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tv   [untitled]    February 7, 2024 4:30am-5:01am IRST

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he said to the american president, "we will not allow the strait of hormuz to be closed. he thinks that now it is the past that he wants permission to have an effect. now it is the people of lebanon who did not allow you to be there, and it is the people of iran who did not allow you to be there." be here and it is the iranian people who should allow you and the main mistake. if they have made a mistake, the main thing is that they don't know who they are up against. imam khomeini, in a country where for tens of years the elite people were afraid even of the shadows of the americans and the british, he avoided every opportunity to humiliate america and its president. was using when carter threatened iran with military operations during the capture of the spy den . imam khomeini reacted with the same logic. and as for the matter: i don't know about mr. carter's pushers
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, you know this issue, i feel sorry to be like a lion who says that when he stands in front of an enemy , he screams and something comes out from the other side and moves the second one. hit in order to scare the parties, he is afraid, so something is issued from him, he moves his tail so that they can find a mediator, mr. kar, i am sorry to say that shirin is a creature that does the same they make these noises and screams and scare us
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because of the military action and military intervention. this has become old and so much so that once he says something, immediately after that he says something else against him. these are the same screams that those animals make in order to scare the king's contempt for power. america only in the speaker.
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police plane late yesterday i canceled carefully planned operation which was underway in iran to position our rescue team for later withdrawal of american hostages who've been held captive there since november 4th. as our team was withdrawing after my order to do so, two of our american aircraft collided on the ground following a refueling operation. eight of the crewmen are the two aircraft.
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but all the predictions of the americans turned out to be wrong. first, two of the helicopters and a little later the third helicopter suffered a technical failure. the commanders of the operation, who found it impossible to continue the work, ordered the cancellation of the operation. however, despite the sandstorm , one of the helicopters collides with the fuel plane while escaping and explodes. eight american soldiers were killed in this incident. the others left five helicopters on the ground and the same with the planes. who came back later the americans declaring that 193 million dollars were damaged in that operation. many military experts considered this incident to be unusual , but imam had another interpretation of this strange incident. those who do not pay attention to spirituality and do not believe in this condition should not be awakened. who
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shot down mr. carter's helicopters that were trying to reach iran ? we shot down the sands. americans were humiliated once again during the mcfarlane incident when in 1965, senator mcfarlane, the national security adviser of the us president, quietly entered iran to negotiate with iran's imam khomeini. he ordered that no one should talk to them. he was imprisoned in a hotel for a few days and then when he saw that none of the iranian officials were willing to talk to him , he returned to america empty-handed. this incident caused quite a stir in iran and america. reagan's critics
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did not consider this to be a good thing for america. there were rumors in iran that mcfarlane entered tehran with the coordination of certain people and it was a pre-planned conspiracy. but for the imam. humiliating america and breaking its awe were so important to khomeini that he led the minds from these sidelines to the main issue . an important thing that should be congratulated on this eid day let me tell everyone. this is a huge explosion that happened in the black city of washington. and this scandal. very important that was found for the heads of the american countries. the president of the united states should mourn in this scandal.
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those who said what are we doing and what are we doing and breaking the relationship. and they used to say about these issues, today it became clear that they came in front of this nation with their helplessness and moaning and asking them to establish a relationship and ask for an excuse of guilt and our nation does not accept it. america, in its own words, is the glory and power of someone from the high authorities
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he sent here to meet with the officials here and none of them was willing to meet. this is a big issue that has blown up the world. and he should do it. it is a sign of mourning for the white house and they should sit down too. the issue is an important issue. imam khomeini exposed many times against the americans until the last day of his life and even in the will he left behind. he tried to erase the memories of the pahlavi era that showed the americans as invincible from iran's political culture and literature. this aspect of the iranian revolution is more important to the white house politicians than any other it was unbearable. because if the oppressed nations of the world
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looked at america like the people of iran , their global power would have no meaning. maybe one day american politicians will admit this truth. even if this happens. it never happened, but carter understood that the iranian revolution had settled a serious account with the united states in retaliation for the historical injustice done to his country. by forcing egypt to agree with the zionists during camp david, carter had earned a reputation among the elites and especially the zionists. but by conquering the spy nest and the real thebes day by day of its popularity the number of american people decreased. now imam khomeini is in a psychological war against the americans and the people of this country. he warned that carter was not a good president for you. he should be removed from the political scene. america should remove carter from the political scene. carter was a bad politician for america. then he was the president of america.
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he discredited america in the world. muslims against america. equipped carter and this work. he is not worthy to be the president of the united states. the american people should know that they should not vote for carter because carter has betrayed the united states. and now he is busy betraying america, he is busy with gangs , and he is acting against america's interests, as america's own scientists say this and will say it later. when imam khomeini hit carter, which even he did not imagine. iran's revolutionaries did not release the hostages of the espionage nest until the american presidential election, and this incident caused them to face the pressure of the public opinion of the american people. no vote for the second time. after carter's defeat, one of the european publications
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wrote about this: once upon a time, the united states could decide who would sit on the throne of power in iran. but today the ayatollah in tehran can determine the fate of the us presidential election. after that, carter only wanted the hostages to return to america for the rest of his presidency, so that at least this incident would be recorded in his own name. but even for a few hours. there was no news of the american hostages at the presidential inauguration ceremony. finally, when carter got into his car to leave the white house forever for his peanut farm, he was told in the car that the american hostage plane had finally taken off from iran. the day when imam khomeini fought his own battle started. the whole world was under the domination of the powers of the east and the west. from the very beginning, the victory of a cleric in this unequal confrontation was unimaginable, imam khomeini
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fulfilled what he had promised. like a seasoned politician, he did something that was unprecedented until that day, with the support of the iranian people. imam khomeini brought the revolution of the iranian people to fruition. now the whole world knew him as a legendary leader. but imam himself had another interpretation. imam khomeini knew that the great victory was god's promise, and he kept announcing it to the people during the revolution, and this is exactly the tool. it was powerful that could never be predicted by any power, a tool that cannot be justified by reason and planning, just like all divine traditions. royal diaper museum
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of saadabad cultural and historical complex. the clothes left by the pahlavi family. the arts that are used are mainly balochi embroidery. it is the print of azarbaijan's skull cap , it is the eye embroidery of isfahan. isfahan's qalamkar fabric is used, and the fabric is used in the art of turkmen needlework. precious and valuable clothes that are all handmade by artists all over the world. it is the head of the country like the needlewomen of sistan baluchistan 80 women of qasim abad banpur village sewed these clothes for days and days . the cost of needlework at that time was so high and turning it into clothes that ordinary people could not use because of the high cost. look at farah pahlavi's full dress covered with needlework if the baloch. at that time and now , they used to sew pieces of needlework on leg cloths
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and wear them as clothes. nowruz mehtab, the original needlework of these luxurious clothes, 3 decades after this performance in a tight hand and loneliness the world is gone. ms. nowrozi was apparently not in a good condition. he dies, i was not married. he had devoted himself to this art and apparently he was not in a good condition when he died. this is the most colorful record of handicrafts and traditional arts before the islamic revolution. hiring artists for aristocratic clothes. apparently , a handout was paid to them, but it was certainly temporary. it is not the case that they will be permanently employed somewhere. although the first manual industry center was established in 1347. but this center and even the joint stock company of handicraft stores which was formed in 1354. none of them took any serious steps for the livelihood of artists and artisans
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until 1360 with the establishment of the iran handicrafts organization and later with the establishment of the deputy of handicrafts in the ministry of cultural heritage, tourism and handicrafts . until today, a set of laws in this field can be cited and used. i refer to the program law. the sixth five-year plan, which we are in the final months of, when you check the entire five-year plan, there are two paragraphs of the word handicrafts and traditional arts. a place he pointed out that yes, handicrafts and traditional arts should be supported. in another article, he also said that necessary action should be taken regarding the development of the world's handicraft industry cities. well, when the five-year development plan is written, it means a very important upstream document that is supposed to be cultural and economic management.
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what should he do for the country of iran in the next 5 years politically and socially? plan the platform and the law of the budget bill is formulated every year based on the goals of this program. with the help of these laws , today's artisans can display their skills, art and name in the systems of the ministry of cultural heritage. to register the use of insurance and facilities. the result of this registration is that in 1400, 130 thousand billion tomans , we entered into a memorandum of understanding with omid entrepreneurship fund and approx. from individual workshops to group workshops to
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people who have an artisan card, for investment if we want. participating in an exhibition , domestic or foreign , they can make this request to equip their workshops and buy raw materials. in 1401 , we got almost as much resources as we are paying now. clothing designers are also inspired by traditional arts to produce products for the general public do these products can be seen in all stores and exhibitions. one of the lights that is on in the house of all producers and all consumers. elham goran of sed and sima news agency. the celebration
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of the victory of the islamic revolution of iran in the year 5.
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wherever there is a competitor, they are united and hands in hand and a beautiful display of the ancient tradition of the counter . in this game, there is a
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team of women who say, for example, that we have almost reached the end of the ceremony and the medical check is ready. this is the border point of northern iran and this is a message for the whole world. ismail al-barzi of qala sed and broadcasting news agency karimishan gamishan 45 thousand billion tomans worth of waste to the environment. life is one of these afterthoughts and, of course, the dangerous type of hospital language. according to the waste management law, medical wastes are infectious, sharp and
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sharp wastes that must be separated as hazardous wastes. special machines are used to reduce the risks of hospital waste. machines that should be able to disinfect all leftovers in addition to eating sharp leftovers. the entrance... is an infectious waste machine and this tab is waste even though it can contain blood or serum document bags, this device has no leachate, the mechanism is very different from the old mechanisms, it does not burn waste, but it is sterilized in a closed and enclosed space. added collection. while the tab is being sterilized, it is crushed and all the sap that gets inside evaporates due to the indirect steam that is around the tank and
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disappears and has no waste. this means that hospital waste can be safely delivered to the municipality it is possible that 97 hospitals in the country are equipped with a new generation of these devices. nearly 50 of these devices are installed in the hospitals . we have these devices in nikan hospital , hashminejad hospital in tehran, we have them in shohada tajvish hospital, mofid hospital in tehran. we have 195 hospitals in pasdarno and maheg hospitals and many others in tehran province, of which 188 hospitals are equipped with home clearing and around 177 hospitals are equipped. a hospital used to be safe and then buried , but now the recycling of these leftovers has started to reach a variety of uses. makar's method
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is considered a new method in its own right . there is no environmental problem in terms of the smoke emitted in the plasma compared to the rest of the waste . there is no harmful substance at all. we don't have a contract signed by plasma , we are running the biggest garbage incinerator in the hospital itself, which is the place where the demolition and garbage operations actually take place, about 150 tons of waste per day, and it can actually be converted into garbage and other waste. in fact, they are actually creators device soz plasma says that the rubber materials obtained from hospital wastes
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are used in sealing and repairing asphalt pavements and roads, as well as in construction materials. as soon as the law to remove obstacles from electricity industry was approved , it was put into the hands of the government. all regulations related to this law were requested from the responsible institutions to submit the draft texts to the government. the law was approved with 19 articles, and now all its executive regulations have been promulgated except for article 10. based on this article, the ministry of energy has a mandate to cooperate with the ministry of oil and the budget program organization should take steps to gradually remove energy pricing along the chain of electricity generation, transmission and distribution and transfer all subsidies to the end of the chain before the final consumer of electricity. produce energy and
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pay it to the final part that is the consumer and everyone pays the subsidy for their energy according to their consumption needs, in other words , it is the gas subsidy of the power plants and this amount is paid to the people, the fuel subsidy is towards the end of this cause it is possible that power plants with higher efficiency to be able to have more receipts and more motivation for the power plants. if this happens, the subsidies will be withdrawn and paid to the final consumer, it is expected that in the freedom environment that i have actually presented to you , the right rate will be obtained for electricity, and god willing , now in that environment, the investor will have a clearer role. let's see what he can sell his paper with in this space, the return of his investment will be guaranteed to a greater extent, and based on that guarantee of his investment return, we will witness, god willing, an increase
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in investments in this field and optimization of consumption. energy can find economic justification, also the productivity in thermal power plants will increase, increase the efficiency and efficiency of the power plant, as well as renewable energies in the country will find more economic justification, god willing. removing the subsidy from the gas delivered to the power plants means that eventually the fuel price of the power plants will become real, that is , at the fuel price. at least the petrochemical industry and feed should be a bit closer, they say we will sell you your fuel price at a low price, we tell them we don't want to sell cheap profit rates like petrochemicals , come with us, the gas price is the same as the price outside the fob. calculate wherever you calculate, but let us also come and get the electricity rate as much as, of course , in order to realize these predictions, the price of electricity must be discovered in a fair environment, the solution. experts
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for this issue is the energy exchange and the latest follow-ups from the promulgation of article 10 of the law on removing obstacles to the development of the electricity industry. the initial draft of the text from the ministry of energy has been submitted to the government's infrastructure commission for initial discussion and review. the implementation of this law as best as possible means that the government has agreed with its general principles and with the cooperation of the government and the parliament, this is the end the law has been approved, the predictions made have been returned to the related institutions, including the ministry of energy, the program organization and other related institutions that can strengthen the texts and predict the necessary implementation points in it, and send them again to the infrastructure commission as soon as possible. the finalization of expert discussions will naturally reach the final approval.
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various political and economic trends compete in the elections. the importance of elections in electing a strong parliament. the key is in the hands of the people. does it get ahead of your competitors? prescriptive pricing. rate stabilization currency is impossible to order. how are naftabadans paying him for murder? do you agree with the concentration of all activities in tehran? you can say that this problem will be solved by moving the capital . from khabar network
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, we are today, wherever you are, tomorrow, higher, higher , one of the important axes during this period that has made this country happy. dealing with aliens. confronting foreigners, especially america and the zionist regime, which imam believes it is a very important point that all the troubles of the islamic world are from america. if someone does not know the enemy well and sometimes takes the enemy instead of a friend and a friend instead of an enemy. take this
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strategic error that will create a deviation in the path of this nation. at 5 o'clock, the head of the mining engineering system organization announced the connection of this organization to the national permits portal, mr. basta said that the process of issuing employment permits was carried out in a smart way from saturday this week and was notified to the provinces, the mining system organization and the ministry regarding the issuance of employment permits to the portal. we have national permission.


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