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tv   [untitled]    February 4, 2024 4:30am-5:00am IRST

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the result of the election could be heard as a kind of breaking the taboo of the accepted slogans of the revolution in all the years before that . in those days, the economic problems of the country were tied to the foreign policy of the islamic republic. they speak multifaceted slogans that are in your mind. different people
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did not have the same meaning. after that, the story of barjam and ama agarhas made the issue of iran's foreign policy even hotter. for the first time, during the negotiations, people saw the iranian foreign minister walking with the american foreign minister the american president did not talk to his iranian counterpart on the phone. to all this, we must add theoretical debates about the correctness or incorrectness of more than 3 decades of foreign policies of the islamic republic. discussions and debates, which critics were not all anti-revolutionary and anti-islamic republic, and by the way , you could see people who had serious responsibilities in the system at times even during imam khomeini's lifetime. now, for many people , there are many questions and uncertainties about foreign policy, the answer to which can be found in the review of imam khomeini's positions on foreign policy. ir
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iran does not recognize only one country , that is the occupying regime of al-quds, but apart from the regime occupying al-quds , the islamic republic did not have political relations with south africa, america, and egypt during the time of imam khomeini, which means that among all the countries in the world, the iranian revolution had cut relations with only four countries. when fastidious people who are fans of communication with the passage of time. the islamic republic should only have relations with the nations of the world, not the governments . on november 6, 1963, imam khomeini gave a speech to the officials of the ministry of foreign affairs. others do, and why should we have a relationship with the governments? we go to the nation and
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have nothing to do with the governments. this is a new plan and a very dangerous problem and precise mischief. we should act as in the time of the beginning of islam, the prophet used to send ambassadors here and there to improve relations. and we cannot sit and say what we have to do with the governments. this is against reason and against sharia. and we should all be related . however, there are some exceptions. we do not have a relationship with them even now. but the story of those four countries that iran was with at the beginning of the revolution it had no political connection. one of the countries with which the islamic republic had no political relations during the time of imam khomeini was south africa. south africa is a country in southern africa and on the coasts of two indian atlantic oceans. this country had a 9% white european minority that has been in power since the 1940s and with a system based on
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it was a type of racial discrimination and it was known as apartheid , they ran the country. the exact meaning of apartheid in the word means keeping separate and apart. but in political terminology, apartheid is interpreted like this. keeping people of different races separate non-white forcing them to stay in certain districts and provinces, depriving them of all political rights and the possibility of education and advancement in areas where blacks live. they are forced to live in it with minimal facilities and have no right to leave it. apartheid had been condemned by many countries and iran had no political relationship with this country because the 90% majority of south africa was oppressed for decades. of course, the same racist south african regime was the second largest buyer of oil from iran in the two years before the revolution and had a close relationship with the pahlavis. in all the following years since the 50th revolution. the islamic republic
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supported the uprising of the people of south africa led by the african national congress against the apartheid regime. a year later, the administration of the south african government
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was removed from the hands of the apartheid regime, after which political relations between the islamic republic and south africa were re-established. but the story of the occupying regime of al-quds after the first world war, england and france divided a part of the geography of the ottoman empire among themselves , but at the same time, palestine was decided to be administered under the supervision of the united nations. a little later , despite their agreement with the french, the british occupied it and took it under their control. this it was the best thing for the zionists because they had already decided that the jews of the world would go to palestine. jews were provided for palestine. the journey of the jews to palestine
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was not an ordinary migration. because the zionist militia groups like the hagana, who were trained by the british , started killing and killing palestinian muslims . until they have to fleeing from their ancestral lands was such that the zionists were finally able to officially announce the formation of the jewish state in palestine in 1948. great britain abstained. palestine was approved, of course, that year with the support of the united states and of course the threats and threats of the heads of the world, the recognition of israel was voted in the united nations general assembly, but it was decided to divide the palestinian land equally between the jews and the native inhabitants of palestine based on the plan to divide the land of palestine. may jerusalem
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remain as a religious city for all ethnicities and religions, but the zionists even gave allegiance to the united nations partition plan, in addition to the whole. they also attacked parts of palestine, syria, egypt and jordan and made it part of their land. the zionists attacked lebanon several times but due to the resistance of the resistance groups , they could not annex the territory of this country to their own geography. well, it was clear that the islamic republic of iran cannot recognize such a government and communicate with it. of course, apart from iran, there are 31 other countries that do not recognize israel. lack of communication iran and egypt go back to the story of the zionist regime and the occupation of palestine. the egyptians were the leaders of the arab world in the fight against the zionists until 1978. but when they could not take back the sinai desert occupied by the israelis by war, by betraying the cause
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palestine and in exchange for taking back the land that was theirs, they recognized israel. at that time, the president of egypt was anwar sadat.
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i will never forget your side of us in times of crisis. anversadat had a close relationship with the shah of iran , so much so that on 26 january 1957, when the shah
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fled from iran, the first place he received was egypt . it was egypt's betrayal of palestine and its enmity with the revolution of the iranian people that caused the islamic republic of iran to have political relations with this cut the country between these four countries, the story of america is known. that the islamic republic is with the occupying regime of al-quds it was not compatible, it was clear to everyone , that's why only 6 days after 22 bahman 57, yasser arafat, who was considered the leader of the palestinian authority at that time
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, entered iran as the first foreign guest of the islamic republic and met with imam khomeini. less than two months later, on april 5, 1958, imam khomeini described the camp david agreement and egypt's compromise as treacherous in his first official stance on foreign policy. in the summer of 1958, imam khomeini named the last friday of ramadan the holy day. on the last friday of the holy month of ramadan. which you specified as holy day with the message of imam khomeini, hundreds of thousands some of our fighting muslim compatriots gathered in the yard of tehran university and the surrounding streets to once again show their solidarity and unity and to honor the quds day for someone whose place is very empty, imam musa sadaqa, and we hope that wherever he is, he is safe and sound.
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may it be successful and victorious. now mr. abdul halim khaddam , the minister of foreign affairs of syria, will speak in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, in the name of surya al-samadeh and in the name of the leaders, president hafez asad. non-muslim countries too will be held quds day is the day when we should warn all the superpowers that islam will no longer be under your control because of your evil deeds. quds day is the day of the life of islam, muslims should
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come to their senses, they should understand the power that muslims have. imam khomeini's positions on palestine continued. when the israeli army invaded southern lebanon in 1961, imam khomeini attacked the conciliatory arab rulers with harsh language. infecting islam today, the ears that should listen to the problems of muslims have become deaf, and the tongues that should speak for the interests of muslims have become deaf. they became dumb and the eyes that should
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see the calamities that were inflicted on muslims were blinded. what can we say to these dumb, deaf and blind people? do these regional governments take the issue of lebanon. they do not know a disaster. they do not know a disaster for islam. they do not know a disaster for the muslims of the world. if they see and know the disaster, why is there no talk?
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if they are interested in the essence of islam, they are interested in the holy quran, and they are interested in the holy mosques. why is it that these religious principles are being trampled on today and threats are not being made against islam, the quran and the two holy shrines. now imam khomeini is one with authority one of the pillars of the foreign policy of the islamic republic, which supported the islamic resistance in southern lebanon and palestine. these days, the
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islamic republic of iran does not have political and diplomatic relations with only two countries. one is the occupation regime. quds and that one is america. of course, in international relations , it can never be expected that there will be no conflict between governments. it is not that difficult to find imam khomeini's behavior pattern in foreign policy. it is enough to put together a list of similar events in order to understand how imam khomeini reacted in similar situations. for example, when to the nation iran is directly insulted by a politician. the people of iran insulted that both times imam khomeini reacted once carter called the iranians terrorists and the second time when reagan called
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the iranian people savages. iran is wild, if the meaning of wild is that they are not tame , in contrast to these things that you want , they are not milk cows, then you call it wild , and if it is really wild , you say it in the sense you want. you have no account you talk the barbarian is the one who does not allow the powerful people to violate him or the barbarian is the one who wants to violate him. one should not talk recklessly.
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if you have a referendum. among the nations of the world, who are the most brutal regimes today? i suspect that if there is no consensus among the nations , there is an overwhelming majority that america is another characteristic of imam khomeini's behavior in foreign policy when a foreign power threatens iran. imam khomeini. he always emphasized that you must show a serious reaction in these situations, for example, when the americans threatened to attack iran and it was rumored that they were going to send troops to iran with heliborne. they had shown the people the big issues that people thought that if
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you say something now, american paratroopers will come in and destroy iran. in this case, they keep coming to us and telling us that they are writing from outside, that they are sleeping, that they will pour a medicine from above the head of the embassy and make everyone unconscious , take everyone down, and sing in qomm. they will come and take you here, even some people came and told me that you didn't stay here at night, he said. it is poetry that says this these are the words that are written in hossein kurd's book .
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when reagan and carter threatened iran with economic sanctions, imam reacted very quickly . it is not enough time to restrict us economically. for example, where are we stuck ? people think that if we don't buy such things from america, for example , we will not be able to. we have too much. in the same story, there was a threat of economic blockade, when imam khomeini gave an interview to the famous egyptian journalist hassanin el haykel and with a strange interpretation.
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he took a stand against the american threat, but the economic issue and these are the same, the same fabric, these weapons are outdated, mr. carter thinks that we do not know the world at all, we have no knowledge of the world. there is power and it has what and how much i am weak and how good and the likes of zalik and the whole world. our opinion is, for example, until they say that the economic blockade in the world will be closed to us. it is one of those fantasies that they drink coffee in front of themselves in the white house, or if they are eating, they rub their heels together and think this.
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these words are not relevant to us, we said that we will remove ourselves from this earth of god one day. another characteristic of imam khomeini's behavior was to try to clear the doubts that the media was raising against the foreign policy of the islamic republic of iran with extensive propaganda. for example, during the lifetime of imam khomeini, a wide wave of propaganda was launched several times that the islamic republic of iran is isolated among the countries of the world, that sometimes they say that iran is isolated, what do they mean? let's extend our hand to him, 100 against him more than us he answers, but we don't pay attention to him. similarly, others, if the meaning is that we are isolated in front of the nations, then everyone knows that the nations are all paying attention. now, wherever there is an islamic community
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, our sunni brothers and our shia brothers are united regarding islam and the fact that everything should be become islamic and their own country becomes islamic, all these issues exist, and this is the light that god almighty has shown mercy and has shed light on everywhere, imam khomeini also had a specific position in the story of hajj. imam khomeini sees hajj as an exceptional opportunity for the awakening of the islamic ummah. he knew and in the messages that on the occasion of the hajj ceremony , he used to listen to this fact after the hajj ceremony.
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with this huge demonstration and with these loud slogans , some of the idols were broken and god willing , it will be in the future. to add to these issues every year and connect muslims together. and shout together where there is a place to shout. but perhaps the strangest feature of imam khomeini in foreign policy is trying to guide the politicians of the countries to the right path. this is a problem that has not been established between the political leaders of the countries before. imam khomeini wrote a letter to gerbachov wrote that he practically did the same thing. the same letter full of respect and politeness in which he predicted the end of communism in the history of mankind.
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he saved the soviet union from falling into the trap of the west. he considered the problem of the soviet union to be away from divine concepts and religious values, and at the end he emphasized the good neighborly relations and having good political relations between the two countries. the least fruit of imam khomeini's view and opinion in the foreign policy of the islamic republic is iran's popularity among neighboring countries. weak nations, whoever heard you agree with you, these are the ones who go abroad, wherever they go, when they say that the nation everyone who loves iran wants to close the eyes of hope to iran when you treat iran's neighboring nations like an
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older brother. when in events like isis attack on the first place they hope is iran , they know that iranians appreciate the empathy and companionship and neighborliness of nations. do you know that for the iranians, according to the will of hazrat ali to malika ashtar , the people of the world are one with them in religion or in humanity? that's why afghani, syrian and iraqi. when they become victims of terrorists , they seek refuge in iran, and this tells about the rule of the islamic revolution of iran on the hearts of the oppressed and deprived people of the world. slow down the foundation that imam khomeini laid in the foreign policy at the beginning of the revolution has made the islamic republic of iran a country that is not only an honorable winner in international relations in interaction with other countries of the world, but also an inspiration to the nations of the world.
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5 o'clock: it's morning tehran time, and dear viewers. on the third day of the blessed decade of fajr, the largest nano-ozone water purification system was unveiled. this system, which is localized in a knowledge-based company , performs the process of purifying the water of sadd al-ghadir in saveh city by producing nano-scale bubbles . without proof of the first new system of bread bubble in the country.


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