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tv   [untitled]    February 6, 2024 10:00am-10:31am IRST

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higher. have a good day dear viewers , you are watching the 10 o'clock news section of khabar network. registration to participate in the employment test of the ministry of education, which started yesterday, continues until the 23rd of bahman . applicants can refer to the website hrtrtc.r for registration. according to the announcement of the administrative and employment organization, 19179 people will be accepted in this exam. this exam is supposed to be in the field of affairs. education and lifestyle
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, educational matters, physical education and health counseling, and specialized counseling should be held. on the martyrdom anniversary of imam musa kazem, peace be upon him, pilgrims have been in the shrine since last night imam reza (peace be upon him) held a ceremony to remember the calamity. the portico and sens of the manor razavi court are covered in black and the black flag is hoisted over the razavi dome. baba or musa ibn jafar or babai or musa.
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coinciding with the anniversary of the martyrdom of imam musa bin jafar, peace be upon him, his shrine in kazmin hosts mourning pilgrims. mourning programs will be held today in his shrine and also in the shrine of his son imam reza (peace be upon him) in mashhad. an imam who became known as kazem due to anger subsidence. there was a small conflict. unfortunately, a number of related criminal courts happened the consequences are caused by not controlling anger. i didn't understand at all what happened. i don't know why i did that . do you get angry? yes, it happens 100 times. is it possible to not get angry? we always get angry. satan hides in a person's skin, you are a bit young.
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everyone had experience of not controlling their anger. unfortunately , we gave a few ransoms. i was arrested for a few days because of my anger. they get upset and they get angry too . it was my inexperience that i didn't know that if i had controlled my anger, maybe i wouldn't have regrets , they say. an angry man is out of control.
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you know, we have a great man who is a role model among us by controlling his anger, and you mean imam musa kazem, imam musa kazem, known as kazem qiz , always used to calm down the anger in his being and spirit, he is a model they say in the ups and downs of today's life. it can also be our arrest . i always promise myself that i will try to be at least a good person in my life. and that anger, of course we must practice to really control ourselves, to follow their way , to be like them, i tried to appeal to the imams so that my anger would decrease a little . a cargo ship of this country.
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it has been hit by a drone in the waters of the red sea. the british maritime trade center reported the incident about 57 miles west of hodeidah port in yemen. the british together with the americans bombarded the east of saada city in the north of yemen three times on tuesday morning. various areas of yemen, including hodeidah , have been the targets of american and british attacks in recent days. yemen considers these aggressions to be a violation of international law and the un charter, and in response , it has so far targeted several american and british ships. the yemeni army has also emphasized on continuing to prevent the movement of ships to the occupied territories until the aggression on gaza stops. the democrats of the us senate want 14 billion dollars in aid to the zionist regime to continue the attacks against gaza. this
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is part of the security package proposed by the democratic senators, which totaled 118 billion dollars and it includes help to ukraine and border security . the republicans and the house of representatives of the united states, which had previously demanded that 17 and a half billion dollars be allocated to the zionist regime for the war against the palestinians, opposed the democrats' package and consider the contribution of border security to be insignificant. the white house and the democrats are against the republicans' 17.5 billion dollar package and say that america's financial support to the zionists should be defined in the form of a community package. we have clearly stated that we must solve all the national security challenges facing america. this means support for israel. this means addressing the war in ukraine and the indo-pacific region. this issue is also related to borders.
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therefore, we believe that the right action is to approve a community bill. zionist soldiers with siege days. hussan west of bethlehem in the west bank turned it into a prison for thousands of palestinians . according to al-alam network, the residents of this village have been facing brutal attacks by the occupying forces for more than 100 days . the village of husan in the west of bethlehem has been under attack by the zionist army for more than 100 days and the palestinian youth are confronting. they are expensive because the zionist forces implemented the curfew rules in this rosetta and prevent the movement of the residents , this village has practically turned into a big prison for about 9 thousand palestinians. in the early
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hours of the morning, about 30 or 40 occupation soldiers attacked the village. they attacked my house and destroyed the furniture in the children's room and reception and the entrance doors.
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after the recent verdict of the international court of justice against the zionist regime due to the genocide in gaza, a japanese company ended its cooperation with a company. zionist reported. tsuchi hashimura, the financial manager of itocho crep japan, announced that
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he will cancel new contracts with this israeli company after the japanese government supported the decision of the hague court. international court of justice. recently, based on south africa's complaint, the zionist regime has been required to take measures to prevent the escalation in gaza. people and civil activists in england say that the continued support of the government and political parties of this country to the zionist regime exposed their true face. they believe that the support of western governments for the genocide of palestinians is the absurdity of their claims in defense it has revealed freedom, democracy and human rights. prime minister. northern ireland, by announcing its support for gaza, called for an immediate ceasefire in this strip
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. michal o'neill supported the palestinian people in his first speech as prime minister. enil is a member of the shirin party, the largest nationalist party in iran and a supporter of the palestinian nation. the prime minister of northern ireland had previously demanded the expulsion of the ambassador of the zionist regime from his country and the summoning of the officials of this regime to the international criminal court. he is also a supporter of northern ireland's separation from england. gaza may disqualify biden from a second term as president. a new poll in america shows that 60% of the people of this country are against biden's warmongering policies regarding the gaza war. according to this poll conducted by nbc, only 29% of the american people agree with the palace policy. sefid agrees. it was previously announced that 80% of the american people
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are in favor of a ceasefire in gaza. the biden administration is against the ceasefire and says that the ceasefire will benefit the hamas movement . according to recent polls, biden's popularity has reached the lowest level compared to the previous 3 presidents. afghan officials say the americans have been present for two decades. bringing them to afghanistan modified poppy seeds had made afghanistan the largest producer of narcotics. now the taliban officials say that with the withdrawal of the american occupation, the cultivation of poppy in afghanistan is close to zero. after two and a half years of these pictures, americans still miss the loss of afghanistan. especially as it gets closer to the time of the presidential elections in the united states.
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he got his benefits and left afghanistan. one of the slogans of the americans from the campaign to afghanistan was to fight against terrorist groups. but in their 20 years of presence, there was less a day than a terrorist group do not carry out an operation under the shadow of the american military in this country. the americans said they will fight poppy cultivation in afghanistan. but with their presence, the annual harvest of opium from 20 tons. to deliver to 9 thousand americans who came here
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brought another so-called mutant of opium, which sometimes grew green in autumn 4 in the four seasons of the year, and became green permanently. the taliban removed addicts from the streets in less than two years. the collection and cultivation of poppy in afghanistan is now close to zero. leaving alone and its president fled from afghanistan earlier than the americans. what is the situation today?
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afghanistan is seen to show that the occupier has left nothing but massacre, destruction and displacement wherever he has come. behnam yazdani of kabul radio and television news agency. the session of the hungarian parliament regarding the review of sweden's application for nato membership did not reach a quorum. hungary alone. he is against sweden's membership in nato. the accession of a new member to the nato north atlantic security treaty is subject to the agreement of all members. hungarian prime minister viktor orbán said earlier. he considers stockholm's criticism of the rule of law in this country an insult, and until the relations between the two countries improve, sweden will join nato will not be approved. in senegal, the parliament voted to postpone the presidential election in this country, and for this purpose, with the help of the police, the representatives of the criminal opposition
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to the government, who did not allow this law to be passed , were expelled from the parliament. this law contains provisions that keep senegal's president makisar in office until a successor takes office. supporters of this law are the reason for the delay in holding elections. the disagreement between the national council and the constitutional council over the rejection of the candidates was declared by the opponents as a coup. the situation in senegal has been tense since the beginning of the week due to the differences between the two groups. according to the deputy health minister of the ministry of health in the new program of this ministry , two new vaccines are supposed
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to be included in the immunization program for children under two years of age by the end of the year. dr. farshidi predicted that with the implementation of this program , 10,000 children in the country will be prevented from growing up every year. life expectancy is one of the key health indicators of any country. an index that has increased over the past 45 years from fifty and a half years in 1957 to 78 and a half years in women and 76 and 2 years in men. the average of this index in the world is 73 years. factors such as improving environmental conditions and living standards. contagiousness and reduction of infant death in reaching this effective index have been. in 1953, we had an infant mortality rate of 32 per thousand live births. 95, 9. now
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, many programs have been implemented to prevent disease and reduce malnutrition in the country during these years. malnutrition statistics are fortunately very high. it has become much less now, it is not at all comparable to the beginning of the revolution. our country's statistics are now 74 %, which has decreased very much. the coverage of immunization with vaccines has increased from 25% in 1957 to over 95%, and in diseases such as polio , it is 20 years. that no new case of the disease has been reported in the country. now it is supposed to be a few a new vaccine should be added to the country's immunization program. we should follow both the pneumococcus vaccine and the rota vaccine in the case of the pneumococcal vaccine. we expect to reduce at least 1,500 deaths in children every year, and in the case of rotavirus , it will reduce at least 10,000 cases of hospitalization of infants and small children. now , to prevent and take care of people's health, the program for every 1,500 people is one health meditation for 27 million people.
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the country is running so that the health indicators of people in the city in the whole country are covered by this very, very important program that started with 58 cities and continued like this considering that half physical diseases have mental and emotional origin . the ministry of health has developed mental health community centers. the number of these centers is expected to reach 100 by the end of the year, and free services are provided in these centers for target groups such as students. couples of pregnant women and the elderly should be performed. maryam bikpour, radio and television news agency. thank you for your companion.
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in the name and memory of god, i offer my greetings and condolences to you, dear viewers of khabar network. currently , we are witnessing water coverage in some parts of our country. we expect scattered snowfall in these areas for the next few hours. during this time, you can see that in the western parts of the northern regions of our country, at this hour, the image received from the meteorological satellite has passed through clouds. we expect for the provinces of east azerbaijan. south west azerbaijan, parts of zanjan kurdistan , hamadan, kermanshah, lorestan, ilam, north khuzestan, chaharmahal, bakhtiari, kokil rahmat , parts of central ghazvin province, alborz, tehran
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, semnan, north khorasan and north khorasan, razavi . these rains are limited to today and from late tonight with the exit of this system from the northeastern borders of the rains we expect it to be completed from tomorrow to the beginning of the week. we should not have the future of rainfall in the country. we predict calm weather for the regions of our country. along with this, we expect strong winds in some parts of our country for the next two days today and tomorrow. for today , we have a strong wind blowing in the alborz slopes, areas from the northeast, east, southeast of the southern parts of our country, and this strong wind will bring a snow blizzard to the heights and areas that receive snow. it will cause reduced visibility due to snowstorm in these areas. we request that during this period climbing to high altitudes and mountain activities
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should be avoided because there is a possibility of avalanches in these areas due to our high altitudes, as well as strong winds and blizzards in these areas . you can see that the caspian sea will be rough and choppy today and tomorrow. the height of the wave reaches more than one and a half meters. warnings have been issued in the sea. marine activities should be limited . also, in the next two days, the persian gulf, the strait of hormuz , the sea of ​​oman will increase the height of the waves due to the strong wind, and the sea will be rough in parts of persian gulf and strait of hormuz because of waves sea, marine activities should be done with restrictions, but another thing in our country, from today we expect a gradual increase in temperature until the end of the week in our country. let's face it, this increase in temperature will help to increase the possibility of avalanches in the northern parts of our country and at higher altitudes , so we request that, as we mentioned
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, mountain climbing and climbing activities should not be carried out during this period because there is a high possibility of avalanches due to the strong winds. south in the northern coasts of our country, we will have an increase in temperature in these areas as well in the form of regions of our country in the next few days the air is getting colder. until the end of the week , this trend of temperature increase will continue, along with it , from tomorrow until the beginning of next week , we will not have any rain in the country . we are predicting a calm and stable weather. we have had in the past and the cold that we have had in the last few days in the country will gradually reduce the severity of the air and we are predicting the trend of temperature increase for the next few days in the country. for tehran , we witnessed scattered snowfall in the northern parts of the province in the early hours of the morning in the future
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, we will have a gradual decrease in clouds and phenomena. the sky will gradually clear up this afternoon, and we expect that the intensity of the cloud cover that is in parts of the alborz slopes will decrease. we will not have rain for tomorrow either. thank you. may god protect you. as soon as the law to remove obstacles to the development of the electricity industry was approved, it was put into the hands of the government. all the regulations related to this law were immediately requested from the responsible institutions to submit the draft texts to the government. the law that was approved with 19 articles and now all executive regulations except for article 10
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it has been communicated. based on this article, the ministry of energy , in cooperation with the ministry of petroleum and the budget planning organization , has been tasked with gradually eliminating energy pricing along the electricity generation, transmission and distribution chain and transferring all subsidies before the final consumer of electricity. at the end of the chain, they are rightly moving in this direction to remove the subsidy from the energy operators and pay it to the final part, which is the consumer , and everyone will pay the subsidy for their energy according to their consumption needs, in other words , it is the gas subsidy of the power plants. and this amount was paid to the people will be fuel subsidy is coming to an end. this makes the power plants that have higher efficiency can have more receipts and more motivation for the power plants . if this happens, the subsidies will be withdrawn
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. the final consumer is expected to be paid , and in that space of freedom that i actually told you, the correct rate will be obtained for electricity . the rate at which he will sell his paper is based on the return of his investment to be more guaranteed it is the guarantee of return on investment. we will witness the increase of investments in this field and you will not experience these summer blackouts anymore. optimizing energy consumption can be economically justified. also, productivity in thermal power plants should increase, which means increasing efficiency and power plant efficiency, as well as renewable energy in the country , god willing, it will gain more economic attention. removing the subsidy from the gas delivered to the power plants means that eventually the fuel price of the power plants will become real , that is, at the fuel price. at least the
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petrochemical industry and feed should be a little closer, they say, we are the price well, we will sell you your fuel cheaply, we tell them, we don't want to sell cheap prices like petrochemicals, come with us , calculate the gas price the same as the price outside fob bandaab, wherever you calculate it, but let us come and charge the same price for electricity, of course, to make it happen. these predictions should be discovered in the price of electricity in a fair work solution. the experts for this issue are the energy exchange and the latest follow-ups from the promulgation of the regulation of article 10 of the law on removing barriers to the development of the electricity industry . the initial draft text from the ministry of energy was submitted to the infrastructure commission of the government for discussion and review. experts' points and discussions have been placed first in order to implement the provisions of this law as best as possible
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. the predictions that have been made have come to the picture and have been returned to the related institutions including the ministry of energy, the program organization and other related institutions that can strengthen the moton and predict the necessary implementation points in it and send it again to the infrastructure commission as soon as possible. the finalization of expert discussions will naturally reach the final approval. tina salehi, sed and sima news agency. various political and economic tendencies in the elections together contesting the importance of elections in electing a strong parliament is the key to the people's hand, what will stop your competitors ? mandatory pricing is impossible to fix the price of land by mandate.
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do you agree with the concentration of all activities in tehran? you can say that this problem will be solved by moving the capital .
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in the name of the god who created beauty and beauty, the friend of god, the merciful and the merciful, dear viewers of the khabar network i greet you. i also offer my condolences on the martyrdom of imam musa kazem (peace be upon him ). we will start the news section with news from chahq programs , plus a role of love and about the book .


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