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tv   [untitled]    February 6, 2024 6:00am-6:31am IRST

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in the name of allah, the merciful, the merciful. peace be upon ali muhammad and the family of muhammad and ajl farjahham. greetings and good morning . dear viewers , welcome to the news section at 6 am. the national conference of the islamic revolution and the future civilization horizon was held with appreciation of the best researchers, the best research institute and selected articles in the field of art. in this event, the first national civilization award was given to the best researcher. to witness the realization of the new
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islamic civilization. holding the second national conference of the islamic revolution and future civilizational horizon in the field of art. in this conference, 13 top researchers and research institutes, as well as 8 selected articles, were appreciated. for nearly 20 years, in the field of theoretical studies of civilization as well as strategic studies of civilization , we have had numerous activities .
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the objective and strategic orientation of studies in the field of civilization, the synergy of researchers who worked in the field of civilization, and the establishment of communication between civilization researchers and officials were among the main goals of holding this conference. let's fix this neglect and establish a new islamic civilization. today, the islamic republic has been able to create an important network of government and aligned ancient civilizations to determine the path of their own power . also, for the first time in this conference, the national civilization award
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was given to dr. musa najafi, who is in a special situation and can be a role model for the islamic world. islamic system building and the foundations of contemporary iranian civilization are among the main axes of holding this conference. mohammad ebrahim pakzad of sed and cima news agency. the minimum monthly salary of retirees is close to 10 million tomans. the news that the first vice president made it to the media. mr. mokhbar said in the honoring ceremony of exemplary retirees and pensioners from all over the country: govt pursuing proportionality of salaries and solving medical problems of social security retirees. retirees who spend their lives in execution. working environment how many
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years have you worked? 28 years, 30 years, 28 years, 31 years , the beneficiaries who now have many grandchildren. 8 children from 14, 15 to 90. they have 6 children. i have 12 grandchildren. they say that it is true that all their children got married and left, but when they all get together, they have to spend as much as several families. they have 27 children. nabireh and noushreh, well, my daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law, my salary is 10,300 per month , it is from april to friday, from april to thursday, it is 6 to 10. i will do 6, i will reduce 48 million to the koran, the expenses that do not fit with their pensions, with this ax, our salaries will not be answered, these social security retirees have other problems , they will not give us 2 years of equalization, why is it not implemented properly. allocate a budget to
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pensioners so that they can borrow. these talks were brought up while today they had a special guest, and he was the first vice president , who gave 10 tomans, which is what he is doing, and fortunately, the government was looking for it, and this was approved in the parliament. god willing, this the matter will come to a good point. minister of labor said that new measures
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have been taken in the field of treatment of retirees. dear ones who are over 65 years old . they are also prescribed in university hospitals with a contract that has been concluded. it is to be free in their hospitalization in hospitals. in this ceremony , the successful retirees and pensioners of the social security organization were honored along with a video communication with the country's retirees in some cities. the population of retirees covered by the social security organization is about four million people. hosseinieh bai of sed and sima news agency. welfare deputy. minister of tawan work and social welfare announced the start of the government's incentive plan. this plan includes about 61 million people from the first 7 tenths and continues until the 17th of ardi behesht next year. 1st to 3rd tithe
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was subsidized by 400 thousand tomans per person. now it is 620 thousand tomans. how much was the 3rd to 7th tenth of his subsidy? you used to spend from your own subsidy, and if you filled the ceiling of 200 thousand tomans , it would not have been 199 thousand tomans. if you filled the ceiling of 200 thousand tomans, 120 five cities and 30 border villages of sistan baluchistan benefited from natural gas. the managing director of the gas company of this province said: with this action of the population
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it has reached 148 thousand people covered by gas supply in sistan baluchistan. gas supply operation to five old cities, mohammadabad, zahak. ali akbar and banjar will be inaugurated, which will cover a population of more than 8 thousand households. also , gas supply will be opened to 30 villages of sistan district, sistan and khash, which will cover a population of more than 3 thousand households. the 13th government has already supplied gas to 13 cities, 121 villages and 162 industrial units of sistan baluchistan, and at the same time, the operation of gas supply to 18 other cities is underway, and today, tuesday, the deadline for participating in the the general disadvantage of the property organization is ownership. applicants have until tonight
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to announce their proposed prices for the supplied goods by referring to the government headquarters system. in this auction, about 1,600 billion tomans worth of goods have been offered , which includes more than 40 main product groups in 900 rows, which can be worth 500 billion tomans , all kinds of vehicles, including 89 heavy vehicles and road construction machines, 124 passenger cars, 40 motorcycles and 129 bicycles mentioned in this auction, in addition to the above vehicles, various other goods, including accessories household, office supplies, kitchen supplies, jewelry, and all kinds of waste along with clothing, stationery, and cosmetics are offered.
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be proud and victorious. let's hold hands for four months . the story is over . it didn't take more than two months for my employee and you to close their network . at the same time as they were shooting their last scenes in a building in london, virtual users reacted like this. they said goodbye to 14 years of despair supporting the ban on the destruction of the family foundation. iranians promote violence and spread rumors today , my mercenaries and you tomorrow for all those who are with the people
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they are hostile to iran. some people had a different reaction to the news of the closure of my and you, please don't be deceived. during the 13 years of operation of my and you network, this is the third time that keyvan and marjan abbasi announce the closure of their network, but their shop does not close. you and i are looking for sponsors , probably they are not closed. hanania naftali , one of the virtual active zionists and one of the figures close to netanyahu, wrote to him, "it is a sad day for all free iranians around the world with the closure of man and to tv, which was met with this response from iranian users under his post, ``ruzmon rozmon.'' we were so happy when we heard that this spy hangout of zionist mercenaries was closed . this network is for the interests of its child zionist regime, the people of iran, after 13 years of this
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network's activity to apply economic pressure and sanctions, we have more than a dozen programs now, including sanctions on iranian oil after the end of the military attack on iran , israel's military attack on the nuclear centers and military facilities of the islamic republic, now we see the need for a foreign intervention, their snowy friday morning like this they narrated that it fell last year and you said that this year , if it snows, it is not the islamic republic. a year has passed and it snowed again, but now it is not. they wanted to mark the end of the islamic republic, but they ended themselves. the islamic republic saw snow this year too , but you and i did not. this is over, but the flag of the islamic republic of iran is still flying high. mohammad javad reza soltani, radio and television news agency. each of them
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speak thousands of languages ​​while being speechless, objects that provide authentic documents of culture, art and history. museum means a concept and an approach that shows human thought in tangible and intangible form it protects, recognizes and introduces. before the revolution, the number of museums, both government and affiliated to public institutions and other institutions of the country, included 44 , and after the revolution, the number of museums reached 829. before the revolution , we had 44 museums, both government and affiliated to public institutions and other institutions of the country. apart from this, 24 museums affiliated with the ministry of culture at that time and 20 museums affiliated with other institutions were operating. after our revolution, this number increased significantly to 8. 1,299 museums separately in the field of museums affiliated to the ministry of heritage and 260 museums in this handcraft tourism
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and in the field of museums affiliated with other institutions , the number of museums reached about 320. we had an increase of about 200. an important part of the historical documentation is owed to the museums that are still developing from the development plan of the national museum of iran, one of our programs in the national museum. iran national museum of iran development plan. in mashakh square, we hope to be able to compensate part of the needs of the national museum of iran, which has more than 3 million works and only 3,000 of them are on display, with the development of the national museum of iran in the mashakh square section, and to open four or five new museums. it will be opened in the blessed decade of fajr that the public of these museums are the museums of the private sector that has been able to with politics. with the government's investment and support, god willing, we will be able to witness the opening of these museums. the works of art displayed in
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the aineh museum are a complete reflection of the culture, art, customs, beliefs and convictions of our ancestors and ancestors, which can be considered as a bridge between the past, present and future, and lending the works of different museums. the country is also a ground for the museum's cycle of cultural exchanges. today: museums are a symbol of peace and kinship and introduction of culture and art and the cultural and civilizational heritage of the country both. in the past years, iran has held in some countries, this year it is its turn to hold in china , in turn, china will also hold this exhibition in iran. these works of the nafisi collection, which were displayed in the forbidden city of china, make the chinese audience better understand ancient persian. in addition to diverse cultural,
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social and economic functions, museums have dynamic media and link the achievements of nations to today and tomorrow. it is our plan in the future to be able to have a museum in every city's cultural heritage horizon, god willing. zahra hosseini sarasht, sed and broadcasting news agency. ladies and gentlemen, the united nations educational institution, unesco, after the vote of the organization. it accepted the palestinian authority as an independent country and its new member. 12 years have passed since this statement by unesco, the most important cultural educational organization of the united nations. an organization that, as stated in its charter , seeks to create peace through educational and cultural cooperation. but now
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, after 12 years of palestine's membership, this international organization has not only failed to bring peace to this country. a victory that could not even stop the destruction of historical and cultural monuments in palestine. after the past about four months after the ganza war , the palestinian government's appeals office announced in its latest statistics that with the 66 thousand tons of explosives that the zionists dropped on gaza, in addition to the complete destruction of 99 schools and universities, at least 161 mosques , 3 churches and 200 works of art were destroyed. ancient ones were also razed to the ground. i announce to the whole world that the more you hit gaza, the more resistant it will be. the zionists' public action in the direction of erasing palestinian cultural and historical monuments, and of course with the meaningful silence of unesco. because of the silence of the unesco organization against
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the killing of students, the destruction of schools and historical monuments in gaza. i was shocked by the establishment of this issue unesco has no relevance when, despite more than 70 years of zionist crimes in palestine , the zionist regime is invited to the unesco meeting , some say that maybe we should not expect more than silence from this international organization. now, in such a situation, the owners of ancient civilizations such as iran, egypt, iraq, greeks and italy are trying to prevent the erasure of the works. while strongly condemning these war crimes , they should use all their capacities to stop this dire situation in palestine. mojtaba shah soni of radio and television news agency. the law
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to remove barriers to the development of the electricity industry as soon as it is approved all regulations related to this law were put into the hands of the government. they were immediately requested to submit the draft texts to the government. the law was approved with 19 articles, and now, except for article 10, all its executive regulations have been promulgated. according to this article, the ministry of energy has a mandate that with the cooperation of the ministry. and the budget program organization should act on the gradual elimination of energy pricing along the chain of production, transmission and distribution of electricity and transfer all subsidies to the end of the chain before the final consumer of electricity. they are moving in this direction. to remove the subsidy from the energy carriers and
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pay it to the final part that is the consumer and everyone consumes according to their needs. he should spend that subsidy on his energy, in other words, the gas subsidy of power plants will be removed and this amount will be paid to the people. subsidy transfers fuel to the end of the chain . this makes the power plants that have higher efficiency can have more receipts and more motivation for the power plants. if this happens , the subsidies will be withdrawn and paid to the final consumer, it is expected that there will be freedom in that environment which i actually said. i would like to ask you to get the right price for electricity, so that, god willing, now in that space, the investor can see his task more clearly and see at what price he can sell his paper in this space. the return of cooling is guaranteed to a greater extent, and based on that guarantee of return on investment, we will witness, god willing, an increase in investments in this field and
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we will not experience these summer blackouts again. optimizing energy consumption can be economically justified, as well as productivity in the power plant. to increase the thermal energy , which means increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of the power plant as well renewable energies in the country, god willing , will find more economic justification to remove yaran. from the gas delivered to the power plants, it means that the fuel price of the power plants is finally going to become real, that is , it should be a little closer to the fuel price of the petrochemical industry and feedstock. like petrochemicals, come with us and set the gas price to the same price as outside fob. calculate wherever we calculate, but let us also come and get the electricity rate as much as, of course, in order to realize these predictions, the price of electricity in space be discovered fairly. the experts' solution
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for this issue is the energy exchange, and the latest follow-ups from the promulgation of the regulation of article 10 of the law on the removal of barriers to the development of the electricity industry, the initial draft of the text from the ministry of energy, submitted to the government's infrastructure commission , have been discussed and reviewed by experts. in order to implement the provisions of this law as best as possible, which the government has agreed with in general, and with the cooperation of the government and the parliament, this law has finally come into being, predictions have been made and returned to related institutions, including the ministry of energy, the program organization and other institutions. the related ones that they can strengthen the motion , predict the necessary implementation points in it, and resend it to the infrastructure commission as soon as the work discussions are finalized. the science will naturally reach the final approval. tina salehi, sed and sima news agency. life expectancy
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is one of the key health indicators of any country. an index that has increased over the past 45 years from 51 and a half years in 1957 to 78 and a half years in women and 76 and 2 years in men. the average of this index in the world is 73 years. factors such as improving environmental conditions and living standards, medical advances, improving the quality of life of the elderly, eradicating diseases contagiousness and reducing infant mortality have been effective in reaching this index. in 1953, the infant mortality rate per thousand births. this is the most important indicator. we were alive for 32 thousand birthdays. 95, 9. it is now 8:30. this is an honor to prevent disease and reduce malnutrition in the country , many programs have been implemented during these years. a map
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of the country's nutrition problems has been compiled in the ministry of health. compilation of the optimal food basket has been done in the ministry of health. the monitoring of the community's iodine status has been done. fortunately, the amount of fatty acids in oils is very controlled and the amount of salt in bread is one of the successful programs it was the ministry of health. fortunately, the number of malnutrition has decreased a lot . now it is not at all comparable to the beginning of the revolution. our country's statistics are now 4 years old, which has decreased very much, and the first statistics of the revolution that i was looking at were around 16. immunization coverage with vaccines has increased from 25% in 1957 to over 95%, and no new case of the disease has been reported in the country for 20 years in diseases such as polio. now some new vaccines are going to be added to the immunization program.
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it will reduce a thousand cases of hospitalization of babies and small children. our next plan for next year is removal it is hepatitis c. the measurement of harmful chemical agents and smart monitoring to prevent the occurrence of diseases in the workplace are among other workplace health programs in the country. we can measure the harmful factors that exist there online and we can have information and knowledge on a platform across the country. another topic of today's nuclear technologies, which fortunately
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have been found in our country. it is used with the use of object x, which is one of the most modern and up-to-date technologies in the world in order to control diseases that carry diseases, but also to prevent and control non-communicable diseases such as diabetes and blood pressure, which are the source of many other diseases and incur heavy treatment costs, the national blood pressure and diabetes survey was conducted this year, and 46 million people were screened in this plan. 46 million people , approximately more than 800 thousand people had suspected high blood pressure and more than 400 thousand people had diabetes. now, to prevent and take care of people's health, the program of one health care provider for every 1500 people for 27 million people of the country is being implemented. over 195 cities in the whole country covered by this program it is very, very important that it started with 58 cities
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and it continued like this, from 5 million people to 27 million people . god willing, they will be attracted, considering that half of the physical diseases have mental and psychological origin, the ministry of health has developed mental health community centers and the number of psychologists last year when we received them was 2000 people. the latest statistics of psychologists working in the centers during the last month are 3000 people, which is an eye-opening increase clip the second thing i want to say is the point of completing the service cycle with the seraj program or the mental health of the community. see, the siraj collection is an exceptional collection that you can see on its tour. the collection
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started in 2002 from two centers. in 1401, 23 centers were reached. in 1402, we upgraded 23 centers with a fourfold increase. the number of these centers is expected to reach 100 by the end of the year , and free services will be implemented in these centers for target groups such as students, couples, pregnant women, and the elderly. maryam bikpour, radio and television news agency. of the important issues that we should let's take care of it so that we can maintain this honor today. one of them is the unity of our society. the unity of the society is not about us alone.
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one person's promise to have a common opinion in an election . the most important component of unity is that we have unity around fundamental issues. the most important basic issue is unity around the enemy. unity is around the enemy. this is important. it cannot be in a battle that exists between our enemies, between the islamic world and the iranian nation. there should be two voices between iran's honor. consider some enemies as your friends, do not fall in love with the false promises of the enemy. this two voices, if someone in a position wants to make the enemy a friend, this is treason. this is a betrayal to the iranian nation, to the ideals of this nation. at any level of the iranian nation, at all levels of the iranian nation.
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unity around the enemy. it is the most important issue. in the name of god.


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