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tv   [untitled]    February 6, 2024 8:30am-9:00am IRST

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at 15:00 from khabar network, wherever we are today, we will be higher tomorrow. good morning, dear viewers , you are watching the news of the stock market. the nustan domain, the price in the symbols of the all-coin commodity deposit certificate of the new design was changed based on the decision of the financial markets management of the commodity exchange from tuesday, 17th of bahman . it is minus 5 percent. before this, the range of price fluctuations in the symbols of the deposit certificates
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of the new design was positive and negative 1%. at the end of trading on monday, the total index of the stock market decreased and the weighted index increased. according to some publishing experts the news affecting the capital market has caused the fluctuating trend of the indicators. some important news was published in the market on mining day. including the possibility of changing the formula of refined products, the sections that were published two weeks ago, there is a possibility that there will be changes that can be beneficial to the product wedge . also , there was news about the reduction of export duties of products that the market is currently investigating its effects. on some metal symbols and.
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according to the statistics of iran steel manufacturers association , the export of steel products in the country increased from the beginning of this year to the end of december 21 during this period, more than 24 million tons of steel chain products were exported, the export value of which reached more than 6 billion and 200 million dollars. also, the export of steel chain increased by 10 million tons in terms of volume compared to the same period last year. according to the announcement of the steel producers association, during this period, the export of iron ore concentrate increased by 1 times, and the lowest export increase was for rebar ingots with an increase of 2%. the election of the board of directors of zanjan equity equity investment company will be held on 23rd of february. the shareholders of this company can authentically and directly or by proxy
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participate in managing the ownership of their assets by electing the board of directors. the follow-up meeting of the zanjan province equity investment company meeting brought the trustees together. in my opinion, the cooperation law is very clever and said that sir, there are two ways, either assembly or block. the shares that these days are seeking to form a company. it is supposed that with this plan, god willing, we will witness an increase in people's participation in the economy , we will have more productivity and more efficiency in production companies, and most importantly, we will increase the level of financial literacy and share ownership culture in our country. let's say, we will help these companies to have a more effective presence in the provincial investment company. well, this has been achieved in some cities. in fact, we are trying to reach them. if they do not reach, then
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the people themselves can do it independently. participate in the provincial assembly . the provinces of zanjan and north khorasan were also chosen as the leaders of this provincial investment company assembly. zanjan province is one of the provinces that is going to hold its own assemblies in the first stage because it has better conditions than other provinces. cooperative companies the shares of our city government must reach a quorum before its collection. we hope that this will happen by the end of this month, and for this reason , we will hold the provincial assembly in a few days, god willing . currently, more than 50% of zanjanis are indirect shareholders of equity shares. but good news for those who do not have equity shares. those who don't have equity shares, the latest news tells us that.
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during the past few months, the honorable minister of finance, economy and finance presented the plan for allocating equity shares to new shareholders to the honorable government board everything depends on the dear government to decide whether the new justice shares. whether it is given or not , the courage of zanjan radio and television news agency, the supply board of the domestic and international halls of the iran energy exchange , today hosts the supply of more than 26,000 tons of hydrocarbon products. the largest volume of supplies is dedicated to source gas. in the inner hall of the energy exchange, more than 14,000 tons of hydrocarbon products are on display. in the electrical panel of this hall, more than 5 thousand kilowatt hours. the international hall of energy exchange also hosts the supply of more than 11 thousand tons of various products yesterday, in the transactions of the iran energy exchange, a variety of products worth more than 381 billion tomans were sold. 100 enterprises
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increased their capital to more than 100 billion tomans. this news and more in today's package of baha bazar news. valiullah jafari, the director of the supervision of issuers of the securities and exchange organization, regarding the multiple increase in the export duty rate of raw and semi-raw products after the announcement of the resolution on july 21, 1402 and its effect on reducing the profitability of companies , we followed up the matter with the biosalah authority and in the ultimate reduction of these taxes was approved by the government board. chehar mirzaei, director of supervision the brokers of the stock exchange and securities organization have increased their capital to more than 100 billion tomans, and only 16 remain, some of which are going through the final stages of capital increase registration. bahram sobhani
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, head of the steel producers' association, said that the duty of electricity and gas production is the responsibility of the ministry of energy and petroleum, but if electricity is not allocated to the steel industry , steel producers have no choice but to build a power plant. the ministry of energy can provide electricity to power plants through various ways such as issuing participation bonds. industries development office the petrochemical supplement announced the base price of petrochemical products for supply in the commodity exchange. 22nd iranian senate capital market news site. the meeting of the industry desk of the securities and exchange organization will be held on february 17. expert analysts and activists in this field can send the problems of this industry to until february 16. and the
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last news is that, according to the kala khabar website, the pattern of global oil purchases has changed. developments in the red sea and increased transportation costs have made buying from closer sources more attractive for oil buyers. more than 372 thousand tons of products were traded on the commodity exchange on monday. hall of industrial and mineral products sold 118 thousand tons of long ingots and cast iron. the petrochemical and petroleum products hall also traded 3160 tons of chemicals. and witnessed the polymerization. the cement hall hosted the trading of 172 thousand tons of cement. also, the export hall recorded the transaction of 46 thousand tons of non-basket of mixed rebar. the volume of transactions in the secondary market was 300 tons. thank you for your cooperation with this
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news section. we don't agree with balt or higher. you are special for the higher program. the leader of the revolution in his recent meetings called the real competition one of them
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the important elements of the election means that the field is open for the presence of different political, economic and cultural views so that everyone can agree with the differences of opinion that i have. and take part in the big election contest with their own different views and form a real competition and have an active presence in this field. one of the topics on which experts disagree is the debate of nothing. it is either the lack of creation or the increase in the number of free commercial zones . now, let us have more production in that region , the economic boom and explanations like this on the opposite side of the opposition, there is a very famous saying that they say that free zones have become a gateway for imports, a way to bypass tax laws, and we want events like this to be higher in today's debate.
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let's have a discussion with the supporters and opponents of the creation of free zones and discuss the same issues that i have presented to you in more detail. come with us, here in the upper studio of mr. khazaei, the vice president of economics. arvand free zone is also present, mr. karimi, an economic expert, as opposed to the creation of free zones i want to start with mr. karimi, while saying hello to both guests and the question that basically why is he opposed to the increase in the number of free zones ? a number of free zones in our country have been established today. a number of people are in favor of increasing the number of free zones
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, of course, whether we agree or disagree, the islamic council has done its job in establishing free zones, and it has done so, and the number of free zones, unfortunately , should increase drastically in the last one or two years. let's go back to the old free zones, did we establish the old free zones and the past free zones. basically, our policy makers in this field consider a specific goal for the establishment of free zones, do they consider a role in the country's economy for free zones, do we really establish our free zones based on a commercial, industrial perspective, do we really have a special task for them ? considered or not , if we go back to the past, we will see. unfortunately , we are not in the process of establishing free zones, nor in developing
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the infrastructure of the country's free zones, nor in providing the necessary incentives and facilities to attract domestic investors and externally , we did not perform well neither in the ways of financing organizations of free zones nor in creating a uniform management from the point of view of facilitating the entry of investors into free zones. the policies that have been considered for the establishment of free zones in the last 3 decades are extremely wrong policies and unfortunately, we have not only learned from this wrong and wrong policy that today all the free zones, when the first sentence about the zones azad is said yes, these are import gates, these are places of smuggling, these are places of money laundering, unfortunately, it is said like this basically, the policy of the past 3 decades regarding free zones shows that we
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have not had a specific community plan for the establishment of our free zones anywhere in almost any field and we are still not ready to turn back from our mistake and return from this wrong track that we went on. determine the position of our own free zones in the economic map of the country, then we will see if we need to establish them today. are we new free zones or not? today, in my opinion , different levels of policy making, different levels of governance have not yet reached an accurate and deep understanding of the establishment of free zones in the country, and the increase in the number of free zones is not only it is not in the interest of the country and not only iran's position in trade and foreign affairs will not affect iran's position , but it can harm even investors. it should be finished in the country, thank you very much, mr. khazai , what do you think, that you should first
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say whether you agree with mr. karimi's statement or not, and whether you think that qazid areas should be increased or not , this is an important issue. but the point is that the new free zones, as mr. karimi said , have been approved by law, when a new free zone wants to be approved, all the elements of the republic do so. they must be approved, which means that it will become a text in the government, in the supreme council, in the government, in the majlis, in the shura , in the guardian council. i would like to thank you for your honor. later, sometimes they pass a law in recognition of the expediency of all the organs of the republic. well, as mr. karimi said, he is now in favor of my new judges' district because it has already been approved and is now being implemented. we should have raised the question in a different way. what should we do with the approved free zones to make them work better and
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gain experience from our previous free zones and move forward? that is our expert discussion. it is a bachelor's degree that the selection representative means the course representative after the parliament can make changes in the laws, in the laws, yes, but in the new judicial areas, no , in the new judicial areas, just as karimi said , after the approval, the point is that we should now become this age, the country is developing. let's say that, for example, in the next parliament , will a representative come and make a request to add new free zones , we are talking about adding them, but for now , the new free zones are in the implementation phase, and what
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is happening now in the new free zones will happen now. what i know is all the trends in formerly free zones. they are reviewing what has happened in the form of experience, if i use our own words , now we say strategic, that i understand its weaknesses and strengths, they strengthen the work that was good , they do not do the work that was not right , you see, we had two generations of free zones. well, the first generation free zones were kish, qeshm, and chabahar , and the second generation zones were arvand, ars, anzali, and then mako was added to us, and finally imam airport, which were our active zones, and the second generation was completed almost from 84-85. each of them has a bias towards their own region and performance they have performed well in their own region, and now mr. karimi should explain why they say that the policies were not good, why were they not good? i can say that the policies were good, why were they good
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? what was the free zone community plan that was approved, was the free zone community plan approved and implemented. did mr. karimi say that, for example, the infrastructure was not good ? tell me where it was not good. i will explain to him whether the infrastructure was good or not. whether or not to work for the completion of the substation of the free zones, i will answer that the work means we have a point. if we make a claim, the point is that the free zones are new. now, i really want to be clear. some kind of free logic. maybe we were talking about the free zones before the program . outside the center, being in the border points in the cities, i myself am a southern border resident, i know that they don't have that media anymore , no, we can't defend ourselves, don't know, mr. razam, please tell me what their policy was wrong, i will explain the policy. tell me , why didn't you have a vision? i am at your service
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or if there is any special work or request for infrastructure , i am at your service. i will explain later about your demands regarding our performance , what are your new demands, what should we do, if our new demands are sahmoon's generation, this generation of sahmoon was better than our second generation, just as we used our second generation as our first generation. better yet, you can do this too, i am at your service. yes, i appreciate your presence . our times can be saved . are you well we have not acted, but we have acted worse in the field of policy-making. look, when they say the community plan is my plan , i talked with the authors of the free zone community plan and talked about
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our first generation free zones that have context. you are responsible for a large population in the azadi region , mr. khazai, in which the two cities of abadan and khorramshahr are present. you should tell us what challenges you have faced in the past two decades since the establishment of the arvand azadi region. in this free zone, you had a major problem . let me say this point the country's free zone society is written on the basis of urban planning, that is, the designers and authors of the free zone society plan. they are urban and architectural writers. they have no sense of industrial trade centers, i talked to each one of them.
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i am telling you, sir, that you were the author of the community plan of a certain free zone, your view of this free zone is really a commercial and industrial platform for which you wrote the community plan for this free zone, and then go write a detailed plan for it, and he will answer me, sir. you don't ask me that. the authors of the community plan are the authors of the urban plan in the country, that is basically, the view of our policy maker and our executive. now, i believe that after all these discussions and after all the data that we provided about the new free zones , they are moving towards writing a community plan that includes market studies, but still in the point is not favorable. again, only in this case, in my opinion, a small improvement has been made regarding the new generation, which is also in the point. it is not desirable because we are in daily contact with them. the second point about the development of the infrastructure of your development , after 20 years and 30 years of chabahar, chabahar free zone
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, first of all, what resources will the government provide for the development of infrastructure? considered free zone, we came in the worst possible situation. we said, sir, hazat zone, you have three sources of income . first, go from 40 billion dollars to 50 billion dollars of imports the country that you are from all sources, we give a quota of 3 billion dollars to the free zones, you go and import , reduce this 15% commercial profit, you take it from me , you take it from these importers, then develop the infrastructure for yourself in our free zones today. to find importers, there is a competition for ceos and you have to send ceos and economic and investment assistants. instead facilitators in the production space are looking for importers who can bring their own goods from the free zone into the mainland, who
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will receive this 15% commercial profit and generate income . sell ​​land, he said , sell land, collect taxes , generate income for yourself and develop infrastructure in the free zone. you are responsible for all the infrastructures of the customs, ports, all the transportation infrastructures of the rail port, are all these ok? all of this is in a good condition, mr. khazai, i would like to ask you about one that i will answer, your service regarding the planning of the urban planning community, i was surprised at all. when they want to introduce a region as a free zone , the first plan that must be approved is the community plan, of course, it must be an
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urban plan, this has not been a free zone before. strategic investment plan, environmental community plan and plans i approved the plan of mr. dr. mr. karimi , all the free zones of mr. the authors of the middle plan tell us, sir, we have to park here , we have to build a kindergarten here, we have to do this, every engineer knows this, it is very simple , when you want to make an area a free zone or any other area, the first thing you should do is do this base of urban development in the city area , do your thing, you must approve the community plan, which must be approved by the government for all regions, the same generation
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, the same generation, two generations on it. yes , it is the dear people of iran. you you said policies, i said which policy we did not explain.
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in the new free zones, a very good and better work has been done, because of the experience of the second generation free zones , having a plan is starting to work sooner, which means that he has a lot of work to do. let's look at the interpretation plan of the detailed plan that you said , the tuition interpretation plan. for our economic discussions, we again have a separate society plan, we
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have a transit society plan, when we. we have it next to iraq or mako or other free areas that the countries are responsible for he has a separate transit plan for himself, it is different, people should know this, that is, these are the mistakes that are said and not answered , then it causes wrong decisions to be made regarding the development of my infrastructure . first of all, we import to the free zones from the borders that exist in the free zones . these borders existed before the zone was freed. now, in the area, for example, in khorramshahr, for example, in chabahar, this port was khormashar . before the free zone, which was 50 years ago, it was a part of it . the area is freed when the area is freed in the heart the free zone is placed for the goods that entered the mainland that registered the shipment.
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azad is only done in construction projects . yes , these construction projects are now 70% of the revenues of azad areas from the beginning until now . and i will give you an explanation about the infrastructure. now, as the famous saying goes, in the next part, i will give a detailed explanation about whether the infrastructure exists or not, mr. khazaei. there is mercy , there is mercy in policy making, and unfortunately, i am sorry i think it's enough to not understand the context of the free zone in the islamic republic
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. he is defending the way of infrastructure development in the free zone. i am particularly concerned about the way in which the government provides the free zone organization with the income that, according to your words , should be taken for itself according to the article of note d. under god, your servant may have another plan regarding the community plan , you only say that you wrote the community plan because it was approved by the government. mr. khazaei, as long as the free zones in our country do not have a business development plan, that means practically our government and policy makers still don't know what the free zone is for, mr. doctor, why do you think they don't have a business development plan ? i know they don't have a development plan.


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