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tv   [untitled]    February 2, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm IRST

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have a good time, dear viewers , welcome to the news at 13:00. the president announced the allocation of necessary resources for the construction of a 160-bed hospital in minab. mr. raisi, who went to hormozgan yesterday, said: "the unemployment rate in the province has decreased and hundreds of factories have returned to production." our hormozgan province has closed more than 600 factories during this period with the efforts of loved ones and the efforts of the people themselves, with the follow-up of the relevant officials. allah
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, more than 100 industrial units were launched, and rescue hospitals, which began to be operated throughout the province, have been completed in the same period as they should be. he thanked the allocation of 300 billion tomans for minab hospital with 160 beds, which is part of the program and, god willing , it will be followed by our loved ones. minab water supply to bandar abbas costs 150 billion tomans to complete it, 150 billion tomans to complete 100 minabs, 170 billion to irrigate and store 4 thousand hectares of minab plain , mr. raisi said that iran's military power is a security factor for the country and is not a danger to the countries of the region , but on the other hand any injustice will
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be answered strongly. it has been said many times that we will not start a war. but if a country, if a cruel force, if goldari wants to bully, the islamic republic of iran will give him a strong answer. our military power in the region is a threat to nothing. it was not and is not a country in the region. rather, the power of the islamic republic in the region is the security power of the structure, which is a military tool that is a part of the military power of the islamic republic. the basis of what forms this power is the power of faith. it is the strength to stand against the enemy. ministry of information from. identifying a significant number of
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mossad spies in 28 countries of the world in the largest combined intelligence and counter-intelligence operation against the intelligence and security organizations of the occupying quds regime. informed. these spies were identified in the three continents of asia, europe and africa. in this announcement, it is stated that the series of operations of the anonymous soldiers of imam zaman , may allah be exalted, farjahan sharif, by using various methods of information gathering, led to the acquisition of sensitive information from the zionist enemy services. espionage and special information obtained from the most important hidden military facilities, weapons factories and civilian strategic industries of the zionist regime, as well as the characteristics of foreign spies active in countries that they have effective and practical information exchange relations with iran. according to
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the ministry of intelligence, a number of these spies in tehran and several provinces of the identified countries have been legally dealt with or placed under security surveillance . some of these people were abused in public platforms such as virtual space and social networks, immigration and job search sites. among the obtained documents, some terrorists involved in several terrorist operations in iran were also identified and arrested. also, some iranian spies living outside the country was also identified. in the end, the ministry of information announced, with the coordination of the judicial authority, that the few people who fell into the trap of the espionage organization of the illegitimate zionist regime in any way and for any reason , if they present themselves in advance to the news headquarters of the ministry of information at number 133 , will provide maximum assistance and maximum friendship. will request legal the membership of the islamic republic of iran in the group
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of emerging economies officially started a month ago and at the same time as the new year , the first official appearance in the meeting of this group. in moscow with the results of achievements for our country was. the end of three days of intensive negotiations between brics countries in moscow, where new members including iran, egypt, uae and ethiopia were present for the first time along with old members including russia, brazil, china, india and south africa to map the development of cooperation. in all fields, especially in the field of economy and trade, draw our presence here, it is very important, the multilateral presence, the point we are looking for is that the organization itself is looking for justice, the other is looking for the story of eliminating unilateralism
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, looking for multilateralism. and we must be in the voice of the majority of the people of the world during the days in this meeting they took over the presidency from south africa and have prepared more than 230 events, including the meeting of the leaders of the brics member states for 2024. creating the width of the brics unit and using national widths to end the dominance of the dollar is one of the important strategies of this group. an issue that was raised in the words of the russian foreign minister at the final meeting of the summit. washington had previously convinced everyone that the instruments of trade were based on the global dollar, but washington's actions contradicted this claim and showed that it would destroy all free market principles overnight. brand and used the dollar as a weapon and tool to impose his will on countries. some
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of the words they say are the words we have been saying for a long time. mainly they say de-dollarization. mainly they say we have to destroy the dominance of the dollar. members of the republic board. in bilateral negotiations with representatives of brics member countries, the islamic ministry of iran also discussed ways to remove commercial and customs banking barriers. russia, which holds the rotating presidency of the brics group in 2024 , has stated its motto as strengthening multilateralism for the development of global security and justice. sayed ali property of the moscow radio agency. hello, dear viewers of phil majlis program , what are you doing? he said, i am creating a slogan for the businessmen of the majlis in the world, that is, the lobby, but the lobby has the rules of the game
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. you, onor, i was a party person and not a person of such issues . 11 sessions of the parliament in conversation with former representatives every day at 193 hours on khabar network. the closing ceremony of the 4th and 2nd theater festival was held last night at vahdat hall and the winners were selected in 13 disciplines were identified. 9 shows from the national identity and gaza sections were nominated as the best works. point.
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fajr international theater was introduced in 13 stage and street competitions. 9 shows in the section of national identity and gaza. we had 170 works in different sections. we had five new sections, including the gaza section, the iranian national and historical identity section, and the comprehensive section of the student section. compared to the previous year , the work was really better in terms of quality and in terms of content and technique, since the number of young people was much more. it was much better and it was naturally harder to compete in the student section adding to fajr is a very good thing. and i hope to continue like this so that children with disabilities can have fun in fazh hajoor festival . god willing, these people with disabilities will be seen more and more. the society will be a better city for us disabled people
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. we are determined to strengthen the infrastructure related to theaters throughout the country. next year, a large number of these places will be available to educated theater people. different types of theater are actually participating and this shows that there is a platform for any kind of design and any kind of species it is a well-presented show, it is worthy of praise , compared to previous years, the variety of themes in the international stage street theater section was one of the strong points of this year's festival, mohammad reza fadeli , sada news agency. and sima, the director of the steering center of the national gas company
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, said that the government's plan is to replace worn-out heaters with 4 million high-efficiency heaters in a 5-year period . the bad guys we had in the industrial sector, especially in the brick and iron industry. the traditional cases of hoffmann are the ones that we put a complete limit on having a very severe misfire, and we provided more gas to those furnaces and activities that were better used, such as our large steel mills, this year in the 100th season, compared to last year, we were able to provide more gas than last year. let's say that this is a very heavy figure that we were able to deliver approximately 10 million cubic meters per day to the industry sector in our steel sector, which is one of
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the most important sectors of our country compared to last year, if i'm not mistaken, more than 21, approximately 10 million cubic meters per day. compared to last year, the same period in the cold season we were able to secure it. the minister of foreign affairs, in a conversation with the european union foreign policy official, warned that the convulsive losses would make the situation in the region more complicated. in this telephone conversation, mr. amir abdallahian considered the us and british attack on yemen as the cause of increasing instability in west asia and called for an end to the genocide in gaza in order to stop the crisis in the entire region. referring to the european union's decision to create a maritime coalition, josep burrell said that this coalition is not military in nature. mr. amir abdullahian burrell also considered it necessary to maintain the communication path between iran and the european union. qatar from the agreement of the regime the zionist
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announced by proposing a ceasefire in gaza and its initial approval by hamas. hamas and the resistance groups have not yet officially confirmed the agreement to this ceasefire. the hamas movement had previously stated that the priority of this movement is to end the military attack and the complete withdrawal of the zionist forces from gaza and announced that it will consider the proposal to establish a ceasefire. general secretary of the movement. the palestinian islamic jihad also said that the palestinian resistance will not agree to any agreement without fulfilling its conditions, including the guarantee of a comprehensive ceasefire and the withdrawal of the zionist military from gaza. american zionist negotiators, egypt and qatar on sunday in paris , they reached an agreement on a framework for stopping the war and freeing the zionist prisoners. this plan will be implemented in 3 stages. all military operations during 3 stages. will stop. the bodies of 12 martyrs of a palestinian family
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were found under the rubble of their house. a few weeks ago, the house of this palestinian family in an area in the center of khan yunus was bombarded by the zionist occupation regime. at the same time, the bombing of a house in the city of rafah, located in the south of the gaza strip, led to the martyrdom of six people and wounded 11 people. the zionist regime is also around this morning. banbaran khanyounos hospital which led to the wounding of several palestinians. one person was killed and several others were injured as a result of the shelling of nusirat camp in the center of gaza. about a thousand palestinian children lost one or two legs in the first 45 days of the zionist operation in gaza. this statistic was announced by the united nations children's fund. children have not announced it in recent months, but the non-governmental organization "razad nazad" in england announced at the end of december
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that an average of at least 10 children in gaza lose their legs due to the attacks of the zionist regime . at the same time, palestinian doctors announced to due to the lack of medical facilities, they have to amputate the body parts of the wounded in order to save them from death. the cc regime announced the death and wounding of 14 of its military officers in recent hours. the army of the occupying regime announced that 2 officers and 2 other soldiers were killed in the last 24 hours, and 10 other soldiers were injured in the north and south of the gaza strip. the quds battalions, the military wing of the islamic jihad movement , announced that they targeted a group of soldiers of the occupying regime in an apartment in an industrial area near gaza city. azdin qassam battalions also announced the gathering place of the occupying regime's soldiers
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they targeted a house west of khanyounos in the south of the gaza strip with an anti-fortification bullet, killing and wounding several of them. the palestinian resistance also reported heavy clashes with the soldiers of the occupying regime in the northeast of el brij camp in the center of the gaza strip. the warplanes of the occupying regime bombarded the east and south of the city of khanyounos in the south of the gaza strip in several air attacks . nasser hospital was heavily bombed in these airstrikes. a number of people were martyred and injured in these attacks. the yemenis targeted another british ship that was moving towards the occupied territories they gave. the spokesman of the yemeni armed forces announced that this commercial ship was targeted by naval missiles. the attack took place in a situation where the united states and england attacked two provinces of saada and hodeidah in the north and west of yemen 11 times an hour before.
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yemeni resistance groups emphasized that the operation will stop the regime's aggression. and the lifting of the siege from the gaza strip continues. the us military base in al-omar oil field in deir zor province of syria was targeted by drone attack. more details about the possible casualties and damages of this attack have not been announced and no group has claimed responsibility for it. earlier the islamic resistance of iraq has repeatedly attacked american bases in iraq and syria because of washington's support for crime. the zionist regime targeted in gaza . the zionist regime uses white phosphorous ammunition to destroy southern lebanon, which has extensive environmental damage in the long term. according to al jazeera network, white phosphorus makes agricultural land uncultivable. whenever we talk
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about white phosphorus. israel's answer is always a cliché. israel adheres to international law. the mayor of shahroun, who was forced to leave his house by the war, is an agricultural expert is. he said: until he returns to the area, it cannot be said how much damage has been done. but he knows that the damage caused is extensive and long-term. we documented israel's use of white phosphorus in the residential areas of gaza, which is considered a violation of international human rights laws. human rights watch application.
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you can see that only a small part of the damage has been done. according to the report of the ministry of agriculture of lebanon , white phosphorus causes enormous environmental damage to agricultural land and may not be usable for at least a generation. the effect of phosphorus on the soil is great and eye-catching because it reacts slowly and in it penetrates into the soil and underground water. the charm of this possible balance in ecological diversity. it disturbs underground water and rivers and has a direct effect on rapid burning, it can destroy humans, plants and animals. according to international law, this should not happen. however, the use of ammunition containing white phosphorus is not prohibited.
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it is against the law to use it in civilian areas such as the city of khayyam in the disputed border area with israel. white phosphorus burns the skin and bones of everything it comes in contact with, it destroys animals and the earth. at least one nest is uncultivable. israel is used to using these unusual weapons. some media, including cnn , denied the claim of hamas' existence under the bani suheila cemetery. the zionist regime had previously claimed that there is a 20-meter-deep hamas tunnel under the bani soheila cemetery. and based on this claim , they destroyed the cemetery. this is the 16th time since the beginning of the zionist invasion of the gaza strip that the soldiers of the zionist regime went to the cemetery. palestinian people attack. this is the ground that was dug up with a bulldozer and deep holes were created in it it is the cemetery of bani suhayla. it used
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to be the burial place of martyrs in gaza, but now it has fallen to this day. the zionists claim that they discovered a tunnel belonging to hamas under this cemetery. but satellite images show that the entrance and exit of this alleged tunnel is with bani soheila cemetery. the zionists have destroyed gaza since the beginning of the invasion. saadu kozari this is a criminal enemy. he even brings the dead out of the grave. no religion or ritual accepts this crime. earlier , in a report, euro news described the looting of gaza cemeteries by the zionists as follows. one group the human rights watchdog has collected documents that show that israel steals corpses from gaza hospitals. the organs of the victims have been stolen. the trade of palestinian organs is not limited to the gaza war. in 2009, jalal qanam from
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the west bank said that in what condition did the zionists deliver his brother's body after one day and night? my brother's body was as if it was disintegrated and emptied from the inside. my brother's body was full of stitches. although the zionists are attacked by the bodies of the palestinians, the people of gaza are more resistant than in the past and do not leave the thought of returning home. this is what an old palestinian man says so that all the arab countries should hear it. we will not give up on palestine and jerusalem, we will return, even though the zionists destroyed the house of this palestinian man, but he says that he has become more resistant. i will announce it to the whole world. supporters of palestine
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, together with the palestinian people , started a sit-in at the main train stations across the netherlands and announced their support for the cease-fire in the gaza strip . and holding placards that read bombing children and stop the hospitals justice for palestine and now the truce rallied south korea claimed north korea several cruise missiles towards the yellow sea. the south korean military has announced the launch time of the missiles at 11 am local time without giving details. this
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is north korea's fourth missile test in the past week. terrorist attacks in pakistan have more than doubled in the first month of this year compared to the same period last year. according to the report of the pakistan institute of war and security studies, during this period, more than 90 terrorist attacks have been registered in different parts of pakistan, resulting in the death of 90 people and 135 people were injured. most of the attacks in baluchistan state and related to separatist terrorist groups and attacks on election campaigns. the scope of farmers' protests in europe reached italy. after france, germany, poland, romania, holland, spain and portugal, italian farmers also joined the protests. hundreds. with their tractors and livestock , they entered some majors in this country and gathered near the main exits. european farmers
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have been protesting the european union's agricultural policies in different countries for several days. the peak of these protests in brussels, the capital of belgium, in front of the headquarters europe and paris was the capital of france that the intervention of the security forces and the police led to its end. while angry farmers in europe. europe has agreed to help ukraine with 50 billion euros. thank you for your cooperation with this god-guarded news section.
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in the name and memory of god, with regards to your presence , dear viewers of the khabar network. with the continuation of the activity of the precipitation system , we are witnessing widespread coverage of the recording at the country level, in the western parts of the northern regions of our country , we have reported snowfall and rain in the southern parts of the country. we expect these rains to continue for the next few hours. for the provinces of zanjan, kurdistan, lorestan, ilam, as well as kermansha. parts of khuzestan chaharmahal bakhtiari kokil rahmat bushehr, fars, isfahan, qom, markazi, qazvin, albors , tehran, semnan, gilan, mazandaran, golestan, north khorasan , razavi khorasan, south khorasan, sistan baluchistan, hormozgan and kerman, barash we will meet in these areas. for the northern parts, the precipitation is in the form of snow, which will disrupt the movement of mountain roads.
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we predict snow blizzard for the roads and. along with that thick fog , it causes a severe decrease in visibility in the southern parts of our country we will have rain, lightning, and strong winds . there is a possibility of flowing water and rising river water . meteorological orange warning has been issued. agricultural warnings have also been issued. there is a possibility of damage to farmers to agricultural products and tools. it is not necessary to have compatriots in the western parts of the northern regions of our country. have them with you . climbing to heights and climbing activities should also be avoided. we expect the rains to end in the western and central regions of our country on saturday, and only light rains we sometimes have it scattered in the western regions. but for saturday, this system will continue its activity in the eastern part of our country, for
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north khorasan, razavi khorasan. it brings the snow in the southern khorsan of sisistan, baluchistan and hormozgan , causing rain in these areas. we expect to see a significant decrease in temperature in the country for the next few days. this decrease in temperature will cause the temperature to drop below freezing in most areas. it brings with it the possibility of damage to agricultural products will increase due to this freezing, as well as slippery and blocked roads, we request. farmers should consider and take necessary measures in the field of temperature reduction. another point is the strong winds that in the southern parts of the eastern parts of our country, during this period, the speed of the wind sometimes increases, the winds will be strong and we will have dust in the eastern parts of the country. the wind blowing over the persian gulf causes an increase in the height of the waves, the sea is rough and turbulent, and a marine warning has been issued. marine activities during this period
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should be with. restrictions should be implemented for tehran as well, as we are witnessing snowfall in parts of tehran province, we expect it for the next few hours as well we expect to have snowfall, but from late today, starting at night , we expect to have a gradual reduction in snow in tehran province, and we predict a decrease in the phenomenon, the rains will gradually weaken, and for tomorrow, the rains will almost end. and along with that, after the rains end , the wind will start tonight. it is gaining speed in parts of tehran province , we are also expecting strong winds. we expect that along with these rains until this afternoon and night , the temperature will drop from tonight to the next 3 days, in addition to the fact that it will happen in the northern and western parts of the country. it seems that we will have this decrease in temperature for tehran province as well. the temperature in some areas of tehran province is going below zero, we have frostbite , we have slippery roads and passages, we ask our compatriots for these
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things. i sincerely thank you for your attention and support. have a good time and may god protect you. in total, 134 projects worth 105 thousand billion tomans were put into operation in this province. hormozgan has been selected in the evaluation of general and specific indicators among the five education provinces of the country. now after two ten at the same time.


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