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tv   [untitled]    February 5, 2024 6:30am-7:00am IRST

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in the name of god. look at the smiling sun , say hello to tomorrow, hello to the future, look at the sun on the day of the pilgrimage of imam reza (peace be upon him
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), may you be well, wherever you are, i invite you to join us with today's program, where we will have a look at some of today's events , our soldiers sacrifice their lives, sacrifice their lives
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, sacrifice their lives, sacrifice their lives, listen, have a good morning , dear viewers, stay with us, let's see the daily calendar of the islamic revolution , a report prepared by my colleagues in the history department of the radio news agency, about the developments and events of the 16th of bahman 57. 16th of bahman 57 alavi school
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it has made news again. a press conference is scheduled to be held and the election of the prime minister of the interim government will be announced. according to the proposal of the revolutionary council, according to the sharia law and the legal right resulting from the votes of the overwhelming majority of the people of iran, mr. bazargan's decision is given . at this critical stage of history, i ask god almighty , ruhollah al-musawi al-khomeini. this ruling is considered the first document of the formation of the structure of the islamic revolution.
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we introduce a government , we introduce the head of government to temporarily form a government that also to put an end to the disturbances and also an important issue which is the constituent assembly, to hold the election of the constituent assembly properly and prepare its preparations and establish the constituent assembly. it is mehdi bazargan's turn to speak. i thank the great god for such recognition and...
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i thank the nation of iran that the ayatollah had repeatedly stated that in the name of the nation , we took our steps and raised our voices in the name of the nation and for the nation. there are marches and gatherings near the cities, while the voice of the revolutionaries covers the entire country. bakhtiar reacts to the choice of merchants, only in iran. a government will exist. the reaction that people respond to . morgbar bakhtiar rooker bakhtiar. parisa ayar of sed and sima news agency. be with us.
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let's see together one of the memorable songs of the islamic revolution of the iranian people in 1957. it came to mesdrun, in the heart of the cold blizzard, the silent sari of the land of the martyrs of the year, it came red, your fate is in love with the body of the pure breast.
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you were the one who attacked the oppression of the night, o khomeini , you were the one who attacked the oppression of the night, o khomeini , it was you. you were
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the avalanche of blood here. bring back the branches of the martyrs and the wrathful hands of god's people samar hossein shahidi from the land of ascension and god in the hearts of poets. qahar's hand
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was the heart of a god from the rider of hussain, a martyr from his country, and a god came to haran in time, adam came from the era, powi nazl shabaib was twisted , the mood of the martyrs came to demistan baha. it came the world came from the wrath of the era. when did the vows come on the age of the martyrs? wake up the bloody avalanche. up to abd zinda with up to the qur'an. we were together forever. long live the memory of the martyrs. bahman, we are bloodless, eternal
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, long live the quran, bahman, we are good, we are happy, until you are martyred. the sed and cima news agency are ready to tell you about today's celebration, mrs. azerfam. hello, good morning. mr. hosseini, hello to you and the viewers of khabar channel. good morning. yes, the middle days of the fajr film festival are ahead. as you know, the festival started on the 12th of bahman until today. 16 films were screened from today to the 20th of bahman. according to today's screening schedule, apparatchi besht tabahkaran movies are scheduled to be shown this month. majnoon and royashreh's animation is going to be shown in the film apparatchi majnoon among the films of majnoon
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an adaptation in this period of the faraj film festival , on the account of the movie majnoon , it shows a portrait or a close-up view of martyr zainuddin, that is , it shows a real character . it is directed by mr. shah mohammadi . this film was supposed to be shown in the past days. but the screening of the film was changed with the movie morning of execution, and it was moved to today. apparatchi, also directed by mr. taherfar , is another example of adapted films in this period of the festival . next is paradise of criminals, which is scheduled for today he showed it in the third session or the third turn. besh, directed by mr. jafari jozani , shows the discussion of the nationalization of the oil industry, in a way, the contemporary history
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of iran is addressed in this film, it is good to mention that mr. jafari jozani is actually considered the most veteran filmmaker present at the 4th festival , the film roya shahr is also directed by mr. noushabadi is one of the four animated films present at the fesher film festival, which presents a fantasy story . from yesterday, the screening of films started simultaneously in 30 provinces. all the films in the festival are shown in the provinces. from tomorrow on the 17th of bahman, the screening of films in the international section will begin. in total, as previously reported in the news, 22 films in the soda simorgh section and 12 films in the negah varut section. they compete, the reception of the films has been very good, and
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the closer we get to the final days of the festival , the more enthusiastic the reception becomes, the quality of the films is also satisfactory . i must say that the quality of the films in this period of the festival is good , according to the announced schedule, the list of candidates is supposed to be it will be announced on the 20th of february, of course there is a possibility of change, but as of now, according to what has been announced , the final list of candidates will be announced on the 22nd of february at 22:00. i am with you if you have any questions. thank you very much for your complete explanation, ms. azarfam. god willing , we will be with you again in the next sections in the glass hall of the sed and cima news agency, but one of the issues that has been resolved with the follow-up of sed and cima news agency reporters is the online sale of medicine, which is
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about to be implemented. he has been assigned to journalist jalil nejad. the health system group of sed and sima news agency hello, a reporter is present in the studio to talk more about this. hello, good morning . hello, good morning. please tell me what the issue is, where did it come from, and what is the stage of online drug sales in our country since july 1401. the approval of the board of physicians was received , please speak louder with the proposal of the scientific vice president and the requests of internet platforms to start selling drugs online for people to access drugs in an easier and online manner, and
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the board of ministers. in this context, but well the implementation process was slow. until october 1402, with the month of october 1402, the legal vice president emphasized on the implementation of this decree again, the first vice president also followed up on its implementation and after that, the procedure for developing regulations that are necessary for online sales should be developed in the food and drug organization and the ministry. hygiene well, the field of health is a sensitive issue, it is related to the health of the people, the lives of the people , medicine, and it is necessary that the regulations are written accurately and correctly and all
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aspects of it can be seen. how should the centenarians act? compiled and in january, the minister of health came to the broadcasting organization and promised in the same studio that they would be able to implement this plan on a trial basis in february and the fajr decade. . it is being implemented, it should be resolved , and after that, its implementation will speed up to other provinces and it will be implemented in all the countries. how long is it going to be a trial? the exact details
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are not yet known, for example, the draft regulations of d companies. in the field of health, the draft has been prepared and approved, but the notification of this issue is still pending the issue is completely on the way to implementation , it is ready to be implemented. now, the province wants to implement it on a trial basis until its regulations are compiled. now, we are waiting for the minister of health and now the members of the government to implement it and unveil it . now, except for our country, 47 of our countries and 47 countries of the world sell prescription drugs on the internet , and in 90 countries of the world , they are sold without a prescription and without a prescription in those countries . that's right
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, we have closed the electronic version in our country prescriptions are not supposed to play the role of carriers, and the pharmacy is the core of this plan, that is, the drug in the pharmacy is turned into an electronic prescription with the help of pharmacists. the pharmacist goes to the pharmacy and has complete supervision. sek-kohah acts as a liaison between the people and the pharmacists and pharmacies deliver the medicine to the people. very well, you also have a report . if there is any point, please let me know. if not, let's see the report together. thank you, mrs. jalilnejad . let's see the report of mrs. jalilnejad
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. we will come back and talk more about this with the honorable guest. i'm not visiting, it means introducing this pharmacy to me i've been here since the morning, he says, go and confirm it, come and confirm it, go, it can all be confirmed by e-mail and online, the government's version. for this wandering and the complaints of the internet platforms, the platforms came and complained, saying that these dear ones do not regulate food and medicine, nor do they let us work, a decree was passed in july 1401, a decree for the sale of medicine from the internet platform. it was left on paper until this year's mehr implementation fell on qaltak , but this process must be assured. ok, in terms of health through pharmacies it should be done, that is , there should be a supervision of pharmacies. the spokesperson of the food and drug organization also announced the creation of infrastructure for online sales
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of drugs, information technology and its system, god willing , i think it will be announced by the end of the year to provide services throughout the country. in a notification , he emphasized on the implementation of online sales of drugs, and the parliament entered into the online sales of drugs so that its regulations will be compiled by the end of december. the food and drug organization announced its terms and conditions for the implementation of online sales of drugs. induction demand and drug advertising should not be done. protection it must be done from patient information. drug prices must be controlled. the minister of health also promised to conduct a trial run of online drug sales. in the month of february, ten fajr will be activated. it is likely to be implemented and announced . this may be in a test form, because we prefer
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to start from shuran centers on a test basis, and then, god willing , we will be able to do this on a national basis. now it has been reported that the online sale of drugs is about to be implemented , mr. seyed masoud sharifi, deputy. policymaking by the digital economy headquarters in the science and technology vice-chancellor the presidency is the guest of this part of the program so that i can talk to them about the issue of online drug sales. hello, good morning, welcome. hello , i am at your service and dear viewers. i am at your service. it has been placed and of course it was mentioned that our reporter and mr. minister said in this report that we have seen the emphasis that it is to be implemented on a trial basis, how is the process? yes. the problem is that i will tell a very short story about the problem. it was the year 1400. the proposal of the scientific vice-chancellor with
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other institutions was that the law of production dowry the law to increase the production of scientists was presented to the parliament and it was approved. in that law , many solutions were written to increase the production of scientists in various fields. it came out that the recipe will be written later , that means, for example, it was approved that in the field of health, these solutions are based on knowledge for the jump of production, and one of the issues of this issue points to how we can come up with the intelligentization of the drug value chain by distributing it. let's fight drug smuggling and medical enclosures and so on. let's write in my hand how platforms or platforms should start the supply of medicine, not start the supply of medicine, help
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sending the medicine will be much more accurate . what is the problem? the problem is that when you help us to send it to the station, it means that there is not going to be a supply. something is going to happen . when you make a purchase, the platform will deliver it to nearby pharmacies in its own system, whoever has it can choose to bring it to you, or you can choose which pharmacy is closest to me, and it will be delivered to you. to give means to monitor which drug has a comparison to be given to this patient or not the technical supervisor of the pharmacy or that pharmacist.
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if there is a pharmacy, it must be done, no, it means how the patient submits his request or in other words his prescription to that platform, and the platform goes through this next process. the operation was as i said in the previous section, it is based on the electronic prescription. this is exactly what happened, then the problem here is that it should be based on the electronic prescription, because now your prescription is identified with your national code, then your prescription, which is identified, says that a certain pharmacy says, "i have this, then it gives you this." he announces to the platform, that is, his request to the patient the platform registers, the platform goes through the next process and announces how long it will take. probably, what is the sending of the drug? or is the drug available in a certain pharmacy, and now it can be sent. the next step is to avoid traffic. yes, finally, how long did it take, under an hour, that's it, because we have access to the pharmacy, at least in tehran, where we have very good access to the pharmacy, it's not that, for example
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, we have access to the circuit, so that the pharmacy is in the city, we have a similar space in another city, but well, the challenge is to send more to tehran the second issue that helps in the challenges is that now every pharmacy has a stock of medicine , if you want a special counter, you have to go in a long line , why do you have to stand in a line ? and the messenger is the problem of queuing next to special pharmacies, which of course are also government-owned, and you mentioned that they provide medicines for special patients . this concern of the people will be solved in this field. there are medicines available in iran, but there is no hope to be able to share the information together , not to see it somewhere , sharing means that we go to the drugstores, the drugstores that he is saying i have, not that, for example, all the stocks come.
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it should be centered somewhere, because it will be a center, well, it's enough about the security of my company, and this is the simplest problem, the simplest solution, the best way to express the problem is that yes, the request goes there, whoever can send it. people make requests on these platforms and buy food at home or at work they can get the same model in my field, it is supposed to happen, all the platforms are ready now. it is ready to be implemented in a province on a trial basis. well, of course, look at this. it was supposed to be after the approval of the cabinet two months, three months later , and two months later, of course, the text came. two months later, the instructions should be written. what does the instruction mean? what does the instruction mean? you, as the guardian of health, according to the leadership of the ministry of health, means the health of the people , we must help to ensure that the
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health of the people is taken care of. scientists should go forward with more quality, precision and speed, and see if the medicine is reasonable those in iran who still get 420t width means that it is very much mentioned in the recipe to deal with its smuggling and the only way is to become digital, that is to make it smart so that we understand that a certain neighborhood of the city is not taking more of a certain drug at all. someone is doing this, for example, depositing an asset or other things in it.
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tell me, sir, who is he responsible for, for example , he is responsible for the pharmacy, put an ice cube next to him or go ahead with a system. thank you very much, mr. sharifi , for your presence in salam, the reporter of the 7 o'clock news section . after the news, we will continue the program with you. i will be in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. please accompany us to the news section at 7:00 a.m. the id of retired government employees was determined based on the government board's competition , the minimum eid or king of the last year of government employees and retirees is 2 million and 500 thousand tomans. the total eid amount is about 40 increased compared to last year


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