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tv   [untitled]    February 5, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm IRST

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rahman al-rahim, hello, dear viewers , at 20:30 , i am at your service with some news from the nationals department. the spokesperson of the ministry of foreign affairs said that the taliban should fulfill their obligations regarding iran's occupation of hirmand. tehran is being followed up with the authorities of the interim ruling body of afghanistan. the spokesperson of the ministry of foreign affairs also said: iran is participating in the doha meeting for afghanistan. on the fifth day of
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fajr decade, two medical and sports programs for foreign doctors living in iran were opened in goltepe varamin region. these plans were opened by the national migration organization it was made available to them for public use. opening of a medical center to provide special medical services for foreigners living in tehran. most of our focus will be on services to pregnant women . a doctor will be active in this center every day. there is a midwife who provides services to women. we have a psychologist. we provide nursing services in this center . we swore that we should help everyone , regardless of race, nationality, language. culture, ethnicity, it
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doesn't matter to us, sick is sick to us whatever we can do, you should do it. i am very happy that part of our activities is in the field of consulting services for the medical community . the sports hall was another project that was opened today. allahu akbar is our leader. in these two centers , they will have easier and better access to specialized sports services and specialized health services , considering that more people live in the southeast area of ​​tehran province , it is easier for them to access here and free services are available to these people. takes launching two therapeutic and sports projects in the region. goltpe varamin
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tehran took less than a year. afghans can benefit from all services by visiting this atma special administrative service center. amir hossein khademi, radio and television news agency. the body of martyr seyyed ali hosseini, nicknamed "mosafir farda" , is buried in nasim shahr, baharestan. martyr seyyed ali hosseini, one of the commanders of the hazrat abulfazl brigade's takir unit , in the uniform of the fatemiyoun army, after 10. the year of jihad in the syrian region was martyred three days ago due to the air strikes of american forces in deir wozor. israel , for example, we made the soldier of the imam of the time to be in such a way that the back of the imam of the time is empty of salt inshaallah , he will be firmly in the mouth of israel, america and the wahhabis for what he is doing. for example , my child has followed the path of god and the path of islam
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, and he has continued his path to the cities of karbala without leaving his family behind. the ceo of the social security organization said that next year more number of accidents will be covered by insurance. for the next year, the program predicts about two and a half million people . we have targeted two and a half million people for insurance coverage for the next year iran university of medical sciences has attracted more than 1,700 international students from 13 countries, including the united states, canada, india, azerbaijan, lebanon, afghanistan, syria, iraq and several other countries . the second edition of khomeini's crime book
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will be released soon. because of khomeini's crime, the belief and devotion of afghan jihadists to imam khomeini, may god's mercy be upon him, is narrated. the people of afghanistan should take a lesson from iran and put these corrupt people who kill people in their place in their place. these few sentences are the extract of all your stories, all the stories narrated by the author, the story that i am guilty of. i narrated last night about the impact of the iranian revolution and the ways and conduct of the imam in the hearts of afghan shiites , one of whom was the brother of martyr alireza tausli named mohammad amin
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. mohammad amin was the result of 65 hours of conversation with afghan people. when the elder brother of martyr tussalli was arrested by the government of the time and there is no news about them , 35 years later, a list is leaked and the names of the people who were arrested at that time are published, and everyone was arrested for a crime, and mohammad amin martyr tavasli's brother is also accused of crime. khomeini, when the communist government came to power, the communist government naturally put pressure on all those who had some kind of religious interests, and a group of them were those who were somehow considered among the viceroys of the imam and the representatives of the imam in
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afghanistan. among these people , they were imprisoned in afghanistan for the same crime . my dears, islam has no borders. from that photo and those speeches , many things remained for the first person of this story. one of them is a view that does not have a boundary for islam for a muslim. in a year and the half you were in the region before mersad operation. gholamreza came back to qom twice , he was told that the lesson is more important, and in afghanistan , how did you respond to the war with iran, whether it was afghanistan or iran
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? it became a book with 352 pages of narratives of the muslim jihad of haj akhund and his sons . haj akhund used to talk about the imam in the mornings in the school and after the qur'an lesson for little children of your age, and whoever had a better spiritual gift would give him a picture of the imam as a gift. a picture in the houses of every village imam sat on the ledge or on the wall. one of the thousands of afghan families who, apart from being neighbors and speaking the same language with the words of the imam of iran , built another commonality between iran and afghanistan. khadija parvesh of the broadcasting news agency. to monitor important news about immigrants, to investigate and deal with various issues of daily life of afghan citizens in iran, and to see the reports broadcasted in this news section, it is enough
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to join our channels in the virtual space of sain mohajeran 23. you can also refer to and our website at wideac. also, more detailed, more relevant news to afghanistan , follow afghan doctors in iran. thank you for your attention. good night and god bless you. take a look at these photos, look at the warmth of sleep
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, let someone's eyes remind you of waking up, but only standing. that our story is not a dream story, come and put your heart into the sea , don't doubt that eventually this day will die. how did it happen that it took all this way to get up on the morning of the 23rd of february 1358, when we slept at night, we got up in the morning and saw that the radio announced that the people of khuzestan were flooded, we formed the children of flood in khuzestan and they gathered together until the night. chickpea feed blanket. heavy rains around the south of the country and the rivers overflowed, the result was the destruction
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of agricultural lands and people's houses, and even the death of about 50 people. the water came into our houses and carried away the sheep. we were in a valley where we had the comfort of having a lot of rain. when it came, it hit the sheep and carried away, and we were poor. there was an unprecedented flood in khuzestan , and these black and white images remain from the ruins of that flood and its narratives. but the residents of haft kolestan say that there are also stories that are not recorded in this frame, but in the minds of people, why, like the stories of the mayor of the city , my own house really got flooded, but he did nothing for his own house at all, and we all became angry for the regions. a deprived person who was in haftkal city and it was around the day, all friends came and we went to solve the water problems, which i will tell you that he used to take equipment and draw the water out of people's houses with a surface
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. ahvaz, he became the governor of a city that was 90 kilometers away from his place of residence. every person from khuzestan is thankful for all of this , but he was on the job even in that flood, of course , he was not only known as a governor, he was a professor , he was armed both in terms of the quran and in terms of ideology. because we are in haftkal high schools for girls and we also had a lack of teachers for boys, they were fluent in english and arabic , as well as arabic, english, and religion . alireza chiragzadeh, a teacher and political activist before the victory of the islamic revolution, after the victory of the revolution and the formation of the government , became the governor of haftgol khuzestan in order to represent the government in the second oil city of iran. because he had done some work in the region, especially during the flood
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, people were interested in him. such a one-year activity that he did, the people elected him and sent him to the parliament. the issue of the law bill was just when he was 27 years old . he had come to use this platform to solve the problems of the people of his province. the plan of some representatives was to look for water and gas and the phone was slow . then he pressed the key and the phone started working. he really touched the problems of the people and the troubles of the people, the issue of youth employment, the issue of hospital facilities, for example, roads. for example, the facilities that were there were very poor, that is, they were not at the level of a city, the same cement factory that is in the region now
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hafkal and ramramoz are the first startups of this noble martyr chiragzadeh zadibon fell into the hands of the youth . every sword comes from it. and the heads of the organs are beaten. no, this podium is for the organs as long as they work in the line and take steps, god willing, it will move in the line to protect the people like the day when the flood came and he himself went to help. seyyed alireza chiragzadeh desboli was not more than two years old when the party's office exploded islamic republic happened. i am the martyrs.
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may the soul of your martyr be happy, god willing, may you be healthy. thank you very much. ask ali sir, what do you say? first of all, my dear son, this was not about
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the world at all. he was only thinking about the hereafter. he was very sincere. i. it became clear that one of your children was martyred in the holy defense front . yes , yes, yes. i was 15 years old . he went to the abbas front, sir. guarding and such on the way now, whoever reads this, i won't stop them. we have to do it in the defense of islam . this war is a test for all of us. it's good for all of us . now, those who are smart enough to read this test are right. so, haj madam, please tell me from ali
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agha that how many years have they been wearing security uniforms? in 1979, we got married. from the very beginning , ali came as a bodyguard to propose to me. he was extremely kind and well-mannered. in the 23 years that i lived with him , i did not see any rude behavior from him, and that was the first two or three days. that the martyr he was one of the military advisers of our country. how many years was it? being in syria , yes, it was 92 out of 92. yes , they were serving there until the day i was martyred. how many children do you have? i have three daughters, by the grace of god, and i am our fourth child, who, god willing , will give us a gift in one month. didn't you tell them that it's enough
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, it's been 9 years and 10 years to return to the country on a mission ? not at all. he was killed, may god have mercy on his parents and all of us, he is ashamed. i mean , he didn't act like this once. he was always supportive because it is really an honor to go this way. i was bothered because of his distance, but the peace that i felt that i was doing my duty is much higher for me . also, the defense of syria was actually the defense of iran itself, which means that if these brothers of ours are not fighting there, they should be in our own country anyway.
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how was he doing this defense ? it's good for your heart, it's good, it's very good , because of the trouble i took, big boy i did it. god somehow gave me a child who
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will be proud in front of all enemies, friends and family. i am two yes if. he was broken and came and told her that it's my turn tonight , and i have to stay here. i said, "mom, go to flo. woman , baby, you're here for two nights. go there. i'll go there. brother . they're going. he said no. brother. they come and go . they sleep. they sit and stand. they work for two days. i'm here." here i must be your servant, ali agha used to say, ali agha used to say, when you heard that he was martyred , did you not say in your heart, i wish ali had not died? no, i didn't say, i didn't say , he reached his goal, he worked hard for a few years, he went into operation and he went here and there and reached his goal. no, i didn't complain, i rubbed my hand, the way i just touched the top part of the long part
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, the part of the long part , i touched it to see if it has legs, i saw it , i saw it, i saw it. you can elevate yourself in all fields, to distinguish between right and wrong , distinguish between friends and enemies, and the emphasis that my father had on the province, as well as my father, for me personally , was very focused on my studies, very much on the same scientific jihad and scientific progress that hazrat agha spoke about. sample floor i would always thank god for this blessing and i will always thank god for such a fatherhood and destiny for me. tell me the memory you have of your father , amin, when sadrzai was martyred, this
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abji zahra was not in a good mood with me, for example, dad , we used to say, dad, who is the next martyr, and then dad would laugh, then when zahra would say abji zahra , dad would laugh. babji zahra would throw his head down and say, "dad, and then there was something else . my dad also told me that we should always say our prayers. what was your cartoon, haj, sir , you are in the oven, you are in the oven, yes, cooking, yes, brick making." an expectation you don't want me to do anything for you, i don't have any expectations, i just want to do something for god's sake that will make him proud in front of god and the prophet on the day of judgement. i
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will also say that martyr ali aghazadeh along with four other military advisors were martyred in syria , martyr omidzadeh martyr mohammadi. shahid karimi and shahid samadi. thank you very much, sorry for bothering you , haj, sir, sorry for bothering you , the life of this house is in my own hands, which is a stranger to the woman.
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it was decided that taxis should be insured like other jobs. taxi drivers say we don't provide insurance. social security insurance says insurance. we are not talking about the social insurance law for intercity cargo and passenger transport drivers, which was approved in the spring of 1379 in the islamic council and approved by the cabinet of ministers in june
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1380. as well as a driver's license, at least an education degree at the end of elementary school and having a health card were among the requirements of this law for drivers to benefit from social security insurance. this law is included. there were people who were truck drivers and intercity passengers until the parliament made an amendment in 2008 this law added and included the taxi drivers in the city to benefit from social security insurance. we announce the end of voting. was approved. according to the law, all drivers of public transportation must be covered by social security insurance, which is 50% of the right. their insurance is paid through government subsidies and the rest is paid by the driver himself so that they can enjoy the benefits of social security insurance.
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however, in 1392, the social security organization announced that because the number of drivers applying for insurance is more than the government's allocated credit limit it is not possible to insure new drivers for some time. the one who owns a taxi and has come to work as a taxi is looking for the government to insure him , but they don't. the minister of cooperation at the time says that under no circumstances will the insurance of any driver be cut off. however, the members of the parliament are pursuing this issue, considering the problems we had in the insurance of drivers , 220 billion tomans should be given to the social security organization for the insurance of drivers of heavy cars as well as the insurance of taxi drivers . social
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in the hall of the present parliament. and to the demands of the representatives regarding the insurance of taxi drivers, he explained as follows: i am obliged to insure as much as i can get now. this year , the financial burden is approximately 20 thousand billion tomans. dear representatives, we have received zero money from this 20 thousand billion tomans with the conditions of the parliament. solving drivers' insurance problems is underway. the budget program organization is obliged. to secure and deposit 13 insurance premiums for all public transport drivers in and around bronshe in the amount of 22 thousand billion rials. allocation of funds by the parliament to solve the problem of insurance for taxi drivers made the governments happy. every an old driver who retires, a new driver can use this royalty which is subsidized and paid by the government.
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the social security organization issued a circular to the whole country, but after a while, the social security organization said that the financial burden should be accepted by the program organization. an issue that was followed by the mps again. reminder of 44 representatives to the honorable president about the need to continue the government's support in paying insurance premiums for the drivers of the domestic fleet. a city of my note to dear minister of labor cooperation and social welfare, regarding the insurance of drivers, especially taxi drivers , which is objected to by these dear ones, with the approval of the social insurance law for drivers, 818 thousand drivers have been insured since the beginning, and about 400 thousand of these insured are taxi drivers in the city. but how many of these insured are related to recent years during the last two years.
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we have replaced 91,000 drivers. this law is very good for drivers. after all, if they are comfortable with the insurance they pay, their wives and children use the insurance. they will not have the opportunity to fly. no chance to fly.
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the election of ayatollah khamenei is a passionate election that guarantees national security and the large participation of people in the 22nd bahman march is a sign of national authority. in a few days, we have a march on the 22nd of bahman. god willing, our dear people will participate in this passionate march. this shows the authority
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of the president.


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