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tv   [untitled]    February 3, 2024 10:00pm-10:30pm IRST

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july 1400, when we had one launch , we had a total of 13 space launches in 1400. i apologize. since the beginning of january, when i said, 1400, until now, we had 11 launches. god willing, we will do two or three more launches. z. well, these launches represent the work that all departments are doing on the ground, because the satellite we are building has dozens of sub-systems and dozens of departments . our experts test these in our laboratory, many tests in the infrastructure we have. but as long as it is in space don't worry, we don't know if it really works or not. that is why it is very important that our launchers can successfully put us into orbit, which, alhamdulillah, for the first time in this government, we were able to successfully launch satellites of about 100 kilos.
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of course, it goes without saying that these events cannot be achieved overnight during the last decade, but in these two years , it has gained a very good momentum, which only the number of launches shows that, in any case, serious and special attention is paid to this our field has never been a waste of effort anyway we are not stretched, but i said that in these two years , it has gained a good momentum, so now, thank god, we can test the things we do on the ground and the tests we do in space. i saw a video about the joy of my colleagues and the creators of the iriya and mehda satellites at the space research institute , how excited they were after receiving the signals. we receive ground stations that are built by ourselves, and this is a matter of pride. it works in all sectors acceleration follows . we have many satellites in the launch pad in the manufacturing department.
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we will have a launch by the end of the year, mr. doctor , please inform us that we have at least one more launch in the plan, which god willing will be carried out, an operational core will be put into orbit . due to the conditions of our current launch bases in some orbits , in fact, we do not have any space, now it is one of the largest space launch bases in the country, which can be launched due to the limitation of our own launch point. we don't have it, we do it with the cooperation of other countries, and god willing, it is the first. our own book
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will also start from this important point that i mentioned, god willing, in the field of ground stations, we now have two ground stations, and god willing , we will add two more to it by the end of next year , which will allow more use of satellites. the ones we have in the space will provide us because you are waiting for the experts who are placed in the layer of leo because their circulation speed is more than the speed of the ground , they will appear over our country several times a day. more orders to them. let 's download the data faster than they actually do and get it at our disposal. for this reason , it is important for us to develop our ground stations in the field of application . ok, i will explain because people sometimes ask that all these satellites will be launched anyway, what will happen to us anyway , what is going to happen in our lives and what will it look like, i think if there is an opportunity.
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let's talk about the same uses before going to let's talk about applications, doctor. a report has been prepared regarding the nuclear achievements that we had in the last week or two . we have had space in the last week or two . you have mentioned a good point. let's see the report together. we will return to your service . i am at your service. iran's space industry with a satellite on simorgh, the voice of qarsh simorgh this time, while it is going to be 3 months. and carry the universe with him and place them in the earth's orbit, in the sky of my country and in the infinite space , although they are research satellites , they are very necessary for us because the technologies there are many in the field of satellites in the country , and in fact, the technologies that have been developed by iran's internal experts
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are gradually being stabilized through this launch and the launches that will happen in the near future, god willing, and our designs have reached maturity. it seems that we can play a serious role in the world's space industry, and in fact , this happened when on the third day of this year, the qaim sad satellite put the soraya satellite into a 750 km orbit for the first time. look at this iranian moon, which goes with the moon for the first time in an orbit of 750 km from the earth's surface. be placed throwing noor two noor three, khayyam, soraya, mehda. ateb kahan and biological capsule are only a part of the capabilities of our country's space industry experts in the past two years. we can use the various propulsion parts for other tasks, that is, if we want to go to a higher altitude , we want to use heavy cargo, we just need
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to do one step less or more, or we can actually use one engine in this satellite, based on the 10-year industry development document. hand space we saw the report together, mr. doctor, in the space industry, you mentioned that the uses of satellites are different in different industries let's talk about the applications and regarding the operational satellites that we have for the next layer, the next step which is geo, we will be happy if we talk about it . alhamdulillah, we are now among the 10 countries that have a complete space cycle, which means we both build satellites and have
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launch bases. that we can use this spatial data that we are talking about, of course in each of these five stages, we are actually at a point that definitely needs to be improved , for example, in the area of ​​our launcher, now , thanks to god, the geo layer can almost be said to be a fixed fan, these launches must be repeated anyway . let's be sure, but anyway , we got it. for the first time, we successfully placed it in the geo layer . we were 500 km. we reached 850 km . we reached the 4500 km elliptical orbit. yes, i want to tell you. we have a long way ahead of us, which is 10 years old i really wanted to say this in the 10-year document for the development of the space industry, which was approved last year by the supreme space council, and which mr. president announced to all subordinate departments in our government step by step. today, mr. president mentioned in his statements that
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i am very happy that it is clear that mr. dr. salih explained step by step , the respected head of the space organization, what is the program in each field in the field of satellites, for example, we have various types of satellites, measuring satellites, which are single and radar satellites, satellites that are available to you. the televangelists are experts in all of this it is clear where we are going to reach year by year until horizon 141, and this is the roadmap of the country's space industry , which, god willing, is being followed . also, say bio capsules, mr. doctor. yes , we are talking about bio capsules. in space and space explorations, if i have the chance , i will talk in more detail. first, i will answer the question of my application. take from these applications that
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exist in everyday life to applications that different departments can use spatial data to improve their own productivity, for example in the field of agriculture. smart level estimation of products we can use spatial data . recently, we did a project with the ministry of agricultural jihad. for strategic products such as wheat, barley, rice and various products , you made 10 strategic products . what did you say about strategic products ? it is interesting that the data that we extracted about wheat, for example , almost coincided with the statistics that they had collected in a traditional way, from the surface of wheat. by using the intelligence of different algorithms , you can recognize that this product, for example, is different from
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rice, different from cotton, and if it works accurately , it has more than 90% accuracy, and this is a happy place . of course, colleagues are also working to improve these algorithms. using real spatial data. to deal with the pests, the experts present to you the measures that farmers can use, for example, if frost is about to happen , they have meteorological data. in every sector of agriculture, these data can help us to be happy. yes, we are happy today in fact , there are innovations in this field and companies of scientists who are using this spatial data to improve agricultural efficiency. in fact, i share without actually saying what to receive or in the area. there are certain ones whose data
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are not provided to us by the western country, and we can use these data from these satellites to discover new mines in the country in the field or in the field of monitoring natural resources, even in the field land monitoring we have now defined a project that is in progress by using the images we have, so that we can, for example , an area where there is a lot of empty land. it is common for us , for example , to take a picture from that point once every two weeks, the images are matched with the help of artificial intelligence, and the points of difference in these images can be found, even to the extent that, for example, a brick of a brick machine is empty, it can be recognized if it was built and if the device is not authorized, it means that we can recognize the device , in fact, we will intelligently provide it to the relevant institutions and they will check if it is authorized. or not, and if they go to work without permission , they will stop the work like this. for example, if a multi-story hotel is built in harim, a river , then we will think about destroying it. if i am not mistaken
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, there is khayam satellite. now we have many services that provide us with accurate images, one of which is khayam. well, all of this can lead to i told him to increase the efficiency of countering the corruptions that may happen on earth, according to mr. president, the eye of our seer is on our heads, which does not care about mountains and plains and these natural obstacles , he can get information from space. appointment let us be able to make a proper decision on earth. another thing that is happening, sir , apart from these direct applications of space knowledge overflow and space technology in our industries , today is a part of the exhibition that we showed to your boss, which was actually the space knowledge overflow in the other sectors. which is being used in various industries, has been commercialized, and even has one of the foreign export products, which is actually designed for space work. it has been one of the sub-systems under space systems, then it became an independent product in our own industry and even as a customer.
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a foreigner has also found it and this can lead to transformation in the rest of the industry. well, thank god, mr. doctor , you mentioned the privatization in this industry, that the private sector should also enter . we have a plan in this field. we are following the use of the capacity of companies of private sector scientists in the space field, we are working from the satellite sector. we started now with some companies this year, we signed a contract with them, a consortium from the private sector, the biggest space contract in the history of the country that was closed with the private sector this year, one for the satellite system. shahid soleimani, there is a telecommunication system that i had actually asked a question in the edition. god willing, our plan is
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to have a system of 16 to 20 missiles by 1404 with the help of the private sector. god willing, our launchers will be fixed at 100 by then, and we can actually launch them with our indigenous launchers . god willing, we will use it for the first time, we have actually contracted the purchase guarantee of the image from the companies of the scientists to build the bren mahura themselves. please launch it either with a domestic launcher or , as i said, if there is a limitation, an external launcher and we would like to purchase these images in advance . the experts make them themselves . my colleagues in the space organization are following all kinds of contracts that we can follow. let's make maximum use of the capacity of the private sector, of course, before this, even in the defense and satellite construction sectors, a large number of companies of private sector scientists have been brought together to build sub-systems. it used to be used and these honors that we celebrated together today and the good events that
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happened in the past weeks are mostly due to our experts and scientists in the companies of scientists, but now we have trusted them and entrusted a part of the work to them, you are waiting even in the world, the issue of launchers is actually left to the private sector. we have several international companies that work in the field of launchers, our friends in the right sector, in fact lashkari and friends. those who are following the discussion of the launcher , they are also following the same path , starting from under the systems, god willing. the day will come when we have companies that can actually argue with the management of the armed forces. in the space sector , i thank you for this discussion of space technology. well , there are many questions and many topics. if we want to discuss something, we will take the time of the program. we want to discuss the next discussion in the field of the national fiber plan. mr. doctor , do you have another question in the field? yes, i want permission because when i asked, the first person who asked me, mr. hossein kazemi, answered his question. they said
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that in the field of independent satellite network, we can. i asked them again what they meant. do you mean radio and television satellites or a satellite system, please explain both. i explained the satellite system, thank god , we now have the knowledge of system building in the country , because this one actually has a special knowledge that satellites can interact with each other when they are placed in space and become a ground management system. it can receive the data in the form of a cloth and explained from these . we are doing this with the help of the private sector . god willing, the first series of satellites will start. let's launch them in the field of radio and television satellites, which is located in the geo layer , that is 36 thousand kilometers . now, let's take a thousand kilometers as an example of
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transponder transmitters, which are actually radio and television satellites, my colleagues at fermatla communications research institute. the ministry of communications has been tested and , god willing , we are trying to do the sub-circuit tests in this government, we are actually in the field. we are working on making satellites ourselves, but we definitely will not postpone the current needs of the country for four or five years, and wherever there is a need , we will pursue the work through the international cooperation that we have, but the path of its localization is being completed, which, god willing, according to a program that is part of the 10-year development of the country's space industry, god willing , we will go through this step by step. you see, it has one main function and several secondary functions
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. its main function is that we finally join the group of countries that experience life in space. now scientists from different countries go to the space station and there anyway they are conducting various experiments. after all, the future of mankind is looking at the resources of other planets. right now, this competition has started. in any case, five or six countries are planning to build a lunar rover to the top of mars. other planets will go, so we must be ready . we also have another function, which is that many of the technologies that are used in space exploration and life in space are very advanced technologies that we can use if we achieve them. we can use these in other industries of the country let's do it, in any case , it will be one of the honors of the country if we can be one of the five or six countries that can actually have a biological capsule and experience it, mr. dr.
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ziyad. in this regard, we will first see this prepared report and we will talk about this matter in the service. it was december 1400 when the minister of communications promised to implement the national fiber network development plan by the end of the 13th government. we put fiber to homes or fiber to ftx points on the agenda, god willing we can launch 20 million high-speed trains all over the country. the implementation of this project started in march 1400 and it is supposed to be 8 million by the end of this year. this coverage should be carried out and so far more than five and a half million households have been covered , which means that this opportunity has been provided to them. currently, ten communication companies, including iran telecommunication company, rightel shuttle, fanap, asiatech, hayob, the pioneers of sabant, mebinnet , are participating in its implementation, and each province and city have accepted in the country. the regulatory organization
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for radio communications also supervises the implementation of this plan . don't fulfill your commitment as quickly as he did commitments are taken and given to other operators . the commitment of 20 million coverage in the 13th government is the first step, and in the seventh plan, it is predicted that we will have 20 million connections by the end of the seventh plan. the implementation of this existing plan will increase the speed of the fixed internet and reduce the internet load , and it has resulted in people's satisfaction . we are completely satisfied with its speed. the internal networks are excellent, which means that we rarely encounter late arrivals. for more detailed information on how to cover optical fiber, go to the website at go to iran and look for their neighborhood
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. we will tell them whether they are covered or not. if they are not, who is the operator and when will their neighborhood be covered? now the optical fiber producers are making double efforts to provide fiber. they bought a new set that is bigger than here. god willing , we will produce more products that can meet the needs of the country. i think a few months it was in the past when the president visited golestan province, it was the first province that you announced full coverage and the power fiber plan was fully implemented there. in the previous plans, he said that we want to cover 8 million households by the end of the year. for your presence, in the previous section, i would like to express my special thanks to our space experts and scientists in
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various departments, from the defense forces to the actual departments of our universities, our experts in the ministry of science , the pashukah space organization, who honestly made us proud and in this decade. fajr brings a wave of hope on the 45th anniversary of the victory of the islamic revolution dear people, i created it, i made a virus, i said morning. it has not been entered yet
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, i think we have rejected 6 million, what has been confirmed in the system , i know that i have actually received a large part of the information, 5 days, 460, and god willing, we will soon celebrate 6 million in the presence of mr. president. in golestan, at the beginning of december , we celebrated 5 million, 4 days ago. god willing, soon i will pass 6 million during a trip to the province. excavations have been done in many cities , so to speak, fiber is shot or placed in it, and our effort is that, god willing, this the 8 million that we promised to reach the people, god willing, is a very difficult task, mr. kiai, in all these cities we are working, as you can see in the picture, all the alleys and streets must be dug, ducted, fiber installed , equipment installed, a 10-year job. we are doing 3 years in 1.5 years, almost 1.5 years have passed and 1.5 years are left. and with this dedication , we work to manage the cities we have and all our friends who are in charge of city management anyway, respected mayors , respected governors, members of the police force, with this spirit that
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i see, god willing, we will be able to provide this possibility in the cities by the end of our government . there is also a doubt that was raised here in my questions, asking what is the difference between coverage and connection. we have divided the work into two parts . we will go to the nearest people's houses and provide service to our dear people . we will be green on iran's site. the condition for green is that anyone requests fib for the operator specified for that city . provide this new service for his dear people after the region is actually provided, naturally , our dear people will enjoy this blessing from this new possibility, for example, you mentioned golestan province, so now this possibility exists. my dear people, they must take action. another dear has asked what the tariffs are, what should we do. if there was a point in iranftic sabz that they can search for their neighborhood with a
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simple search on the iranf site, their request to register that company is even a fight inside my building with the operator . it will be, that is, the service that does not exist now in places where it does not exist, should cost several million tomans. practically, the subscriber only has to pay the cost of the modem. some pay. he even receives the modern operator in installments and counts on the service . my service is different from the packages according to the amount of traffic that you buy, from for example 100,000 tomans to 200,000 tomans per month . on this site, iran afti tix is ​​also a part of the news and reports. we told the operators that every city they work in , they should report day by day every week. doing it is an attractive part, as they invite the media, there are very good films, and dear people, it gives hope that in different cities of these two hundred cities
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, there is a city that has work. it has become a big construction workshop, the progress of which, my dear people, you can see after referring to the football game. you said that a record was broken during the broadcast of the game . yes, alhamdulillah , it broke the record of 7 terabits per second on the domestic network, only domestic traffic of seven traffics . it passed per second. i want to make a comparison. at the beginning of the government, this number was almost two and a half, that is. almost three in fact, this result is the continuous development of communication infrastructure, for example, we only have our traffic exchange points, which we call, the capacity has increased 6 times in these two years, and now our internal platforms can manage such traffic in the whole country, this is your tv. it is my honor for the country, sometimes, in fact , one platform has traffic of 3 to 3.5 terabytes per second, which
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is a great honor anyway. that we were able to localize such knowledge in the country, or the message of our media in the same way, one of the messengers even passed the traffic up to two terabits per second because it was broadcast live. football was played through messengers and domestic social networks and through tv . some people are on the road anyway, especially today, they prefer to watch through their phones . there was total traffic in and out with each other than actually. if we allow you to move on to the next topic , in the past year, of course, we followed up on the topic of e-government in smart government. a report has been prepared for input into this discussion . national service window the smart government is a shortcut for people to access the electronic services of government devices faster
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. this task is aimed at making the device itself so that the user can access all the services of that device with a single authentication. an issue that the president emphasized on the need to realize in the first meeting of the government board in 1400. i want from the ministers regarding the issue of forming the systems that exist now , but they are not related to each other. he should communicate with each other. systems can work together. this issue is in the 1401 budget bill was also brought and by the end of the year more than 93 executive bodies were connected to the national window of smart government services. providing services through this portal was also assigned to the agencies in the budget law of 1402. we have passed the connection, now that it has finally been connected, what does it bring to the people?
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bringing their services, but with the end of the deadline for the devices in providing electronic services through this window , we still saw the failure of some devices. now, about 634 65% of the services are provided in this way, like some devices it's much less, as you mentioned . in fact, our request is from the honorable members of the government who are around the government table, as well as the ministers who are outside the government. it is your duty to fulfill this legal obligation quickly . according to the law of devices, in addition to providing sadr sadi services, by the end of november this year , they should provide at least 20% of their services in an intelligent manner by the end of december. morteza yaqoubi azizi. well, doctor , we followed up on this issue this year, until the end in the month of november, they would come and provide 100% of their own services . at the end of december, the inquiries should
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be 100% electronic. what is the status of the devices now? i would like to thank you for your follow-up with the radio and television, the reporters of different departments.


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