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tv   [untitled]    February 5, 2024 10:30am-11:01am IRST

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shahreh household appliances are available in all branches in tehran, isfahan and sari in the best places. in the name of the beautiful lord. well done and beautiful, the friend of god, the merciful and the most merciful, the respected viewers of khabar khemet network . hello, i would like to start the news section of the media with news of the story programs , the achievement of frequent sugar, and a documentary about the secret of old sawaki from the beginning of creation to the end of the creation of the escape property . no, at that time, they took you there , they made it rain in the blue sky, not that you asked me to run away.
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which is the pahlavi government of savak, pahlavi's link with the regime zionist cultural and economic management is one of the topics of this round table. the achievement of the achievement will be broadcast from saturday to wednesday at 22:00 on radio iran. currently, we have found the ability to launch small satellites in low orbit, which we call leo orbit, since 2007. these are successful launches, and
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the success and achievements of the islamic revolution in the field of science and technology are the subject of this program. . the frequent sugar and the frequent sugar program are broadcasted on farhang radio at 20:30. no one is superior because of their money. i do not want to be superior to anyone. tension authors and satirical works in the scope of persian literature from the constitutional era until now, this is the subject of this. it is marjan sadeghzadeh's program , telebion interactive tv has provided free and equal advertising opportunities for all candidates of the 12th term of the islamic council elections , and users will be able to access the candidates' pages from the morning of march 3rd. interactive tv of iran, talubi media system. reference for live streaming and
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archives of national media programs with 25 million active users. all the contents displayed in the national media can be seen on the television platform. kazem, something is happening, you are sure to provide tv the live broadcaster of all national channels, 33 provincial channels, 19 radio channels, 4 international channels, and 22 channels on the palestine page publishes content related to developments in palestine 24 hours a day. exposing the crimes of the zionist regime and reflecting the oppression of the oppressed people of gaza in the international space is one of the goals that we are going to achieve in this network, god willing, and
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it will be addressed. it is on the bed of talbian. we are going to let people see their voices and their demands on this network follow up telebion also assigns a page to each election candidate by constituency so that by uploading advertising videos, he can communicate directly with the people of his constituency. there is a link between this page and its tv commercials in the form of a q-card, which when the tv commercial is aired, the audience is transferred to the tv page of the same candidate , neda hosseini, the sed and sima news agency, various radio channels, and various programs. on the occasion of the election, iran's nationwide network , including these radio networks, will be prepared. about special
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radio iran's election programs i am talking with mr. kazem dadashi, the head of the election headquarters of this radio station, mr. dadashi, hello, so let's start with what programs iran radio is preparing. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, to you, mr. mudaghq, and to all the dear viewers of khabar network , greetings and courtesy and respect . i congratulate and witness the arrival of the ten fajr days of the islamic revolution to all of you dear ones. we have four basic strategies based on the orders of the supreme leader of health competition strategy and participation security and other approaches are also considered following the formulation of these strategies, the approach of building trust , creating hope, synergy that is both intra
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-organizational and extra-organizational, and justice-oriented and people-oriented . these are the approaches that naturally we plan for the programs placed in the broadcast table of the radio network. we have made preparations as usual for occasions, especially on important occasions such as the elections of the islamic council and the assembly of leadership experts. our programs have two basic approaches , that is, in our planning , the usual programs of our broadcast schedule, each of them according to the capacity that have. they find missions , this happened to them months ago, and each of the programs, from the night program to the rest of our programs, until the end of our daily broadcast, missions have been communicated to them, and these missions are based on the slope of time that it was defined for us, in fact
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, we gave it to the programs, and alhamdulillah , it has been followed until now, along with these programs, the routine of our broadcast schedule . we have also designed special ones , which have defined missions based on the time gradient, and we have tried to use different formats to suit the same basic approaches and that the basic strategies that we had to advance the work . if i need to mention the names of the programs , yes, well, i will just tell you that we have to stop here because of the conversation, and pay attention to the speech of the president at the national summit . all dear sisters and dear brothers, very blessed days of the fajr decade
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of the islamic revolution and days. in the month of rajab, especially on the eve of the prophet of islam, the end of the term of muhammad bin abdullah , may god bless him and grant him peace, i ask the almighty god to send his blessings on us, on our holy system, and on the islamic ummah. the topic of this meeting. from the learned and from those who love the glorious islamic revolution and the progress of the country, the subject of the advanced narrative is a very important subject that
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the wise leadership of the islamic revolution serves all of us as students. to emphasize to you dear and cultured people that the progress should be expressed and the progress should be seen and introduced to the new generation and the world should know today that we were able to take great strides in the light of the islamic revolution so that there is hope in the heart. to live and be promoted and
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to be known in order to induce despair and despair that the enemies are looking for. that they cannot do their work with despair. to take islamic revolution and fajr decade is a decade of hope. what our great imam did with faith and belief and with trust in god and self-confidence of carrying the banner and the nation followed imam to create a transformation was the best interpretation of the leader saying that the imam is a reformer, the imam wanted
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to change the existing situation. to make a favorable situation for a country that has characteristics such as independence, freedom, and freedom. from religion and religious teachings, a society with knowledge, a civilized society, with the characteristics of civilization and civility that our society has it should be and provide a lifestyle that is suitable for the dignity of an islamic person. there is what the imam did and trying
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to create a structure for this change in the constitution and then let the people vote on the principle. the system of the islamic republic of iran tried to vote decisively against the constitution of the enemy, so that this transformation did not happen, and the imam of the revolution and the reformist people tried to establish this system in the first decade and in the second decade. there is a lot of sedition and scheming so that this system is not established
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. the conspiracies of the first decade are a copy of what our dear mr. haji hossein, mr. yekta, here are the manifestations of they expressed this resistance and standing, one hundred percent, which they wanted to create for the formation of the 8- year war system. it was an imposition, one of them was hypocrisy and hypocrites and the killing and martyrdom of more than 17 thousand people , these were things that wanted to see separatism around the country and at the borders, and they wanted to avoid various cases, but both the decade of formation and the decade of consolidation were done. now that they didn't succeed, they tried hard
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to induce inefficiency, saying that this revolution, this huge movement, and this transformation is not efficient for the management of contemporary human life, but all their plans were ruined. the third decade of ten developments or messages the revolution for the region of muslim nations was everywhere in the world. nations in not only our region in all parts of the world learn from the islamic revolution. that we can learn that it is possible
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to establish a revolution called religion. learning that you can demand independence, freedom, rights and justice. what happened in the region under the title of islamic awakening, al-sahut al-islamiya, this is a transformation. it was a huge change that the muslim people in the region decided to live as muslims . an awakening happened in the region in the islamic countries thanks to the islamic revolution. the situation in resistance and standing against the fake regime zionism has changed, they used to sit around the negotiation tables, liberation organizations, camp
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david agreements, sharm vashik agreement, oslo agreement. and adjust other contracts. my other party did not adhere to any contract. those without faith will break the covenant. the quran says that these will break the covenant. they are not the feet of the misaqs. current resistance. after the victory of the islamic revolution, its manifestation became another manifestation. changed. the course of resistance changed in such a way that all the palestinian people followed the stand against the enemy and the stone war, the first, second and third intifadas turned into a war with rockets. all these developments it happened thanks to the islamic revolution. and this flag
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raised by the imam, this transformative view of the imam and the islamic revolution, day by day, despite the enemy's desire to progress, the progress somehow became noticeable, despite all the threats and sanctions that the enemy officially announced , the maximum pressure on the islamic republic of iran has become ineffective. they announced officially that the islamic republic of iran could not stop any of these pressures, the system of the islamic republic of iran , neither the war, nor the flow of hypocrites, nor the conspiracy, nor the threats, nor the sanctions against our nation, and this train
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could not move forward. . open and always this train of progress was moving. he never stopped moving, according to everyone. today , many presidents who look at the state of our country, our science and technology parks admit that how could you progress with all these limitations. these developments were made thanks to the presence of the people, thanks to the guidance of the wise leadership of the islamic revolution, and thanks to the strong will of our dear young men and women in the society. today, the expression of these developments is a source of hope for the people. it revives hope in hearts. the enemy
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is looking for this with his media and news empire which shows our strengths and progress in a different way , and with rumors and atmospheres , seeks to exaggerate or magnify our shortcomings and weaknesses, seeking that bravery, courage, standing and many manifestations of progress the things that exist in the soul and soul of our society that cannot be depicted, he wants to turn them into hopes
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into jesus, into progress into points. make strength look so bad that in the minds of many, strengths and progress are introduced as weaknesses. zainabi should do something if the most important event in our history is the ashura incident. there were no narrators who introduced ashura well, who introduced the aspects of ashura well, it was not known that generations and eras were informed about ashura, ashura news, and ashura dramas.
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those who, like masoomin, accurately convey the narrative to the communities, with all these great words, like mr. motahari, we feel that he should write a pen in order that ashura should not be distorted. to make people understand the distortions of ashura, this incident is so clear and so clear, and the narrators are so honest, yet we see that they have suffered distortions , they attribute words to ashura that did not exist in ashura, or the history of ashura has been distorted. want to present the body. some are from honesty, purity and sincerity, some are from ignorance. i provide incorrect analysis. you see, if
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the narration of our imposed war is not correct, as the narrators of the war, the narrators of light and the path of light go to hear the narration from the eyes of honest narrators. if the flow of holy defense is not analyzed, it should not be explained in our society, we see various issues from his side , but since the beginning of the ceasefire , starting to give incorrect analysis, giving false reports, presenting dishonest narratives , if it is a movement. the holy defense was huge, no matter what we make a movie about, document it, make a series, no matter what book is written , it still has a place, it still has capacity
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. he was faced with the islamic revolution, because everyone was giving him money, one was giving him money he gave him weapons, someone gave him facilities , he gave him information, and the flow of rahian noor was a blessing from god, that honest narrators would narrate, films would be made , good documentaries would come out, and it would be clear what kind of movement this great movement was, today, it is very important that the correct narration is from progress. many things that we have had and have in the country. these narratives
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make enemies despair and friends hope, and the correct narrative can be transmitted to the society. if we do not narrate, they will narrate us. if an honest narrative of the country's progress is not done, others will narrate in some way it is far from reality. very wise work of the leadership in the statement of the second step. read carefully. statement of the second step. the second step statement is a complete report in advance. the progress of the country and presenting the facts of the glorious islamic revolution and at the same time presenting solutions to solve the country's problems is a
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completely accurate document so that people can see the facts in this statement, the facts and progress , and at the same time see what needs to be done. what should be done in the next step and it is very important for all those who are active and present in this field to see where we were and where we are now. what the islamic revolution of our honorable imam, our people were shouting on 22 bahman 1957 for the liberation of quds sharif to support palestine, has become today. the speech of the whole world, not the speech of the muslim people, only the speech of all the people of the world, the truth of this view and the truth of this position
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has become clear to all the world, the issue of all free human assemblies in the world and other fields is the same, so this narration is very important for our new generation to know where where have we been? god, the important goal that the leader of the islamic society has outlined is where we will go. it is quite clear that the movement of the iranian nation and the rest of the nation has several elements. one element is the movement of the nation to
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the meaning of an aunt is "possessed". being a destination and being purposeful is a movement 2 dynamic 3 destination having four imams and muqtadas of the ummah, all of these are hidden within the ummah and as such have a purpose, the governor of allah al-masir, the goal is a very clear goal for our society and it is completely against me. the basis is that we are getting closer to these near goals. during my previous trip to new york to fail in this un general assembly, mr. secretary general told me in this meeting that i have two apologies to you. the first apology is that i am a i am orange, portugal, coming to
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hormuz island, occupying a part of your country i have to apologize that i am a portuguese and this was done. second apology, i tried very hard to reduce the sanctions on iran regarding the issue of corona and release the vaccine so that the people of iran do not suffer so many casualties. i told mr. debir kalel to tell you about the corona virus, that our nation worked hard and we produced six types of vaccines, one type of vaccine with the help of cuba and the other 5 types of our own scientists with initiative and creativity, and today we told him from the importer that day importers of vaccines
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have become exporters. our great vaccine that we did not stop because you think you will stop us by not giving us the tools, by sanctioning our military industry , our nuclear industry, see the progress that exists today in our other industries. in the same way, a lot of effort has been put into the knowledge-based works . you wanted us not to export our oil . today, our work is progressing. you wanted our business not to flourish . today, our business has set a record in the region. you did not want this to happen, but this is not in your hands. the war of narratives is my last word in this meeting. it is both a war of wills
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and a war of narratives. in the war of wills, the will of the nation iran has won over the will of the arrogant. and this victory should be narrated so that they don't narrate it. if we do not narrate, we will be narrated. the owners of understanding and understanding, the owners of speech and expression , the owners of the pen, should make an effort, narration, as it should be , because we are in the war of narratives, just as we are in the war of wills, in this war and glorification of wills , the will of the iranian nation will be the will of the will. the victory was won, but in the war of narratives , you can see the current of palestine so clearly, which is clear to the whole world, but see how the narration of the current of palestine is taking place.


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