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tv   [untitled]    February 6, 2024 11:30am-12:00pm IRST

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who does it include and what are the conditions for using the facilities of the new stage? hello, i would like to serve you and the viewers of this more informative section, including the first seven deciles of income, which were included before, to buy from 11 items in the electronic catalog
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. just as you ordered , you can see in this shop that the price of these 11 food packages is 523,000 tomans, the daily price is 743,000 tomans. we used to pay double subsidy, now it has increased. i can say that the subsidy for a family is 400 thousand tomans per person. see that in all the shops that are connected , as well as 20,000 and 10,000 stores , including chain stores, village stores , online stores and miscellaneous stores .
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you can and you buy this. now suppose a person enters the store and wants to buy this pasta. yes, he buys a pasta . exactly , he is paid a subsidy connected to the subsidy for this pasta. he buys two items. one macaroni, suppose he buys oil, the subsidy is paid for two , he has one month to buy this basket for each person, if there are four people in the family, four baskets, if there are three people in the family, he has one month to buy this basket. but if
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he doesn't buy this within a month, this subsidy will be removed completely and it will enter the next month. it is possible that someone will say, sir, i went shopping, for example , i bought five pens and four pens. the rest will not be saved in the next month, it has been 3 months, it will be charged tonight, tomorrow , all my dear compatriots, all my compatriots, that is 61 million hackers can make their purchases this week. until exactly may 20th, 18th to 20th of may next year , it will be more expensive. the prices are fixed. we had a condition in the past that if you bought 20,000 tomans, you would be entitled to 120,000 tomans. there is no conditional withdrawal if someone is subsidized. 400,000 tomans belongs to him , he can withdraw cash, he can use it anywhere , this 220,000 tomans , which we told you about the difference in this table , will be paid separately. in other words, families can
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be present in the shops under this ceiling it's not even more complicated to buy them , that is, right now i'm in a shop, anyone who comes to buy one or two pens will realize that it's not complicated. a salesman is there , he tells the salesman that i want to use my credit , he presses a button. it will be paid for the difference of one item up to 11 items. it must be a householder's card . yes, the previous conditions are in place, that is, if i have one card or several cards, if i am a householder, it doesn't matter. i can make my purchases with any card i have. the housekeeper's account comes in. yes, my credit card comes in. yes i went to the store, but i didn't bring my card . this store here is a chain store. since i didn't bring my card, i can use the usd code of 3 stars, 500 stars, 14, 63 squares, and a credit code will be sent to it. tabari enters the seller
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. i make all my purchases. i entered a store , it is not a chain store. where can i get it, either from ust or from your application, we suggest that they install your application this morning, which i had i came here and i wanted to hold this meeting . did you choose the stores based on the application? yes, thank you, dear colleague. this was my report. thank you for your report. it was unveiled in different regions of the country. the minister of economy said: the second part of this document will be unveiled next year. we can call on hamdallah today after the unveiling of the investment atlas to all the investors who are about to enter the business and
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call them to see if their choices are correct. from the point of view of location-based information of the country now. take natural and environmental resources, subsidence, dust and other layers, how far it is from the industrial sectors of polluting industries and hundreds of applications, which really may not fit in this meeting. to extract valuable and useful for investors and so on. it is a great help to the country's investors , the education amount of the guarantee fund for women heads of the household has doubled.
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it increased by 200 million tomans. according to mrs. khaz ali, the government will be the guarantor of women heads of households and deciles one to five. the warning of the vice president of urban and architecture of the ministry of roads and urban development to the land grabbers, according to mr. darjeu, the land use will change if 10 years have passed since the issuance of the construction permit, but their implementation operations have not been carried out . lands that were left unused for years, the land has been like this for several years.
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assistant deputy of urban and architecture ministry of roads and urban development statistics of lands with land use. housing that has not been built. at least 10% of the land which have residential use within urban areas are not included in this cycle. but in order to be able to have superiority in the price sector in the field of housing . one of the ways to identify these hoardings that are taking place in the form of sealed land, on the 20th of july this year, a law was approved by the supreme council of urban planning and architecture to prevent land hoarding. these residential uses
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will be changed to public service uses supporting the residence. now , after 6 months of this legal resolution, the deputy of urban and architecture of the ministry of roads and urban development from dealing with. mokhran says that we gave 6 months time from the offices we asked for a report, by the way, the report collected in some of our cities even started to count the number of lands, even from the phase that we revoke their licenses, the licenses have been revoked in the past . they offered for building housing , they have land, for example, universities, which in our view is hoarding. it was considered that we entered into negotiations, and memorandums were exchanged between the ministry of roads and urban development and the ministry of science to use the same land and capacities to provide housing for academic staff members, based on the supreme council's decision. city and land architecture that
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has passed 10 years since its construction permit and the owner does not start construction will face a change of use . in the auction of the property organization , it ends tonight. the deputy of the property organization said: applicants have until 24:00 to refer to the government headquarters system at sadiran.ayr. while knowing the details of the pros and cons of his proposed price. by the end of the year, several other events will be held. national tender number 276 with the participation of 30 provinces. various goods with a total value of about 1600 billion tomans in this auctions have been completed. more than 40 main product groups and 9 thousand rows have been offered. household appliances . audio-visual, office equipment , kitchen equipment, all kinds of food, jewelry,
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all kinds of scrap metal, light cars and heavy machinery are among the most important goods that are exposed for sale. 89 heavy vehicles and road construction machines, 124 passenger cars, 40 motorcycles and 129 bicycles in the organization's national competition no. 27. it has been offered. applicants can refer to the website of temiraki property organization at the address of temiriki nar or the system of the government's electronic procurement headquarters. to the address of the headquarters of iran point r and to know the details of the auction , they should submit a price offer. participation in this auction also requires a deposit of 7% of the appraised value of the goods
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. it has been reduced to 7%, which can be in the form of a bank guarantee or cash and bank receipt . mehdi anari , sed and broadcasting news agency. 979 million invoices electronics registered in the maadian system. the head of the tax affairs organization said that so far 99,000 people who are subject to the law of the maadiyan system and the store terminal have registered their bills in this system. it is true that maybe the number of maadis who are connected compared to the total maadis is about 422. i said that about 90,000 potential taxpayers who can be connected are about
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214,000 taxpayers, that is, almost 423 of our taxpayers have joined in terms of number, but in terms of the amount of tax, these large taxpayers are coming . they are doing their homework. tax if these are to be paid , our total potential mare will be approximately 88. please note that a significant amount of this means that our great mare have come in the era of maadian and are doing their homework. i'm in a hurry, it's a violation. the spokesperson of the government punishment organization warned internet taxis to remove this option from their list of services. according to mr. esfanani, the "i'm in a hurry" option in internet taxis is a clear example of overcharging and overselling. it is very fair if 30 tomans is the same as 30 tomans, it is not worth it at all. i am not satisfied. this is part of people's complaints.
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how much is the addition of an option to internet taxis now? 219 tomans, if it takes , of course , it wo n't take. i won't accept it until i don't rush demo. it's 327 thousand tomans, which means i've been requesting an online taxi for 20 minutes now, but it doesn't accept it, so i have to rush this option. now, the spokesperson of tazairat calls this action of internet taxis a violation. from the obvious examples of additional receipt
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and it is expensive in terms of the fact that when someone chooses the "i'm in a hurry" option, not only will they not get to their destination sooner, because they will take the same route that they can't determine , which if the person is not in a hurry, they will also take that route and not an additional possibility for people or a serious warning to internet taxis to remove this option from their set of options considering that the competition council. the authority to deal with anti-competitive and monopoly procedures , we followed up on the issue from the spokesperson of this council, but until now they have not announced a position on this matter. mohammad elhari of the sada news agency according to the announcement of the national gas company, sima, the daily consumption of gas in the household, commercial and non-major industries sectors
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reached 632 million cubic meters in the last 24 hours , with the household sector consuming the most. we will go to the country's gas management center and talk to the manager of this center, mr. aqli. hello , what was the amount of gas consumption in different sectors? i greet you and all dear viewers, and with my condolences on the martyrdom of imam musa kazem, peace be upon him, gas consumption reached 63.2 million in the household sector, commercial and other industries, which is equivalent to 74% of the country's total gas production. this consumption in the domestic sector is 44 million cubic meters in the non-major industries sector, 76 million in the agricultural sector, 34 million in the transportation sector, 24 million cubic meters and in the commercial and public sector of the country
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is equal to 58 million cubic meters, which considering that semnan province is one among the provinces located in the climate of 3 countries, the climate is temperate, the consumption equivalent of each commercial and public residential unit has reached 20 in the past day , the equivalent of each residential unit in the province of mastan is a very cold climate in east azerbaijan . i request the people of this land, my compatriots compliance with optimal conditions and better use of gas can help us delivering gas to different parts of the country. considering that the mass of basket air and the coldness that was established in the country during the past few days, thank god, this part
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was also accompanied by rain and we were able to solve some of the problems of rain. but it is predicted that the weather will warm up and consumption in the domestic, commercial and non-major industries sector will, god willing, reach below 600 million cubic meters . thank you for your explanation. from the equipment related to the field of domestic oil and gas mr. mousavi said that some equipment such as compressors and pumps have been domesticated, and the manufacturing of centrifuge equipment in south pars has been entrusted to an iranian scientific company. there are almost no process packages left that we cannot build internally. alhamdulillah, almost all the process packages of south pars projects and oil and gas projects are being built, and its ability
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in the field of engineering is actually in the country. it is ready for delivery on the ground. we have reached the end of this news section . thank you for your companion. have a good day. god bless you. i have time to thank everyone, this is being followed most of me who say airbridge, what are you doing now, minister, i said to this airbridge of mashhad airport, i
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am so sorry for other planes, if it can't stick or amdi can't stick, we all have to stick to, for example, we are not joking. it should be done, unless the airport is flat now, it's like our shiraz , i think we have one or two airports like this, this is an example, but the handling services that are being performed , the airport services that are being performed, with all the growth, direct all people to the same airport. they judge and your efforts mean 10% of our resources and our efforts in airport services he shows himself, maybe 80-90 in the back, but he is ten. the percentage of all judgments is 80-90 . it takes shape. let's look at this judgment and god's prophet . he should not ignore our gaze and neglect that the efforts of all these good, pious , hardworking people in the world are working only because of those four. i'll forgive you for the shortcomings that may exist. maybe it's normal for them to be questioned in
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personnel issues. now we're doing the work. mr. nakheshjovani, mr. mohammadi bakhsh and other friends are working very hard. i 'm going to testify here. jobs specialized and general, that is, we should have our pilots , our control guys, our controllers, our other departments , flight maintenance, all of them, especially the technical guys, and even their support, their rights should be fixed , and we should take care of them more, not only to maintain the necessary force , but also for the events, not at all. just keep it in order to have more motivations for all the words we say , a body is one of the main points of our work . mr. naqd javani, you have authority, don't show your authority to me
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go to our website, create a picture, do whatever you want, the legal capacities , whether in the airline organization or in the airport company , allow you to help your friends. talk to the people , tell your dear staff, managers and experts, sir, our situation can't be this bad anymore, let's be honest, they understand, they understand, they accompany , they say and don't feel that you are not doing anything, don't feel that we are not doing anything. rahman al-rahim , the sources are these, the costs are these, it is up to you to decide talking increases empathy and helps . another point of the matter. it was a defense, especially in the country's space control center. now, if i arrive, after that market, we will have a meeting with some friends for half an hour to see where it went
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. it should be made and followed, and the observances that these days in the conditions of the wars in the region and the events that are happening in the region, which are not necessary in this meeting. see the window project in the field, one of the most successful technological projects of the head of the judicial branch before the meeting of the supreme judicial council was the guest of the young elites of the exhibition of new food technologies. if anyone has these joints in the land, this food waste is now being controlled, managed, and distributed. everything is happening inside this project. nakhdehagan said about the intelligentization of food that
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it was achieved by relying on internal power. all the electronic proceedings and now my members are sent away and now all the issues are now a series of online meetings of prisoners with our system. we are the first manufacturer of laser printers in iran. and for the first time, the printer software has been translated into farsi, and i would like to serve you during this time when we are supplying printers, only with the tracking that we had with the judiciary , we prevented about 5 million dollars from going out, and the currency savings achieved by this homogenizer , as well as the genetic kits and the auto sampler are products that are mainly from the countries it was imported from europe and north america. now, for example , this same homogenizer device is working in 8 provinces and 15 more devices
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will be used in 15 provinces. there is a genetic kit, yes, it is completely domestic and it is even better than the american model. today in this we are present at the exhibition on the subject of speech-to-text software that is used in the food industry today. it has been covered in the whole country, how much did it help to speed up the writing of the verdict , finally , how much did you help the judges to be clarified? there is an announcement that is currently being made to me, more than 100,000 words, between 20 and 10,000 words per day. this system is used in different provinces, that is, i have served you for each province. that is the statistic it is very good, which shows that despite the fact that the system is new and growing, it has been able to have a good position in the country's courts.
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the head of the judiciary is also the development of fana. he called food electronics the main pillar of serving the people. the maximum use of modern technology is a choice , let's say it's not between two options or several options. let's say we have several options. one of them is traditional, one is another, and we choose one of these. we have to do this today. i said a long time ago that today we must move in this direction. we have a maximum to make use of this technology, it is necessary to have a serious investment in this field. the more we delay in this field, the higher the cost will be. there are people and it is for the benefit of the government, so the main motivation
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should be that we know that this is a path that you must choose and follow , that it is really necessary to invest . the second part of the meeting of the supreme judicial council the head of the judiciary said that trusting young elites is the only way for the country to progress in the development of new technologies . and from now on, they can do much less work that took a lot of people's time , it could have cost more for the system, for the country, for the government, for the people. these young people today, two or three, until now, maybe some of my friends have seen the episodes we saw, these booths are really 256-year-old young people in their 20s. they trusted.
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i was looking at this new technological ecosystem that we had today with the help of mr. dr. kazemifar and his colleagues and these knowledge-based companies that are really proud to work with these young people with the talent of these very faithful young people. people, these words that come out of him, i was disgusted word by word. we were paying attention to god, he was saying that god did this, god did this, god did this, this is very valuable, our talented young man trusts god this way, he creates this kind of talent with faith , he is not yet 25 years old, he has not been able to get married yet but look at what great works, what huge works . also, the head of the country's prisons organization announced the production line of engines in qom prison and the creation of work space for prisoners, the first phase.
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the motorcycle production line was opened in the workshop complex of the prisons of qom province in a shed with an area of ​​900 square meters . due to the support of the investor, the prisoners working in this production workshop are covered by social security and supplementary treatment insurance and the wages of the prisoners working in this workshop are also higher. this talent exists at the level of the average salary of prisoners. we are considering two lines, god willing another product will be put into use next year, god willing. according to the information technology and statistics center of the judiciary, more than 30 judicial electronic service systems are available to people. the head of the judiciary emphasized that all capacities are used for the development of domestic scientists and support for domestic producers
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. the saudi ambassador in tehran met with the new president of the iranian chamber of commerce and discussed ways to deepen economic relations. mr. hassanzadeh said in this meeting: political openings in relations iran and saudi arabia should provide more economic exchanges between the two countries. the saudi ambassador emphasized the importance of the role of the private sectors of the two countries in increasing.


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