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tv   [untitled]    February 3, 2024 3:30pm-4:02pm IRST

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it is mentioned that those servants of god who do not have the money for these classes should go and do not have access to them. isn't this a violation of justice that we ignore them and pay a few million students who come from wealthy families? for preparation and what will happen next , we will separate 30 students from being together , we will frustrate all of them because one of them scored better in the test . for evaluation, i have the report of the last report about the history of tis hoshan discussion and the way the countries are doing now they emphasize on inclusiveness and inclusion, that what we do is to go to a test and then take the children to a competition and pay for 70 such and such an effective test , which i don't want to name . tizhoshan, what will happen next
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? i was sending someone , i was sending someone an inappropriate word, an accusation, and i am very surprised by your words. my dear
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, i am proud to say that this center is one of my honors thanks to the grace of god, the support of all the executive forces here is from the center. my organization is proud. yes , i am proud. i emphasize this issue. i will say this in the presence of the great nation of iran, if one day we can bring these children together and the fact is that we have the conditions of inclusive education, i will definitely say very good. i wish that one day we will not have a separate sampad school, but this issue has conditions. ma'am , this is not the first time, but
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we cannot have a system for the elites, we must have a plan for the elites of the country. i also thought that it was shahab, that is, the identification and guidance of top talents, where did he get to, why was it not actually implemented, see why it was not done, dr. hakimzadeh. once a ball came under you, masha'allah
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, which i had, mrs. dr. alhamdulillah. it will not lead you to the desired result because it also has some problems . i said that since our teachers are implementing it in schools and we have the feedback , let us help you to modify shahab and
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implement it correctly with a scientific method . it was clear that due to the fact that the measuring instrument was wrong and the results were wrong , answering the same way and it did not lead to anything, mrs. doctor , despite knowing about this issue , she did not agree with our correction plan and cooperate it didn't work. our corrective plan was to put it in a qualitative and descriptive evaluation because descriptive qualitative assessment was one of the goals of talent identification , and we have to improve the tool. even with the help of my colleagues, using a scientific source is a much more suitable tool . let's implement shahab's plan as well as saramadan's, because you can see that saramadan's discussion with the talented talents is a different category. without
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considering these things, shahab was trying to follow the path that actually your tools are right and your tools will not hinder you. it answered and this separation was done what was the discussion that we raised that based on the principles of education science and the achievements of the leading countries in the field of education , anyway we can learn from successful experiences , now i wonder why we are just a good role model. the american education system that does this work, our plan was to plan. let's implement shahab. in the shahab project, the students of sarmat will identify various talents and then we will go to the enrichment program through the fact that the children who do not have only one talent, some may have artistic talent, some may. sports talent and some may be excellent . what is the world doing now
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? is it enriching? is it using summer camps ? i was showing you these articles, which are all new. they are very new articles that have strong scientific arguments and emphasize that the separation of students from tisosh students is to their own detriment as well as to the detriment of the society of normal students, and the good thing is that a he has a general view , he does not look one-sidedly and say that these are less, for example, they may take tests, and later they will be accepted in these fields. be it that they will immigrate less later , they will be recognized less. it doesn't look like this. do we only know success as the success of passing the entrance exam ? we say that a balanced and balanced growth should happen in all its dimensions, it should be from an emotional, social, and responsibility development point of view.
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social acceptability of all these harms that we are facing right now, the children must, for such an event to happen, these children must, do we have a greenhouse society, do we have a separate society. at the same time, these children should be used for their talents and capacities, but they should not be isolated. some very successful educational systems that are examples in the world today have no semester at all.
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he said that there is no hope for us, shersan finished his work, and that means if it was implemented, that plan could be a replacement for sempa, no, it could not. do you know why, you know why, because there were still no requirements for what to do if you find a good child in a certain village. this was a plan that only these were supposed to be recognized. by the way, some friends who criticized correctly said that they were recognized.
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with our requirements, with our planning requirements , you agree that now, in fact, students his intelligence is measured only by these educational courses, and now the mechanism that i told you, mrs. zadeh, is what they are talking about, that this is the only one, for example , they study memorization lessons. a skill was developed . i am surprised. a four-layer model
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. these were the events that happened . you see, many times we said that our chicken has one leg . i don't know about the plans now . i don't know about the plans something happened to him, but it was a plan that was based on the walls of sampad and according to the iranians, as the doctor herself says, i am right, i agree with them . if we have a difference of opinion with someone, we become enemies. i respect them very much, i love them very much, but
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i look at it from the perspective of policy making. you see, the plan of khan ellum was based on a building that would accept students so that students could move freely. nurturing, if a gifted student can send a vision , take an intelligence test, be approved, the student will be attached to the sympathy, these were the things that were happening. students who may be studying in nomads or in remote villages and we
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don't have the possibility to actually provide them with these capacities, so what is your answer? this is the most bitter thing. that we should say that because this plan is the same argument that i made that our very intelligent children may be in tents in the villages and friends say that because of this they were identified and it was not possible, so it is better to let them go, so it is better that this was not implemented . well, the result is that for now that we have smart schools, we actually bring these students to these schools,
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i will explain. yes, mr. shahma is one of iranat. the basic thing that is included in the isolation programs and the programs for the identification of smart people is based on the test, not based on scientific sources, for example, i am saying that in iran, because there is a debate, in any case, you have a history, by the way, the direction of these
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identification programs is which is based on the test, usually ignores the more disadvantaged groups and so on the reason for their conditions is that the more disadvantaged groups do not have the possibility of access and success, and the fact that these programs are in america, where in fact this class system or education has become a model for the policy makers who are working in this field, most of these schools are private schools , one of the serious criticisms that the reason for this is that the children of the minorities are more than the black children, if they are smart, these schools cannot be expensive for them, so some states like ours , which is also culturally progressive , do not have this program at all because it is a rich discussion. simple , now you are interested in their educational documents also, look at the orientation towards the school and the damage it causes even to the children who
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are educated in these schools, but the lack of justice in not being able to carry all the children is one of the things that, unfortunately, dr. they also said here that since i was identified, you said what were you doing, but i will go back to the first conversation, so i have a wrong assumption, doctor, one thing is that if they are not separated , something very unfortunate will happen, which will not happen, because if someone naturally knows he should be an excellent teacher according to the scientific definition, not an excellent one who goes to such and such classes come to the institute and give the test. if it is excellent , i don't know if you were a teacher or not , but every teacher emphasizes that when a student compares to his peers with the same experience , he can process and learn much faster. and he raises questions, not that he goes to solve questions , he is smart, he raises questions, not with this wrong method, this can be identified, that's
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why when you identified these, if you look like a greenhouse and isolated and continue the wrong policy. okay, it is possible that many of my good events and my good programs will be implemented in these schools for this knowledge the students, however, have to sit and take the entrance exam and the final result is that they leave the university. i would like you to listen to the students who have the experience of attending these schools, the competitive harms, the competitive atmosphere, the problems they experienced when i i look, for example , my student has gone through this whole process in class , the tests that he has had for 6 years, his parents, fars, etc. , he had wrong expectations, this label was given to him, then today he comes and sits next to another student in a process. it became normal and then the society actually abandoned it, that is where it is there must be a bottleneck that they should be nurtured , they will be left behind, and then they are labeled so superior that instead of
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seeing themselves as debtors to the society, they see themselves as creditors of the society, and as soon as their smallest means are reduced, they say, well, let's go to better places. they reach us when we say, well, they are right, why don't they think that why they say it was given at all, it means that they have a responsibility from god and each and every one of the ashar children who live in those tents with rials and tomans that are not enough. it has been spent per capita for these children, most of whom are from wealthy families one of them leaves and goes with all this, in fact, i am really looking at how many deprived students we have actually made more deprived and ignored because of this wrong policy of segregation . hakimzadeh talks about the consequences of this separation. in any case , the students who graduated and are now students , and they are closely watching the achievements of this plan, see
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that every policy and every strategy should be reviewed after adoption and its harms reduced. that doubt there is no such thing. many times when the doctor was in the ministry of home affairs, when i was in the ministry , it was discussed that we should sit down and come up with a selection process. it is obvious that the national leader will fall to the ground if there is no agreement, not because we were identifying them, i said that one of the issues was this, but
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sometimes people, now, mrs. doctor, this is about their intelligence, of course, they take a piece and rely on it. first, the second point is whether all the harms of education are only sampada's fault , or whether immigration is only sampada's fault, not with these topics no, in any case, you are bringing all the issues to their attention, but we have to accept that immigration is more sympathetic to students. yes, yes , look, the fact is that this was an issue that i followed this approach since, in fact, at least the time i was there. i am sure that even now my friends are following this , giving a sense of homeland , giving a sense of belonging is not something that can be given to people with an ampoule, it is something that should be given to people little
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by little . when you come back, let's look at the returnees. they sympathize with your children , they are working in the current government, we are now we are not who you are. look at you, mrs. dr. yavari, she is working. mr. dr. iman eftekhari , a member of the cultural revolution council, mr. dr. miad salehi . we don't want to say that they are all gone. let's go find the reason and correct it. well , i'm just announcing that there are less than 8 minutes
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left before the end of the program . both of you, please, talk for two minutes. i also have a final question for both of you. i will ask for a couple of minutes to answer that question they point out that they actually borrow names to prove their words. if we have to name names, well, i can name many prominent figures who are not in iran now and we are deprived of their services, so citing that so-and-so has a position in the government and creating sympathy with a wrong idea and policy is really harmful . it has affected our educational system and we can have a much better alternative for it. in my opinion , it is more than a scientific answer, borrowing from the factors of life. it is to prove the claim that i wish the doctor would not do this. regarding what you said, i remember that once in one of the provinces for a project. on the first day of mehr
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, i was invited to go to any of the provincial foundations, depending on the school that was considered , it was the sampad school, and i was forced to actually go there, otherwise, my preference was to go to a normal public elementary school. it was decided in advance and naturally it could not be messed with . i gave an example and said that no one doubts that chenran was a scientific genius, not us who actually there are prestigious universities in the world and this was not segregated in these schools, and because he understood ordinary people , this high sense of responsibility and indebtedness made him return to his nation and help the disadvantaged people, so it is very important that we
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insist. let's not think that separating these is a solution that we can reach the elites. i emphasize again. correct identification of elites, not with these methods. alhamdulillah, if the friends distance themselves from the political noises and in fact its implications, and focus on scientific topics . they will admit that today the world is very different this is how it can be identified with a scientific method. and... then it is possible to provide the grounds for their upbringing so that every child in any part of iran is included in these programs as the human capital of this country and there is no need for segregation programs, so let's talk for two minutes. we will hear your final words. yes, i am also devoted to dr. chamran. we are definitely indebted to him for all of this, without a doubt, and if i mention his name , it is not because i want to be sarcastic. ha ha and blame, doctor, not me in my government, not you,
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thank god. we make the children of the country in the lap of the government they are working, even though you and i are not there , there is nothing wrong with the management of one or two quarters per hundred meters . no , my opinion is something else. my opinion is something else. my opinion is that if dr. elham yavari, as one of the children of sampadi olympiadi , is holding the flag here today, this matter means, well, look at this . well, i will emphasize for a minute or two. i hope one day. we will reach a place where we have a program for our elites and be so developed that the teacher who
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wants to go. the class is so rich in every aspect who can put all these together , because the statistics we have today do not tell us this, the number and the figure do not lie to us, the number and the figure tell us something else , we have the sample averages, we can see now. therefore, sampad is still reserved as a strategy to replace the existing one , according to our program, it oversees the upcoming elections of the islamic council. what do you expect from the next parliament in this regard? briefly, if you please , i hope that sampat schools will be able to implement the issue of the elite document, according to the considerations that exist in the country. which we started with your attention, the end of the conversation, ms. hakimzadeh , what do you expect from the next parliament? i hope that the next parliament will consider education as an investment and for tech. every child who
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lives in this land should be valued equally and as much as education is important , help us to have strong foundations and a fundamental change in supporting the meaning of education. thank you very much to both honorable people and also thank you for following up until the end of the above program tonight until the meeting i leave you all again to the great god.
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hello, dear viewers of the phil majlis program, he said , "what are you doing?" he said, "i am making a slogan for the merchants of the majlis in the world, that is, the lobby, but the lobby has the rules of the game." in the middle of mr. hashemi's work , you were not threatened in the seventh round because you voted or not . you are at the table. every day at 1930 from khabar network.
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in the name of god, the most merciful, the most merciful , dear viewers, good evening gas consumption in the country with. also, the gas consumption of domestic, commercial and non-major industries in the country increased by 4 million cubic meters and reached 610 million cubic meters in the last 24 hours. the director of the country's gas management center asked the subscribers to consume gas sparingly .


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