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tv   [untitled]    February 3, 2024 5:00am-5:31am IRST

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i am mehdim, a resident of a remote, unruly city, where there is never a sound. 5 o'clock skilled soldiers are prioritized for employment in the armed forces. at the opening of the final stage of the first skill training course for conscripts, the deputy of the general staff of the armed forces said: the participants in this course will be given priority for employment in the armed forces and receiving employment grants worth 150 million tomans. for the first time
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, the skilled soldiers of the armed forces from all over the country gathered and challenged their skills in 15 fields. i am both an artist and a technician. my main job is programming. work experience in the field of automotive electrical wind turbines. we already had work experience, we worked for about two years , we worked for 3 years, we worked for about 5 years, we worked for 7 years , i had experience working in elevators, then here we learned how to make these in the two years of military service , they perfect their skills and enter the job market, of course, the officials in order to support them, they made promises that they will be prioritized for employment in the armed forces .
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we have to pay for at least 14 thousand people. these competitions introduce the best people to their work it ends mesdam, sed and sima news agency. production and operation of the iranian device for measuring and humidity of refinery gas. according to the officials of the gas refinery in the persian gulf, the completely iranian device for measuring the gas humidity with the mirror method. produced and used in a refinery unit . iranian science and practice in the industrial shade of scientists, the result is the production of the first time. this time, the device for measuring the humidity of gases with the cooling mirror method was put into use in the persian gulf hoizeh gas refining company after testing. the technology used in this technology device the cooling mirror
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was operated with european and american analyzes before this, but due to the efforts of the experts of a knowledge-based company , this iranian device was put into production in accordance with global standards . this means trusting the domestic production of the iranian device for measuring gas humidity, which has the ability to be more than one day in a week. measure 350 times at the highest level of accuracy . the accuracy of the device is so high that it can measure one part per million of moisture in the gas entering the refinery equipment. do this complex device includes more than 300 mechanical parts, electronic boards and optical parts. compared to foreign models, this device has the disadvantage that it needs periodic calibration of consumption. of the equipment and parts used in
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hoizeh gas refining company of iranian persian gulf and built by danesh banyan companies, another 8 devices are going to be manufactured by daneshmoyan companies and put into operation in this company using tilting mirror technology. and sima
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full majlis: the ups and downs of the 11th term of the majlis in a conversation with former representatives. every day at 19.30 from the network the news construction of one of the largest projects of the national housing movement in fars province, the director general of roads and urban development of fars province said that about 160,000 units will be built in the national housing movement plan in this province. here is the plan of the national housing movement in kamil abad, shiraz where 4,500 residential units are to be built, including 69 blocks . we are taking action and all the roads that are related to the access roads of this project are currently being excavated and constructed. the director general of roads and urban development said that about 160,000 housing units are in the form of the national development plan.
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housing will be built in fars province, 115,000 units in the cities of shiraz, maroud, estehban, jahrom , kazron and fasa with a density of four floors. in the cities, it will be built as a villa. in our city, we do not have a project that has not been started. about 92,000 units of land have been secured. until now , the rest are following the annexation process. in terms of land supply, we are not worried. most of our cities have secured land. we were worried about the shiraz issue, and it was a little bit different, but alhamdulillah, it is on its way to being finalized. the deputy minister of roads and urban development also visited the project. the national housing movement in kamil abad said: we are trying to remove all obstacles to complete and hand over this project. we also received a report from our friends about the latest situation, the status of the project implementation process and the cooperation of the governorate,
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provincial managers, banks, and how their actions were . fortunately, friends said that fars province is very well supported by all the executive agencies. it's working well. it is followed in the construction of national housing units with the assistance of operating banks , including housing bank. the construction process of all projects is being implemented. it is supposed to be put into operation in the next two years and will be handed over to the applicants. sayad jokar of shiraz radio and television news agency, the next part of the news at 6 o'clock
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. greetings to you, dear and valuable viewers of the special news interview, according to the executive vice president during mr. raisi's visit to hormozgan. of the 15 thousand billion
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tomans of construction and economic projects that have been exploited , the head of the planning and budget organization said: the priority of the 13th government is to complete half-finished construction projects. in tonight's program, it is time to deposit the id amount of the government employees and review measures such as implementing the account of the treasury unit, reforming the structure and completing we will also pay for construction projects. vice president and head of program and budget organization, mr. dr. dawood manzoor, our guest in the conversation studio. they are special news. hello, mr. dr. bazar, you are very welcome to the special conversation studio. first, let's start by discussing the measures taken by the government to reform the budget structure. tell me , how has the implementation of the treasury unit account contributed to financial discipline and reforming
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the budget structure in the 13th government. in the name of god . dear sir and dear viewers , i say hello. first of all, i would like to congratulate you on the blessed decade of fajr on the eid of the islamic revolution on the 4th the fifth anniversary of the glorious islamic revolution of the country. about this question you ask. what the government did in the 1403 budget was that we tried to take a step towards making the reform of the budget structure more operational as the supreme leader had written. perhaps the most important structural reform that we have to do in the budget is to rely on there are stable resources and a gradual separation from the budget. oil and oil revenues. we believe that the income and oil resources belong to
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the future generations and therefore we should gradually direct them to the development fund. nationally and by making them productive, we can provide and equip good resources for the future, god willing. but in this connection, in the budget of 1403, the amount of government dependence. we made a significant reduction in oil revenues, so that the operating balance of the budget decreased from 450 thousand billion tomans, which was negative, to about 300 thousand billion tomans . that is, the difference in practical income. government's current and current expenses with government's current expenses, the greater this gap is, we
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are forced to go towards capital assets. we are happy that this step that has been taken now gives us the assurance that in the next two or three steps , we will gradually complete the current budget of the government. on the basis of sustainable domestic revenues, including tax revenues, government ownership rights in mines , government ownership rights, communications, other government revenues from various sources, including government dividends , we can finally provide these. yes, but another point that we made in the amendment. we moved the budget towards it, avoiding the hidden budget deficit. ok
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usually, in setting the budget, we try to balance the budget, that is , to make the expenses equal to the resources. in this period, we tried to estimate the resources as they happen first, and then the cost. pay it means the principle of priority of incomes over expenses, according to these real incomes, which should be exactly yes, that means we should try to make the incomes look completely real, don't overestimate anything, because overestimating means that the expenses are on the second side on the second side, on the one hand , the incomes and resources, on the other hand, the costs are realized slow realization of government resources. he doesn't find it and this automatically turns into a deficit in the next year in practice . in order for this not to happen, we
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saw the revenues very clearly and realistically. for example, we reduced next year's oil revenues compared to this year's budget. not only did we not increase, but we also decreased. because we believe that the amount that was predicted this year could not be realized. or the incomes from the disposal of government assets and companies, well , we have seriously reduced the incomes from the production of government property, for example, this year in the budget of approx. we predicted 230 thousand billion tomans of income from the transfer of the government's stock assets, but in practice, what happened is less than 40 thousand billion tomans . budget mismatch, so that these events do not happen again next year, we first
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checked the sources very accurately and transparently as we think and with our colleagues in different ministries , we identified these exactly , we saw the costs based on this and for this reason, in relation to the growth of expenses this year , we have actually estimated these growth rates to be low because our income we saw it more realistically. well , of course, this issue was actually changed by the honorable representatives in qadir parliament. it means that what the representatives approved in the parliament increased our expenses in such a way that we do not find it practically possible to implement them in sustainable sources . at least 400 thousand billion tomans of new expenses
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have been defined in the parliament, and this 400 thousand billion tomans is the minimum that i am saying. it has not identified the connection between income and new resources , like this, 7, 14, and 15, yes, all the notes, note 15, note four, note eight, in all these notes, we see that increases in expenses have actually been approved, which i now i don't want to enter mossadegh . we have that we have to move according to our resources and income in terms of expenses , but next year the expenses are certain , the incomes will not be realized and we will have a deficit. this year, i will serve you as an example. let me tell you, look at what has been realized from our income sources, i have shown you the examples
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. as predicted , the income from the government's property rights in the mines did not materialize as much as we had predicted . the oil income also did not materialize. now, the amount of our income is such that a part of the government's main income has not actually been achieved. we were forced to pay through the allocation tool. to act means that in some places we did not allocate the costs less than what was predicted the credit has been allocated and the budget has been implemented , while the government has tried its best to increase its revenue sources this year. until the first 10 months of this year, compared to the first 10 months
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of last year, our revenue sources and the government's resources have been realized. 40% growth. in spite of this 40 percent growth, our incomes were not enough to cover all the expenses, so part of our expenses have not been realized, and some of them are related to the implementation of investment plans and property acquisition plans. government capital is also a part of current expenses, so we have some strictures we decided to create a deficit in this year's budget in order to pass the budget without a deficit, which means we cannot create a debt for the government, and therefore, to the extent that our incomes have been realized, we have tried to manage our expenses with the means of allocation, which has a deficit. let's not act . well, in the news of december, we
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said that about 70 budgets were realized, and you gave an interview . see, these are different from each other . for example, in a part of our income , our tax income is more than 95%, or in connection with our realization of mining rights is about 60% in relation to customs revenues, our realization of customs rights is 48%, and in the same way , the percentage of realization of different types of resources and our revenues. it is different, but in total , our income and resources this year in 10 months compared to last year, in spite of all this, in fact, the points i mentioned have increased by 40. very well, mr. doctor, my colleagues, prepare a report , let's see together, we will come back and continue our conversation. for
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the final benefit project, i promise that it will be opened before the end of the year, talking about payment for the final benefit. it is the law of depositing money in devices prevents. they sometimes kept this money in their accounts for 3 or 6 months, and then we saw that the workers of that company were unhappy that with the implementation of this law, they directly paid the money to the person who was the last person who gave us the services. it pays in his name and the prerequisite for its implementation is the centralization of the account of each device in the treasury. we use a single account. to pay the final installment. the latest follow-ups show that the concentration of accounts from the treasury path to the final steps of the remaining devices made up for their backlogs. strange to 95% of us see growth alhamdulillah, the riyal accounts of the naft group
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were transferred to the treasury account of the universities , which means that when you go, 40,000 have been added to 4,000. this shows that this operation was successful, according to experts, with the transfer of 100% of the accounts of the devices. treasury can witness the government's financial discipline in revenues and expenses. very well, it was the report of my colleagues at the specialized economics desk of sedav and sima news agency. we are here in a special news interview hosted by dr. manzoor, the head of the program and budget organization. it has helped financial discipline. well, one of the very good things that we have done together with the ministry of economy and finance is to move towards a one-cloth system of financial management of the government
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. we can track the budget flows from the time we allocate the resources until the time those resources are spent, that is, we know at what stage the allocated money is in which account. and at what stage of the payment is placed. sometimes the control we used to see in the account, for example, a company the specialized mother has a total of 5 thousand billion tomans , 4 thousand billion tomans more and less , and while there are still contractors and projects that do not receive their allocations in exchange for the invoices they sent , this was what was needed. that we increase the financial discipline, the supervision of the planning and treasury organization has increased the cost, we can increase the credits , the tool for this was
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to have a single account of the treasury, which means that every executive body that uses the government's budget must go to it. a single account and from that single account all payments can be made, it used to be that the devices could. open accounts in different banks. sometimes a device might have several accounts and tracking these different accounts was not an easy task, especially for us in the program organization. now, of course, the divan of accounts and others have more monitoring tools , they can monitor these things better. but now , fortunately, all the devices come to a single account. there are a number of devices left that they are moving to. especially in the universities , in the next year's budget, we left a task it has also been approved there that all those remaining accounts must be transferred to the account
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of the treasury unit at the central bank, in this way this information aristocracy is formed, we can fully monitor the flow of money and see at what stage each device he spent his own resources and allocations . besides this one, in fact, another approach we are following is the final payment to zainef , which means that we are going in the direction of announcing the credits of the devices to the device . the device is based on those announced credits. for the beneficiaries who should be paid introduces and pays centrally in cash. it is done for the ultimate benefit. we have done this step now in connection with student rights. it means that these past two months, all
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our payments to the government employees were completely centralized in the form of final benefits. now there is a place where the final benefit is still the manager's term , which is no longer the case in hand salaries. if there is an organization and institution , how are those personnel and their employees? see, at this stage, the important thing is that the devices must have the information of the senders and receivers before we want to pay. put the funds in the system. we control the system, whether the orders are set correctly, whether the amounts that should not be included in the order have been added to the orders or not. because sometimes the agencies get special permits, with these permits, they were seized in orders that we, as the organization of the program, were not aware of
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. he didn't know that now , for example, by the 20th of every month, the devices must upload all the information of their salary earners and their orders , and we can check before payment whether exactly zainaf is based on the same standards and instructions. will they receive their salary according to the established criteria or not? this step has been completed. another step that we have done now is related to the 14th of this year. pharmacies that have become creditors or drug distribution companies that have become creditors. therefore, this drug subsidy goes directly to the person who benefits from that subsidy. this approach
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, as i said, means more transparency, means more discipline, and actually means supervision and control it is more accurate for this monitoring and more accurate control on this organization and devices, considering that these organizations have different sources of income, it is possible that they have payments that directly or over a long period of time will reach the final benefit for controlling this sector, that is outside of those official orders that you reach up to the 20th. do you monitor what will happen to him and what are your predictions? see, we make the final payment in connection with public budget resources. some devices have specific revenues, which we wrote in the next year's budget. this it should not need to be allocated anymore. that is, only to the extent that the special income is deposited into the treasury, these must be returned with approval and placed in the hands of the same body, and therefore
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we are not exposed to the special incomes that universities or hospitals have, for example. it is their own, they spend money according to their own criteria . it seems that if it is possible, mr. doctor , there would be an observation and monitoring in that area , anyway. from institutions and institutions act according to their taste , considering that many institutions pay for food in the hospital, the hospital pays food to the contractor, so where does it pay for this, or, for example , does it pay to its own company forces
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? we are actually finalizing it, the next step is the issue of contractors, that is, now that we can pay the construction budgets and capitalized acquisition budgets through the final zainaf , god willing, along with this riyal unit account, we will implement the foreign currency unit account forecast law.
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what was his plan? we have it for this look at our foreign currency account, considering that our budget is riyal budget, the currency account is actually under its own rules for devices that need to make foreign currency purchases with the cooperation of the central bank. which actually has international and foreign purposes , it forms the relevant accounts. in your orders, you mentioned the reduction of the budget's dependence on oil , and this issue is also of interest . i said we should reduce it let's go towards diversifying the government's revenue sources . one of the diversifications we are doing is to be able to practically


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