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tv   [untitled]    February 5, 2024 10:00pm-10:30pm IRST

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will be. thank you very much for being with us in this news series. while saying goodbye to the viewers of channel 1, i invite you to be a viewer of a special news interview on the topic of building new cities, including the persian gulf, mokuran central, on the coast of hormozgan. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. greetings, courtesy, respect , and good night. i am in the presence of each and every one of you , dear and respected viewers, with another special news talk show tonight. i, majid akhwan , are proudly at your service as members of your warm homes.
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as you see and hear in the news these days. at the same time as the dawn of the islamic revolution, in every corner of our dear islamic iran , we are witnessing the start of construction, welfare, production, service and all kinds of projects all over the country. but maybe it can be boldly said that these days, with the provincial visit of the president of the islamic republic of iran to hormozgan, this province is at the top. the exploitation plans have arrived and this year's fajr decade has received special attention for hormozgan province. how important is the strategic role and position of hormozgan province in the field of foreign trade, oil and energy, especially the role of this province in the sea-based economy and the capacity to create new cities? this province has forgiven that tonight in the talk show
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here in the studio , i am at the service of mr. mehdi dosti, the honorable governor of hormozgan province, and i am at his service, greetings and welcome. welcome to the program. governor's special news talk before i start with your excellency, i would like to be at the service of our dear viewers. let's watch a report together. then we will return to the studio. i will be at the service of mr. dosti. one of your plans was to strengthen the sea economy. in this matter we have several important work on our agenda. one , we will complete the southern coastal corridor of the country as soon as possible, and the southern road coastal strip, which is about 900 km directly located in this province.
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its completion is on the agenda of these days in line with the development of the basic sea economy in addition to these 27 coastal points that were promised to you and were approved by the supreme housing council from those 27 coastal city points that were targeted and the legal path of the program council. the planning of the province, the location of the supreme council of urban planning and architecture , 10 points in this province were visited today with your visit to two coastal cities in this province. its implementation began. the coastal city of hamish persian gulf and the central makran coastal city. these two cities , one with a capacity of 3 thousand hectares and the other with 18 thousand hectares, in the first phase of the coastal city of khaleej hahdi far , will have 10 thousand residential units. from today, the construction of residential units in these coastal cities will begin, and one of your targets in this period
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and the construction of coastal cities in line with the strengthening of the maritime economy of these provinces and the coastal provinces and finally the entire country, the establishment of coastal cities and the construction of new coastal cities with productive approaches and with different habitability approaches more than ever, it is on our agenda that today, with your visit to these two cities, the executive operation has begun . dear mr. dosti, we are at your service. we welcome you again. i am at your service in the name of allah, the merciful, the most merciful. i am also at your service and all my fellow countrymen. greetings and good night. thank you very much. again , welcome. you took the trouble to come from band abbas to tehran to answer my questions on the special news program. well, on the trip of mr. president, we know that dozens. with service and cultural construction plan and
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other plans have been put into operation, and if we want to address all of them in this program , it is certainly beyond the scope of this program and our opportunity and time , but the number of plans that you think are more prominent from the point of view of your excellency and the government delegation. the province that has been put into operation with the presence of mr. president and can help the development of this province. what is the basis of the sea ? what is the most important thing to hear from you? well, on that trip. significant approvals were communicated to the province both in the hardware sector and in the software section and law amendments that were needed. its output was 132 projects worth
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105 thousand billion tomans that were put into operation during the visit of the honorable president. considering the extent of these projects, we divided the projects into 22 categories, which are more important if i want. let me mention them in the industrial sector, the opening of 128 factories and industrial enterprises and the opening of 7 new industrial towns. these are our biggest industrial projects. in the oil field , we had four petrochemical units producing all kinds of light and heavy hydro. in the energy field , we had 24 megawatts of new electricity capacity. housing sector we delivered 14,000 residential units and delivered 11 plots of land in the area of ​​800 kilometers of roads, either in the form of new roads, or in the form of resurfacing of the main secondary roads and repairs . in the area of ​​schools, we had 800 classrooms in the form of 200 the school was delivered in the watershed area, 50
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watershed structures were delivered. well, now we had natural resources, more than 4 million saplings, considering the environmental issues that we had in the province. in the field of gas, well, the important minab-siri line, which is actually located east of the strait of hormuz and reached a value of 5500 billion tomans, is another thing that has been done. it was in the field of treatment, there was a hospital, a subspecialty hospital for children, bandas, a basteg hospital, and 32 treatment projects in the field of treatment were completed and opened. mr. dosti, these projects you are referring to, the infrastructure was created years ago or not, during the same period of travel between 1400 and 1402, they were different, but mainly related to major trips or started after the trip, or for example
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, hospitals. it had started, it had stopped , the orders that were given, for example, we have water supply projects, one of the important packages that we had was the water supply package, considering the water problem in state. we have a water supply package to supply water to 156 villages and 5 cities, so now we have two trips, of course , one part has already been opened. 2 new desalination plants were developed and one level was completed . this was a part of the packages related to water supply . the second three phases of this complex have been put into operation yes, there were significant projects that were inaugurated during this trip. there was also a project that now, because
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mr. president is insisting on completing the works , it was the sirik nuclear power plant project. yes, the sirik nuclear power plant is also a very big project in the international dimension. there are projects with 500 megawatts of electricity generation capacity, which if we want to make a comparison with busher nuclear power plant , it is almost five times the size of busher nuclear power plant. this was one of the good projects that started its implementation during this trip, one of the same cities you mentioned. there are two coastal cities in the persian gulf, makran, the center now we are trying to reach them, i will tell you whatever the time of the program allows us. hormozgan province, along with other provinces
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on the southern and northern coasts of our country, such as bushar province or sistan baluchistan, and now the northern provinces have very large capacities. in the field of basic maritime economy, we know that the share of our country's economy may be 3 to 4 basic maritime economy, including these projects that have been opened now, and those that are under construction and operation in the coming years, god willing. or even what already existed, how much can increase this the contribution of the basic marine economy to the macro economy of the country is to help and develop. yes, first , let me tell you something. well, one of the important actions that were carried out in this trip were five ports, three ports, in fact , serik port, bomosa port, which is very vital for us. and a part of parsian port was completed, two ports of jask and gokser port
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were also developed, that is, we had packages in this direction as well. this is other than aquatic projects related to fisheries. see, now i am in the infrastructure field. and i see hormozgan's hardware as complete, in this regard, there are necessary infrastructures shahid rajaei port with a capacity of 7 million 100 thousand teu is a significant capacity in this government. the third phase of the shahid rajaei port and khmer specialized port has also been launched, because you know that hormozgan has a special feature that my mines are close to it, that is, your transportation is very economical. hormozgan itself is connected to both the oman sea and the persian gulf and because its length, which is more than a thousand kilometers, the strategic location of the province and the presence of 14 strategic islands, now kish, qeshm, moz, lark, and siri, and all of these are islands in hormozgan province, almost the rest.
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well, the islands are not comparable to the islands located in hormozgan province, well, these islands also give some weight, but if we want to count the total beaches of the province, with the perimeter of the islands and actually the khoriat coast , we have about 2232 km of beaches. there is , but if i want to say what to focus on now. there is in the discussion of the marine economy, especially after the announcement of the policies of the marine economy, now our main focus is on the software discussion of the laws, because we really, our problem is mainly on the software discussion, now there is a main one, now connectivity is actually creating a connection between the ports where the shipping lines can bring cargo and take cargo. we are working more on this area . honorable president gave a special order to discuss shahid rajaei port railway, about
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one thousand billion tomans of resources were allocated for the development of shahid rajaei port railway . i don't see any weakness in the country's marine structures, but there is a need to make improvements in the communication and connectivity issues that i mentioned. with the order given by the honorable president during this trip, well, it was decided to amend a series of legal issues , we have these issues in the law, which should be coordinated between the laws in the maritime domain , so that we can in the direction of growth and development, in fact, the maritime economy is the base. he has taken the same step. now we haven't moved away from this issue of the growth and development of the basic sea economy, and since you mentioned the 17 islands in hormuz province, 14, these two islands were supposed
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to become or these two free zones become an export platform, but it feels like a record. it is very acceptable not to have in this particular subject means to become the export platform of the islamic republic of iran. what is the government's plan now, god willing , to create these conditions and along with these two freedom zones. in addition to these two islands , these new cities, which we are now reaching , can be expected to become the country's export platform . it is moving now , it is taking tourists from the air fleet. one of the things that has been done and you have seen an example of it is that some time ago the honorable government opened the highway to isfahan. the opening of shiraz to tehran
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and isfahan is also the right route. i think that connecting this route to the coast of the persian gulf and that the sea section of our island of kish can receive passengers from the land fleet as well, because now all the pressure of kish tourism is on the limited capacity of the flight fleet, this is a great help. it will help kish, it will help in qeshm. now, well, the discussion of water, refinery, oil, oil, petrochemical, and aquaculture are the three axes that the managers of the free zone are following . the year of the island of khashir to the coast of the persian gulf, which is on the agenda of the government now tell me what is the problem with the non-development of the sea. i told you to look at the software. one is risk coverage, because after all, the risk of investing in the sea is much higher, when you can invest in industrial fields or oil fields with a
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lower risk. make a good investment , you won't die in the high-risk sea, a series of legal and legal problems. there is that they also need to be helped. first, there is the problem of financing in other plans. now, for example, it is above 234 in the field of marine economy, for example, flotation is about 12% . there is also a weakness in our industrial development model. what's wrong with our industrial development model? you have a series of relative positions in the country, cheap energy , cheap feed, oil and petrochemical units, these materials go first in the initial links of the chain, that is , whoever finds the lowest depth of construction will go there in the initial links of the chain. they are concentrated and the next links of the chain must go to the world price, in fact, that is, shipbuilding and floating, which is at the end of this chain , does not get any relative position from the country, because because of you, cheap gas
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, cheap iron ore, they all go and sit where ingots are produced. and the shipbuilder should take the world rate if it is supposed that the insurance and financing model wants to take profit with these percentages. we cannot have serious development unless these fundamental changes are made in such an industry as the marine economy. very well , thank you very much, mr. dosti. mr. dr. rezaei, vice president of the mother company specializing in newly established cities, mr. rezaei , greetings to you, in the name of allah , the merciful, the merciful. thank you very much , mr. rezaei, i would like to request that, considering that during the visit of the honorable president of the islamic republic of iran to hormozgan province, among all the new cities that it is going to be planned and built two new cities of the persian gulf and mokran, god willing, the executive operations
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have started regarding these two cities and what area they are going to be built in and how many people are going to live in these two cities, god willing. be settled in the city, let's hear from your excellency. you're welcome. well, as you have already mentioned. in december of this year, the supreme leader announced sea-based economic policies . and following this order of the high official of the ministry , mr. dr. bespash, regarding the policies that were started last year in order to support the coastal settlements, which include 27 coastal settlements. we had considered the coastal strip in the south of the country. in fact, the studies started and 2 of our leading points, which are actually 27 of our points , were approved by the supreme council of urban architecture, and in line with the studies that had happened, 2 of our cities that were leading in the studies during the trip of the high authority of the presidency honorable president, hormozgan province was decided to start the implementation
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of the new city of the persian gulf, which is in a very strategic point. it is located at the junction of the persian gulf and the oman sea, in the east of bandas, with an area of ​​about 18 thousand hectares, with an initial population predicted in the phase first, about 100,000 people were planned with the activities of the sea-oriented economy that was seen in its activities , and the new city or the coastal settlement of central mekuran with the first talent. the first phase of about 200,000 people with an area of ​​about 21,000 hectares has actually been located in the initial area, and its executive operations have been started by the order of the highest official of the ministry , mr. rezaei. officials such as the ministry of roads and urban development
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are expected to build the infrastructure of these cities the amount of. it was studied in what time frame and what predictions did you think? i would like to thank you that, as a rule, according to the scale of the studies that have been done for these cities at the local, national and international level, the infrastructure should be studied and planned according to these scales. in the discussion of the studies that happened, as a rule, in the discussion of the infrastructures that should be created in three scales, we conducted our own studies in the infrastructure affairs working group of both the barmezi provincial council and the council. excellent architecture and urban planning location these and in fact the studies of these were approved , and in the following, according to the activities that have been tweeted for them and the standards that
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exist for each activity, its infrastructure should be operational , considering that our view is that alongside the public sector, the private sector invest in these cities so that we can have our own communication on an international scale , and be able to compete in this field . and its executive operations from this year and in fact, before the end of the year , there will be discussions about the underlying infrastructure and the superstructure, and god willing, in the conference that we will have in less than a month, we will be able to discuss the investor opportunities and general investment in at least a few of these cities are for investors in various domestic and foreign fields.
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and dear ones who want to study in these cities , find a place anyway. the issue of water supply what is the current state of water supply in hormozgan province and what do you think you should have in order to supply water to these new cities? you see , there is a serious problem in hormozgan province the main burden of solving my problem is on the shoulders of desalinators , there is almost nothing else that can be done considering that now there are also restrictions and when you are doing urban development, you have to provide sustainable water , agriculture can be done, finally. we have to provide for human beings, so on this principle, we actually
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put all the pressure and the burden of producing the required water on the shoulders of the water desalination plants. it will be desalinated and two units of dewatered water will return to the sea. we have to take care of those issues the environment should not cause damage to the environment of the persian gulf. well, what will happen if we are going to take care of it? look at the units that are there now. now, the units like this depleted salt have economic value. units like the current chloralkali units or units that are the salt chain is working, and it is being worked on, and a pilot project is being implemented along with one of these. i hope we will reach a conclusion . you know why i am asking this question, my friend , maybe the dear viewers who have us now. they see this question in the special news talk show there should be a corner of their mind that right now we
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are facing the problem of water supply for the same number of people in the southern regions of the country . well, they are worried about those accesses. the government plan, the program that i mentioned in the future , has a short, medium and long term. it can be very important and hopeful for the people. the government has increased the capacity of 42 water desalination plants in the province so far this is a very significant number. it is a very significant number since when 42 years since the beginning of the government since the beginning of the government. another thing that has been done is the requirement to ban water extraction for industries until they use water because you know that water is two times. it is harmful, one is that the waste water itself returns to the sea, and the other is that to replace it, you have to take three units of water from the sea
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and return it as reduced water. in fact, the resources that the industry is bringing to the city of bandar abbas god willing, at the end of this project , which will last until the end of 1404 , god willing, it will be in 1404. this part of the problem will be solved with the collection and treatment of sewage. it will cause less water to be removed from the industry and the production will continue. now , do you have statistics on the amount of water consumed by the industry? now we are harvesting approximately 134 thousand cubic meters per day. the topic is the same as your discussion
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on the sidelines of the new cities plan. in hormozgan province , now in the area of ​​housing provision, now what in the area of ​​what what is left of mehr housing , or what is happening in the field of the national housing movement, what plans are being implemented, and god willing , how many loved ones who need housing in the province do you think by the end of the 13th government, which is about two years from now? provide shelter and see the assignment of housing program of hormozgan province 6 thousand. there is a unit in the form of the national movement, in the form of the national movement, what has been delivered so far was 14 thousand during the visit of the honorable president, 6 thousand, there were 20 thousand before, about 20 thousand, and the unit has been delivered to the people, 11 thousand in the same field. do we have completed 91 assignments, construction permits have been issued, so let's say these letters once again, 66 thousand assignments
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have been completed. how many units have been delivered so far? 20,000 to 11,000 pieces of land have been delivered . 11,000 pieces of land have been delivered. of these areas , 320 were in the form of the youth population law plan, what is the form of the rest, in the form of the same rural , urban, rural retrofitting, we have delivered 66,000 to about 456,000. when, god willing, will we deliver ? no, you need to reduce the amount of ram. as for the delivery key unit, i mean the unit. you can see that there are 46,000 units left. we have issued 91 construction permits and are in the process of construction. regarding the commitment we gave to finish our 4-year assignment, god willing
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, this will happen. we are on the program now , god willing. thank you very much, dear mr. mehdi dostandar, hormozgan, for your presence in the special news talk show, and you , dear viewers, who have watched the talk show until this moment. you followed the special news , god bless you day and night. various political and economic trends in the elections , competing with each other, the importance of elections in the selection.
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you agree with the concentration of all activities in tehran, you can say that this problem will be solved by moving the capital, 4400 applicants. business coming to the agricultural field, but eating behind closed doors, debate trends on the eve of elections, every day at 15:00 from khabar network, today, wherever we are, tomorrow is higher, higher.
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in the name of allah. hello ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the world today, at the end of the 12th day of the second war , mr. nasser abu sharif, the representative of the jihad movement, will be the host islamic palestine in tehran to review the latest political and military developments with them, but before that let's take a look at the events of the past 24 hours in palestine psychologically.


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