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tv   [untitled]    February 2, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm IRST

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and he is fighting with the power of faith and a certain amount of weapons , and until today, the assessment of all world politicians and opinion leaders is that the victory of the palestinian field is a manifestation of god's power and it raises people's expectations from us that we can. by relying on god almighty and trusting in what he has, he took better and superior steps. this is what leadership refers to as transformation. in the holy shrine of razavi, peace be upon him , at the beginning of this year, sir, a discussion was raised in the shrine of razavi under the title of the necessity of transformation. when should you do this transformation? we. all of us each
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part is available to us in our own and in the case department our mission is to make a review to see if what is expected is being done or not, what is the difference between what is present and what is desirable, what is the extent and what should we do, and how to take steps so that the desired situation and the existing situation become closer to each other, all of us in different sectors should do this. let's move , be grateful to god almighty for what is done, for what is not done, let's see where are the defects in the work, are the defects in the work except under this roof, where we are sitting now, all under this roof , we all have to follow from this somewhere else. or it can be done by us. we had a meeting last night, sir dear imam juma's saying was very new and innovative for me.
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yes, this meeting is a meeting to solve the problem , not a speech. why is there some time left, from the dilapidated fabric of bandarbas, which has gone to the persian gulf bridge, to various issues related to people's lives and livelihoods, which must have a role in economic prosperity, production boom, and solving problems in people's lives. some issues that i have in these 3 hours i spent time and was at the service of my friends to sit down and see how the problem can be solved and this can be done in the present.
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things should not take long. it takes a long time. this is frustrating. social capital was discussed. what can we do to preserve social capital? the social capital of its preservation depends on people's hope for the future. people's hope and hope in people. where does hope come from? of work and effort. with a speech that definitely does not create hope. it means that if i sit here and give a few speeches, if nothing happens in the field, i will not be able to do anything in the provinces i will not go to the second trip to the provinces. first, something should have happened in the first round of the trip, that is, it should be known that in the first round of the trip, we talked, we made some decisions, these decisions were implemented, then we will go to the provinces.
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he adds that the act of explaining to the staff is also very important. it is very important for the leader to say that it is wise to say that what is being done should be made clear to the people . it should be said that today a knot of knots has been untied . this is related to all the managers as the honorable representative. position and leadership at the beginning of the speech saying that all managers are expected to explain their work to the people, tell them what has been done, and even expose themselves to the people's questions , and demand that the people know that the work has been done . the work was not done, the explanation should be given to the people that , sir, we have done some of these things, and these things have not been done yet for these reasons, and the people accept this well. honesty in behavior and speech is well
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understood by people, and this is the reason for the increase of social capital and social participation. social vitality and strong presence of all people in different fields it turned out that the secret of my success and yours is that the people support the people , the people are the basis of the work, they are the basis of the work, and they always help . people do this. let's reconsider that this participation will definitely involve the people . a point that is very important in the distribution of facilities is the point of paying attention to justice, which is also a matter of
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public concern. first of all, almighty god wants us to be fair, kind, and righteous. this is god's command that we should be fair ourselves. let's invite people to justice. it means that our behavior should be fair let us act justly and act justly and let our behavior be that of a just human being. sometimes justice is justice in a court. in such a way that today man is in a position where he should think about justice and act justice. of course, in some places, some people may be evasive of justice and get angry. there is no problem, what is important is that amir al-mu'minin said that you should be in favor of the public, not
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in favor of individuals. they may get angry in this case if it turns out to be true may god's will be done with what the public wanted . the state of discomfort of a few people does not cause any harm because we are also interested in getting the pleasure of god, that is, that people get their rights and what they should get. capital should always be given attention and emphasis, and you must know that in this judgment and judgment, the judgment will be correct. you see, today the country's need was what was mentioned in the slogan of the year, one growth of production, two containment of inflation, this is the mission of all institutions to try to the growth of production and to curb inflation, what
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was done about the infrastructure in this province was stated in the report of mr. governor, all of them are very happy, both in terms of infrastructure work. efforts have also been made to start closed and semi-closed factories , efforts have been made to provide rural water supply, these are all the right and defensible things that have been done for the well-being of people's lives , god willing, all of us and all of you, dear ones, should make an effort to take better steps in this regard. and the superiority should be removed, these mentioned cases. this could be a very good infrastructure, now to some things that you mentioned see, 200 new industrial units also create employment , the satisfaction of the people also increases production , the satisfaction of the people also leads to economic growth, the satisfaction
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of the people, and in the direction of the country's growth and development, this is an effective step, that is, starting a new industrial unit can definitely be like starting jat factory is actually closed and semi-closed. all these indicators follow. yesterday i said this when i was in that community. this morning i said in minab that a worker went behind the podium and said that this factory had 400 workers and in 2017 it turned into 40. the worker and some workers go to addiction and various issues today, there are 400 double-time workers and 800 more. which is 800 indirect people and 1000 people is the capacity of the factory that is being revived. 14 ships are under construction and repair. it is very good to have both
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production and employment . we have seen in the armed forces and the islamic revolution guards corps the work of basic science and basic technology that definitely plays a role in increasing the country's defense base, the country's power, the country's strength, the country's dignity, and deterrence against enemy forces. the same important point may iran be strong, a strong iran, today we are on the 45th anniversary of the victory of the islamic revolution, looking for the steps taken by our predecessors, taking any step in this regard can be effective in the agriculture of these transformation industries, which very good steps have been taken within this period of two years. it had been done , but good work has been done in these two years , and it should be done after this because there is still a need for transformation industries in the province. this definitely
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leads to the satisfaction of the farmers , it leads to added value and various issues like that. this is the report that mr. economic minister gave last night in the meeting with us, the issue was that we went to all the warehouses, whether in this province or in bushehr, all the warehouses in the port, and thank god, today our situation is up to date with the help of the justices. the organization of property ownership and for people to see in front of their eyes what property belongs to the people and what property belongs to the government is no longer an example of destruction . it will be done quickly with the cooperation of all departments and others . since half of the country's trade takes place here, a circular should not be issued every day, and our customs circulars this year should let's announce that it has been reduced by half , that is, what the leadership complains about, having a form to complain about, saying that one order every day, one recipe every day
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has been reduced by half, this is a very good step , it still needs to be reduced. let his work be predictable, my farmer should be able to predict his work , the industrial and production unit should also be able to predict, if it is not predictable, it will be difficult for the producer to be able to fully predict the next few months, even the next few years, this is that stability. market and economic stability is what we are looking for we are the economy of the village. many of these villages have water issues, electricity issues, gas issues, school issues, and many of these services that they need are provided, but they do not stay in the village . what should we do for the farmer to spend on agriculture? what should we do to spend
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it? we should give him education. we should guarantee that his product will be bought . the village gives him hope and he knows that this product is guaranteed the rural economy is our problem, the rural economy. we have provided good services, that is, roads, electricity , water, but it should remain a village. the one who can stay in the village is guaranteed , his agriculture is predictable, and it is a guarantee for the purchase of products . among the countries , their connection with the sea is much less than ours. we have 900 km only in hormozgan province. in the country as a whole, it may be 3,000 or almost 700 km
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. if we count our islands, it will be 5,000 km, that is 5,000 km. we are in contact with countries whose gross output comes from the sea, nearly 50%, that is, half of their gross output is related to the sea . in short , we are optimistic, for example, 3 percent. the marine economy, whose leadership is one of the important contacts of hormozgan province and respected managers who should make a jihad effort in this regard to revive the marine economy, the marine economy is very important, it can give hope to the dear youth , it can increase the social capital, participation increase the social life and increase the social vitality in the people day by day. look at the issuing
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of licenses. i went to the fishermen's group yesterday. well, these dear ones had not had a license for many years , and they were issued a license. this is more motivation to find a stable job. people could see in them, young and old, that there was a passion in them, so these things are things that can be done quickly. he removed these middlemen , he did this work quickly, this work is very valuable to mention in the students, may god have mercy on mr. vali, whose name is. as someone who it has been the axis to bring this region out of deprivation, and it is always in the heads of the tongues. today, i have to apologize to the people of shagard . we tried, dear ones. we didn't try either, the weather didn't allow it. now, mr. sahraei reported that the roads that
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have been prepared for the dear people of this region in the last two years are as good as that. that has been done so far. well, this is it. 200 schools in hormozgan province and 100 schools across the country were opened today. this is the same thing that increases nominal capital. it worked. people see what is being done. they will see if it is correct. it should be reflected correctly, it should be reported to the people, the people should also feel it, know for sure that our people are very good people , in general, our people are the same people on february 2, 57. they are the same people today and the same people as always. they make people sensitive , they have to be present, they are present on the stage anyway, and this is the manifestation of our national power, our national power is military power, we should be proud of it, but it is not only military power , it is the presence of people on the stage, which is one of the important components of power. in our country, this presence with the meaning of people in the scenes
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is considered one of the important components of power, so this is the work that has been done this work, which was the first time in this period, in fact, thanks to god, the nuclear power plant in sirik with 5,000 megawatts, planning to produce electricity, is a very big task, god willing , it will be followed with strength. it was done for him, but the work is starting at this time. the nuclear power plant in hormozgan province is one of the most important works. it will continue with strength and it will be one of the important infrastructures for the development of the country. this is one of those very valuable works . it is important to see the shrimp farms from 8 thousand tons. to 13,000 people and the works that are now being mentioned, the stabilization of ownership, the work that friends
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have done with the cooperation of registration of 6,000 hectares, so far we only have 68,000 hectares. it has been done for a long time with the cooperation of the judicial relatives. well, it is a very good work, this is the stabilization of ownership, the issuance of a document it's a piece of paper , but do you know how much stability it gives to the party in terms of ownership , that is , it is very important to establish the owner's ownership of what is in his property, this is what creates satisfaction, the establishment of ownership is very important for the owner. okay card, this is one of those cards that are towards stability it gives peace of mind. this is a valuable work. after that, mr. imam juma, he said that by the sea and the water problem, this should really be solved quickly with the efforts of all of you, god willing, and with the facilities provided by the government. you should sweeten these five waters, which was a good thing to point out after this should
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be done immediately, god willing, so that we don't have water problems and water tension in cities and villages in hormozga province . this work is possible, and the almighty god has given the possibility to you and all of us, so that god willing, it can be done . hormozgan province has taken the first place, this is a sign of your efforts. it's all of you and that's why i first appreciated both mr. governor and each and every one of you that this work will continue, god willing, 15 thousand billion tomans in these thousand projects that have been completed, thank god, have been spent here. after this, god willing, it will be possible for it is a country, we don't have bombs, the honorable representative pointed out. i want to tell him and myself in the parliament government that if we in the parliament and the government try to eliminate the disagreements and balance the budget, this will play a big role
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in the direction of social justice. neither the lack of budget nor the reduction of inflation. this means that it has a very important role it is in the hands of the government, in the hands of the parliament and in the hands of the guardian council , which means that this railroading of disharmony should be closed by balancing the budget . this is the first part of my next chapter, the allocation time, which should be done fairly. i believe that the problem of disharmony should be eliminated. win and this plays a big role in actually reducing the inflation in the country and equalizing the income and expenses in the country. after all, we have expenses , we have resources. this is very good, but if the sources are not real or if the sources are not properly thought of, naturally there is some kind of disharmony it is correct to point out that, god
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willing, it is this balance that is very important and makes it so that we don't have a budget deficit, we don't have inflation, this is not an important point. i believe that the important step is allahu akbar, allahu akbar, allahu akbar , allahu akbar. there is no god but god. the witness of muhammad is the messenger of god. i testify that muhammad is the messenger of god. i
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testify that i am the most high. i am the witness of god . i testify that i am the most high. hai ali al-falah, hi
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ali khair alam, hi ali khair alam. god is great, god is great, there is no god but god , there is no god but god. most importantly , make a cadre that we are the manager it is not necessary for him to come from tehran , we have a capacity in the province itself, this capacity should be fully
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used to revive this capacity and we have loved ones , mr. minister said that, well, we have people in the entrance exam who are accepted in the most deprived parts of this province , it turns out that people they are talented in creativity and innovation. they are also saying that they are ahead of others, so i am asking them . it was a requirement of the islamic revolution that we should have a fair explanation for the facilities and capacity of the people who are apparently deprived but in fact are our talented people. i see that everyone should grow, everyone should be given information, and all forces should be used, so i emphasize that we will definitely be able to solve this management issue with your leadership, god willing, that is, we will witness that one day, mr. governor, god willing , we will report to the manager in hormozgan province.
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we don't have a flight. this is very good news. we will also be happy if our managers in this province can continue their work, god willing. i want to say the last word about the issue of culture, which is very important in hormozgan province. i said in my speech yesterday that the issue of culture is under attack by the enemy. to lead similar to cultural blood or cultural invasion of culture, there is a lot of invasion of cultures, neither in our country nor in your region, everywhere in the world today, they call their own culture, their own media , their own media empire on the whole world and all human beings . they themselves understand and appreciate the whole world. today , it is the duty of the guardians of the privacy of the culture, the cultural border guards, to take care, observe, and be sensitive.
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pathology, and everyone must try to protect our society, protect our youth, especially those who work in cultural fields, such as education. education, universities, fields, media , national media, digital media, written media, these actually have a serious responsibility and it is the duty of all the cultural border guards to be sensitive to the type of aggression that the enemy has. please note that in preserving this cultural authenticity , that original culture is a very important asset for us, which should always be taken into account . dear sir, in this meeting, look at the evolution of your mission field.
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looking at the situation, what about the fight against poverty, fighting against discrimination, fighting against corruption, fighting against social harms that make people suffer. this is on the agenda of all of us. you see, economic prosperity causes social damage to decrease. sure. in this way, the economic boom, the boom in production, the creation of employment leads to the reduction of social harms, i don't want to say that this is the only reason, but one of the reasons is definitely in pathology and academic discussions, when we want to say, for example, there are several reasons for social harms , we may point to different reasons, say the problem there is a culture and an economy, but one of them is that no matter what you try, we will not be unemployed, god willing be in hormozgan province, you definitely know how to fix it.
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you must know that our economic growth will increase people's hope, that is, the thing that increases people's hope is work and effort , which the supreme leader of the revolution always emphasizes on this matter. they go to their office , see the work of the scholars, listen to the explanations of the ministers , and then attend a meeting with all the activists. your honor, we must pay attention to the fact that we must devote our whole lives to the fact that these issues that have been raised today in the fields of economy, production and work basic science and basic technology will reach a clear place and this may
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be done by your ability. the purpose of my trip to the provinces is in line with this . in fact, it is an important goal that this work is happening. i am the reason, or as we students say, adel, the reason for ali . these are the things that have been done, the things that you reported, it turns out that a lot of work can be done, and a lot of work. after this, it can be done with your strong hands and your firm steps, god almighty, god willing, for the right of these days, which are the month of rajab and the month of atta. god bless you and your esteemed families with the best, god almighty give all of us and you the opportunity to be sincere servants for our dear people and , god willing
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, we will be strong-willed people to implement the instructions of the wise leadership of the islamic revolution and to fulfill the wishes of our dear people. muhammad and ajl farajah. rahor faraja asked his compatriots to refrain from unnecessary travel on these roads due to the heavy snowfall and icing on some of the country's mountain roads . .


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