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tv   [untitled]    February 7, 2024 3:30am-4:01am IRST

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it means that if a problem of agriculture is solved, the problem of all the farmers of the country will be solved. this is an important issue here, or i will give an example in the aspect of supervision, the representative must supervise the good implementation of the rules of the managers . so let me summarize here the assemblies during the first period to the 11th period. 10th , doing good activities, of course, the parliament once became the opposition in front of the system and he was the sixth teacher . it is not tolerable at all. what is their characteristic list? are. for these
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to become the opposition in front of the people and the system by the people's vote, this was very bad, this was a black card for the iranian national assembly, and this point is an important point , those who are responsible for these issues should be tried in a people's court. now he has stories about these matters. or many cases of laws that, thank god, made the way easier for people. you were in the cultural commission in the 10th round. i was in the cultural commission. yes , he was the chairman of the cultural commission. i was the chairman and vice chairman. of course, many things have been done, one of which was the law of enjoining good and forbidding evil, and the other was the law of birth, which were important issues, and one was about paper, here we
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conducted a detailed one-year study on paper production , all factories who was in the country , we visited, we gave a mission to the members , it was very good to visit, then we gathered all the managers , we brought all the publishers, we got comprehensive information, and then we saw that we can produce. to solve the needs of the country, so we have to fight with a gang of paper smugglers and we found the ways in the meeting we gathered all the managers of these paper factories and all the publishers and their associations in the committee, and we held several meetings and turned it into a very good movement. today, we see the results of that movement.
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it means that now the production we have is going towards self-sufficiency in paper production and to meet the needs of the country. we should not reach out to foreigners, so there were various issues, but against the representatives and the parliament of the foreigners and then the internal political currents whose interests have been affected by the parliament, against the representatives and against the parliament is talking. creation they do it among the people. they make people a problem. they create differences. they create a gap between society and their representatives and dozens of negative effects. we are now on the threshold of the twelfth term of the assembly and the sixth term of the assembly of experts. we must have a great partnership. if you are the participation of the people.
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how many parliaments are strong, a strong parliament creates a strong and authoritative government, and the credibility of a nation increases rapidly . the arrogant world seeks to bring down the number of participation. of course, this is not their job this year . the method should be called a stone ghazvinah is like this. since he doesn't go away, you throw him out of the window, he comes through the door, he is still seeking to boycott the elections, the lack of attendance at the polls, and they think that in this way they can discuss subversion. dropping 98 to launch 1401 is also launching for what purpose with the aim of overthrowing the system. a strong parliament will
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stand against all this, this is a fact, so the participation of the people and the people will be resolved if the statement is resolved, but what will happen if they don't? in the history of islam, ghadir khom of the holy prophet amir al-mu'minin was lifted up and said, "man, man." mullah ali mullah, but less than three months of the establishment of the saqeefah , what does it mean for the people to support the province and the faravin of the province, the laws and the constitution, and the people should do it, well, after 25 years of abandoning amirul momineen , hashem's blows came to this conclusion. that ali should be the leader and this issue is an important issue of our honorable nation in iran, their insight and knowledge were better than the followers of the holy prophet at the beginning of islam and this issue is important, the quran says, "o al-thadid, who is
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the supporter of the believers, god is the one who helped your prophet, he will help you." and through himself , through the people of the believers, the help of the believers in the row god almighty has placed his help in a high position. i have a request and an advice to all the political currents of the country. if you are a nationalist, if you like the revolution, if you worship the motherland, the weakness of this issue is the growth of other problems and issues. haj agha, from the first majlis to the 10th majlis , whatever memories you have of yourself, whatever you think is appropriate , the ones you think are funny and the sweet events or the critical days, whatever
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you like to tell us, in the ninth majlis , there was a brother named mr. jamshidi azadeh was 10 years old sheikh. he used to go to the parliament with greatness one of the representatives said something irrelevant to mr. nizam. mr. jamshid went back and slapped him hard in front of him. his phone was on the stage. this is one of the memories. why is this dear mr. jamshidi alive now? 10 years below him. kenjiz has experienced the pain of saddam, he understands the pain of religion and revolution, not this liberal gentleman, who is in this direction, when he talked irrelevantly, he gave
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me some advice . we held a meeting of isfahan representatives, there were many discussions. friends in their summary it came to the conclusion that if the rules approved by the supreme water council are not implemented, they will leave the parliament, and we did this. how many people were there ? we were 19 representatives. this is the way things are. our main concern was the implementation of the decisions of the supreme council of water. we had no other words . what is wrong with the rights of the people? preventing excessive harvesting in the upper reaches
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of the zayandeh rohde river. it does not matter whether it is isfahan or chamar bakhtiari province. . and the third tunnel is over the approvals of the supreme water council had secured the rights of the noble and dear people of chaharmal bakhtiari province , the people of esfahan are the same, the river zayandeh has passed away, it is alive, the people are alive , but that river has become a dead day, the people are depressed , and so is agriculture. there are also other issues that have been affected . yes, they are now looking to bring water from the persian gulf. it is useful for industry
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, not useful for agriculture. this issue should be handled in a beautiful way. the east, north and south of the country should drink water and agriculture and industry should use it. i don't want to open here what really happened during the time of mr. khatami, ahmadinejad, rouhani and so on. we took action, of course, other actions have been taken for urmia and the country's taliban, well, a law was added, and we also defended the people of urmia and azer. baijan should make the best use of it so far , why should it dry up, so we should support it, but
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the cow pond has been dry for several years now, maybe 20 years, so this is an important issue , the people of esfahan, the people of my city, the people of our city, the people of yazd, as well as azerbaijan, there are other talibs as well. ok, that's it here's the point, and the other point is, if the honorable members of the parliament are macro -minded, they close the country's annual budget based on macro-view , this is very powerful, but if they become partial, regional, city-oriented, this affects macro-view, this type of thinking among the representatives there are some people who are very worried and work very hard, and therefore
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he is struggling with this budget , he is trying this way and that way. it is also the right thing, after all, people have expectations from him. he should be able to do this issue, but the policy that i want to say that my management power is strong, haj agha, you are how many times have you been in the parliament , what do you think the parliaments could do and not do, and what important things to do? your question is very difficult . i will tell you very quickly . the reason for my difficulty is not because i cannot answer . out of 10 periods, have 11 periods of majlis , then tell the points of majlis peaks. these are the weak points
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and the so-called worrisome points. in these cases, we understand this. i will give you a general answer, if the budget plan of a country, sir , in one of their orders during mr. rouhani's time, they said to give the plan within 4 months. which budget the issues of that program should be closed. mr. nobakht was responsible for this work. i don't know where to go. but i don't know where to go in this case. we have a story. now i will give an example for you to know about this case. let me tell you that your presence, when it is in this form as the budget plan. don't look at the union, don't look at the region
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, don't look at the friend, don't play the macro view in the country, give a plan and make the budget according to the resources that you get from three or four ways. in the budget plan, the province sees only its own region he sees himself and tells us clearly that yes. i haven't budgeted for water for 3 years. this means that people are worried about this. if they want to spread the program to the country, it will create problems. it means that we have to pay special attention to the relationship of our managers and that macroscopic spirit that all the people belong to me and i belong to all the people. when i sit in this seat of responsibility, i have to see the nation, not myself. no, my group, and unfortunately
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, we are witnessing some of these issues. this is one of those areas where the collapse is a weak point, but we have seen that it is very strong from a large perspective. the so-called contracts and parliament approves one article with 40 months. less is more, what does it mean to strengthen the relations between the islamic republic of iran and various problem countries in the world? this is a strong point, this should be strengthened. the arrogant world is trying to isolate us, but the parliament, by approving this agreement and its contracts , is nothing but a manipulation to find economic marketing, political, cultural, communication, cultural heritage, thousands of blessings.
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mr. raisi's presence in shanghai in brics , you know what this means, this power, the presence of the republic islam created in this scene and then it was encouraged, that is , it put america, israel and europe in the bombshell. in 45 years of sanctions, we achieved self-sufficiency in various fields. the main role of this self-sufficiency was played by the law and the parliament. knowledge-based and knowledge- based companies. they know that the parliament came very well and strengthened it. you see, every night on tv, a science -based company comes up with something new and separates us from the foreigners, and this is for the benefit of the country and the world. it is sad that we had to become american mercenaries. today, the americans are looking for us. god willing, we will witness the defeat of america and israel
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. one of the powerful personalities with influence in parliament members. which ones in different eras , in memory of the late mr. askar al-ladi god , the late education teacher, this was the first period, they were the experts of the parliament, and we were the fourth, third, fourth period . the photos that were taken of the martyrs, these are all of your personalities, if the camera goes to these photos, the answer to your question is in these photos . which of them do you know now ? we know many of them. his camera is a bit weak . we know shah cheraghi. yes, shah cheraghi is there . we know many of them
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. we know mr. shahabadi's profession. god bless him. mr. shahabadi was a great man. these are the educated figures of the parliament, these are not the capital of the country, but their speech, their words, their power are all models for your current representatives . how many children do you have ? i have 20 million . no, how many of your children do you have? seriously, you don't have children. i said, i was in basij. i want to have a child, i am a child myself, so give me another point, no god god bless you, we have a lot to talk about, we have a lot to discuss, but for now we will settle for this much
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. good luck, god willing, you will be successful and confident. good night . well, thank you very much, i am very happy. your mandated pricing is not good. it is impossible to fix the price of land by mandate. naftabadan is paying him to watch football. do you agree with the concentration of all activities in tehran? can you say that this problem will be solved by moving the capital? 4,400 business applicants came to the agricultural space, but were closed. higher. tendencies debate on the eve of elections, every day at 15:00, on khabar network. woz wherever we are. are.
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we are very happy. hamid haji, who came to this ceremony from haji goldi khan castle, says that it was several decades ago. there was no road, no school. there was a school behind avesta.
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turkmenast creates joy in ceremonies, and the local local games market is hot. let's eat, yes, in short, we have worked hard, we have won, what prize do you want for them, the riding is in the blood of this turkmen, saraye 1 2 3 2 3 4 8 9
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wherever there is a competitor, they are united and hands are in each other's hands , and you can see a beautiful show of an ancient tradition, right? would not for example, one group says that one side of the moon is the other side of the sun, and we have almost reached the end of the ceremony, and the medical check has been prepared. this is the border point of northern iran, and this is a message to all the islamic world of iran, ismail al-barzi, sda news agency.
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he was a young man at the exhibition of new judicial technologies mifete and land grabbing are now controlled by the management. it all happens inside this project. nakhdegan said about the intelligentization of food that it was achieved by relying on internal power. the entire electronic proceedings and now the sending of escorts and now all the issues, now a series of online meetings of the prisoners will be held with our system. we are the first manufacturer of laser printers in iran and for the first time softwares. the printers have been translated into farsi, and i would like to inform you that during this time we have been supplying printers, only with the transaction we had with the food authority, about 5 million dollars.
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we have prevented the exit of the width and the width saving done by this homogenizer as well as the genetic kits and the auto sampler are products that are mainly imported from european and north american countries. now, for example, the same homogenizer device is working in 8 provinces and 15 more devices will be used in 15 provinces. it is a genetic kit , which is completely domestic and even better than the american model we are present in this exhibition with the topic of speech-to -text conversion software, which is used in the judiciary as a whole how much did the covered country help? in order to speed it up, now the essay of the verdict is finally time . you helped the judges to speed it up . yes, as you know, these letters and correspondence
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that exist in the organizations, well , it is a costly and time-consuming task. the announcement that is currently being made to me there are more than 100,000 words between 20 and 10,000 words per day. this system is used in different provinces, that is , i told you for each province that this is a very good statistic that shows that despite the fact that the system is new. and it is growing now to have a good position in the courts of the country. the head of the judiciary also called the development of judicial electronic technologies the main development of serving the people . modern use of modern technology is a choice . let's say it's not between two options or several options . let's say we have several options. one of them is this . let's assume the traditional one is something else, and we choose one of these. we are required today, in my opinion i said this a long time ago, we are required to move in this direction today, we are required
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to make maximum use of technology, it is necessary to invest seriously in this field. any amount if we delay in this field , our costs will increase, and if we speed up the investment in this field , it is for our future, it is for the benefit of the people, and it is also for the benefit of the regime, so the main motivation should be that we know that this one way is necessarily. you have to choose and go through that it is really necessary to invest. thirdly, we know that our really talented young people have this ability. however, in the second part of the meeting of the supreme judicial council, the head of the judiciary said: trusting young elites is the only way for the country to progress in the development of new technologies. a lot of work to be innovative they have many things to reduce costs and from now on they can
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do much less than this. the works that took a lot of people's time could have cost more for the system , for the country, for the government , for the people. friends, seeing the parts that we saw in these booths, the 256-year-olds of their 20s really trusted this life. the new technology boom that we have today with the help of dr. kazemifar and his colleagues and this knowledgeable companies that are really proud to work , these young people are talented, these young people
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are very faithful. god did this, god did this. god did this work, this is very valuable , our talented young man, this kind of trust in god, this kind of faith, this kind of talent , he is not yet 25 years old, he has not yet been able to get married, but see what great works, what great works, also the head of the country's prisons organization is also from the line. engine production in qom prison announced the creation of employment space for prisoners. the first phase of the motorcycle production line was opened in the workshop complex of qom province prisons in a shed with an area of ​​900 square meters. due to the support of the investor, the prisoners working in this production workshop are covered by social security insurance and supplementary treatment, and the wages of the prisoners working in this workshop are also higher than the average salary of prisoners. there is this talent that
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we are considering, god willing, two lines. another production will be put into operation in the next year, god willing, according to the announcement of the statistics and information technology center judiciary has more than 30 judicial electronic service systems available to people. the head of the judiciary stressed that all capacities are used to develop domestic knowledge bases and support domestic producers. maleeha pejman of the radio and television news agency. your presence to defend trim is very valuable if only, but every day for the sanctuary of the great shrine.
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but janda, the greater sanctuary of islam, the greater sanctuary that the imam said to preserve this time, from the same hour at 4:80 a.m., an airport valley worth billions of rials was put into operation with the presence of the minister of roads and urban development. the first 3d flight control tower simulator. iman-sazi of the airport's telecommunication data center, the fire extinguishing system of the parking lot of the observation tower and the communication system of the fire brigade are among these projects that were put into use at mehrabad airport. the minister of roads and urban development in this ceremony with the offending and high-selling airlines. and


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