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tv   [untitled]    February 3, 2024 5:30am-6:01am IRST

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riyal also had a foreign currency account prediction law , what plan do we have for this to happen? look at our foreign currency account considering that our budget is a riyal budget. it actually happens with the cooperation of the central bank, definitely there is also a central bank for each device. which practically has international and foreign purposes , forms the relevant accounts. in your comments, you mentioned the reduction of the budget's dependence on oil and that this issue is also of interest. here you are what exactly are you doing to reduce the dependence of the budget on oil? i said that we should go towards diversifying the government's sources of income. one of the diversifications that we do is to be able to. practically
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, let's collect the tax in a fairer way and the tax based on the systems and the tax based on more transparency. this step will definitely help us collect better and fairer tax revenues. the implementation of the law on store pannies, which will enter a serious phase from the beginning of next year, is definitely a very important... the reform and methods of receiving value added tax and the relationship between the tax life organization and the government and those who receive value added taxes , i.e. economic operators receiving value added tax, will be established, god willing. another point is that we will try to make more use of public and private participation in the implementation of projects. public and private partnership
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means that we take the projects as far as possible to the point where the government provides a part of the project costs and the private sector provides the main part of the costs and we can when the project is completed. let's buy and serve from someone who implements the plan , for example, we are related to water softeners. in relation to water sewage houses, water houses on roads, in many cases , even in hospitals, we can act in this way. that is, instead of involving the government in investment and exploitation, we should place the government as a service buyer. practically , the operation should be carried out by the non-governmental sector and the purchase of services by the government
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has other solutions for us to move towards a budget without oil. the most important of them is actually productivity incomes and assets, resources in resources are actually the property of the government. we now have many assets in the government, of course, since last year , good steps have been taken this year as well, but we believe that the main part of the government's assets remains . all that remains is that, god willing , according to the identifications that have been made now , we will gradually go towards productivity and entering these into the financial flow cycle of the government. very well, mr. doctor, one of the priorities of the 13th government, as you also mentioned. honorable president, the completion of the construction project is half finished, please tell me that in the year in the future, how much will you go in this direction and how much budget will you increase to complete the construction plan?
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it is for us in the government to start as few new projects as possible, except based on necessity, and this year the number of permits we issued to start new projects is actually less than 20 projects, that is, despite all the requests and pressures that exist. he asked us to approve the new projects and so to speak, issue the license for them according to article 23 of the regulation law. let's make them able to express these in the annex of the additional budget. we really put up a lot of resistance and only in many cases. we have accepted the urgency of these, as their number has greatly decreased compared to previous years, even these items that we have approved now and we want to add are partnership projects, that is, projects that are partially funded by the government. . another part
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should be done by third parties . give an example, mr. doctor. for example, the hospitals, for example , the imam khomeini hospital in shahryar was completed in this way after 34 years or so . we have a half-completed hospital hazrat ali says, "do you want to complete it with the participation of the private sector? i said that there are many 505 uses of that method. there are two issues . let's separate them. one is the new projects that we want to start . our preference is that the new projects that we start must have a participation side. for example, suppose that i want a new hospital. let's make sure that 30% to 40% of the hospital is accepted by a charity or a group of benefactors that they do and the government completes the rest. regarding schools, now a large part of our schools is being done in the same way, that is, this year we have schools that
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we opened and operated a major part of them, the majority of them were schools that charities, for example, 40 to 50 percent of them. universities. many of these medical schools have been built by donors, either completely or in fact as a percentage and share, and the government is also participating in them. regarding azad ways, we
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advance azad ways mainly with collaborative projects, that is the non-governmental sector comes in the form of a partnership plan with the government, part of which is provided by the government and part of which is actually capital. transfer now either from bank sources or other sources that he provides himself now our model is to move more towards where the investor will benefit from, because in the field of transportation and roads, we have perhaps the most semi- public projects, more than 60 thousand semi-public projects in this in your field, what is the level of participation so that the investor will hate it
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? allah is great, god is great, god is great, god is great, there is no god but god. there is no god but god. there is no god but god. i testify that muhammad is the messenger of god. i testify that muhammad is the messenger of god allah is the most high
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, and allah is the most high. hai ali al-falah hai ali al
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-falah hai ali khair al-alam hai ali ali khair al-amal god is great, god is great, god is great, there is no god but god , no god but god. for example, the highway
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is calculated based on a financial model, how much this investor will bring , in what period of actual operation, if he operates this highway and receives tolls on the highway, he can return capital and profit. it is very difficult for him to accept himself and recover economically, mr. doctor. stay now you see, many investors are complaining about these mandated pricing for something that may not be cost-effective for them because of their participation. you see, in the field of healthcare or education, many benefactors come with benevolent intentions and 50% of the buildings are built by the government. it helps and provides equipment to them, a series of construction projects in such a way that suppose there are roads and the field of transportation should create some attraction for that investor. to come and do the partnership well with the government, their forms are correct, yes, i said we have them
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we are moving in this direction, which means that we must create the necessary attractions, and the investor must be sure that it is profitable to come to participate , so we include these in the financial model and the financial model that we calculate, in such a way that our calculations should rate definitions, duty rate , investment amount and participation amount should be adjusted in such a way. we make this profit to happen, but naturally, the investor does not find this motivation, even in the case of hospitals, that is , if someone comes, he participates in a hospital , or is it really a benefactor, good for one thing. good work is doing this work, it does not have a vision or not , it wants to do this as an economic work, if it is also done as an economic work, we must act in our definitions for medical services in such a way that this investment that is made make this investment profitable. your statement is absolutely correct. you're welcome.
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mr. dr. manzoor, you mentioned the field opinions that are among your priorities for construction projects and their completion, and well, the numerous provincial trips of your government delegation, mr. president, and being with the people and playing, how much of these construction projects this field visit and your presence on the stage helped to complete them. yes, you see, we believe that all members of the government should have a close relationship with the field of operations, and now this is happening completely. and the projects that are defined in the scope of their mission , the organization of the program, which actually has the role of operational supervision of the acquisition plans in particular. he is playing this role much more actively now , which means that we are our colleagues in addition to our specialized affairs
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the heads of our affairs, our experts constantly go back and forth in the plans, they control the percentage of progress , they compare the percentage of physical progress with the percentage of rial allocations, in addition to this , the deputies of the organization are my servants during this 10- month period. i was actually able to be present in the organization. i went to more than 12 provinces and visited their important projects , sometimes an important project was opened, sometimes we simply went to the important projects and monitored them in the operational environment. this is us in our interactions with the provinces , we have very regular meetings. to the governors, that is, now in the organization of the program, the governors come with their deputies
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and the organization is present with all its team . we have 3-4 hour meetings to discuss the issues of the province. the same thing happens with the executive body. the back is actually related to the executive bodies and the issues related to the provinces and to defeat and conquer the provincial bodies in such a way that these bodies can do their work well , according to their obligations, their missions, and planning. and they can achieve the few goals that have been defined for them. but at the same time, one of the important missions of the program organization is to control the key indicators, that is, we control whether, for example , the number of hospital beds in the provinces is compared to another, whether a province has a suitable hospital bed index or not.
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it is not that province, there should be more hospital construction projects there. for example , we look at the number of students per capita in different provinces, the number of classes per capita, the class of students in different provinces, related to having the opportunity to build roads and railways in different provinces, therefore , the responsibility of the program organization is to establish an inter-provincial balance. provinces that have lower indicators, we must strengthen them and improve the indicators. let's approach the average of the country . this is one of the important tasks of the important missions that we deal with at the time of setting the budget and at the time of setting the five-year plans. well, the 7th five-year plan
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was actually prepared with the same approach, that is, inter-provincial justice and progress based on justice. in the parliament, the work of approving it has been completed, and so has the guardian council we have considered this for a round and giving opinions is now going back and forth so that, god willing, we will be able to see the law of the 7th five-year plan as soon as possible, which of course, the law of the 6th plan actually turned into a seven-year plan, that is, the 7th plan with some delay. and was approved. but we hope that, god willing, this program can open new horizons, open new groups. the very good goal-setting that has been done, the arrangements and measures that have been taken in this program, we are sure that, god willing, these next 5 years will be a different period of growth and prosperity. we will put god willing mr. doctor, you
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have been responsible for organizing the program and budget for 10 months. what changes did you make in the approaches of this organization in these 10 months , how far did you go to reform the structures, and what are your predictions for the future for your organization? see , the program and budget organization actually acts as the coordinator of the devices, and therefore , our efforts during this period are to establish maximum interaction with executive bodies. let's establish a relationship with the province and the governors to hear and better understand the problems of the provinces setting the budget , let's act on the basis of a kind of consensus , feel the opinions in the setting of the program completely and apply it. this is a serious difference that i think has happened in this period, which
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means maximum interaction in the direction of economic growth. we believe that the guardian of economic growth in the country is the program organization, in other words, every organization has a mission, the program organization must remove the obstacles to economic growth and progress, and god has actually extended his favor this year to the government, the government, and our beloved people. we are gradually witnessing that the economy is on the path of growth blooming is moving. our economic growth statistics in the first six months according to the report of iran statistics center was 71 and last year we had 49% growth. in the previous year , we had about four and a half percent growth in 1400. therefore, these growths that are happening now are the result of all
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government agencies working day and night to achieve them. therefore, our colleagues in the specialized affairs of the organization, in health affairs, in the affairs of education, in road affairs, and in fact, in the affairs of transportation, to your presence, judicial and defense, in all our specialized affairs , about 25 affairs. we have these in the organization corresponding to each device or sometimes the same thing is done for two or three devices . we participate. the program organization is present as a member in more than 800 commissions
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, that is, 800 decision-making commissions . 800 devices are present as members our colleagues actually perform the adjustments that need to be made and the coordination that needs to be done between the departments, because they are present in all the decision-making elements , so we hope that, god willing, the organization will be able to achieve maximum satisfaction in the departments. in the executive branch, we serve the people . in the program organization, we serve the executive branch and the provinces. we are the governors . god
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willing , we will be able to fulfill this role well. and that principle is practically a limitation resources and abundance are needs and demands, and the organization of the program comes between these two. the issue is that they establish some kind of compatibility, that is, you can see the amount of needs that all the institutions have, the amount and needs that the provinces have , it is definitely more of a debate than the facilities that we have in terms of finances and resources, and therefore, this compatibility between sources of expenses is one of the difficulties. the work of the program organization is that we try to move based on the system of priorities, which has more priority for the country. you see, for us now in the country, health and hygiene issues are one of the main issues. the problem of education and the quality of education is one of the main issues of the country.
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strengthening the country's defense base as well as the country's military power is one of the main priorities of the country. therefore, we are trying to play a role within the framework of the system of issues and priorities. let's do the organization in such a way that, god willing , there will be a proper compatibility between all of these. ok. mr. doctor, one of the same priorities that you mentioned in your comments is removing obstacles to economic growth and supporting production. not long ago, the supreme leader of the revolution had a meeting with producers and entrepreneurs and emphasized that one of the main and important priorities of the government are to improve the business environment, and this environment, which must be prepared for producers and entrepreneurs , is one of the issues in the discussion of licenses, and the connection to the license portal
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is felt to be somewhat neglected in the program and budget organization. what is left and tell me what is your plan to complete this connection and issue permits electronically. yes, you see, the issue of improving the business environment is a common mission that all the different governments are doing. it means that there are very important steps towards electronic government. it is removed that you see its manifestations now, i am from the tax organization
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, which i used to be myself. if i want to give an example, almost all the services that a taxpayer needs can now be received in the tax system, from filing the declaration to the processing stage to the notification and payment stage. in the country's judicial system, it means that in our judicial system , the majority of people's referrals are made through the senate system. please excuse me, doctor, because the time is very limited . it is related to affairs contractors and consultants. that is, considering that we do the qualification of contractors and consultants, now we have completely removed this qualification from the system, so all those who
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want to be upgraded. they want to get a promotion, they want to get a rating , they upload their information to the system, we verify the authenticity of this information through the system and connect it to 15 databases of other devices . bring the organization , bring the certificate of that device, we will check these automatically we receive the system, so now the organization of the program has completely connected to that port , a port , in fact, the national license port of the licenses. give this good news to government employees , when will it happen? i said, we are trying to be able to pay the eids by the end of next week
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, god willing. it gives the opportunity to the government to solve the issues for the dear people it explains, very well, thank you very much for your presence , dear and respected viewers, who have been with us until this moment, thank you, have a good night and god bless you.
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come, o imam of independence, the role of our martyrs, wrapped in the ears of time, your cry is eternal mai and jabdar of the islamic republic.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, may god bless you, muhammad and the family of muhammad, dear compatriots, greetings to you on saturday morning . may god bless you. the central terrorist command of the us army in the middle east, centcom, announced that the us air force attacked places in iraq and syria. the us army has claimed that 85 targets were hit in these attacks, including command posts and ammunition depots, drone centers , and logistics equipment of the group.


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