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tv   [untitled]    February 5, 2024 2:30am-3:00am IRST

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the hamas movement of the us government is a full-fledged partner and responsible for the continuation of the genocide in gaza. hamdan said: the proposal of paris regarding the ceasefire should be based on the end of the war, the withdrawal of the zionist forces, the lifting of the blockade of gaza, and the provision of housing for refugees and reconstruction.
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osama hamadan stated that the fake israeli regime will never achieve any of its goals . he emphasized: the accusation against him is valid and the suspension of his financing is an irresponsible measure to put pressure on the people of gaza. this senior official of the hamas movement condemned the joint us and british attacks on yemen, syria and iraq and added. this attacks. it will increase the instability in the region . in order to examine the latest political developments in the occupied territories regarding the ceasefire negotiations and the exchange of prisoners , i would like to have a conversation with mr. faisal abdulsater, a lebanese writer and expert . why did the paris negotiations for a truce and exchange
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of prisoners not proceed positively, contrary to the initial expectations that were created about it. the zionists had said that they wanted to hold a meeting of the war cabinet today regarding the results of the negotiations, but in the end this meeting was canceled. the ceasefire and exchange of prisoners is now in what is the situation? what are the two sides looking for?
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and the delay in announcing the initial agreement for the exchange of usra in the paris meetings goes back to the tension and differences within the cabinet of the zionist regime between netanyahu on one side and his opponents on the other side and those who are against this agreement, mr. abdul sater. what do each of the palestinian and zionist parties want in this agreement? netanyahu wants the gaza war to continue to completely destroy the resistance. and
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commit more killings and crimes and force the residents of the gaza strip to move from this area . the agreement and acceptance of the prisoner exchange agreement will not have a happy time, thank you. in these few days , we have witnessed the zionist political differences being dragged into the media in a special way. many personalities are speaking against each other , they are talking about ben guer, who is implicitly against netanyahu and rosh has openly spoken against biden
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to the extent that ganses wanted bengueil to be restrained by netanyahu. in addition to this, he witnessed the words of former president uc cohen. we also said that israel will have to pay a heavy price for the return of the captives. with such conditions, how can the zionists come to a single decision about the continuation of the story? of course, this is not an important question and no one can give an accurate answer to it, especially after netanyahu's success
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, will he remain as prime minister or be a part of the government? mr. abdulsadeh , thank you for the time you gave us.
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in the continuation of the package. let's see the world according to the picture. first , salam alaikum alaikum, peace be upon you, peace be upon you, sir, may god be praise to god, sir, we have reached the end of time
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. and social networks of afghanistan with good reflection was with us. those who follow the matches of our country's national football team in afghanistan,
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i asked them about the victory against the japanese team and what they had seen in this match. iran's first game, which was the size of syria, we did not expect that iran would beat japan. but we ourselves are fans of iran, again , japan defeated the game, we were happy, god willing , betane won in the final as well. his one and two was very good, reaching near the 18th line. one and two are very good. they are very acceptable to each other. what happened to each other? good work. congratulations to all the iranians. it was my team's effort and my children's effort. this program was always good. the fans of our country's national football team in afghanistan are very hopeful for the victory of this team in
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the many common games between iran and afghanistan, as two neighboring countries, it has made the people of both countries happy. and the third file of tonight's program. germany continues to witness
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widespread protest gatherings in various cities against extreme rightism and in response to the secret meeting of the right-wing alternative for germany party, or afz, in order to deport immigrants. to get more information about this story, we will go to berlin with amir shojaei, a reporter of sada wasima news agency let's talk hello mr. shujaei. hello, mr. hashemzadeh. good evening. in the last few weeks , a wide wave of demonstrations against extreme right-wing has been held all over germany. this trend has always been in germany, but why has it spread to such an extent in the last month? as you mentioned, a secret meeting. it was held on december 4th in the city of potistan, which is in the vicinity of berlin, and the participants of which are said to be 22 members of the fd party, or
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alternative or alternative to germany, and some members of another party, which is said to be mrs. merkel's former party, the christian democrats with extreme neo-nazis what was raised in this meeting was the forced migration or deportation of immigrants or certain groups of immigrants including asylum seekers and even germans who have immigrant roots and according to the afedeh party , they could not adapt to the desired culture in germany. adapt one of the people who was in this meeting was an austrian writer named martin zellner, who suggested that these refugees should be forcibly deported somewhere, for example, in north africa. and brought him there, so since this happened, this news
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was spread through a truth-seeking group of faraghan there have been numerous protests across germany , one of which was yesterday in berlin, but this has also happened in other cities such as hamburg, cologne and other german cities . the eastern state of germany, which is the center of the presence of extreme right-wingers , will hold state elections, and there is a fear that these groups will benefit from high ranks in the elections. mr. shujaei, you mentioned that this meeting was held secretly in the suburbs of berlin. people with neo-nazi tendencies participate. being really a neo-nazi or getting labeled as such. the pictures of these gatherings that we used to see, have just now been broadcasted on the khabar network. there are many pictures
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on posters alluding to hitler or referring to the nazis. we used to observe how serious the issue is. as you said, this trend has been around for years in germany. well , since the formation of the extreme right-wing parties, in fact , they have a specific policy, which is anti-immigration policy, but they also have other policies now. the german parliament is the name of the party that is present as afd. he made himself an alternative to germany in germany, they are considered as the government's opposition , they are opposed to the government's immigration policy and the general policies of the german economy, but in any case , if we leave these large-scale demonstrations from the government's area, one of the reasons for these large-scale demonstrations is that germany
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it accommodates many immigrants and such a meeting can be considered a serious threat for those who have emigrated . and faced with the fortune of the people, i am exactly what i want to be about i would also like to ask you about the status of this party, but in the meantime , i think it is a vague issue. i want it to be more clear about the secret meeting that was held, and now the debates within the aafz party are about the deportation of new asylum seekers or not immigrants who are already legally residing in germany. become? as i said, from the content published in the media from this meeting , a plan was proposed, including the plan
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proposed by an austrian writer, that certain groups of asylum seekers should be deported. well , the refugees are the ones who are coming now in general, and even the germans are the germans they have immigration roots, and even germans who , according to the afde group, could not adapt themselves to the culture or claim to be the current culture of germany , so there, yes, there has been a discussion of the plan to deport immigrants in germany since 2015 , a large number of them with the opening a large number of immigrants or refugees arrived at the borders. in the last two years, after the war in ukraine, a large number of ukrainian immigrants arrived. last year, this number was very high. 700 thousand people in one year. yes , in general, ukrainian immigrants are called
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log in to a million or even more. these well, it has been associated with some issues, including the housing problem . now, the housing problem in germany is a very serious problem, especially in berlin, and this has caused public protest . the reason for the demonstration was criticism of the government's immigration and economic policies since the war in ukraine and the energy crisis. inflation was created, this incident fueled the housing problem, and therefore one of the protests of this group was that this recent meeting, which was exposed, caused calls for widespread to protest against the general anti -immigration criticisms, that is, they say that this political program of aafs party is such that
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it considers the expulsion of immigrants as the answer to economic problems, although, well, definitely part of this phenomenon of immigration has been able to create economic problems as well. yes, they believe that the arrival of immigrants and asylum seekers will cause the german taxpayers to spend money from their own pockets to pay for accommodation and the expenses that these asylum seekers have and finally the costs that they put on the german economy. thank you. and finally, what other thoughts does this afz party have? how is his position in the polls before these massive protests now? with these protests, the polls have caused some confusion among the people, but you already know
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that there are 3 parties in the german coalition government , including the party of mr. olaf schurz, the green party, and a liberal democrat party in the polls. the intensity of people's satisfaction with these parties went down, even it is said that the satisfaction with the chancellor decreased in an unprecedented way. parallel to that he improved his situation a bit so that, for example, in the latest survey ha was able to get 13% of popular votes. this number is much higher in the eastern states of germany. but if we say in general, 13 and the process was like this, until this session and before this. the reason for the protests is because we said that there are immigration policies that they are serious critics of, of course , they have other beliefs, for example
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, they strongly criticize the government's economic policies because they believe that the government does not cope with the crisis and that its policies have caused it. that inflation will increase, economic problems will increase, so as i said he had met with a chance. thank you mr. shajaei for these events. good night and now we are coming to the end of the world today. may god protect you and have a good night.
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hello, dear viewers of the phil majlis program, he said , "what are you doing?" he said, "i am making a slogan for the businessmen of the majlis in the world, that is, the lobby, but the lobby has the rules of the game . were you not threatened in the seventh round because of whether you vote or not? you are on the table and i am on the table. i was a party person and not such a person. full majlis the ups and downs of the 11th parliamentary term in a conversation with former representatives. everyday at 7:30 p.m. from the khabar network. i will appoint a government , i will punch this government in the mouth, i will appoint a government, i will appoint a government with the support of this
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nation, i will appoint a government with the support of this nation, because imam khomeini, after entering iran , announced in a press interview that the bakhtiar government should be removed. bakhtiar also announced that the interim government should be appointed. it is cooperation with the revolutionaries, but it does not allow the formation of a provisional government. ayatollah khomeini is blessed whenever they come. i said that i am ready to provide and guarantee their entry or that their friends and close friends do it themselves. get spoiled when they come, if they have plans and present, we will listen with full respect.
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only 4 days after imam khomeini uttered these words in a press conference, mehdi bazargan was given an assignment by the government. fix and prepare his preparations and the assembly of the founders of the establishment of beshahd. this clever move confused imam bakhtiar and practically
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ended his political life in iran. the interim government, which was the first government in iran after the victory of the islamic revolution , began its work. this mission means the head of the interim government and the formation of the government in the conditions. very difficult and it is the most dangerous job and duty and at the same time the greatest honor that has been entrusted to me. in the next stage, imam khomeini called the people to continue to be in the streets, and in this way, the possibility of any conspiracy and coup against the revolution and the provisional government was taken away from bakhtiar and the imperial army.
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i want to tell the nation what i want. it is to announce their opinion about the government of mr. engineer bazargan, which is now an islamic sharia government, both through the press and through peaceful demonstrations. a few days later, on 22 bahman, engineer bazargan was stationed in the prime minister's palace and the members of his cabinet. it is important to introduce the most important task of the government under his prime ministership was to hold a referendum to change the political system, to prepare for the approval of the constitution and the elections of the national assembly.
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3:00 am
at 3 o'clock applicants to attend the 24th show. iran's media have the opportunity to complete their final registration from the 16th to the 19th of bahman. people can go to get the karafa and know about the cost and type of karafa structures refer to presspo.r. the 24th exhibition of iranian media with the slogan "najstam always except the truth". from the twenty-ninth of bahman to two.


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