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tv   [untitled]    February 3, 2024 11:00pm-11:30pm IRST

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the takfi rule and other terrorist groups were collected by the american government all over the world, and the former president of the united states admitted that they were created during the obama era, and secretary of state hillary clinton was behind them and created these terrorist groups. they have done for the past two decades and the us government has relied on these in its foreign policy based on the theory it had to create insecurity, in other words, they want to create chaos in order to justify their interference in the internal affairs of countries that it is targeted in the middle east region it calls for them to have the main sources of energy and at the same time with all their own strength. they are trying to ensure that
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there is no security and stability in the region, and they are disrupting the security and stability of the region, and they are also preventing national leaders from coming to power so that they cannot control the situation, those who can lead the nation outside of the climate equations and between international and american therefore. the creation of al qaeda, isis, is specifically the work of the united states, which created them, and al qaeda, since the past decades, when they created it, according to clinton's own admission, their goal is the same. they were created to fight against the soviets in afghanistan, later they were expanded in different areas with different names, and sometimes
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with iraqi forces and resistance forces in the region, in fact, and they are trying to fight isis. on the other hand, we see that america is seriously support isis and al-qaeda and support them. the americans always say and say that they are not looking for the expansion of war and tension , but today in the statements of hamas, hezbollah and even the iraqi government, we can see in all of them that it is said that the americans are exactly looking for the expansion of the war. do you think american politics in this?
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what is it really about, do they want the war to develop because of helping the zionist regime or do they want to prevent the spread of tension for their own interests. anyone who has strategic thinking that arab and global experts should. in fact , these things are the priority of the republican and democratic parties, and we all know that this is the priority of their and the republican party's foreign cases, including even the internal cases that they use in order to rule. but in this framework
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, we should focus on the election season, the ticket that the republican party has and the weakness of the biden government the leadership of the democrats is facing the expansion and influence of the power of the islamic republic of iran in the region, and we must also emphasize that
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until they inflict a strategic defeat on the zionist regime , and now they are engaged in a prestige war , it is an existential war, and it is possible that the regional war will spread and the conflicts will spread, but the forces have actually come to the conclusion that the zionist regime has reached the suicide stage and the end stage. and everyone understood this issue and understood that war should not develop. because these issues and these forces of conflict must be preserved and you can see them now that the american forces were eroded in the region and they do not have the previous influence, especially since
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the americans and europeans behind them are trying to keep iraq as their own base. remember, after losing iranian oil and russian gas, especially after russia's conflicts with the west in general and ukraine , i say goodbye to mr. asad turki from baghdad. yes, we want to see pictures of the continuation of international support for the palestinian people.
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he was attacked by the arab army al-suri al-masala al-tahaniyyah is an attempt to lift the siege from the zionist enemy, and of course , he is a partner of the americans, he is a partner of the zionist enemy, and
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he is moving the industry .
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are there two parallel paths with the situation in gaza or not? we have to see them separately. in general , the american presence in the region is because of the regime of three and every action happens in some way, even if i have little connection with it , it has a wide connection with this issue. i will do the same as the supreme leader saying that after the 7th of october will be different, the region will be different from the next. it seems that at the strategic level, the initiative in the west asian region has fallen into the hands of the resistance groups, and the resistance groups are in some way strategic determinants, but in the tactical field, finally as we know, 120 days have passed since this case in the field of justice
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. practically, we are almost zionist . i said this maybe two months ago when i was at your service . now after 4 months we still have it i am saying that not reaching their minimum goals means freedom, even for a limited number of prisoners. a few days ago , we had the positions of the former prime minister of the zionist regime, elmert, who said that our problem was that netanyahu came and set impossible goals for the war , and now they are talking about some issues. and the most interesting thing is that now, considering that in the gaza strip, they are advancing on land in the northern parts and they are making advances in some way in the east of gaza, but it is not a special achievement, and their forces are increasing the number of their ships, but on the other hand, this is that now the news is coming that in
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the negotiations that are being carried out are for a truce on the palestinian side, which is specifying the conditions. as i said, it is a strategic initiative , but in the tactical area, well , the zionists are taking the same actions. that the land is completely under his control , which should be concentrated in other places, but because of seminsa, he entered this arena for his own ideological and civilizational interests, and as a result of this contradiction , it is actually a flawed goal. and we can say that these actions are actually taking place, but as you can see, the outcome will be that
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today the iraqi government, which until some time ago some currents of the parties thought that a balance would be established in iraq with the presence of the americans, has almost come to the conclusion that the presence of the american occupation is in the best interests of no one. it will not be one of the parties . the negotiations that took place during this dispute within the zionists, we saw very strong positions from the side of smotrich and ben guer against netanyahu or any possible agreement that is proposed there , but we witnessed that, for example, the leaders of hamas and jihad ismail ismail haniyeh and zayad nakhwald had a phone call last night and announced a common position . today, i heard that it is going to be in a limited time. hamas
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should announce its response to the plan that seems to have been set up in paris . what direction do you think the discussion of the ceasefire and the exchange of prisoners will take? well , it seems that the zionists in the field of continuing the war are now talking about operations. when netanyahu is in power, this process will continue in a way, that is why the zionists came to this conclusion. that the day when the end of the war is announced in the occupied territories, as it has not been announced yet the whispers of the cease-fire we are seeing is that the internal cohesion of the estati regime is severely shaken. now we are dealing with a multi-polar political group, benguir smurterish, who criticizes that they want a serious approach , and the pragmatists in the cabinet are some kind of right pragmatists. the leftist currents and moderate currents
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also feel that the actions of the zionist regime and netanyahu's policies actually caused operation storm. today , the number of demonstrations in the occupied territories has increased. yes, this is a rare thing. in the regime of the year during the war these things happen. django as a factor for cohesion after operation storm and continue and know that it will not achieve anything from the side of the united states of america until it comes to this result. that the zionists do not reach a unity and a government replaces netunyao must go so that a government that
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can unite the zionists does not come into being . the united states of america also continues in this chaos in the region in my opinion, but by controlling the situation, that is , in the saqq sea, with a control. in iraq, with a kind of control , the interpretation that you had that the contradiction that mr. dr. sariad pointed out is that americans cannot fully protect their own interests , nor can they fully support the zionist regime. now, with such conditions, where do you think these negotiations will lead? how positive is it to witness a ceasefire? well , according to the signals that are coming from the sides , it seems that the ceasefire is now going forward with a series of commitments. in the same situation, the ceasefire means the cessation of django, we may not have witnessed it, but the ceasefire is coming, there is a
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strong signal, but the problem is that this ceasefire, if the length. if it increases and its period increases , it is a problem that is sending a serious message to the world that the palestinian groups and consequently the resistance groups have achieved an effective deterrence against the zionist regime and a deterrence against america which somehow this deterrence is expanding day by day, and this expansion will not result in the expulsion of the united states, and even closer in the future, god willing, maybe the destruction of the zionist regime, and this message is becoming clear, just as they are losing their cohesion inside. giving abroad also has a kind of tactical and strategic concern these are signs of an issue that we
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will hear more news about in the future. thank you for pointing out the concept of deterrence. i don't mind. also, this concept of marketing somehow controls the behavior of political rivals, and after october 7th , zionists practically lost their deterrence against palestinian groups. as this morning, the positions of some people. political senators we saw the americans, they announced that it is true that we had an attack in syria and iraq last night, but we could not revive that deterrence with them. it is interesting that even last night , they opened some of the bases of the bases that the americans have in the region. the americans' resistance to attack in the discussion of deterrence after
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october 7, what is the loss of a deterrent in principle in the whole of west asia, now seems to be gone. if you see the deterrence between hezbollah and the zionist regime, the deterrence between ansarullah and the american and british forces has disappeared. the deterrence that the americans were trying to create in the region so that their bases would not be targeted, now with the targeting of the american base in jordan, there is a concern that has arisen inside the united states that the 37 bases they have in the region may be targeted. it means that the bases that are in the territory of other countries will be targeted by the resistance axis if the process continues in this way, and now not only deterrence has not disappeared, positive deterrence is being created in favor of the resistance front, and the resistance axis is working in such a way. it goes on that america in
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being inactive means worrying about bases without missile defense in other arab countries in the uae, saudi arabia, qatar, even incirlik air base in turkey. these are targets that the resistance axis can easily target and cause heavy casualties. remind the americans that the united states is constantly saying that we do not want the war to spread , because if the war spreads, the first country that will suffer in the region will be theirs, which is actually an easy, principled goal for the axis of resistance. they will be converted, that's why they are looking for that before from reaching that stage , manage to establish a ceasefire in the region , manage ansarullah, the axis of resistance, and manage in syria and iraq
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. now, right now, if today. both the americans and the british officials emphasized last week that we might even recognize the palestinian government after this war. it has a kind of election flavor , it is exactly for the same purpose, because if your schedule doesn't allow you, if you look 80% of muslims in america voted for democrats in 2020. now it is 20% and in the electoral system, 10,000.
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the policy of the two governments is to preserve them , to preserve the space, and to manage the american economy, so that at least until the elections. this is the process that if it is going to be, it should be mentioned in some way before the election, if of course it is in the army. for example, there is talk of michelle obama . anyway, they are managing to complete the work. thank you, mr. sariad mr. ajulo, i thank you for the end of the world. we will arrive one day. good night, god bless you.
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hunters approach him. in the first hour of publication of the posts, several grown men are sending messages. for example, in one week dozens of people
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called through instagram. apparently, people like this man are not few. according to a statistic published in 2023, the german institute sysz says that half a million hunters are active and a threat to children in cyberspace every day. created so that adult users can contact children they don't know. the company has closed accounts used for research in this case. who closed the accounts?
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the us senators impeached the ceo of this company. in addition to mr. zuckerberg, some parents also came to the congress building with these pictures. do you know who is sitting behind you? families whose children were severely injured and you did not take any action to compensate for the damage you caused. your hands are stained with blood. your product is killing people. in this meeting, the chairman of the senate judiciary committee from internal emails. he unveiled the meta. revealed that some time ago, zuckerberg disagreed with the company's chief executive's request to increase the security of platforms such as instagram and facebook done. mohammad javad rahmana sed and sima news agency.
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sweep the gifts opportunity, nazam home city. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. hello, good night . welcome to the football magazine program on a night when we want to talk about a win that can certainly change our football and maybe together we can win. let's go back home after many years to this team. kudos to this team and the guys are really hot , especially the second half.


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