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tv   [untitled]    February 7, 2024 6:30am-7:01am IRST

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get it by sending the number 5 to 30085 in the name of allah, the most merciful . look at the smiling sun, say hello to tomorrow, hello to the future, look at the sun on the day of the pilgrimage of agha imam reza
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, peace be upon him. hello, today's reporter, i hope you are well, wherever you are, i invite you to join us with today's program, where we will take a look at some of today's events. but instead of dust, he blew a full of you. shahrme, hope rose from that
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path, the spring has been reserved for us, because the spring has been reserved paran bar mande sabzera. to relatives, to friends, to acquaintances, to the men who serve as vicars, to those who, with a powerful step, show the door to the eyes of the world , blessed is spring, blessed is autumn.
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and this servant of servitude and this burden of poverty and effort on the head of the world, in whatever form it is , should not be burdened and burdened. to relatives, to friends, to familiar companions, to the men of jais hash, who are working hard, to those who will make the pain visible to the eyes of the world with a high voice , blessed maharan. calm down, good morning
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, dear viewers, join us with the first part of the conversation we will refer to the agreements between iran and iraq on the issue of arbaeen, which is supposed to be reached today by the deputy minister of interior of the islamic republic of iran and the deputy minister of interior of iraq based on the previous arrangements that have been made . mr. mirrahmadi, deputy minister of interior and head of the arbaeen central staff , are our guests. hello, good morning, welcome. hello, i would like to ask your excellency and all dear viewers to please take into account the experiences we have gone through in the arbaeen issue, especially where we have witnessed this year. we had a glorious arbaeen hosseini celebration, what agreements were made with the country of iraq and your agenda today and what are the main points of the agreement that will be in
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the name of allah, the merciful, the merciful, well, we had a very successful experience in this year's arbaeen, as in my negotiations yesterday. iraqi loved ones also expressed their concern about this, and it was the proposal of the islamic republic to form joint operational bases for arbaeen, that is , to get out of this formal and ceremonial mode and to operationally have both central bases and provincial bases, this is a very prominent role. face the success of arbaeen on both sides. to have a province , yes, what should they do? this peak means the governors of our border provinces that are the crossing point they are zahirin , they had a common headquarters with the governors and the trustees of the arba'in affairs
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. we have not had joint management and joint command of the arba'in and pilgrim issues. this was the cooperation and we appreciated the cooperation of the dear iraqi statesmen. we formed this central camp immediately after the end of arbaeen this year . this is our second meeting that was held . god's providence helps a lot to facilitate the affairs
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of the pilgrims and the comfort of our pilgrims. now i will share some of its parts. one of them is that the action we took this year... we speeded up and facilitated the crossing of the borders in such a way that we didn't have any more stops at our own borders and it was a big thing that we transferred the information of our pilgrims online to the iraqi passport police . the country should be done and this issue should be done throughout the year, in the month of muharram we have a lot of pilgrims in sha'ban
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, they stop at the border for a long time . arbaeen special passport is different from official passports. our international point is that first of all, the cost is very low for applicants, for example 50 to 70 thousand tomans, while that passport costs more than 500 thousand tomans, the speed of preparation and delivery is extremely high. we agreed that this passport
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will be used by zahedin throughout the year. of course , it was agreed that these stages of its final approval will be passed in our country and in iraq, that is, a passport that is the special arbaeen passport valid throughout the year, or after the final agreement is reached, the passport issued to the pilgrims has the same characteristics as the arbaeen special passport, not the arbaeen special passport, and it is valid throughout the year. it is valid for going inside iraq, it is not for arbaeen, muharram , shaban, any time of nowruz. the dear ones who want to leave with this same passport, this will happen from today, that is, even today, if someone with the same passport to ghazran, who received it in arbaeen, from now on , has that credit, yes, he can do this. another extremely important issue was that
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this year, unfortunately, a number of our dear pilgrims died in road accidents inside iraq, and the numbers are increasing. we agreed to form a joint committee to reduce road accidents and we expressed our concern immediately at the first camp that was formed . we bought a thousand cars to deploy the police in very short distances on the routes related to the traffic of pilgrims and speed and traffic violations. let's control, this did not exist until now
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, that is, every iraqi driver was driving at any speed and in any manner, and it was agreed that we will provide them with the necessary training and the valuable experience of our own police, and we will do a joint training work, god willing. let's give this, friends, to agree and have the will for this issue so that, god willing , we can be significantly sure of the safety and faith of our pilgrims, and god willing , we will not witness these bitter events . within the territory of iraq, including that our doctors can perform surgery in iraqi hospitals, because iranian doctors
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have high expertise, skills and capabilities, and they agreed that they had not announced such an agreement until now, and they did not agree that iranian helicopters and ambulances iranian in the desired places. to be able to be present inside iraq, to ​​be able to fly inside iraqi territory in certain places that are closely agreed upon, this is also a very good thing that happened regarding the transfer of processions to iraq , their facilities were very good agreements because several our thousands of processions usually had problems, sometimes their own items
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had problems, they got spoiled, sometimes they were stopped at the border for a few days. this year, with god's help , a very good thing happened. another agreement that was made , which was postponed until the respected prime minister of iraq announced their opinion, but the iraqi delegation announced its initial agreement to provide lands to the iranian pilgrims for free, which we did not because of this heat. air that reaches more than 10 next year, we are faced with it. iranian processions and iranian benefactors will establish fixed places where our pilgrims will be in suitable places.
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karbala, at the end of arbaeen, when they visit , the situation is very bad when they return, and when they return , the environment there is neither asphalt, nor is it in good conditions, and they are saddened by our troubles . to quickly create that our visitors in the right space. and put them in the cool air, take extensive and good measures, thank god
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. in some of our borders, we have about 30 seconds to start. in some borders, agreeing that iranian cars can enter, like the tamrchin border , we are looking for this, which means entering iraq with a private car . arbaeen discussion about border economic issues , border exchanges today with the deputy prime minister of iraq. dear mr. omar vaidi, we are having talks again , thank god, our talks are in a very good atmosphere and we thank you for my companionship and cooperation. at the end , i have a message for the pilgrims of arbaeen hosseini , just as martyr soleimani said in the islamic republic.
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it is the residence of imam hussain (peace be upon him) and in the same way that the pilgrims line up in different columns , so we have a meeting with each other . there is one on the 22nd of bahman, where the pilgrims of arbaeen hussain line up in different columns in the same way as on the najaf-karbala road. let us meet on 22 bahmana, and one of them is the base of the ballot boxes, which, god willing , we will help and help everyone and take action that
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your love is the source of your hope, o morning of farvardin , my last support, o veteran soldier of the world, the life of the world, iran, the world. oh, in raganam, the blood of the homeland , shroud our flag. i am far from tobad, i am iran, i am iran i am iran, i am iran, the blood of the homeland is on my thigh, this is your flag from us, the shroud is far from you, we are the people of iran
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, i am iran , i am iran, you have seen hundreds of tortures of my mother, and your love has not diminished from the blood of your soldiers . you are in the world and the body of my mother, iran,
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the earth. you are the beginning, the end, you are the rain on my plain, you are the shine in my eyes, you are iran, i am iran , you are the eternal seal, you are in my veins, the blood of your homeland , i will cover our flag. you are the master of my iran, my iran , my iran, my iran, this is my lie, the blood of my country , your flag, the shroud, away from you, my iran,
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my iran. the conclusion of the first teacher award course today it is going to be held, mr. mohammad azin, the secretary of this course of teacher award, is our guest, so we can talk about the details of it . you are very welcome. i am at your service and dear viewers , what is the teacher award and what happened, what are your plans for today's closing ceremony? the teacher's award is a popular social movement to honor the position of a teacher who has played the greatest role. it has a role in building the future of the country, but perhaps the attention that is paid to the teacher in the public and media space is more administrative, for example, rights and organization, while the main story is the teacher's heart and that sense of duty and concern. what does this festival is usually less attention in the media
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, they choose the best teacher in a sense, people nominate their good teachers, their children's teachers , their own teachers, and then a professional judging team. he chooses that the people themselves participate in providing this award, which means that it is actually a government and administrative award. it is not completely popular and it came from the hearts of the people. with this explanation , what was the calendar of the festival, what was the process until it reached today? we had a call approximately around november and december. until the end of december, both inside the country and in other islamic countries, and in general, we must say that it is a regional or international festival . he is working in islamic countries, he could be nominated. in total, in the first round of the award, 12,461
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teachers were nominated, of which 99 were from 17 countries other than iran, and the evaluations were done in several stages . five people will be introduced they will also deserve to be recognized. out of 12,000, you said yes, 12 were based on what satisfaction indicators were used and we reached this number. see , it was very, very important for us that the teacher expands his circle of teachers beyond his own class and can make a social impact in the place. for example, let's say we have a teacher who came to the village and helped prevent children from dropping out of school , and some of those children are now teachers at his school. or it is difficult to evaluate some of these cases, or for example, a teacher who went to his place and revived the tree work and forestry with the help of his students and his culture
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my help has changed the area to plant trees where the trees are cut down, that is, the indicators that you evaluated the activity of a teacher , whether you have reached this conclusion or not, besides this issue , a series of indicators have also been considered yes, look, we had four indicators , one, what kind of social impact does the teacher have on his canvas , in their work environment, not that he wants to go and do something as a charity, for example, or as a social activist, two, what impact did he have on the lives of his students, three what kind of development in the field of education is an education issue with what creativity did he solve the upbringing he was faced with, and the fourth is his personal and professional skills , which are usually evaluated in other places . actually , we are their guests from pakistan. they are currently in tehran
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, which is actually one of the states of pakistan, and after this, this festival is supposed to be held annually. you see, this was the first time that we wanted to make this an annual event. or biannually as decided by the policy council thereafter it depends, god willing, after the end of this course and getting feedback, a decision will be made about it and you will see what the prize for the winners is. basically, the status of a teacher cannot be compared to a material gift . it is not like this. therefore, we consider all the teachers in the world worthy of being accepted in this award. let's say that the best teacher is something like him, someone like him, not to say that we must have found the absolute best possible teacher, that basically it's not possible. however, in terms of reality, the gift that will be awarded will be a medal
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dedicated to the best teacher, which is decorated according to the narration of the prophet mubarak. there is one billion tomans this year, which will be divided among the selected and deserving people based on the decision of the jury. thank you very much, sir. from now on, stay with us by continuing the program , come and tell about the dawn of tomorrow, a window open from watching , or say about the dawn of tomorrow, a window opening from watching to magdeh, sing with me again about that spring that is not
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a dream. blessed is the name of the country, reading at the feet of iran , being patient with its people , hoping to show a kiss to its flag, iran, in the opportunity we have until the 7 o'clock news segment, we are going to talk about the book of the year award with mr. labafi , the respected editor of the sada news agency's book group. waseem and hello, good morning. good morning to you too , and hello to the viewers. hello reporter, what is going to happen on the subject of the book of the year award today? he spends his time in the global section . today, the winners of both sections will be honored in the presence of the president at the unity hall. in this period , we have 19 winners in the domestic section and 6 winners in the foreign section, and
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these are their prizes. some of these winners in the domestic section have already received awards , which are announced here again, their names are in the jalal al ahmad award and in the fajr poetry festival award . to be introduced, how many? yes, as i said, 19 doors the internal section and 6 in the internal section in the external section, the external section means that the books published in the country and non-iranian authors are published . i was talking to them and they said that in this period, more attention has been paid to islamic books, and this is because of the centers that are abroad , the invitations are usually sent by email in the universities, and anyway they attract works and notice them. the attention to iranian islamic concepts increased
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. in what areas will the book of the year be introduced? for example, we have selected children and teenagers , we have children's poetry, as i said, some of these works have already won awards in previous festivals , for example, the book khaghani nameh won an award in the fajr poetry festival, the books that were in the jalal al ahmad prize, this is a rule that it has been written for several years that some of the winners of that award are introduced in the book of the year anyway, with a time
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of about one minute. since you mentioned the book of the year, what are the differences between the book of the year award and the late jalal award? as the name suggests, the jalal ahmed award is for literature. it only tells a story, but the book of the year of the islamic republic of iran is actually an important award of the islamic republic, and it actually deals with research and research-oriented books , scientific books of many university professors, and their very important scientific works can be included in this award. . all these are reviewed in the book of the year award, so according to your explanation, the selection board for the book of the year is a combination of experts from different fields. there should be exactly 70 judges. each book will be reviewed by three judges. thank you for your presence
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let's watch the news at 7 o'clock. after the news , i will be with you today. in the name of allah, the most merciful , the most merciful, greetings and good morning, dear and respected countrymen , we are in your presence . palestinian journalist zakaria abu ghali was martyred along with his mother and sister in the early morning airstrike of the zionist regime on the city of rafah in the south of the gaza strip. also, at least eight palestinians were injured in an attack on a house in deir al-balah in the center of the gaza strip. at the same time as there were discussions about a possible ceasefire, the zionist army announced so far.


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