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tv   [untitled]    February 2, 2024 1:30pm-2:00pm IRST

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consider these things. thank you very much for your attention and support. have a good time and may god protect you. in total, 134 projects worth 105 thousand billion tomans were put into operation in this province. hormozgan has been selected among the first 5 education provinces of the country in the evaluation of general and specific indicators. now after two decades. at the same time as the
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president's visit, their problem has been solved and they have received an official fishing license. appreciation of president vigis thanks to the honorable governor and the people for being persistent about the issue and the cover of the 13th government period and alhamdulillah our licenses were issued. iranian customs announced that the trade group our country's exports and imports with turkey in the first 9 months of this year reached more than 8.5 billion dollars. god willing, we will hand over 14,229 residential units to the honorable people of hormozgan province. god of the world, your kingdom is true, when you come to serve , your god is true. hello dear people of iran. how are you doing? thank god, thank god, these days in most parts of our country, the weather is rainy , snowy and winter. god willing, in this state of mind. may you be warm, by god's light, iran
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is beautiful to be a partner with you, your love is in my chest , with you, tomorrow is like a dream, iran, my friends in you this is the cold weather in some provinces of our country that have spring weather, like kaja, like a place that i liked very much. i love the beautiful province of hormozgan, how pleasant it is to walk in the spring weather of bandar abbas by the persian gulf. where am i?
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mr. president recently had a trip to hormozgan province and various mayors of this province. this trip is an important event for the people of hormozgan. exploitation of 134 projects in health, educational, economic and maritime fields is not just a statistic. because of its unique location, hormozgan province is on the path of transformation and the government. thirteenth to him it has a special look, it has an island , it has a sea and a mountain coast, it has a plain, its location is unique in iran, this is a historical province in the south of iran , welcome to hormozgan, a trip with someone, a table in a corner and a stream that is inherited from that beautiful seagull in the south of red, time to laugh. biome
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maybe this long distance has caused this province to be neglected at times. now , for the second time in the 13th government, dr. raisi was hormozgani's guest. let's go two years ago. january 1400 during his two-day trip to hormozgan, dr. raisi saw all the problems closely and gave the government important tasks to compensate for the deficiencies. the needs of the province have been identified. well, hormozgan province is a province. commercial, industrial, agricultural, tourism, and
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we have very good fields and capacities in hormozgan province and in bandar abbas. and with these valuable capacities that exist in hormozgan province , today some inadequacies, poverty, unemployment in this province have no meaning. during the first visit of the president, more than 180 important resolutions were passed for the province, and a significant part of the resolutions have been implemented until today. at that time, 40 thousand billion tomans of credit and facilities for hormozgan province. it was approved, which was a very significant figure. now take time it is the fruit of the work done in the last two years after mr. raisi's visit to hormozgan. another part of the projects that
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will be delivered to the dear people during the visit of the president to hormozgan province is the housing package. well, since the beginning, housing has been on the agenda as one of the most important programs of the government. another field is the field of treatment. in the field of treatment , bandar abbas children's hospital is an advanced specialized hospital, bastak ina hospital is the hospital that will be delivered in this trip , considering the connection of hormozgan province to open waters , the oman sea, and the persian gulf, it was necessary to have a a package should be defined as a marine project package. an example is the operation of the sirik multi-purpose port in the east of the province, which has 51 and a half hectares of land. it is expensive and has an area of ​​34 hectares. the 13th government has invested about 330 billion tomans in this port. this port, as the largest port after shahid rajaei port,
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has advantages such as creating stable employment, economic prosperity of coastal cities, and of course, the development of marine activities as a base and economic driver. sirik port is a multi-purpose port that provides services in the fields of business and tourism during the second visit of the president hormozgan abu musa multi-purpose port worth 320 billion tomans has been put into operation. to the maritime plans of the 13th government in hormozgan , add five floating docks, three docks in kong-maqam ports and lange port, and two docks in the tourist areas of khathir island, according to the expansion of the sea economy, we have seen the sea package, in addition to ports, including aquaculture projects, such as an extensive fish and shrimp breeding farm, and the fish in cage plan, well, these
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are also part of the main plan, which is included in the sea category , as well as the bases for the construction of vessels, which again among the main areas simultaneously with the president's visit 752 km of road projects have been put into operation. main and secondary road improvement and widening projects, and of course, rural road projects worth 2600 billion tomans, the road is one of the main infrastructures needed by the people, considering the province's transience, so this is doubly important. the total number of road projects that will be handed over to the noble people of the province in this trip is 800 kilometers, including projects for widening and building new roads in the main and
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individual rural areas. in total, 134 projects worth 105 thousand billion tomans have been implemented in this province. receipt. one of the special plans of the hormozgan trip is the opening of two hospitals in bandarab bastak and of course there were 40 health and treatment projects throughout hormozgan province. in the last two and a half years, the 13th government has added 16,000 hospital beds to the country's medical complex. this means striving for promotion. the health of the community was not done for many years, until the year 1400 , executive operations were resumed. 112-bed superspeciality hospital for children in bandar abbas. this
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hospital has an area of ​​9,000 square meters and an infrastructure of 2,500 square meters. there are five floors in 1400, the progress of the project was only 30%, but the 13th government spent 500 billion tomans in the last two years this plan invested and. now, with the visit of the president, the hospital was put into operation. specialized and super-specialized children's hospital in bandas city, which was established with 112 beds in bandas city, and in this hospital, children of hormozgan province and even neighboring provinces like the south of kerman will be served. this ultra-specialized and modern hospital includes emergency departments, laboratories,
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imaging equipment, operating rooms, special care departments for newborns and children, and inpatient departments. the credit spent for this hospital is more than 500 billion tomans spent a little from the center of the province, at 234 km. another important project that we will have in this trip is the development of the farabi bastak hospital with 78 hospital beds, which will improve the quality and quantity of medical services in bastak city . for the construction of this project, which has 4223 square meters of infrastructure, 100 billion has been invested. there is a higher health education complex in bestak city, where
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we will train and recruit students in two or three associate fields according to the needs of hormozgan province, including medical realities. in the last two years , 40 health plans have been implemented in this province. except for the two children's hospitals in bandar arab and bastak hospital, the other example is harman island health community center. we had students and, god willing , they will be officially opened during the visit of the honorable president. investing
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for community health in the 13th government has a specific goal, improving the quality of community health. because my husband's job was a fisherman, then i accepted it myself . now, after 20 days , their problem has been solved and they have received an official fishing license. we did not have a license to go to the sea . for the past few years, we were fishing without a license . fishing is a complicated job the people of qeshm city are in the previous periods
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of the previous governments, we applied for the license of seyyed and sayadi . in the 13th government period , thanks to hamdallah , our permits were issued. we were caught up in the same thing for insurance politicians. fuel and other things that need to be done in the fishing community . we thank the 13th government for the arrangement of 12,000 fishing boats that were previously without identification and without a license. thank you very much to the president for giving us permission. the president is the guest of every province. that will the issue of national housing is being pursued. hormozgan province
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was facing a serious problem in the construction of national housing. what was the problem of lack of land? with serious follow-up, this problem has been resolved. a part of which is implemented every day, this time in hormozgan. the construction of 66 thousand units in 4 years is the share of hormozgan province. during the visit of the honorable president to hormozgan province and in the blessed decade of fajr, god willing , we will hand over the residential unit to the honorable people of hormozgan province in line with the national housing movement plan. when the president came to hormozgan for the second time , 14,000 units worth 24,000 billion tomans were operated and delivered to the applicants. most
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of the cities of hormozgan province, our buildings are villas , except for the city of banda, and they are being implemented. well, the infrastructure that we have implemented is different. it starts from 70 meters and we have up to 110 meters, which is in the implementation or handing over stage. the largest number of construction of these residential units is related to the cities of bandar abbas , minab, bandar lange, in the blessed decade of fajr , god willing, 1429 units of the national movement's housing units are being implemented in the three sections of the national movement's housing movement. it is worn out and the owner of the property, god willing, will be handed over to the noble people of the province. the 13th government has a special focus on the coastal provinces, and the role is the same in hormozgan. this attention caused the government
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to give the green light to the plan to build 10 coastal settlements and two new cities of koshk and persian gulf in hormozgan. well, since the beginning, housing has been on the agenda as one of the most important programs of the government, more than 14 thousand housing units were delivered to the dear people during this trip, which with the units that were delivered before this, the total number of units delivered in the province will be about 20 thousand units. it was found that almost one third of the province is tahad, alhamdulillah the house construction furnace in the national housing movement plan is hot. so far, 2 million units of land have been specified and according to the latest. these statistics show that about one and a half million residential units are under construction with an average progress of 30%. the present applicants, the conditions of ahmad javani jamiat and the applicants entering the conditions in the villages of khasham city will be interpreted, god willing. this time it was the turn of hormozgan province. where is the next province and the next opening in this unique land?
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increasing the educational space with the priority of less privileged areas is a basic need that was neglected for years. simultaneously with mr. raisi's trip to dozens of educational units were put into operation in hormozgan province. the most important of them were 28 conservatories that were built next to industrial centers. if one thinks about education in the future of iran. today's prison is a society, the 13th government has made this sentence its motto and pays attention to it in every province it goes to. this part is hormozgan's turn. spending on education is the biggest investment in the country. it is not considered a cost. it should not be forgotten
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how much we spent on education. this is a great investment for the future of the country. for future makers. 430 thousand students in hormozgan we have people who are studying in different places in this province. hormozgan has been selected among the first five educational provinces of the country in the evaluation of general and specific indicators. the most important event that is taking place in the field of school construction in hormozgan province is the use of social responsibilities in school construction. during the president's visit to and there are beach playgrounds. the educational space development document was compiled in the first step. in this document, he showed us where and in which part of our province we need more attention.
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for example, in the city of bandas, per capita educational space it is 308 square meters and in the city of minab, this per capita has reached 37 square meters. well, with a plan , we were actually able to plan 60 classrooms in three large-scale projects during the last year . 5,800 educational and educational spaces have been created , meaning 27,000 of these educational spaces are located in rural, border and nomadic areas. this means the government's attention to areas that need educational centers. have. example: beshagard city of hormozgan. on the other hand, skill training as an important principle. it was put on the agenda. first, the educational map
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the province was aligned with the province's development plan, industrial development of the province, and according to the needs, 28 neighboring educational conservatories were put on the agenda . 4002, and now we have a total of 28 active conservatories in the fields of steel, mining, water supply, refining, and maritime. these are conservatories that meet the needs of the country. education is a priority, because the children of this land are important.
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dr. raisi's last international trip to turkey had several important achievements. apart from the signing of 10 cooperation documents, all cabinet ministers must be present turkey in a joint meeting with iranian businessmen . meeting. along with the presidents of the two countries , 400 economic activists of iran and turkey were also present. iranian customs has announced that our country's trade with turkey, i.e. exports and imports , has reached more than 8.5 billion dollars in the first 9 months of this year. during this period, 6 million 400 thousand tons of goods worth 3 billion 300 million dollars were exported to turkey. of course, imports from turkey are also higher than last year. but what products do we export to turkey? natural gas, urea,
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aluminum, iron ingots and others from iran to turkey goes what is coming from türkiye to iran now? the main goods imported from turkey are sunflower oil, gold bullion and domestic corn. but the communication path between iran and the country of friends. is it a land or air neighbor? statistics say that the land route is the preferred route of the two countries, and a large amount of goods are transported through the borders of bazargan saro and peldasht, which were the busiest borders for exchange of goods. about 280,000 trucks have passed through the borders of the two countries, of which 122,000 are outgoing trucks and 156,000 trucks.
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in the past week, cyberspace users have been talking and reacting to the daily news of the country it was scattered. a user based on the main story of the trip. the president pointed to turkey and wrote that turkey and iran signed 10 cooperation agreements, which included the cooperation of police academies. another user discussed the important points of a one-day trip and listed them as follows. condemning the crimes of the zionist regime against the case of declaring the support of two countries to yemen. the signing of an important cultural memorandum of understanding in terms of communication and cinema. this is how my user reacted to the visit of the head of state to turkey without challenging the bilateral relations
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. he indirectly criticized turkey's policies towards israel and america. this is the reaction of another one there were users who saw the generalities of the trip in this way, from the development of the policy of neighbors to the emphasis on common views. follow us on social networks for regional and international issues. thank you very much for being with us until the end of today's program and giving us your kind look. do not leave us alone in cyberspace. bye.
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2:00 pm
hello, after your appearance, the operation of about a thousand schools across the country on the second day. during the fajr decade, at the same time as the president was in hormozgan, mr. raisi visited the technological capabilities of the irgc navy on the coast of the persian gulf and spoke to the people of minab.


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