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tv   [untitled]    February 5, 2024 4:30am-4:59am IRST

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has al-aqsa storm operation come now and deprive 2 million people in gaza of the aid of this organization? i think this claim is a blatant attempt by the united states to shift the blame to hamas after it was revealed that israel and its western allies were all complicit in the crimes. the suspension of aid to unrwa puts the monstrous character of american foreign policy in the spotlight.
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what is america's support for the zionists? american support for israel is actually a military support. they make the bombs, the planes and everything. if only a few days of this support stop, israel cannot continue. they are in this mess together. that's why i believe it was important for the united states to change the subject in some way and change it quickly. americans say about freedom and respect for people. they defend but now here is where the us government is directly and indirectly involved in the genocide in gaza. we have to really emphasize the fact that just talking about it is wrong. does what happened in the decision of the international court of justice result in something new? everyone said that they are about the presence or absence of a genocide is not a final judgment. that is correct. people say that all we have are temporary measures that say israelis
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should not commit genocide. in fact, this is not exactly what the international court of justice said. the court said that it is very likely that a genocide is indeed taking place and that interim measures are a way to prevent what israel is doing from continuing. in fact, what they are doing is a genocide. these two issues are very different and even they do not have a final judgment. their real judgment is to order israel to change his behavior is quite sufficient to allow the return of humanitarian aid, providing basic services to the people, stopping the killing and destruction of buildings. the israelis must do this now, because otherwise they will continue to do what is proven to be genocide. so those who provide the bombs, planes, boats, information and money are complicit in what is happening. third effect, does this support
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have an effect on the us presidential election and biden's re-election? yes, definitely, although the mainstream media does not report what is happening in gaza do people have access to social media. young people are connected in social networks. they don't rely on mainstream media. i myself have seen hundreds of videos from gaza on social networks that are absolutely unbearable for me and we have never seen anything like this. anyone who is on social media is a witness to a genocide, a live genocide in gaza , that's why young people who support biden now decide not to support biden anymore, and that's why we saw in the polls that he it is really falling, so at this moment we can almost predict that biden can't be re-elected. what do you think about the u.s. and 9 other countries dropping aid to amerova ? this agency
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can provide aid to the people of gaza, so i can't imagine myself in a situation where there will be no humanitarian aid for the next few weeks. . this suspension means that america and nine western countries are responsible for the violence in gaza. do you know what happened to me? i believe that the reason for the decision to suspend the budget of this organization, apart from changing the topic and directly paying attention to hamas and the un's relationship with hamas, is a way to draw attention to the fact that the west provides humanitarian aid to gaza. imagine that joe biden presented
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he says we will stop this delay because we are very concerned about humanitarian aid, so it gives the impression that joe biden is actually a kind person while he continues to finance the war by supplying netanyahu with bombs. he says i have humanitarian concerns. netanyahu does not. but i have humanitarian concerns , biden says, we have asked netanyahu and we want him to protect people, civilians, women and children. we told him once again that he should worry about this. this kind of talk for biden is just a way to show people it is the united states that he is not involved in what netanyahu is doing, while in fact he is involved in this matter. i think that maybe they decided to suspend aid because everyone knows that they are already giving this money and now the budget cut off and now they are once again providing money to unrwa as a generous gesture . why did european countries
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support the american decision to suspend aid to amoeba? currently , there is an imperialist country in the world and that is the united states of america. this country is imperialist because of its economic hegemony it imposes force. civilized people live in china and iran. there is great economic development , but it is not forced on others. china trades all over the world. but not by force. the united states imposes its economic hegemony by force. they force sanctions. iran is sanctioned. in 40 different countries around the world , representing one third of the total. it is humanity. the americans are imposing their economic hegemony all over the world by sanctioning the coup by force and war . right now, at this very moment, they have warships in the china sea. we can tell you exactly which part of the car has a problem on your phone, we
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can communicate with you exactly on your phone, even if your internet is down, the device will call you and say that something has happened to me, or intelligent management of household appliances and equipment that we have and according to the orders that we coordinated for him in advance, these orders can have a specific time frame or be a control, if our temperature goes up, our fan will turn on, our air conditioner will turn on, and the windows will be opened, or if we need. let us have the light outside the time with the time we gave it, it can be our light for us turn on or turn off the humidifiers that we have in the system and activate or deactivate, but for the development of internet of things technology , it is necessary to develop communication networks, an infrastructure that
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provides satellite communication for the first time in the country with the launch of the hatfeh one satellite be the satellite of hatef hatef 1. the first research step in the direction of the internet of things system that was defined in line with the country's 10-year space program and a contract was signed with the space agency, that in the future, god willing, a number of satellites in the form of a system should be placed in orbit , this hatef satellite was actually the first step. as a research step to start the internet of things system in fact. telecommunication is actually narrow band defined. hatefeh 1 nano satellite was built by space specialists of the ministry of defense and was launched into space in the first multi-cargo launch on 8 bahman along with mehda and kihan 2 satellites.
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a success that is the beginning of a path in the country's space industry. the next path we are moving towards is going towards the beam of operational satellites. we operate satellites. we have developed it during the past years and this year, so that the images or information are now available in the service telecommunications and data communications are used, and these are also used in the near future, considering the very good maturity of our satellite launch industry in the country, we can now witness that our operational satellite will be placed in orbit and practically it will be added to our basic space service fleet. localized the space industry. a widely used industry that
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provides services based on a 10-year space document in the country in various fields of telecommunications, development of modern technologies, agriculture, etc. mohammad qasim kiaei, sed and sima news agency. what happened that within 5 years you returned for the ground force we didn't buy an army, but the number of ready helicopters almost doubled when. from the air show , rooz considered it as an example of a jihadist move in the field of equipment, after all, the equipment is an important part of improving the power
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and the yusuf aerial camera with the ability to operate all day and night and in adverse weather conditions, which in addition to the ability to fly at night, the ability to engage and the accuracy of the volgard shot. has also provided, in the meantime , taking advantage of the night. bami's flying instruments have also created conditions for pilots to practice in the space like real operations. the missile we had had a range of two kilometers. today, this missile it has been 20 kilometers and they say that it is not at all comparable to the past. today, a missile with a range of 200 km is being built in havan, which can identify and target targets at sea level . at close range. target a land at a distance of 20 kilometers. today
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, our helicopters are capable of self-defense in the electronic warfare environment . what i am saying is that it cannot be compared at all with the past . today, we are building national helicopters. we have about 800 types of parts. we produce not only a large and unique ground force fleet today it is not ground-breaking, but it seeks power in the international arena. alhamdulillah , our helicopters are ready to work. we have reached a point where we are 5% higher than the global software with sanctions, that is, now in advanced countries that are helicopter manufacturers themselves , 75% of the software is ready to work, but in the aviation of the islamic republic of iran, now. the title
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of imam khomeini's first faithful force after the islamic revolution, like other air sectors , was under the pressure of embargo, however, the rotation of its helicopter propellers has never been of sacred defense in the past 45 years. up to natural disasters and providing public services to people have not stopped spinning. today , the islamic republic of iran army has the strongest cargo fleet in west asia. military experts believe that the use of this size of the return fleet along with the use of local and modern weapons as well as advanced forces.
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the fisheries organization was one of the targets of the intrusive inspection of the national gas company. the gas inspectors said: fisheries organization, the pattern of gas consumption by the first vice president. all the executive bodies have been informed that the internal temperature of their complex is 181 and the external temperature of their building, which is the lobby part, is 126. what was the reason for managing the situation? the engine room is related. we turn on our heating system one hour earlier than office hours. we turn off approximately 2 hours before the end of my work. these inspectors were satisfied with the national steel company as well as the fisheries organization. the temperature here now shows 16.
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it is according to the defined standards and they said that the engine room of this company has good conditions. the next destination of the gas inspectors was the building of the technical and civil engineering department of tehran municipality, where the temperature standards were not met . it was 23 degrees celsius according to the inspector. gas, according to the national building regulations , more is expected from the municipalities. the expectation is that this building is a municipal building. the topics are actually 19 national building regulations. the topics of the national regulations
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are to control their systems. the final destination of this intrusive inspection is the central building of the ministry of agricultural jihad. the inspectors, who were faced with the obstruction of this ministry , took legal action . we had to cut off the gas flow to this building. based on the directive of the first vice president, organizations such as the ministry of jihad and agriculture, which are faced with a gas cut , must provide a written commitment to reconnect the gas flow. . to give ruqiyeh hoyda, radio and television news agency. the development of the recycling industry this time by localizing the industrial oil purifier. refinement of oil and sulfur houses is the removal of a series of gas condensates, which
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is between sulfur removal and oil refinement , which is based on knowledge. localized interior. alhamdulillah, this technology was in the hands of several advanced countries that we were able to produce in the research and development stage, for example, we can remove sulfur from diesel, we can refine different oils, hydraulic oils , industrial oils. wide oils to the presence of transformers we can repair the engine with this and turn it into new oil again. the specialists of this technology company have tried to design an improved model compared to foreign models. we were able to fix a series of iranians that even had foreign devices to make the process so that more intermediates and more processes can be done with one machine and the price is lower , and exporting it has been on the agenda of the company. as a guarantee, i can say that it costs 60% of the price of foreign products
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, it has a one-year warranty and 10 years. due to internal reliance and using knowledge interior young engineers designed and built samples. there is a santifi drying machine that is used to dry polymer materials that are recycled after washing. this machine performs the dewatering process to get to the next process faster . you can see the smart blade sharpening machine that sharpens the grinding blades according to the needs of the customer who buys the grinding machine , the machines are sharpened in an intelligent way
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. the next machine example is the kander or compactor machine that compresses the nylon when they are loose and light. the cost of transportation should be reduced , and the process will be easier in the next morahib that goes to granulation. you can see the example of the small machine and the replica of the ballmill machine, which is used in mines, where they want to pulverize minerals . the process of hammer glass in different places. glass powder has different uses . another example is the device you see . perform the act of eating he does it, then they go to wash in the next step. technologies related to the recycling industry in the country still have room for improvement. unfortunately
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, we still haven't reached the technology to do the whole recycling process, but we have achieved a part of it. there is a lot of work to be done if even we are able to import tabane in the future, because tabane is extremely profitable in all fields. the responsible gentlemen should think that less than the material. we should use new naphthenic polymer, we rely on new polymer materials because we have this capital, we can use this don't use capital, use recycled materials . according to the officials of the environmental protection organization in iran, only about 20% of waste is recycled and these devices have come to increase this percentage. mehdi naqvi of sed and sima news agency. brics in moscow, where for the first time the new members
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were present at the end of three days of intensive negotiations between the countries of the group, including iran, egypt, the united arab emirates, and ethiopia, along with the old members, including russia, brazil, china, india, and south africa, in order to map the development of cooperation. draw in all fields, especially in the field of economy and business. our presence here multilateral presence is very important, the point we are looking for is that the organization itself is looking for justice, the other is looking for the story of eliminating unilateralism , looking for multilateralism, and we must be in the voice of the majority of the people of the world. south africa took over. more than 230
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trades are based on the global dollar, but washington's actions were contrary to this claim. it showed that they destroyed all the principles of the free market overnight and used the dollar as a weapon and tool to impose their will on countries. . some of the things they say are things we have been saying for a long time we are hitting they mostly say de-dollarization, mostly they say that we should destroy the dominance of the dollar. members of the delegation of the islamic republic of iran in bilateral negotiations. with the representatives of the brics countries, they also discussed the ways to remove commercial banking and customs barriers. russia, which
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holds the rotating presidency of the brics group in 2024, has stated its motto as strengthening multilateralism for the development of global security and justice. seyed ali, property of moscow radio and television news agency. over the course of a few months, you will have to change the settings of your device, for example, more or less . having no effect, i took a lot of medicine , so to speak, i was just asleep, then when i regained consciousness, my contractions were done, but now it's like being born again, no pain. i have nothing. this is that the front of you is already full, and on the second day after the operation, you don't have any special taste.
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they don't have a lot of headache, no repeated seizures. this good mood is the result of an unprecedented surgery in iran. their seizures start from the left forehead area. her doctor says that samira's convulsions were life-threatening and her number was high. about 8 months ago , the number of cushions. increase significantly it was done in such a way that during periods of ours, he had a very large number of seizures daily, it was possible to have 20, 30 or even more seizures, and these focal seizures continued until the patient finally had one major seizure. the electrode of about one centimeter in his brain was not good for thirst, this electrode was not good. in the end , we used to perform dystonias, but for seizures, well, for many years , lifelong stimulation of the brain has been known as new methods in the world, because these electrodes were not in iran. electrodes that we have for parkinson's
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iran. it is included, but in the case of seizures , well, it was not an electrode. finally , we presented this request to my board, and the medical board provided the possibility of this surgery by preparing electrodes . we wake up the patient in the middle of the operation, and we need the patient to be able to bedar should be awake and cooperate with us . implantation of two electrodes will prevent his seizures . it is not more than 7 mm. this wire is placed inside the brain. now we have placed this next to the place of the fixed skull hole and charged the right electrode inside the thalamus nucleus of the patient. we have to charge the left side and finally connect all of this to the main stimulation generator of the brain. this new surgery for head treatment in the world in european countries and countries like america, australia, canada is very expensive. it is about 30,000 dollars , which is our target point. here
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, let's find out the selected surgery, the cost of which abroad is 6 times higher than these costs , is covered by insurance in iran. haani jalinnejad of the sed and broadcasting news agency. various political and economic trends compete in the elections. the importance of elections in choosing a strong parliament is the key it is in the hands of the people, what is in front of the competitors, mandatory pricing, it is impossible to fix the price of land in a mandatory manner, naft abadan, qatar , how are they paying him to watch football? we don't
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want footballers. do you agree with the concentration of all activities in tehran? you can say that moving the capital will solve this problem . we are what we are tomorrow higher higher
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5 o'clock: the minister of interior said: organizations must be able to mobilize people's capacity for the benefit of the nation . mr. vahidi at the first national conference of representatives of non-governmental organizations. he considered the role of popular organizations to be effective in encouraging people to participate in the 11th march elections. the head of the country's election headquarters also pointed to the creation of boundaries


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