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tv   [untitled]    February 1, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm IRST

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god bless the power. in the name of allah, the most merciful , ladies and gentlemen , hello, welcome to the world. today, i am hosni sadat shabiri.
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it is not freely available to citizens and owners of these social networks. how can the proposed law of the american congress secure these social networks for children? i invite you to accompany us until the end. american senators in the hearing with reservations the managers of the largest social networks blamed their actions for providing inappropriate content to children and quickly passed legislation in congress to prevent unethical abuses through these media. in this judicial committee meeting.
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the senate announced the increase in the number of missing children and their sexual abuse in the united states through social networks. according to the report of the senate judiciary committee, the growth of technology has increased this number. the american senators also criticized the managers of social networks in this meeting. including republican senator linus degraham to zuckerberg, the head of meta company said: you and other companies have blood on your hands because you have a product that kills people. in the hearing of the us senate , dozens of parents of the victims also held photos of their children who were injured on social media. let's see a selection of the words of two american senators in this session of ahzar and colonialism. what
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i'm trying to figure out is why instagram is only restricting access to its immoral content to 13-15 year olds, why is this content restricted to teenagers? 16 and 17 years old is not limited , there is no excuse, no justification is acceptable, we voted to legalize this issue. one of the meta violations is not confronting social network predators who abuse children and teenagers. let's see a report that focuses more on this issue. to one day become a hunter of child hunters. he says he didn't even think about it. he is 40 years old and a researcher at the barak american institute. whose work is research in the field of
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virtual space and helping parents to monitor their children's activities in this space. he says that he refused some time ago pai saw some virtual predators who were looking for the use of children on instagram, one of the meta platforms. when she published her pictures on this page, of course , she edited her pictures with a fake identity and became a hidden girl named libya who went to the state of indiana. we made a cover story about him, his date of birth and his family. we posted content related to a teenager and created virtual friends for him. we wanted to know how long it would take for a chi hunt to approach him . it doesn't take long for the hunters to close in on him. in the first hour of publication of the posts, several men adults send messages. for example, in one week dozens of people called through instagram. apparently, people like
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this man are not few. according to a statistic published in 2023, half a million hunters are active every day, and they are a threat to children in the cyberspace, according to the german institute siphs. 82% of the victims were girls and most of them were 11-13 years old. of these half a million, about 40% are active on meta platforms. for this reason, the state of new mexico has sued this company. it has become a breeding ground for hunters. this was written by cnn, citing the prosecutor of this state, and the prosecutor of new mexico has accused meta has exposed young users to immoral content on facebook and instagram and has created a platform where adult users can contact children they do not know. the company closed the accounts that were used for research in this case. the accounts that were closed by the american senators
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were pointed out by the ceo of this company. in addition to mr. zuckerberg, some parents also came to the congress building with these pictures. do you know who is sitting behind you? families whose children were severely injured and you did not take any action to compensate for the damage you caused you did not give your hands are stained with blood. your product is killing people. in this meeting, the chairman of the senate judiciary committee unveiled meta's internal emails. revealed that some time ago, zuckerberg opposed the company's chief executive's request to increase the security of platforms such as instagram and facebook . mohammad javad rahmana sed and sima news agency. i am discussing the details of this news with mr. mohammad elmia, a media and virtual space researcher who is a guest of today's world. hello, welcome . as a first question, i would like to ask what
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happened that american lawmakers are so worried about. and we can say that it is an unprecedented mockery of the executive directors of these networks to have the currency of politeness in congress. respectfully, the fact is that the laws in european and american countries are very precise and specific in most social areas, but in the virtual space or the cyber space, these laws are just being formed. the united states issued a new document five or six months ago regarding relatively strict laws. catching the activity of users in cyberspace in the european union. some time ago, we had two very important documents, two strategic documents that many american companies were challenged by, which were approved by the european union. he wants to work in europe . these are the new do's and don'ts. from now on, big companies like google and meta
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have a lot of challenges . that this is a new space, people are living in a new space where new things happen every day, and what is learned is changing. users are facing new issues, obviously , now that the report has been published , we don't have any compliments, we are seeing that young people and teenagers are suffering very seriously, these statistics are high. the suicides that are happening in america , i am referring to this report . in europe, the situation may be even worse. the social harms that are happening in europe now are caused by social platforms. this may force some changes. let's open a few issues together so that we can all see what is happening and why , in fact, what is worrying the american authorities. look at one part. every now and then, whether in europe, in america, or in iran,
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the rule is everywhere in the world. concerned about social health and mental health it has its people, because anyway, this has a direct impact on all political and economic relationships, so this is a part of the story, a dimension of the story. another part is to look at a government like the united states . they say that freedom of speech is for anyone to present whatever they want, anyone can choose whatever they want, and the structure of the platform and these platforms have been defined in the same way since the first day. now there is a limit. sometimes, some of these platforms have a series of rules and regulations, but these rules are completely two-sided, which means that they are very strict with themselves. other places it reaches. we see that the laws are changing, now we will come to this , so if we put all these issues together, we can see that a paradox will arise in some places , why should the meta company come now? answer back because of the services it is providing. doesn't the american government itself say freedom of expression? well, it says that i
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created a platform for people to express whatever they want here. i do not create content . i am a platform for some people to express content. they like it. anyone can use it he doesn't like it, so don't look at the rules, now there are minimum rules that can see a series of content from a certain age and above. if you pay attention, now let's go to these platforms . 18 positives , this has a rating, and that is the minimum rating, which they won't bother me about now, which means that a 6-year-old child, for example, can come and install it, just with a confirmation by giving an ok. in fact, it has a correct rating, but it can't actually prevent it. to enter and take care of the children in exactly one place, well, now this happened. ok, they will be harmed and the harm is reaching its peak , so they will come to themselves, now we
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call it more siyant, come more siant, they say that this is our new do's and don'ts. talking and saying , having a lot of legal and legal burdens, not having a question , questioning, questioning, questioning is not my question. they are interrogating and angry . it has a psychological effect on the society, but now kota will come. the laws should be changed, for example, now the us government is facing this very serious challenge , mr. liberalism is saying this, well, since the first day, we have allowed them to do their work freely , now we want to limit them, this is one part of the story, one part. now, we really want to look at the story realistically, but i say let's put these things aside from political issues, see it as a product , a software. in iran, in america, in afghanistan, in italy, when it wants to be produced, what is the production process? a team of a company, from 10
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to 10 young people, sit in the middle and say, so what does society need it? they design a product and produce a product for the needs of the society. this product is growing step by step, getting bigger and getting audience. so the strategy and policies of customer attraction, audience attraction, revenue generation are all behind. this production process is also production and design , when this product is produced and presented in the market , they use strategies and policies to attract customers. because an application, a program , a software, where does its income come from, other than the user , the more users there are, now some have indirect income, some may have direct income from users can even get money, so look at the nature of software production in this way, so it must be attractive to attract the user. this attraction is in the field
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of images, so this shows that people are interested in this field in america. for example , youtube is one of the sites. now you see filters in some countries like iran. by institutions and organizations
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, but is there such kind of monitoring in terms of content? you can answer because you are active in this situation . there is a guardian. according to the law, the national center for virtual space is the guardian of the discussion of the content layer, because look at this system. how many layers do we have? we have an infrastructure layer. now , let me tell you very quickly that people should also know that we have an infrastructure layer. this infrastructure layer is the layer where the networks that are connected to each other, the access that we have is the internet itself, the spaces behind it. and now the affiliated companies are a level higher, we are going to talk about the content. well, this content is the national center of virtual space , it is also a regulator, that is, it is also a lawmaker, who should make laws. let me give you an example, for example, this type of content for this group. hosseini, either this type of content or this platform is suitable for this group, this and the content itself
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now, there was a dispute over the content . in the past few years, the matter is now in the hands of the national center for cyberspace. now, how much time do these friends take to see if they can deal with this issue ? how little do you think, we don't know, that's all. the internal state of the internal for internal programs that produce content. they say that what you are talking about is that they are checking mostly the supervision of the technical field and technical infrastructure , but there is little supervision in terms of content. little can we say the job is completely out of their hands. in some areas, they are not making predictions . i don't know what they are thinking now that they are not paying
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attention to this issue. we are seeing europe and america and the documents that are being published are becoming stricter day by day, this shows that the problem is a very big challenge for them. i always say that if you want to drive, you go by car you watch a training course and get a certificate . now in virtual space, or more precisely, cyber space, there is no such certificate. practically everyone has a smart corner. it starts based on the taste or introduction of people around. for example , there is an application if you go to it. for example, these things. it exists, well, he likes it, installs it, as it is known, it is entertainment, or it may become a daily work, we have to go in this direction and we started it, of course, this process has started that we all have a minimum, which is now called media literacy. dos and don'ts in virtual space let's know and know that this is for adults
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, knowing the dos and don'ts, maybe about children and an age that they don't recognize, and there may be curiosities, the dos and don'ts don't work, and maybe that's what worries americans, and that's parents. who came to the congress and took pictures that show that their children are victims. look at this issue. now, at this point of the issue, i would like to make a point . educational education has started a relatively good job. start teaching media literacy in schools. also to this is happening to children, students, and parents in many countries of the world. it is mandatory, and there are some musts and don'ts . now in iran, a good thing has started. i would say relatively from here, which is very weak, in some places , schools, now we have meetings we talk to experts and loved ones who are in charge of this area, for example, they say, sir
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, our school budget is low, they give us a budget for media literacy. when i see that it will be more effective for the child if i hold a wonderful math class for the child, i have no choice this is a part of the story, that is, the implementation challenge. we have an idea. they know where the need is in the implementation . unfortunately, it falls into a bumpy road and the work is not implemented properly. it is the same abroad. you see , there are still families who say , "what are you doing for our children?" you should and shouldn't put it, according to your law, it shouldn't be for our children, well , they should be like this, and eventually they will get hurt and protest . the next point is education. after all, anyone who deals with children and teenagers knows that you can't easily tell a child you should or shouldn't. whatever you do, i want to say that media literacy is necessary, but it is not sufficient for anything, and it seems that we should and should not consider how much we can consider for children. beyond this, we should not make a rule about media literacy. he also
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wants that inappropriate content does not get into kod's hands. if rejected , this is what you mean, this is almost the same. look at what is happening now. i will take america as an example. first, there is a layer, well , it is tough on the platforms themselves , the platforms are tough on the applications themselves. the second layer is the introduction of very heavy laws and fines. one let me give you an example. now politely, if a man is rude to a woman in the street, now
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it's very rude. if, for example, in a normal state , it's a crime . the fines are heavier, that is, if i put one article in another group , it is 10 times the normal crime. they may make bad statements, but not individually. if i insult a person, it is directly to him . here, it is not a public aspect, but it is an individual aspect. here, many dear people do not know the fine. some of the violations may be in
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the court will be brief, as the famous saying goes, but if the same thing happens in cyberspace, the fata police will not get away with it easily and will face heavy fines, because this deterrence must exist anyway . we are talking about being strict with the platforms themselves, from this point of view it is also an informed discussion. the virtual space is presenting a new world in front of us, which is changing the nature of our laws, it has worried our legislators
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, it has worried the authorities and the guardians of the matter, both in america and in iran, and now we are specifically talking about america, we are talking about the things that can make us resistant and innocent against the dangers of this space and our children . parents and teachers , it seems that it is the lack of media literacy and self-care that has worried the legislators. if you agree , let's open this discussion now. you mentioned that artificial intelligence can be used in these platforms . don't put inappropriate content in cyber space i wonder if social networks like instagram , like social network x, like tik tok , could not use this artificial intelligence, which is now being told in the us senate that you
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have blood on your hands because it caused content to be produced that would cause suicide, why do i want this? let me use the word "failure of this network" and the same phrase that it is out of their hands so much that it has caused this concern . what are the presumptions of the united states congress, do you know that it will take care of children in this network and do it, fortunately, or unfortunately, the atmosphere is going completely experimental , even in a country that can now claim to be a modern country like america, what happened? first , look at the arrival of the layers of content producers . it is not easy to change the audience's taste because the audience community is very large. puff , i think everyone knows that it is unhealthy, but it is a bestseller in supermarkets, it is attractive, it is delicious, i admit that
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i like it, but it is the same in cyberspace, we have a lot of puffs and chips in cyberspace, which entertains, now one of the things that you it was not reported, it is in the original conversation, it is their discussion now they say that wasting time and children 's time and wasting time is happening . well, fortunately, unfortunately, people everywhere in the world are now involved, so look at the layer by layer , they are increasing the strictness, but in the developed countries themselves, the realization that if the needs of the audience doesn't change, they can't change it, this is when the demand is too high, anyway supply to other styles. it takes shape. let me give you an example. in this field, a few years ago , there was an application that, unlike instagram, unlike youtube, focused on voice, that is, on speech.
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people came to different groups in different rooms and only talked to each other. the only thing that was clear from the person was an icon, a smiley face , as their profile picture says, so to speak, and they only talked to each other. within a few weeks, they grew so much. he said that if he continued the same growth with the same. the speed within 3 months could have become the most popular app and platform in the world. why didn't this app get it? well, now people are excited, it's the same everywhere in the world. when a new product comes, they experience a little bit of enthusiasm . then, if they see it, they are comfortable with it. if i continue no, it will drop again later, the attraction could not be achieved , so what does this show, they are eager to see that there is a demand for this, so they will add a new service. the audience gets it, so they are making it tough on that side. now, the strict rules are clear . how long will it take for tik tok to not become famous and actually be interrogated?
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it is a very important goal for us to be understood by the audience . you must see that many of these programs are not understood by us, but in the last two years, a new generation of them has come, in other words , i will give an example. take the youtube that we are seeing today, this youtube
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has changed its generation more than 10 times in the past years. young creative groups are working in the same way in the world, this technology is changing , because the language and the upstream technology of these products. it is being produced and developed, the technology is changing again, that is, science is progressing so fast in this field, sometimes we have had a case where they are even producing a product, the product is being used by people in the middle , they stop again from the beginning. they are writing another technology , what do you want from this point you raised the result is that these technologies are changing the nature of use, the nature of production, maintenance, monitoring
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, all of this. let me give you an example. let me use it on youtube or instagram. we have no complaints . this is the application platform. they say, sir , for example, we do not allow violent content to be published. then we see that in these crowds and disturbances in france, they act exactly right , that is, as soon as a group wants to be formed or a protest is made, they quickly block, remove , suspend, limit the account. they delete your account, but we see that in iran , they easily create groups, politics, rome , even call for violence, call for murder , nothing happens to them, even if
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100 people. report that, sir, this channel , this group, this page, ali is acting against your rules, please take action, they say no , now we have nothing to do with them, you can do whatever you want, because they are taking orders from somewhere else, now this is it. behind the curtain , the big platforms of these big softwares are shaped by a larger capitalist and political complex it can be managed in every dimension of a user. if a user, if he is in, for example , europe, if he wants to search for such a word in america , what will he see
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? he says that you have a problem , do you want them to mediate, do you want me to mediate with social services ? i heard news that even media aid centers such as emergency services now refer to the ip address to deal with the issue that maybe in other countries where these softwares and this the beds are used , they are not provided for them and they are damaged, but maybe this damage is inside their own country like america they don't see yes.


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