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tv   [untitled]    February 5, 2024 1:00am-1:31am IRST

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own a carpet. iran is the cradle of its form. hello again. the third mahdavit national conference. and the islamic revolution was held in shiraz with the theme of promoting and educating the waiting generation. at the end of this conference, 20 activists and khair mahdavi and 3 best articles in this field were appreciated. it started with reading the message of ayatollah makarem shirazi. the idea of ​​mahdavi and waiting for the savior is not only an islamic idea but also a human idea.
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the third national conference of mahdavitism and revolution, which was hosted by shiraz. looking at the necessity of today's human society that we, the waiting generation, must educate, we can , god willing, present a better way and get to know each other better. it should be done for human societies. friday imams, clerics and professors of seminaries in fars and iran were present. special guests are ayatollah siddiqi, imam of friday in tehran and hojjat al-islam qaraat. the chief of staff was offering prayers. there should be a movement regarding the interpretation of the quran. 45 years have passed since the revolution . the quran has not been given its share . no one has acted on this verse. as i repeated this word twice, the holy book should be taken seriously, we did not take it seriously.
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hazrat mahdi mououd held a conference in shiraz which has received articles from all over the country. 210 articles with different themes have been sent to the secretariat. in this conference, 20 mahdavi and khair activists in this field were honored, as well as three researchers.
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top article appreciated. the best article in this conference is going to be published in the form of a book and made available to academics and the general public. mohammadari is the news agency and sima is shire. due to the efforts of researchers in iran , it ranks thirteenth in the world in the production of science in the field of cell therapy, taking over from india, russia, brazil and switzerland. a dream of five years. it is so fresh two years ago, i did not do these things he didn't have cancer, mr. arhan, what is this? and now he went through two years of treatment and was treated by iranian specialists and with gene therapy . can you believe that we haven't seen armano so well in 3 and a half years, he is in good condition and has a good appetite . thank god, his condition is really like a normal child. the field of cell therapy during this year.
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in terms of classification, cellulia is considered among autoloc products, this is done by the individual himself , and we are now using it in the clinic of royan research institute and in one or two of the referral hospitals in the country in the field of skin diseases. now with all these efforts our country ranks 13th in the world in the field of cell therapy in terms of science production and in terms of the registration of work.
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clinical is ranked third in the region. of course , the rank obtained after passing the sanctions . due to unfortunately. despite the cruel sanctions that we had , considerable progress has been made during these years. for a long time, patients like arman no longer need to be treated by foreign specialists, nor do they need huge treatment costs, thanks to the efforts of young specialists of our country. mehbouba delangiz of sed and sima news agency. the researchers that our country the technical know-how of recycling precious metals has been obtained from used car catalysts. the researchers of the scientific and industrial research organization of iran were able to
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recover precious metals such as palladium and platinum from the used catalysts in their exhaust with this new method. the purity percentage of these extracted elements is not only equal to foreign samples, but also from other aspects such as not producing waste water that is compatible with the environment. and the cost is lower than the foreign equivalent. the pest control system for groves and gardens was designed and produced in the country. this system is portable somewhere up to a height of 10 meters and the cooling system is considered one of the nuclear achievements in the field of agriculture, which is able to destroy worm eggs and harmful insects by using electromagnetic waves and without using chemical poisons and harming trees. the purpose of building this system is to control the pest of palm beetles and reduce the consumption of poisons. and the ineffectiveness of some devices in making services smarter. the minister of communications
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and information technology announced the list of devices that did not comply with their legal obligation to provide 20% of their services in an intelligent manner. the minister of communications in the talk show vizhi khabar of assignments in the discussion of making the government smart, he said that according to this task, 20% of the government services should be made smart by the end of this year, without the need for documents. determined to actually work much more, for example 10 10 to 12 total. yes, the average of all the services provided is smart , smart. our definition is that you don't move from your place at all, and you get the same service at the same time . they need more work. currently, about 8% of their services are provided in a smart way, the ministry of heritage
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13 and during your presence, the ministry of oil, the ministry of culture , 16% of their services are provided in a smart way. it must be upgraded. in the law of the 7th development plan, we turned it into a 5-year plan. 20% should be added to smart services every year. the national fiber network development plan was another topic of this program. a plan that is supposed to establish 20 million fiber coverage in the country by the end of the 13th government, and the people are supposed to be informed of its progress every moment. take we may be limited to large projects in the country that have a clear vision. we launched it, our dear people can see the progress of this work in iran. i checked now, of course , i'm sure i haven't entered some of the information yet, but more than 5 million 400 5 million 460 thousand households are definitely covered now. it has been promised until
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the end. 8 million covers should be established this year. drilling has been done in many cities, so to speak , fiber is being shot or placed in it, and our effort is to achieve this 8 million, god willing. we promised to reach the people, god willing, of course, coverage of 20 million it is the first step, and in the next step, the connection must be established. mehdi naqvi, sada and sima news agency, the next part of the news at 2 o'clock: the importance of elections in electing a strong parliament , the
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key is in the hands of the people. your question is an interesting question, you are a football manager, we don't want to deal with any kind of diabetes treatment. you are special to the higher program. in recent meetings, the leader of the revolution called the real competition one of the important elements of the election, which means that the field is open for the presence of different political, economic, and cultural viewpoints, so that all these viewpoints are with their differences can be a competition in the big election race. make it real and have an active presence in the field. as i told you, one of the issues that
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different experts disagree on is how to allocate subsidies . or should we basically come and give the subsidy to that final point, give it to the final consumer , which is the people, there are many experts who disagree on this issue, and naturally, another topic of the higher program will be dedicated to this. we will be at your service for the debate , so stay with us on the same topic that i presented to you. here in the upper studio, mr. hassan khani , an economic expert, is present as a person and a party to the debate who agrees to pay subsidies to the chain, and mr. bandanjad, another economic expert of the program, who agreed. i am against the final consumer and i am against payment in the way that mr. hassan khani
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believes in. greetings to both guests of the program , i would like to start with mr. hassan khani and this question is basically because you think that the subsidy should be given to the chain. be paid not to what is the final consumer, in the name of allah , the most merciful, the most merciful? hello, i am serving you, dear guest and dear people of our country . i am a football fan and we actually saw the national team win yesterday . i also congratulate you on this victory. let's become champions and shine in asia. talking about football. yes, yes, no . in order to answer your question , dear mr. bozor nasib, i must first give some introductions. i will try to be brief . it can be looked at sometimes by governments. from the perspective they look at their own budget, people
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look at it from the point of view of their purchasing power, the producer looks at it from the point of view of production power and production obstacles, and it is actually looked at from different perspectives and different angles. in order for us to be able to evaluate these angles together, match them and get a policy result from it, here are a few of these goals. i have listed the subsidies that can be followed by the subsidy payment policy . the logic of governance has no place. you pay a subsidy to any part of the chain, or to the consumer, or to the producer, or to various rings. but you don't understand its impact , it can't be observed for you, this subsidy
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has no special philosophy and cannot be defended. secondly, its effectiveness should be verifiable. if you feel the effect but cannot really test it, it should be reviewed again. the third issue is that the subsidy should not have a destructive effect on production. you can not be a chain to a manufacturer. o to a subsidized consumer even if the result of this subsidy is destruction of your production , you cannot defend it. the fourth issue is that the subsidy that is paid must be defensible for or bearable for the government. you must pay a subsidy that the government can sustain under the financial burden of that subsidy. bring it, but if you want to pay all the government's budget as a subsidy , this is not defensible, i am saying what i am saying . the conditions for the establishment and continuation of subsidy payment are correct. now, for what subject, for what
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product, in what form, this is a separate discussion. the last issue, which is very important, is the issue of corruption. mirror if we pay a subsidy, either to the end of the chain or to the beginning of the chain , we must be able to prevent and counter this corruption caused by this possible corruption caused by this subsidy payment. if we accept these limitations of these frameworks, we can talk about subsidies case by case. sometimes you see a subsidy for a product that is a basic product , sometimes you see a subsidy for a product that is not a basic product, but it is produced in the country of a motor such as a car, for example. this should be discussed on a case-by-case basis, and now, if there is a chance, god willing , mr. bananejad, what is your opinion, in the name of allah, the most high? al-rahim, greetings to you and the dear listeners and viewers of sima, with all the respect i have for the idea of ​​mr. hassan khani, i only
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have one criticism on the discussion that subsidies should be given to the chain , while you know the types of subsidies. it is different. there are 5 different types that exist now in many countries. it doesn't matter whether it is developed countries , developing countries, or countries that are under sanctions . most of these countries give subsidies in different ways, now or in cash. or quasi-cash or goods or public payments or exemption from they are giving a series of payments for this subsidy in different ways, but from something like 12 subsidy plans. there are about 50 of the subsidy payments that exist in the cash sector and the last cycle is for the consumer. now the methods are different. this is cash or quasi-cash or essential goods . this is a different issue. i want to say this in the chain. it is the basis of
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economic formulas that it hits and reaches its goal. and the effect that needs to be achieved in the society, but in an ideal situation, we have to discuss the economy of our country and the uncontrollability of this chain. it has limited our places, we are finally living in a country that may have a series of these borders with other countries , that is, in the area of ​​goods smuggling , it may be in various economic discussions in our country. the chain is not very controllable, it may be given to a place where the effect does not affect the people . we have the experience of 2089, where the targeting of the subsidy was done, with a part of it given to the people, and a part of it was supposed to happen in the production, that is, in that chain, but we saw it. this does not mean that this is what is intended for the chain for the manufacturer
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we have taken into account the difference in energy costs and this is not the case. it fell and finally the producer himself suffered due to the increase in prices, so in my opinion, the method of cash payment, which we are completely against, means that cash payment is given to the people, in my opinion , it is an absurd job from an economic point of view. about 600,000,000 and i think 50,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 . now, the money that is already there is there and it cannot be seen, but the hidden subsidies that are there , a percentage of this should
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be used to reduce the general consumption of the people . that we are doing for the long-term plan to reduce people's consumption , do you know how much our energy consumption is in our light ? on the other hand , we have to pay some expenses, and this is a subsidy twice in secret. let's give our energy . please let me tell you a side note about this energy debate. look at the energy debate. one is the intensity of energy consumption in the country. the other is per capita consumption . we produce . unfortunately, the value of the goods we produce
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is decreasing due to currency fluctuations, mainly because of this, the parameter and variable of the intensity of energy consumption in our country has increased . if we can see the per capita consumption in the country, maybe i mean the analysis of the best public consumption yes, the issue of production is something else, the fifth is the intensity of production that you say, the fifth is that we have in our country, for example, now, in order to analyze, i would like to say that we have a variable , the intensity of energy consumption, which is actually due to the decrease in value. yes, our gdip dollars. if i want to say it in farsi, it is more accurate. consumer leaders , from this point of view, it is better to look at it. if we want to maintain the issue of payment or purchasing power of the people, one
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should maintain the production capacity of the producer. you see, for years, us government the us federal government is paying subsidies to american farmers in different ways , because american farmers lose their competitive position compared to european farmers. pistachio american works should not be lost in the global markets, where the competition is very high, so my opinion is that if we want to talk about subsidy, we should talk about the fact that subsidy has no purpose, it has a method, as promised by the students, that is, because of a reason to reach a specific goal is being pursued, either it should be to support the end consumer or to support production or both now let's go to the red payment method. if you have pointed out correctly, mr. engineer, that we have a basket of methods in the world, that there are a series of goods that are directly
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supported by the final consumer, and there are a series of goods that are supported directly and indirectly through different cycles of the cycle. if we want to talk about this general version, we can't really give a specific answer . we have to do it case by case, for example, basic goods. usually, because they are less elastic , these goods are mainly paid directly or now. the payment does not mean that they are direct support or that the goods that are the driving force for a country are the driving industries. this is in the form of support for production. they are actually supported in different countries in our country. this is what you say. we have a structure in our country. our government and our sovereignty does not allow not to hit the target . i want to give you a critique here . if we are going to consider the government in the same condition as it was 30 years ago, yes , we cannot do anything, but if we believe that the government can be the governing system.
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he should correct himself , restore himself, raise himself, make up for his mistakes and correct his procedures. we must believe that the government must be able to create transparency along the chain, if one rial wants helpers in this chain from the beginning of the chain. he should pay for his choice until the end of the cycle . first of all, he should be able to monitor his goal well, he should be able to deal with his corruption well, he should be able to bear his financial burden well, it should turn into a deficit and on the other hand , it should not turn into inflation in the long run. this should be done by our governing structure. can you give me a point, a fact i want to raise this discussion in such a way that we want to implement a long-term plan.
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a store, a cooking machine, a store, or discussions like that, well, this has been discussed for 20 years, but the infrastructure has not been established yet. this is the same issue
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. how long do we have to pay this subsidy ? what i said in my first article is that we can even get a part of this, that is, the government should say right now, sir , that the subsidy should be given in any way that is easier to access and easier to pay. my questioner has arrived for example, i use 80%, i consider 20% . sir, our automobile industry is still producing cars with 13% fuel consumption, something that is completely obsolete in the whole world . now, it consumes 13 liters. our automakers don't complain about this issue, but the issue is that we have hybrid cars in the world now, it is being said that in some countries, we are now saying a deadline, for example , to consider a border for it, yes, a threshold for it to be considered from here on, at all, a car with fossils are not allowed to come, we are still
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producing them, which means we still have this price increase and all these things. we should be worried about the increase in prices and don't touch the fuel, and this is for the long term. yes, your statement is correct , but in the short term , what should we think now ? supervision or in any case implementation, even the private sector, which now you actually
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have elites, we cannot impose the cost of inefficiency in governance, tell the people, sir, because , for example, balashahriya is consuming cheap chicken, so i will come and make the chicken more expensive. that uptown should not eat cheap chicken, not your mistake, if it is really the system if you have a proper governance , you will collect the tax from balashahri, you will not pay the subsidy next year , you will not deposit the subsidy into his account, there is no problem with us, it is the same chicken that the public consumes, if we come and impose inefficiency in governance in the form of inflation and if the system we launched national credit, if we could implement the store system, the store end system, and the maadian system , it was fully monitored, who is actually doing what along the chain, then it will be a proper infrastructure for us to be able to
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pay subsidies for the system. payment or policy let's talk about subsidies, when the infrastructure for implementing our policies is not properly installed, it is not complete, we are talking about whether to pay the subsidy in cash , to pay the goods to the final consumer in cash, or to give it to the first of the chain. one point, sir, i would like to thank you for your presence. bana nejad pointed out that we now have oil jurists who use some subsidies in the same way. the exact question of the program is whether we should pay the subsidy to the end consumer or for that reason. the chicken that you gave as an example, if we want it to be an example of the discussion let's do it or pay this allowance in the chain . i can show you a table , you can see it with a very simple logic. i can serve you if the camera has this table . let's discuss it. let's assume that a product with 6 rings, 5 rings and 56 rings is actually produced. and
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there are 56 production rings along the chain. if i consider in the upper line that at the beginning of the ring, 20 units of cost are actually spent on the production of one product, and if i want to pay 100 units of riyal to that first ring, in the end, 120 units and this 20 units, you know that in each circle 20% profit is actually transferred. it is possible to reach the next ring . the producer who is in the first ring transfers the semi-finished or incomplete product to the next ring with 20% profit . your chain has a complete product with 50 riyal units finished. if i say the 100 riyal subsidy units that i gave at the beginning of the chain
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, i want to give the end of the ring, it will be here. 120 with 20 % reaches the next ring 144, 144 reaches the next ring 173 and so on when it goes forward, finally 300 you here, if now every product you have here is at the end of the chain, when you want to pay 100 units of riyals, the final price for the consumer will be 200 to 50 units, at the same time , the consumer's purchasing power has decreased by a quarter, so you are forced to donate the amount of your riyal aid. in the end, we were looking at the consumer for how many people would get the chicken at the world price with the existing price .


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