steps to achieve them can achieve his goals. in the name of allah, the merciful, the merciful, peace and good night, dear listeners and viewers. dear filmjales program in tonight's filmjales program , we are serving mr. mohammad javad javali, one of the representatives of the 10th term of the parliament. he is a doctor and a general surgery specialist .
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i think that this could be the first question that we should ask them . hello, good night. in the name of allah, the most merciful and most merciful . i also offer my greetings, courtesy and respect to your excellency, the people involved in this good program and the dear viewers. well, the reason why i did not enter the stage this time. there was some family trouble and things like that regarding b, i was dealing with family treatment , it prevented me from being fully available to the people, and you were the representative of fasa. yes , you are shirazi, we are from fasa . in fact , we are from nobandegand, fasa. there is darab . yes, i have not seen fasa until now in shiraz, but i went all that way except to come and enter fasa . how many people are in fasa? yes, it was a city that before
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the revolution had a medical school, a high school of nursing, a day and night agricultural college , a sugar factory in fasa, and a cotton factory. it has been and has always been a representative city since the beginning of the revolution. corruption was unique to itself, yes, there was always one representative of its population , that is, it was enough, politically, socially and culturally , it is a category after the province , it is a category of cities, that is, if shiraz was not the death of the province , it would be fasa. it may be mentioned, but the debates really had this condition since the second five terms of the parliament, slowly and gradually, very political.
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now that i am not a representative, even my political opponents, who are definitely present in the city , admit that i was a party person and not a party person. these kinds of issues become more clear as time goes by, and one of the reasons i came to the parliament was because i had a new plan in mind. i said that the interest of the people is more important to me than their current
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satisfaction . may it be accompanied by their consent, which is great , but you see, at least 45 years have passed since my revolution, i am talking about the railway, why we could not complete the railway from chabahar to zahedan and from here to our northwestern borders, 45 years was not enough. now 10 years, 8 years have been war, because they are all in the budget zinfozan zi, they should tell their clients that we have left a legal place for, for example , your railway
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. we put this aside and came to the city of, for example, 100,000 people . we are following a railway project that will take 20-30 years. how much will it cost me? i used to say let such projects go ahead, after the transit revenues come, let's build a railway inside the country . now, i know that there is an airport in the country that hey, one, two, two, there are indirect flights . i call this case a waste of our resources , you pay attention and it disappoints the people and the deserving ones . i can't go to work, this is too much. i think that all the honorable representatives of all the candidates should think about
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voting in the next round before thinking about themselves, think about this country , think about the system, think about the blood they have given. it happened so that i could sit on this chair and really the first and second assemblies and because that time were at the same time it was a war, and the people who sat on these seats understood the tyrannical regime , they had touched the revolution, they knew what it was , they valued it, they themselves had paid for the revolution , and finally , they touched it like someone who had fire in the palm of their hand. the age that we miss. in iran, we know that a significant percentage of them do not see the past, do not understand the war well, fall into the same bureaucracy of representation, in my opinion , the western parliaments now look to you because they know you and your financial situation, and
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you are in charge of hospitals, doctors, etc. after all, you were financially well off , you didn't need anyone, no one offered a match, but there was no case where you were threatened. well, look, one of the reasons for the inefficiency at times can be due to the fact that each person in his special position must also have a specialty in addition to his commitment . he is no longer present. when the parliament wants to supervise, it must
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have a high degree of expertise and expertise, so that when the minister , director general, anyone comes to the commission, he wants to give an explanation to this person. can with his own questions extract the truth, but when it has nothing to do with that field at all, it is really confusing, and the government here bypasses the parliament, and even when it wants to bring a bill, the government here can justify it, and when you usually attended the commissions yourself if they vote for a bill or plan, the parliament usually accepts their words and gives more than 90 positive votes, so here the parliament is almost lost, so why does it have to be like this? now i know that some cultural people are present there which commission were you in? i am a commission
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i was involved in foreign policy and national security, even though i was a doctor, that 's fine . i'd like to explain. if you're interested, please look at it. first of all, in the early meetings of the defense commission, foreign policy was also separate. there is a military, security, diplomatic aspect of each commission . there are 23 people in the national security commission. we have a discussion that is not diplomatic issues, but bioterrorism. there, there are people who can be effective in biology, medicine , etc. be aware and also military people boden and you, well, i
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used to be the head of military hospitals, yes, and i was also a doctor and i was in the war, and i saw that in every committee that comes from the national security commission of all other countries , there is a doctor in it, this is the issue of the medical industry , that some sometimes it seems that this is always said about the doctor who has become an industry and takes into account issues related to business, industry and money , and especially in my parliament, when doctors are always a strong faction, has the faction been announced? they do not pass laws that actually cause the circulation of the medical industry more than to for the benefit of the people, for example, regarding all insurances and types of insurances, this debate exists both in america and in iran , that when you make insurance or medical services free or close to free, many people always
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get sick, which means that their illness increases. it is true and in fact. it becomes a source of income and a source of rest for those who want to practice or do a lot of things through medicine, in fact, a woman can have comforts that they don't have in their own lives . well, a person of my age might recommend. for various reasons, he was always in the hospital and the nurses took care of him. what do you think about medicine, do you think that in the laws that have been passed in the islamic republic so far, medicine as an industry has been given too much priority or not? i think we've gone too far on health and medical issues. now many people may have the same idea to see what doctors earn. they have and this is really about 10% of the doctors in our country who
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have these incomes and they are also the ones who are not talking about treatment. yes, when talking about beauty , it is about beauty. kenan and as you say to ye the industry has become a business . now, why did this happen? now, isn't beauty work done by specialists, i.e. plastic surgery subspecialists ? they do it and kill people with the seal of a doctor like this , so why am i giving you an example, i am a specialist who has been a doctor for four years since 68, well, i am a specialist today
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with 34 years of medical experience in a government hospital. they will pay us one thousand tomans after 4 months the body means you imagine that a surgeon comes from morning to noon and sees 12 patients . his income does not reach 500,000 tomans. look, i didn't mean this. it means that this causes people to go in the direction that i said , extremes are here, but he goes out after an operation. surgery, for example, cancer, and it says 80 million cuts to operate, that is also extreme and cruel , so now pharmaceutical companies, unfortunately , medical equipment companies, join and connect with doctors , they ask for this type of brand, they do this type of work. a servant in front of him. and this, in my opinion, is partly because of this
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that the ministry of health cannot support its doctors well in government hospitals, now a doctor is going to plan his salary of nearly 10 million in the people's areas, because you must know that no one who gets good technical courses from sanat sharif university has a plan. i do not want to force you to discuss that doctors are looking for money, and i agree that it goes back to a small percentage of doctors, no , i meant medicine as an industry. medicine as an industry has always relied on insurance and a large number of hospitals are against it being with the so-called universal insurance and health insurance in america, this debate has become so high that they accuse the democratic governments that want to establish universal insurance of being left-wing, that they are leftist
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communists, and their reasons are that when you establish such an insurance, in fact , big insurance companies start to profit from this situation, and in fact, people take delivery of goods they don't need in order for an industry to run. i want to know what you mean. your position , your opinion about universal insurance as far as we can reach do you agree or disagree with the almost free medical services if we solve a problem that unfortunately one of the governments came and announced this in two provinces of doctors. the family in fars and mazandaran is this, but it is still in the testing stage, almost 10 years have passed. really, if a real family doctor, instead of me going to my book , would say go to the doctor whenever you want, that family doctor would know who is under the collection of sand should recognize that this person needs
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to see a specialist now. he wants some kind of test or some kind of radiology, if that is the case i think it would be better if the software is broken, and according to you , whoever says mr. doctor or citischem , write me an mri, now the english themselves say that we are an mri manufacturer, we will put one in london . now some of our cities refer to it on a case-by-case basis, unfortunately, at a distance of 20, 30 or 50 km.
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it is because of this that we do not have this control and this fear. i meant that the parliament can have a lot of influence in that , for example, we see the banking system or the insurance system in a complex way of bankruptcy as a the means of survival , so to speak, without making a profit for the country, is in the form of large organizations that slowly cannot be stopped at all. the same is true for the automobile industry , which is reaching a point where it is bankrupt, but if you try to fix its bankruptcy, it will bankrupt the country, that is. unfortunately, some of our problems do not reach a crisis, as if we don't think much about solving them. if you went to the parliament this time , what position would you take on this issue, i.e. universal insurance? i was looking for the plan
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of the family doctor. let's do homework in a real way to the ministry of health to do this , which means that in fact, it will make it impossible for anyone to pay for free or almost free services from his own pocket, otherwise his doctor should announce that he is currently in one of the best primary health care systems at least. in the world, it belongs to scandinavia, sweden, and norway to finland, and it's not like everyone wakes up in the morning and decides to go. go to a doctor, tell the doctor to write an mri , write a pet scan, write something like this, it's not like this, in my opinion, our system is a bit uncontrolled , it puts pressure on the insurances, it puts pressure on the cost of treatment. per capita treatment comes, the cost comes from the country's budget . really, we
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spend as much as we have on treatment and paraclinic expenses, if we spend this. we took care of our health and doctored our families. in my opinion, the fruit was more valuable. you were in the 10th parliament, and in the 10th parliament, you were in the national security commission. what was the exact name of the commission ? national security and foreign policy commission. it must have been very serious , not only was it approved in the previous parliament, but its opponents were in that commission. being an opponent of the jcpoa means that you are another, what was your topic? in my opinion, every topic should be analyzed and interpreted in its own time. finally, the jcpoa in the 9th parliament, which i was not a representative of, but i was a follower , or they had appointed a committee, and i think
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mr. zakani was the head of that committee , and they asked for the opinion of both opposing factions in favor of the jcpoa, and they came and reported to the public. by the way , the majlis was a principled parliament, yes. he voted and the guardian council also approved that jcpoa , so at that time, an issue was finally approved, but what happened after the jcpoa is definitely parallel to what the americans and foreigners took. i was a member of these negotiations because i was the vice president of camson and i was also the general secretary of his ip in iran. they, especially the europeans , it was only a speech therapy, and they say that we really cannot do anything without america's opinion, because they say
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, again, the atlantic, inward and outward , we have thousands of billions of dollars in financial relations, they are in our single industries and the main industry. we have the main shares at all, but with you, for example , we are in a very limited range, we do not say this. even east asian countries like south korea and japan say the same thing, if an american company comes, we will be the second the sanctions that were constantly imposed after this issue were really contradictory to the spirit of the jcpoa, according to the diplomats , and then another plan came after mr. trump's withdrawal from the jcpoa. not acting, but really
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, in my opinion, the europeans could use this time as their own successful presence, a recovery of their own after world war ii. they could not, in my opinion, have a successful presence . what was the foreign policy? what a critical situation someone came to attack the parliament, and finally isis attacked, and their plan was to shoot from the top of the stairs and the journalists are in control of the parliament. know that the exit doors are very limited and controlled by these back and forth windows. and if they were stationed, it was a mistake, that means it was a mistake to go up the stairs that go to the representatives' offices, and by the way, my office was on the 4th floor, as the famous
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saying goes, we were on the 401st floor. he was also martyred there, so that day was very important. after that, mr. dr. boroujerdi, who was the head of the commission, and i went to the shrine of hazrat imam, the person who was there, aladdin boroujeri . yes, aladdin was the head of the commission. it is right to be mr. zenour for one year and we had the shrine inspection, well we had the follow up of some of the wounded in the hospitals , we had our martyrs. and well, in my opinion, this case was unprecedented, even in the 60s, when the organization of the hypocrites
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entered the armed phase, but some representatives were assassinated, but not the parliament itself, which was also there. i probably didn't do any harm. the liberation of mosel happened during your parliament. the liberation of the conflict with. no, by the way, when isis was taking mosul, i remember exactly that we went as a medical team for the birth of imam al-zaman , it was sha'ban, and i was on the way to karbala . it was there that they told us that we would prepare it in the 9th majlis. it was known that isis is not an organized liberation movement, which happened two years later. two years later , it was the beginning of the 10th parliament. you, doctor , must have lost money during the years you were in the parliament, that is, your collection of income, like mine, for example, from film production. in general, i lost a lot, that is, i got a lot of work
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. in fact, do you think that the salaries of parliamentarians are too low? what do you think? this is very interesting. just today , i was collecting memories for a series of children who are in the holy defense health system. i was there. i said that there are two or three things that cannot be erased in the minds of the iranian people, no matter what you do, and this it causes a lot of conflict. it is a medical issue. one of the most important medical issues is that all people think that if this serum runs out, the patient's serum will get air inside the vein and the patient will go to the nurse. they argue that you didn't come to close this , but that's not the case. yes, the second thing is that if the needle breaks something in the heel, it won't move. come
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on, your heart is like a fish. that is, if someone was cracked during the last days of the war, 35 years have passed, but he stayed there and didn't move. now after them, it is the third time that the members of the parliament get lifelong salaries. he says, sir, nothing like that. really, i sometimes had to take the oaths of majesty and such. some of them have accepted it and look at it with doubts. there are several types. one of them is that the party may be a university professor, so these are their rights more than the parliament and that's why they say that we don't get the salary of the parliament and they get that salary , some are retired, they get the salary here too because they are working, some people get it, no , none of these two and they get the same salary in my opinion, getting these salaries is not too much or
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less than the salary they give themselves. well, they also have one for the representatives' offices. well, i can now give examples of several cities. a representative with three or four important cities. you have a representative in ramsar, tenkaon, basabad and salman shahr. he should open an office in every four cities. this money should be these. there are some representatives, such as the representatives of baluchistan, hormozgan, bushar, they must take a plane every week. the expenses related to the energy of renting the offices of some other than these four or five people who can get them from government organizations, after all, the salaries of some of their personnel are unfortunately gone . those who go to the offices ask for money. they said that we even gave them our own salaries, of course, i
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am against that kind of distribution of money. it has never had the right result. after all, we have to use some methods now let's act, so now some people ask , well, if this is not worth the salary, why do they spend so much ? i am spending this money to occupy a place where at least one person won't say anything negative about it . i will do whatever i can. this is what i am saying, after all, it is my duty . there is another way, god forbid. they say that there may be some emotional air, that after all, it is the love of the place and status and these there are so many things in the famous saying that it is attractive
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that some people are willing to do this. yes, in general, the salary of the parliament is low, but yes , it is a lot compared to other jobs. i mean, what was your priority? one of my priorities was that the discussion of the house doctor and
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