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tv   [untitled]    February 4, 2024 1:30pm-2:00pm IRST

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because there is a government and the government installs it, these interferences also happen, and this issue of the car has not been resolved yet. my point is that you are saying that i don't know the debate, these things happen behind the curtain of our legislation, which has caused the parliament to be in charge of the affairs. take it and it is and it really is, it will weaken a bit later, only the people know that the only so-called effective force on the economic destiny of the country , our social culture and civilization, and that mr. said that we must form an islamic state, which we are still on the way to, is the majlis. and it is my most important pillar , after all, the more people vote, the clearer they will be let them know their candidates more clearly and the things you say happen less often. this happens in the continuation of my programs and i remember the year
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1985. i think the issue was the targeting of subsidies . we were talking about an issue regarding the import of the so-called bread baking industry, which should be banned. well, this vote was passed. then, even if it is okay, yes, if it grows domestically, that is, inside sindh, until the country becomes self-sufficient in the production of so-called bread baking machines. importing it with such a percentage will not take 6 months immediately. then we saw that
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this happened and a very large and famous factory , which is now a large baked bread factory, opened and imported cars, that is, imported cars . now look at yourself in the same way . it has not come, when did you order it to be registered? if we have a law for many things that people can do themselves , the parliament will be relieved. we plan one way, another way and if they die let them manage the economic sector well and let them intervene in the macroeconomics as well, and in revenue generation, productivity, wealth production, all of these , well, they are the ones who pay taxes, the wealth will increase when we close our hands. these things happen on the sidelines
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, they also happen in the parliament, these laws mean , for example, the issues related to the rules and details that you mentioned, which heat up the heads of the representatives, this takes time and takes time, which means that it actually makes you not do the main work in the seventh parliament. it took up a lot of your time, yes, it's normal, because we have to work according to the four bylaws, nothing else you can't think that the useful things you did in the 7th parliament are the most important, in my opinion, the same debate was one of the most important debates, the nuclear energy debate, which was a lot of debate. yes, the second row seat. yes , i was in the second row. next to me was mrs. tahrireh. roshd and onor were sitting. i think it was another lady, the first one. the so-called work that i started
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was the discussion of preventing the so-called plan that was discussed after sada abad, after the sada abad conference that happened and caused us to voluntarily pay the additional protocol. let's face it, my belief was and still is . i don't believe that those who are members of the mpt should negotiate with each other about what they should do about the enrichment situation, just like opec, and i have always wished that when they say let's negotiate, we should say that when you have a hat, when you have this atomic bomb, i don't know what i want to negotiate with you. over there , you are here. read
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and tell me that if i have any responsibility, i will really say that i will not negotiate with you because you are not on the same level as us, and we are not in balance with now. that. don't sit behind this, that means you have bombs, i don't have them. i remember mr. al-baradei asking him exactly why we have so much trouble with iran, and he said these things and these things in order to prevent the building of the century. he said this is because iran is a member. why did he say that india, pakistan , the united states, and israel, who are not members , have nothing to do with them? you see, we are being put under pressure with all the problems of our country after the nest flow. this is a position, come out, why don't you come out at all, what is going to happen, worse than that, i can't say why no one in iran says that i don't want to negotiate with you at all, what is iran for, either you go , sign it, sign the agency, that is, your mp, sign the membership, or i will come out, then we can
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talk to each other, israel, why should you insist on this? india has pakistan and this is why mr. el baradi said that one of my wishes is that we come out of m.p.i. when i was a candidate for the presidency of the first female president, i participated once in 1984 , and now i am talking about my political journey in 1988. one of the plans i announced was this, and it is my most important plan. it was that i will allow the people to do whatever they want in the economy, after the haram work of importing and exporting, of course, other than that, their business is production, and everything should be in people's hands. ok, if i can, and at the same time, one of my plans was to collect the tax from the so-called expenses , now we are saying, "pos, now we are saying the card , it's the same, if we take the tax from the expense , not the value added tax." anyone who
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spends anything, we will take 3% of each, and we will see what happens. now there is forgiveness for some people, who said that they spent a certain amount, in fact, it is a consumption tax. can you see if the consumption is over, mr. ofgami? let's face it, in the end, it will have to be paid for. if they start this work now, it will be effective, but in my opinion, this work requires a lot of courage in the economic issues of the same car, the work of the car that they say is behind the scenes, and these things are not allowed . let our non-oil income rise . forgive me, behind the economic curtains.
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let him be healthy, avoid him and all the factors that he collects around him, i am here to tell you that in this discussion , we are working on the factors that affect governance. hazrat agha's statement is that 12 years ago in kermanshah, in my opinion, he spoke to the youth and said that we can rob our presidential system of many structures . those are not the main principles of our constitution. sir, but it is possible to change the system in some of its structures, as we had a prime minister before, it was changed, and the imam gathered the elites and elders, and your belief is that now the prime minister should return to being the president, not the prime minister. they said that the presidential system is possible now. we are going to make it a parliamentary system. yes
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, i did this in other words, that is, to get a vote from our parliament, you see mr. ofgami, the election starts from the villages and goes all the way to the top. it has a series of social and political financial costs for us if we remove this, and now three people and two people are always nominated by the guardian council. 290 people vote , now how much, now, how much later, a president, after two months, three months, the one who voted, got 180 votes, easily at night and in the morning.
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we voted for the government, this is your package, and this is your budget. our budgeting is also very good, sir in the case of corruption, we write the motivation of every little thing, and then the things that happen, the same little things cause corruption. in the so-called generalization of the budget in the provinces, we give the budget to the whole province. every province, every province, every ministry is divided, you go, but if it happens, we it's easy for you to think that when the election of the governor starts , the governor is almost determined . a lot of elections we can't give importance to it because
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our current governments mean that the parliament should elect the president. what can be done to increase the number of female representatives? in my opinion, television can work very well. radio can do it very well. the imams of the mashuqha congregation. university means to announce to the people and to announce good women to encourage them. i remember that it was an important issue, well , the inheritance of women from the term erdoyan and the so-called land and air thing that they say was famous only from the nobles of the air. it takes away from our building and well we used to visit imam agha fractionally once a year. i go to the course once, we went to the women's faction, it was very long, maybe two
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and a half hours, we talked, finally, there were different issues, the issue of gender justice was brought up. at that time , i remember about the discussion of polygamy and the discussion of issues . the family was also mentioned in the assembly, they said that i am also worried about this noble verse of the quran let it be misused and the wisdom of this verse will be lost. that verse, which we have discussed a lot about men and women , we said that you agree that we are talking about the issue of the city . we wrote a letter to remove the wedding from the land, because you know that many villagers are hurt, women, for example
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, had several hectares of land, when he died, for example, a house of 100 meters . shahram as well, well, we came and made two emergency calls, well, one of them was going gentlemen, i won't name it now, being a cleric, coming to oppose, saying with two urgency, and i quickly went to serve them, so to speak, and said, "haj, sir, why are you doing this?" i said, excuse me, we are the authority of the jurist , the seminary has its own right , and in any case, the gentlemen are the authority after all, but the new jurist said, but the jurist, do you know what he meant ? sahn and tu sahn ali, i remember mr. larijani announcing that one of the men in the field had expressed concern that the jurisprudents had questioned the issue and expressed mr. lahai's opinion.
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john announced that i talked to mr. he agreed and you don't have to worry about it, god willing. see how long this matter took . yes, we worked a lot. there is no violence in the house of some people , it is a danger. it was the most critical day you had in the 7th parliament. yes, there were two or three . there was one when i first arrived. now, for the first week , they divide the representatives into commissions , of course, with the records they have. well, because i was in charge of the country's weapons, now i was out of the country. he suggested that i go to the national and international security commission because of foreign issues and languages ​​and so on. things happen in the chairman's board . well, we went and got that vote. no, it's not me, and
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one of the ladies who had only studied abroad put it. it was a very important issue for me because i wanted to work on defense issues with names and security issues. second , the so-called issue of this discussion, in my opinion, is that it was a core that the chairman of the commission, in my opinion, with one, i don't know why he should do this, that our exit from the mpt and the issues of the same additional protocol like this. at that time, i really felt hurt , i have a feeling that our whole country is playing games, for example, maybe two or three people threatened me saying that if you say these things, sir , they will be upset. i know, i said that you are the representative of mr. sir , i said, i either speak or write a letter, i am a representative, i am not your representative
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, and i do not think that the independence of the country against enrichment and these are against one of the plans that i was targeting at that time. don't give subsidies at all i was against cash, i came , domestic gasoline at that time was around 30 million liters per day, i think it was 20, i divided it according to the population, then according to the population in each province , i thought that this is the gasoline you have. it belongs to the people. well, we want to spend this money on the amount of each province and the population of the province. i took a percentage and wrote the plan in this way that we do not cash this subsidy, let's say that the gasoline of zanjan province, for example, is so much per liter in tehran , if we are really going to target it , the gasoline of zanjan or tabriz, for example, should not come to tehran. for example, if it costs more, let's leave it and then divide it according to the number of people, maybe 4
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liters per person per month, yes, it was 4 liters or 3 liters for me. the plan was that we would come to that cell every month, no matter if it was a baby or a village, we would say 3 liters per month, for example zanjan . this was my opinion. let's say that this 10,000 liters belongs to zanjan in the government account. it belongs to the people if they want to get the profit . it means 4 liters of gasoline per month, for example, 10,000 for example, in zanjan, this would be four liters per month for everyone in 12 months. this is a hidden capital of gasoline money at the free price, as you said in the so-called fob, the so-called persian gulf , at that price, it will be a subsidized share of
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free gasoline for zanjan or suppose tabriz or tehran. this money stays in the government's fund , why is it set up and let's assume that it wants to invest, it wants to build a road , it wants to build petrochemicals, and its interest is added back to the woman's account . this is the loan if this is the day the lady said, i want my money, she knows how much money she wants to spend, for example, to live, study, and so on. now, a person could sell this to the government at a free price , he could say that it is possible to do this now . one of the problems was
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what to do when we give gas here, for example, at that time it was 100 tomans, but there is no door, for example, there, yes , or a villager says, "i want to sell my 5 liters for 3 months, i want to sell them for 3 months at the border price, for example, 1,000 it would be 50 tomans, for example, 1000 tomans at that time , unfortunately, it brought 2 to 3 riyals less than the country 's cash assistance, which i had equity shares, and then we would come from the profit of that money , which would be a lot of money, so let's count it now. it will be my plan. let's give free 30 liters per month to an individual, if he likes to sell it to the government, he can sell it to you, for example, the gasoline is mine, and you may say that i want to go on a trip, lady, you should give me your card, i will buy 30 liters , buy me, if we do this, that discussions, for example, increasing the price of gasoline and other issues, are also helpful
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he is afraid because i am getting my own subsidy, i will sell my 30 liters , it could be 30 now, then i might sell it to the government at a free price. now let's assume, for example , i will sell 10 thousand tomans, i will get my money, if not , it will still be in the fund it will benefit me and it will be a lot of capital. how many children do you have? i have three sons, a daughter, a daughter who is a doctor and two sons who are computer engineers . i mean, how old is your youngest child, he is now 31 years old, so he has finished school, yes, but he has not been employed yet, why do they hire freelancers themselves? they say that we took the parents' rent, we are working ourselves
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, we are hammering, they are doing their work. after all , how many years has your daughter, who is a doctor, been working ? nakhir iranandeh has studied in iran. he studied in iran. what is his specialization in skin and hair? yes, from the students of tehran university and iranian medicine , have you thought of establishing a women's party? until now, a party means a party with only women members. we went after it as maybe we should create a civilizing women's party, as the gentleman says that civilizing is one of the characteristics of our work, but the work of the party will grow when it is really open in the process of streamlining . because recruiting members in the party is a completely permanent and daily organizational task , that is, having a party with a progressive program is good, and if it is successful
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, it might really send the largest number of female representatives to the parliament. i hope that in the future, but now that we are trying to encourage women to be more daring and speak up, and we gave a training class that is a bit. they can do better for themselves master, then we have many decision-making centers , mr. afghan, now look at the expediency of the supreme council of cultural revolution, and all of these should be dissolved. in my opinion, this parliament should be organized, and in parallel with the parliament, they are discussing the same car issue. how much to take there? so why should this be done? the assembly cannot approve the law, it must send the parliament to do something.
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let's say, sir, we want the gold, for the women's gold, it was recently to say what we want to do, the feedback will come, what will shape the law, being focused on the real needs of the law. it has to be like this, isn't it? it's not too long. yes, tell me, i've given you a headache . thank you very much, mrs. rifat bayat .
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through this institution and the social activities they are doing, they should introduce other representatives to the parliament and introduce them to the people to go to the parliament and do what they did in the seventh period in the twelfth period. good night. various political and economic tendencies in the elections together make a contest the importance of elections in choosing a strong parliament. the key is in the hands of the people. does it get ahead of your competitors? order pricing. it is impossible to fix the land price by order. how are naftabadans paying him for murder? watch football. you agree with the concentration of all activities in tehran. you
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can say that this problem will be solved by moving the capital . khabar network today wherever we are, tomorrow higher , different political and economic tendencies in the elections together race to. the importance of elections in electing a strong parliament is the key, it is the hands of the people, what prevents your competitors, mandatory pricing, stabilization of
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land prices. it is impossible to make an order. what are the qatari naftabadans doing? they are paying him to watch football. yes , it is mostly behind the window and it hurts the media and the press . we do not want footballers on the board of directors. do you agree with the concentration of all activities in tehran? you can say that with the transfer of the capital, this problem will be solved. 4,400 business applicants will come to the agricultural market, but the debate on trends will be closed. on the eve of every election today at 15:00 on khabar network, wherever we are , we will be higher tomorrow.
1:57 pm
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2:00 pm
hello, welcome to the half-day news. president in the honoring ceremony of the winners of the world championships. government it welcomes the plans of the elites to solve the country's problems . the necessity of forming working groups to solve the problems of the elites. the election field of the 12th islamic legislative council has become more competitive. the spokesman of the guardian council confirmed the qualifications of more than 500 other candidates.


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