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tv   [untitled]    February 2, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm IRST

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from zero to finally 1%. home appliance city. i will not be a volunteer in the next election. because i do not consider myself a worthy representative for the people. we expect from someone who represented this. now, no one gives a chance.
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in order to give up their right to vote, they may take orders from a coach and coordinate from one place between the one who votes and the one who does not vote , the difference is from earth to heaven. a person who votes and declares his wishes and steps to achieve them can achieve his goals. in the name of god. hello and good night hello listeners and viewers. in the program of filmjals tonight , we will talk with mr. asadullah badmchian about the oldest souvenirs of the revolution, who were representatives of the second and eighth periods of the islamic council , among the active members of the disbanded delegations that have been active since the time of mr. boroujerdi. from before june 15
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, 1941, but it is different from 1942-1941, in the oil nationalization movement, their activities began from that time, then, of course , the delegations started their activities in 1942 and were very active during the revolution. now they themselves have to define, of course, the definition i think the interview with mr. badmchian should take 100 hours it will take a long time, many of the issues that were discussed later in the parliament and became so-called normal at that time were scary at all, such as the issues related to bullying, threats and harassment, and all the things that may happen to a representative in the situation of the parliament. god, i also greet you , our honorable brother, mr. afghani and all his colleagues. all the listeners and viewers
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of this program send our greetings to the high spirit of all the martyrs , imams, all the good martyrs who worked for this revolution and today our islamic iran from that humble and dependent country in 1957 to a powerful and strong country. conveying to all those who make mistakes and ask for god's forgiveness. after all, you are a revolution. you are a revolution. it is also a people's revolution and a revolution with such a scope that it is not only within the limits of one country, but within the limits of the region and the world. it also exists and all these 11 periods that we had in the parliament and all the governments from mr. bazargan to our last government mr. raisi . trying to serve and if iran
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has reached here, we will look positively. if it is , we will see the positives. as i said, look at the thorn with a beautiful eye . after all, the thorn itself is an interesting thing. you had seen the parliaments before my revolution. yes , you participated in the meetings of the parliament. no, because it was free, it was not free. in the past meetings, that is, if we want to discuss, i would like permission to start from here . first of all, our problem in iran is the problem of the people's movement for many years. at one time, some people, under the influence of western culture and being born in the west, think that elections, freedom, popular government, etc. he came from the west.
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this is not the case with iran, especially if the 3 books i wrote this year are about the realities of greek civilization and alexander, and then a review of plato's republic. we in ancient iran, we see that our people rose up against the oppression of zahak, the leader of this uprising is a military man or something, it's not just blacksmiths and the mass of the people , the government has won the victory. people win.
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we form a government from that state of the people , it turns into a morusian and imperial government, then you see that the so-called mr. cyrus rises from among the people, becomes a half-dozen and finally comes to the government, then the false berdia gomat comes to the office of dariush with the group of seven. his people are coming. she he dismisses the so-called, and with their vote, it is very interesting that maybe for the friends who pay attention, who think that the democratic government
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came from greece . he says that the eighth day is at hand. then he says that mr. hotane told him that the best thing he said is that our problem so far is that we made one person the king, one is good like cyrus, the other will be like cambodia, and then it will happen to mr. gomat like this. it makes sense, so it is better for us to come and leave this method aside and give the government to the people and then he gives a very pure slogan saying that because everything belongs to the people and for the people
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, regardless of whether it was originally from us or from the greeks , do you believe in democracy, which means that every person has one vote and the right to vote for example, i think it is possible to think about systems where those who vote have at least gone to the army , for example, have an interest or a sense of responsibility . some of our problems in these years are related to the democratic system democracy and democracy. if the issue of democracy means western democracy, then this is not our fault at all. when you translate western democracy and see its practical example, see western democracy , for example, in america
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, it is nothing more than a deception. in england, it is nothing more than a deception. regarding the so-called parthian problem, you can see that the parthians invite among the elites of the country. the majles of mehistan form a new party and they choose the same way in islam, that is, when the emigrant prophet meets with the help of the emigrant prophet in mecca , then the prophet returns with the help of the emigrant and ansar forms the government of madinah, the next issue is correct. if ali comes along and the people do not accompany him, he will not come by force. after 25 years, all the people will welcome him, then he will be a ruler, he will be in charge, and in 4 and a half years of his rule, who has ruled the world for more than 60 years , he has ruled 20% of 60%
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of the world. do you think that we really created the best form of government with you, the constitution, especially the amendment of the constitution, that is , wouldn't it be better if we kept the prime minister, now you are replacing the name of the president, that is, the parliamentary republic. we did this because this is a two-axis state , which means that a president who is the head of executive affairs is elected by the direct vote of the people, we have a leader who is elected by the vote of the assembly of experts, the people are elected in two stages, and the general historical situation is historical experience. these few periods have also shown that the president always more or less feels that because he has popular votes, he must finally do something that is actually in front of the leadership , until this period, until the period of mr. raisi, this experience is almost always not always like
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this. now our system is superior in terms of type of system yes, it is the best, the reason is clear, he says, sir, if you want to choose, put a person at the head who is a jurist , a jurist means that he is a person of the people and has love for the people. but it's okay, you pay attention that he's not the president, but it's okay and he's just, see how beautiful he is, who will choose him , well, the masses of people who can distinguish between lawyers and jurists, so to speak , may find it difficult because people's feelings, because this is a specialized matter, and if you ask, we'll just say it. experts do not choose people. if you want to choose the best doctor, you can entrust it to the people, you don't
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have to collect the doctors, choose the doctors. now they are saying that if you want to collect these doctors , the people will choose them, why don't you do the same for the president, now we are saying that we should solve this, see, so the head of the government will be right to choose the people, the experts , because they want the expertise. check the insolence of the justice and this will be investigated in two stages. i am talking about the president. now it is the turn of the second. now let's get to the first. so this will be done. now we want to choose the second issue . we have three types of managers. now we have three management bodies, one is the judiciary and the other is the judiciary. it is the introduction, one is the executive now, how should we choose the head of these leaders
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? until now, we have chosen the executive branch based on the general vote of the people . the minister of justice is also the minister of magdeya, or the president or the king or the prime minister chooses, so he is not independent because he is elected by the executive branch, but in iran, the judiciary is independent because the governor chooses the government, and that is the question of the power. legislators are not elected by the people, they are elected in two stages the people choose the representatives, the representatives choose the speaker of the parliament. well, now this can be changed, why can't it be changed? let's suggest that we change it, that is, one of the things that i
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am talking about in the second step of the revolution, which was discussed by mr. in these few years, we have reached, we have seen, we have learned, iran has become powerful. in the next 20 years, the world will be a different thing, so we definitely need transformation. interestingly, on the first page, he asked us what is the transformation? i said on the constitution. i like to clap a lot some people say that the constitution should change and be westernized. i said no, sir, the constitution is based on the opinion of a jurist. because the law is according to our constitution, but it is a matter that can and changes in power. judiciary, our judicial structure is a western structure, the formalities of anyone
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, from beheshti to mr. mohseniyeh, cannot manage it, there must be a change. i myself was a political deputy in the judiciary for 10 years, that is, the first deputy of the judiciary and a social affairs consultant. i did not receive my salary, i am not my employee. i'm not affiliated, i didn't become a judge , i didn't do any of these things, i finished my work with you , i'm relieved, so my power is not dependent on the power the judiciary is free, that's why i believe that the structure of the judiciary should be completely changed. the third issue is, on what basis do we actually have a plan, the plan is separate , the plan is that, on the first basis, the complainant in islam goes to the judge in the western system , it depends on this, between 15 and 22 khans, because they go to the courthouse , these servants of god have to pass who
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get caught by the judiciary, even the head of the judiciary has to go through 22 houses in iran. iran is very awkward, so this must change, our parliament must also change, this transformation we are talking about is not a backward transformation , it is not a learning experience, maybe in 50 years we will what 's wrong with wanting to change the type of our system? why do we limit it, thinking that yes, something is an unchangeable principle, that is our islam , this principle is unchangeable. in the west, it is also written in france that, sir, these principles remain the same , it is not true that anyone can come and work, so i have nothing to do with it, that principle belongs to one nation , but the important thing is, should this system remain the same, why should we not evolve the system at all? the creation of the system is an evolutionary system, so it can be
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changed, we have no problem, let's say it with my power. that i myself passed two terms of the parliament, closely and later apart from my term , i was in charge of elections in the islamic republican party from the first parliament, and then i was in charge at the same time until now , and now i am in charge of elections. therefore, in the recent elections, we discussed the parliament of transformation and evolution. we believe that the 12th parliament should be the parliament of transformation and evolution. where was the problem that this problem was used ? the representative needs a long-distance car for the mountainous areas. in kurdistan , the person who is a representative must want a long-distance car in his car because he wants to be in the mountains, but his representative in qom does not want a long-distance car. this car is not for buying
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for example, it sold 350 million, no, this is wrong at all, so we need a serious transformation , and this system can also be given a serious transformation. when was the most critical day of the second parliament? you must have had more than one crisis day. what are we facing inside the parliament, oh inside the parliament or in, for example, something inside the parliament, inside the crisis parliament. we didn't mean that either. we had differences and conflicts. see why we have differences . rather, our system is a people's system. the term of the third parliament becomes one term, the fourth parliament becomes one term, the fifth parliament becomes
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one term of the sixth parliament. no, we didn't have any assembly where different people were involved in all these assemblies. our people's system is a good people's system . our people's system is not good for us if it is an imitation of western democracy. western democracy is good for westerners . because we have islam, because we have iranian civilization , we are anti-ahem ahura worship. we have the concept of speech. our queen in iran , our code lady in iran is different from the lady who was in the west. right now, an iranian woman is different from a western woman. how different it is now, even if i'm not muslim , i don't have a job, it's nothing at all, so i have two cultures
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, the system , and the religion. requirement at any time. now, in the necessity of this period of revolution, people come to revolutionize 98 and vote. well, after 10 years of age, mr. imam has revised for 8 years. now after 30 years. we want to review twice, what's wrong with it, it's very good , so let's see what are the positive points of our past and follow the positive points of our present. let's fix the defects and dispossessions , don't blame each other. when haj qassem soleimani is martyred, men , women, young people are all right, so this nation
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has a special situation . let's do the same thing. my life , you see, i had technical and scientific debates , criticism and such. no, i didn't talk, no, the soldiers are very interesting. the fourth parliamentary election is being recounted mr. emami is kushni. alhamdulillah, he asked mr. askladi and said: the truth is that you and mr. badamchian went up to the top of the dozani, may god forgive him, and that one
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came down, but this is your choice. if we do this, they say, we will be accused. because you and i are very interested in you, we came and did this . you want to hear that the council of guardians means that this is so beautiful that the limit in this revolution, in this law of the council of guardians , the season of speech. it doesn't work, we accept the announcement i am opening for you for the first time , that's right, i say my person, i say my person, and this is exactly what we said , we passed. he is a good person, what does he have to do with you ? now, for example, the sky is falling to the earth. well, when you want to go, there are all kinds of forces in the parliament
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, that is, in the parliament, all these people are introduced by people who are not the same. they are hypocrites in the first round of elections. who did not vote for the constitution, it is nice to come, to announce something, to be nominated. tudeh party, yes, i have a piece of paper written to my candidates in these documents vote for the tudeh party, mrs. roqia daneshgeh , so that they implement the imam's line in the parliament, my dear, the liberals are the same, that one, the same . after speaking in the parliament, i didn't see this . then we went to bani saad. then we held a meeting of the grand coalition. well
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, there was a big problem in the clergy that the gentlemen could not find an opinion to support bani sadr in ramzad bani sadr. well , we were against it. we decided to do something, what is its name, sir? habibi. of course, it was not habibi. it was supposed to be farsi for that game actually. that it is a special memory, which i said , but i haven't written my memories yet. but i said well, a lot. and this is a significant point that jalal farsi was one of the delegations? he was part of the republic party, yes, except mutalfa, except the central council. it was the center of the islamic republic party. well, now, after this case , who pulled out this game, who pulled out this game , the so-called sheikh of tehran, yes, it was he
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who did it, that's right, adam doug hasht atisheh had gone there , he was anti-persian with mr. khamenei. for example, who are the liberals on this side? registration of the freedom of the national front. people's elections have been held, all the different groups want to say that it should be done. i wrote in the book "knowledge of the islamic revolution" published by azad university . we all fought with the king, yes. with several tastes , as soon as the revolution wins and the king's main obstacle is removed, each one of them wants to be the ruler himself, and the freedom movement wants to be his own. because they
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are different. the hypocrites want to be themselves, right? they tell us that in prison i don't know, we have 100 khomeinis in asean and they say bad things against mr. in that prison in 1954 and 55 when i was there. that's when according to mr. montazeri's memoirs, chizam wrote that he came to tell mr. khomeini to join us, as we are the strongest group, so i will join him. now that the revolution is winning , this power has come with mr. khomeini to build with mr. khomeini. the same person who is against mr. khomeini, the same person who does not vote for the constitution, then he wants to be the president of this world, that
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's it, that's all. our first round election, bani sadr came once, my bani sadr went to the side of the clerical community , they invited us, and the clerical community of the party sent me mr. beheshti, we worked day and night, the first assembly instead of being in the hands of bani sadro, it was lost in the hands of the party. islamic republic, which was the beginning of the failure of that group. well, then they insulted and insulted. after we came, we got to the middle of the cases and the inadequacy of bani sed. this is the result of the martyrs . forgive the explosion on the 8th of september . what do you think about the 8th of shahrivar? it is clear that they succeeded in blowing up something else. they saw that everyone thing in iran found
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that is, there are leaders who, in your opinion , have not yet been arrested and are still inside the government. i don't have the necessary information, but i understand that on that day, when he saw the so-called arrogance of the speaker of the parliament, mr. hashemiyeh, the authority of my parliament was in the hands of the irgc issue. the president is mr. raj chize. prime minister rajaiye with the art of the head of judiciary mr. mousavi mr. beheshtiyeh and the affairs of the country have been formed and it is moving forward, they decided to blow up even the main pieces that had infiltrated like kashmiri and kolahi and burn them because the main issue
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was very important to them. and you notice that work to it came to this point that these explosions took place , but they thought that they would destroy the revolution with these explosions, but contrary to their opinion, blood transfusion was the testimony of a revolution. which we were investigating in the central council of the party. to be able to regulate the laws related to the above document of the constitution and in that parliament we almost built the foundation of the constitution, the second parliament completed this work and therefore i did not go to the first parliament , they said in the second parliament that we should definitely go, maybe for
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it is interesting to you that we, for example, for example, here i wrote, this is one of those notebooks , this is my notebook. if you don't know how to print these from us , you can buy them for 2 tomans . we have a lot of these diaries for you. how many do you mean, for example , until now? this is actually a daily diary. yes, it is a daily diary. it is interesting for you . yes, it should be more than, for example , 50 notebooks, maybe more than 100 notebooks, maybe 20 notebooks. for example, you set these as
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published memories.


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