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tv   [untitled]    February 6, 2024 6:30am-7:01am IRST

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the whole level of the iranian nation is unity around the enemy is the most important issue. in the name of god.
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the pilgrimage of agha imam reza (peace be upon him) to the end of the end of our independence tractor of iraq, this line is the beginning of an endless research path in the field of d sal , the beautiful region of the last city of shahrvard, west of the sed and sima news agency. god, in your hope, in the name of hazrat doost , from whom everything is . good morning to all of you, dear and respected viewers. may god bless you. i offer my condolences on the martyrdom of imam musa kazem. until around 8 o'clock, join us with today's news events. not allowed in these people.
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my heart is burning with sadness and torment and i am dying of madinah and the right of my weight and the cage that has become my cage.
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what will become of my cage, so that i can reach the shrine, i, my oh , my sorrow, my friend, my shrine, my oh, my sorrow, or me , my oh, my sorrow, oh me, my oath, or my friend , to a door that was not from that alley there was no news, my eyes were staring at a door that was not there from that alley.
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greetings to the side that broke. what calamity has befallen madinah unless the symbol of gul ali becomes a sign.
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my soul and my heart are filled with fire. by god, i am ashamed of all this sadness, my sigh, my sadness, or my pyramid, and the memory of the harem of the month of the journey.
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wow, imam zaman, how sad all the alleys got you come when everyone took your excuse, what a sadness. all the alleys took you. come, let all the excuses bring you to yourself. i am lost
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. hello reporter . hello reporter. let's start today with the field of technological innovations and also the relationship between industry and university . commercializations that are going to start today regarding some of these plans happened to us and you.
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up to the plan to the final stage of the event. it is to support innovative projects, god willing , we will do our support. these 16 projects were selected from among several projects. this year , we collected 64 projects from the call that was made in the university . these projects were evaluated from two aspects. various are evaluated according to the design and type of design from a technical point of view. out of these 64 designs, 34 designs were able to get to the second stage and their technical items could be approved.
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we were evaluated by the research vice-chancellor with the help of brokers approved by the research vice-chancellors of the university , and this project was also evaluated in terms of commercialization. the idea of ​​commercialization was examined and evaluated, god willing , we will support these plans today. what formats are these 16 plans , 16 more in different fields, both in the field of health and in the field of artificial intelligence and science? computer in the fields of robotics and in the fields of materials and metallurgy different fields, that is, out of 18 students who are independent in amir kabir university, 11 of our faculties have a plan supported by this event . today, you
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want to announce these 16 big student projects that you support . they are going towards commercialization. from today , what exactly will happen to these 16 projects ? inshallah, there will be support along the way, and 100 million tomans for these projects. as a tutor. they guide these plans because usually these plans
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are presented by a few students as a team of professors. the university, as the leading professor , will examine these projects and provide scientific support . besides, these friends can use the laboratory services that exist in the university for 6 to 9 months until, god willing, the first sample. they can make this plan, as they say, for them, in fact, a company or an organization and institution that will provide financial support or need their plan has also been found, and whether or not these discussions have taken place , you have let it reach a stage where the first example of their plan it comes later, then ask to go and enter , to ask for an organization or a company find its use, no , it is like this, the process is like this, god willing , when the first sample of these plans was made, because in terms of commercialization, we also examined these brokers who
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are active in our innovation centers after the first prototype of these plans has been built, we invite investors who are connected with amir kabir university to evaluate these plans when the first prototype is built, then if they like it, god willing, we will discuss it . the process of producing these products and supplying them to the market god willing, it will happen. consider a master guide for these? i would like to thank you that the format of these plans is in this form that knowledge. active in our own university means those who are active in the university and present these projects as project managers, which
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are in different fields and are not necessarily part of their own theses projects, but within the team that, as i have already presented, will serve you. the team structure of these projects is being carried out. they may not even be from their own university, that is, their team should include people who have graduated or are active in other universities, so that they can participate, god willing. they should bring this project to a conclusion and in the next stage they will be established in the innovation centers of the university and , god willing, we will be able to follow the discussion of the commercialization process of the projects. the most significant projects and problems that they will solve are in different fields. what is being done in the field of health ? it can be used to supply hospital equipment, or it is in the field of artificial intelligence, which
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can be used in the field of artificial intelligence for educational aid discussions. goodbye, thank you very much, mr. engineer alizadeh, director of the scientific association of amirkiv university . morning program. hello, reporter . thank you for the opportunity. thank you, dear viewers , for being with us. let's go to other events that are going to happen today in the decade. we are happy fajr and... these days , the holy shrine of imam khomeini , may god's mercy be upon him, is still a place for institutions and organizations to renew their allegiance to the revolution and the ideals of imam rahmatullah, but let's say from the 17th of bahman, 1357, which happens to be the 17th of bahman. 57 was also a tuesday and saturday day and it is telling public acceptance of the interim government and people's slogans against the government. it is bakhtiar. also , the newspapers
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are announcing the call of the militant clerical community for a large demonstration on thursday, the 19th of bahman 1357. my colleagues in the history group of sed and sima news agency are preparing the report. these days, the whole world is watching the alevi school. do not drop. a population that is increasing every day. my guests who come from the cities to visit the imam. there was no hotel room, we didn't have this when mr. etemedian opened various hosseinis in the city, for example in tarshte in some other places, even people's houses and homes have telephone addresses, they direct the guests to find accommodation there. 17 bahman 57 alavi school hosts the judge and lawyers of the imam in this meeting
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. they consider it necessary to try the king, this nation is standing now. shahi, who fled the country about 20 days ago.
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the dissolution of savak goes to the parliament. the parliament is held in the situation where 40 representatives resigned. one thing that was perhaps much less investigated was the bill to dissolve savak. the main note that created the problem was that it was the third paragraph. it was the third note that clearly it was stated that the government. within a month, he must design and present a new structure related to the creation of an intelligence organization that meets the country's security needs. under these conditions , it is clear that there was no such thing as the dissolution of sabak, sabak was not supposed to be changed, but
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in the streets, if give me khomeini.
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it's time for you, dear viewers . good morning. it's 6:48. let's go to the international part of the morning program. hello , reporter mrs. moazzami. hello, good morning. we have the visit of the american foreign minister to the region , anthony blinken, we know that he went to saudi arabia and today he is in qatar. and iraq condemning america's attacks, asking the security council to also condemn the representatives of russia and china in the same way and saying that america is expanding the conflicts , despite the slogans it gives, in this regard , we want
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to talk with mr. mossadeghpour, an expert on west asian issues. who are with us, mr. mossadeghpour hello, good morning. let's say it first. why did the us foreign minister visit saudi arabia for the first time during his trip to the region? yes , thank you very much, this is the fifth trip that us foreign minister mr. venken has visited the region within the last four months, that is, after operation torpan. and this time, i mean, according to the issues that have been reached and announced, what topics they want to raise, these are almost the topics that i am interested in. in the past , he raised one issue in connection with a new process of exchanging prisoners between the zionist hamas and the second issue of coordination
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regarding the next day in gaza or after gaza or after considering such a war, from now on, i am coordinating what will happen after the ghazresh war. who will have the power in galta without everyone being able to break the contact ? the third issue is prevention, that is, the effort of the united states of america to prevent the outbreak of war . we also raise this issue. it is repeated and no progress is made. the united states of america, on the one hand, says that it wants to prevent the development of war, but it itself engages in aggression and destruction, and the scope of the war is practically
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it is spreading. someone in relation to israel has asked the zionist regime not to target civilians, but they are actually putting maybe 100 in the first trip. martyrdom now in the fifth trip of lincoln, about 27 martyrs, children, women and civilians, in general, so all these words of america are false words and this trip is like the next trips, but i think it will have more negative results. there is a lot between the demand of the resistance and the demand of the c regime itself. and benasoni's resistance will not lose asra's sheet and must use it as much as possible first, the syrian regime receives answers
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. anyway, this trip is about the same, and my assessment is that i don't think it will have good results. yes, mr. mossadeghpour , i also mentioned the meeting of the un security council that russia's request was held for consideration. the recent us military attacks and aggressions, how is it that russia still wants to hold such meetings even though it knows that the us uses the right of veto, what is the effect of these meetings? of course, this sitting means that it has no effect from a practical point of view, that is, first of all, the security council itself well, considering that the five permanent members are now the majority, except for russia and china. the united states, france and england, well, they themselves are imperialism
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, they are the poison of the west, of course, whatever happens, they will issue any resolution, if it is muslims, it is for the region, it is a zionist minister , it is the ministry of western interests, they will definitely use it and they will not allow this resolution, but i think i do with
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i will say goodbye to you. yes, we are our body, we are the holy land of our country, this is our cry, palestine, we are coming like you.
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we destroy the idols, this is the promise of god we want from the eyes of those who are certain about the religion of zeal. you can see the smile of qassem soleimani on every street
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, in every hussaini door, our picture is the work of one body. we , the free people, will not continue, we will never break our patience, and by god, we are martyrs, we are the people of insistence, we are the soldiers of al-thari, or our enemy, or our enemy, and i am the enemy of israel.
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azmana well, next, mr. taqunia, an expert on west asian issues, who is with us, we want to talk with him about the trip of the french foreign minister to the region , which today is actually to the land. the occupation of palestine is going, mr. taqunia. hello, good morning, mr. taqunia. please tell us why the french foreign minister traveled to the region on behalf of europe, or whether france itself actually has a plan and how we evaluate the field. and i have the courtesy to serve you and the dear viewers to see that in general, after the treaty of saxe-picot, france is one of the involved parties. he knows and
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intends to be important in the developments of the west asian region. it is to play a role as a bigger actor and we see that recently the plan that was proposed for a ceasefire in gaza belonged to france. this is the first point . in the region of west asia and the red sea , they are severely threatened, and as a result, they are trying to somehow convince both sides to fire. join and accept the truce and don't continue these tensions because the european union is completely losing another point about the latest situation in the field, i must say that hamas forces, not even the hamas police, but the hamas military forces , were deployed in northern gaza, exercising their sovereignty, and israel has completely withdrawn from northern gaza. we can see
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that hamas is firing rockets again. after more than 4 months of war, it means that the war has entered the fifth month, but israel has not yet been able to stop even the rocket partner . let's watch the 7 o'clock news together after the news we will be at your service to continue the morning program. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, dear viewers , hello, good morning. welcome to this news section . on the anniversary of the martyrdom of imam musa kazim, peace be upon him, i offer my condolences to you dear ones. peace be upon him, they organized a ceremony to commemorate the calamity.


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