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tv   [untitled]    February 4, 2024 11:00am-11:31am IRST

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tak makaron is only at the top and let's go to the world mathematical olympiad mr. ehsan heidari gold medal. honorable mr. arvin taheri, silver medalist of the world mathematical olympiad, may god be proud and bright, god willing , always, mr. mohammad parsa jafarnejadi , silver medalist of the world mathematical olympiad. honorable mr. subhan
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aram, silver medalist of the world mathematical olympiad, congratulations to all these elites, mr. pouria rahmani , bronze medalist of the world mathematical olympiad. and world physics olympiad medal winners in the world physics olympiad mr. ali ghanbari silver medal world physics olympiad mr. sina fathi silver medal world olympiad congratulations and happy physics thousands of times. his excellency mr.
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seyed mohammad mahdi mousavi, silver medalist of the world physics olympiad, mr. mehdi shirinbayan, silver medalist of the world physics olympiad, mr. shayan faiz eskoi, bronze medalist of the world physics olympiad. congratulations and be happy, be proud and successful , mr. parsa pardali behrouz , gold medal of the world computer olympiad, mr. amir hossein vahidi tabar, silver medal of the world computer olympiad . respected and dear families of these elites
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and these medal winners are also among us . give a special encouragement to the families. they work very hard at work. mrs. fatemeh tamhari, silver medalist of the world computer olympiad, mashallah. dear mr. sohail mohammad khani , the silver medal of the world computer olympiad and the world olympiad of astronomy and astrophysics, please give special encouragement to all dear ones, and mr. amir mahdi esmaili taheri, the gold medal of the world astronomy olympiad. his excellency mr.
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mahdi, ostad mohammadi, gold medal of the world astronomy olympiad in physics, mr. arvin rasulzadeh , gold medal of the world astronomy olympiad, mr. seyed amir hossein mousavi. silver medal of the world astronomy olympiad and mrs. sarina farzad naseb, silver medalist of the world astronomy olympiad. congratulations, shine in the sky of science and culture of this land, all my dear ones , please come and take a memorable photo next to mr. dr. raisi. dear president
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, have a good time. this photo is one of those other very important photos. the elites of the country, yes, mr. dr. hosseini , are the elites of this country. the honorable director of the young students' club, this frame is a sight to behold for the medal winners. oran medal of the world olympiads of biology, chemistry, mathematics, physics, computer and astronomy. and mr. aria fatih,
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please come, the gold medal of the international olympiad a member of the selection course of the astronomy and astrophysics olympiad team is amazing for the honorable presidency. yes, i would like to explain the names of all these elites in this panel with the title "strong iran
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" . we are at the service of mr. dr. raisi, president of the islamic republic of iran , with respect and honor. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, alhamdulillah, the lord of the worlds , and the peace and blessings of god be upon him, and our prophet muhammad and his family, and the companions of muhammad
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, i congratulate you all on the blessed ten days of fajr, god willing. may almighty god bless us and all of us during these days . may our holy system be revealed to the islamic ummah. i congratulate all the medal winners and all their coaches and professors, all the caring families and fathers and mothers, and those who tried to make our loved ones proud and have medals for our country and for science and knowledge in the country . i sincerely thank them all, teachers. and the coaches who play a big role in making the children ready to participate in
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the world scientific competitions and make them proud. the preparation of this place as a club for young students, the efforts of the honorable management , the honorable minister, all those who played a role in making this club ready, for the dear children and friends who helped in different parts of the government , i would like to thank them all so much today.
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it is both the occasion of honoring the medalist status and actually the official exploitation of this club. first of all, i would like to point out the blessings of the islamic revolution and the fajr decade of the islamic revolution. attention to science and space science and space knowledge and the promotion of science have always been emphasized and emphasized. our honorable imam as a leader this revolution itself was a wise scholar. if you see imam's scientific effects, despite his age. and the many occupations that they have 50 volumes
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of books, many of these books that the imam has are reference books, that is, they refer to those books, jurisprudence, legal, philosophical and theological books, and mystical and moral books, valuable books of the imam, and they have a personality. there are those who are unique in the field of science and knowledge, they are creative, they express words of a kind that their professors and great scholars before them did not have these words.
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he is a wise scholar who always emphasizes the growth and progress of science and knowledge in the country. if we want to look at the scientific centers before the revolution and compare them with today, we will understand completely how much knowledge we had then. how many do we have now? how many students did we have then? now, the number of faculty we have today is more than 100,000. we have faculty members now in the country and in scientific and research centers. look at the number of articles. that day, the number of articles was 500. today is 1956. if you see the number, it has reached 78,000 articles. you can see that we
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did not have international magazines before the revolution, but today, we have more than 300 international magazines . you can see what our conditions were and what our conditions are today. the scientific rank of science that exists in the country, all this shows that the revolution pays attention to science, the world, cosmic knowledge, and both learning science and applying this science and knowledge. emphasizing leadership and that work should be knowledge-based. it means that this knowledge that is learned in school and university should
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be implemented in the field of implementation . it should be the basic science of the basic technology. scientists for what, because science should come in the field of human life, their own works. therefore , it is very important to pay attention to science and scientists in this country as an axis and topic, and the capacity is also very high . in the country, well, this meeting is also to honor the position of those who were able to gain honor
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. you can attend various scientific fields and you will be proud. the flag of the islamic republic of iran will be raised , the anthem of the islamic republic of iran will be played, and these honors you created and for example, people who have won these honors , this honor should always be honored and respected, and this honor should be preserved and promoted. you, who have a scientific position, should not be satisfied here. say, thank god, we were able to find gold, silver, maybe a scientific rank. very well, now that we were able to find this scientific rank, it is enough for us. it should not stop here
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. we must definitely follow the path of growth and excellence. first , for yourself and secondly for your society, because all your work is for both yourself and society enjoy this science and knowledge, that is, the knowledge of physics, chemistry, mathematics, in any of these areas in which you were able to win medals, this should be useful for the society, the society should benefit from you. i will get an academic rank, my job is not a problem, i will have an income at all, well, this is very good, but what about playing a role in the society?
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it is correct to have them in companies in different fields, both governmental and non-governmental. you with people of the same age you came through science and knowledge . he may not have come treacherously. well, he also has a social influence in his own place. what is important is how we act and what we should do in this regard . this is very important, so pay attention to solving the problem, pay attention to helping the society. and people, this is a very important issue. it is possible that for a while a person will have a problem and say that now i will go and solve my own problem , very well, yes, it is necessary, but after all, we must be effective people in
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the society. it is very important for a person to be effective. being useful the teacher is an influential person. a professor is an influential person in his field, he can be very effective, a student is a very important task, an elite student is very important, so you, dear ones, who have succeeded in gaining a scientific rank and position, should not stop at this position and try to learn how to you can have this scientific position to serve and solve problems for people. another point that i want to tell you dear ones and your respected families is that the field of innovation and creativity is an important field. theorizing is very important. predecessors
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talk a lot, very good place. safe but we we must say the same thing or we can present new words and new words and theories based on solid foundations. it is about theorizing . look at your scientists. some of them are much higher than their professors. in fact, their scientific position is higher. he was a student of a teacher. but when you look at his book, there are new words in it that are not in his teacher's book. it's true? let me give an example to the scholars of our time. you see, for example, we
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have words from allameh towa taba'i. that the teacher allameh tabatabaei does not have these words, or one of the students of allameh in our time, one of the students of allameh athari we know that in allameh's words, this is not the case , the honor of the teacher is preserved, whatever student he has belongs to the teacher, but the way to theorize new words is always open to thinking . and from these debates and from this exchange
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of ideas, new ideas will be created and new theories will be created . therefore, many problems of the system of problems can actually be placed in front of you for which they may not have found a solution before, but you can solve the problem beautifully. solve it nothing is unlikely from you come on, we can do it in the field of science and knowledge , we can do it in the field of mining, agriculture, water, electricity, and people's lives. in all fields , we really can, and you have proven in the scientific field that you can, in a high scientific position. place yourself and climb from this position to the highest position. this is quite possible. so the club of young scholars is a thinking club
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. both for learning and for improving skills. and the application of knowledge to the employer. our dear knowledge here states that the olympiads are not just that we want to benefit from a series of learned and the formulas that are in our mind , we should be able to apply them and this requires the skill that i am happy that i attended one of the classes, i saw that the teacher himself is an olympiad who has a background and in fact teaching skills to our loved ones is actually teaching them skills, and their job is to teach them how to apply this knowledge, and this is very important, so i
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want to tell you that, god willing, this club will continue to be alive and a type of club that can always serve our loved ones and our elites. keep and he can come out of the group of problem-solving elites elites should be recognized, more elites should be invited, self-identification is very important, no one says i am elite, but when we look, we see that in a corner of a city, in a corner of a school, there is a person who is really elite, that means finding elites. paying attention to the elites and their problems , but the last words that the dear ones have expressed here , first of all, tell the elites about the problems
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of the elites and give the elites a mission to solve the problems of the elites themselves. we completely agree with this statement. mr. minister of science is sure that i am in the elite issues take advantage of the views and opinions of the elites, definitely in the working groups, not one elite or two elites are invited, it is possible to be a gathering of elites, sit down, discuss, examine, examine , and it can definitely be useful and effective for you two ministries. and it can definitely be useful for the government, but the plan that our sister mentioned, we sat down and thought together , and we are presenting a plan. in order to be able to solve the elite issues in the country, we will certainly welcome this plan , god willing.
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what is the solution, god willing, and certainly in relation to the club's current equipment that mr. hosseini and mr. wazir took action on. regarding the staff that can be employed here, this is your proposal , of course, the administrative staff that can be employed here , we definitely agree with it, but you say that there are people who may not be office employees , but they can actually be effective here and be used. ok, i think that mr. hosseini can solve it with his suggestions . only i compared to i have always emphasized the principle of force
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, mr. sahrai also said that fairness in employment is very important for us, it is important for us to have a competent person, but fairness in employment is very important. do it, but the community's feeling is that people are being selected and employed fairly. this is very important. this feeling is more important than their actions. it's not about your merits. it means that by looking at the merits, you can definitely use the forces that deserve to be here and have personal merits. if they have work skills, you can employ them. god willing, there will be no problem in this regard . we hope, god willing, that this club will be created with your efforts , mr. minister and the respected club official, mrs. inshallah, who is the head of sempado, and all
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the officials in education. god willing, everyone can try to make this club a symbol and manifestation of learning space science and the application of science and knowledge in the country . god willing, once again i congratulate all of you . i hope, god willing, great scientific progress. god willing, may you enjoy excellent academic courses, your teachers and coaches will always be by your side you should think about the promotion of science and knowledge in the country and we will witness, god willing, that mr. minister mentioned 30 medals. now i want to say that god willing , you can win much more than these. earn
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and be able to place scientific positions in the world . these are also good . complete the colorful world of your children in the all-iranian store. sale
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in installments without advance payment. without guarantor , looking for a suitable opportunity to buy carpets, all heavenly carpets, at the factory price, in a large iranian house, now is the time for an unrepeatable discount in the celebration of the above sale. super farsh beheshti from 5th of bahman to 5th of march , wherever we are going to buy rugs, it is better to pay attention to these points . what does the remaining cash consumer price mean? now i'm telling you, let's assume that the consumer price of this washing machine is 20 million tomans . now calculate the remaining cash. if we pay 20% in advance, it will be 4 million tomans. now we have to subtract this 4 million from the consumer price, which means 20 minus 4. it can be 16 million tomans, so installments and fees should be calculated on the basis of this amount. also, be aware
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that the fee for installments should be from zero to at least one percent. ok. home appliance city. in the name of god. may god bless ali muhammad and the family of muhammad and speedy their fate. hello, dear viewers , i invite you to join us with the economic news . the minister of energy said that the green switchboard of the energy exchange has helped the economic surgery of the energy sector. according to mr. mehravian, this board has solved the need of the renewables market for two elements, investors and demand. on the green board of the energy exchange.


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