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tv   [untitled]    February 7, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm IRST

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final was one of the long-standing wishes of the executive bodies , that its implementation prevents the sedimentation of resources in the executive bodies. also, in today's news, we had that all old paper licenses should be converted into new electronic licenses. for this reason, in tonight's special news talk program , we are hosting dr. seyed ehsan khandozi, minister of economic affairs and finance, and we will talk about improving the business environment, financial discipline and some other important issues. on this occasion , we have to say goodbye to the dear viewers of channel one. if you want to follow this conversation, contact us please accompany the news network.
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mr. dr. khandozi, hello again, welcome. in the name of allah, the most merciful, i am your servant. to all the dear people of iran, greetings and congratulations to the prophet of islam. thank you very much for your presence. the first topic we will discuss is the issue of permits, colleagues. my dear, report in the news agency sed and sima. i prepared it, first we will see this report , we will come back and start our conversation , we don't like bothering us so much, the business license applicants said about the process they went through to get the license , it is so long and so difficult that one regrets it. to the end of the tortuous path of issuing licenses, the 13th government put the implementation of the law on facilitating the issuance of licenses on the agenda . it should be given in a way that
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does not cause any delay in production and does not create any problems for work and entrepreneurship in the country. organizing the issuance of licenses in the national portal of licenses, which according to the report of this portal , more than 1 million and 300 thousand people have succeeded in obtaining special licenses. . thank god, i saw that everything is online here, just like abroad, and there is no need at all to do all these paperwork and visits. all new licenses an electronic paper file not that anyone. by searching for each license in the national license portal, the conditions of the necessary documents are also specified, and the applicants get their license by completing and uploading the documents. i registered my application in the national license portal . thank god, i was able to get a maslonian license in less than a week, but with this now, conditions outside of the national portal of licenses were demanded for some vendors. i went to the union to get a
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license . they said that there are limits in the field of issuing licenses. do not announce these permissions, you are a criminal, zahra shafii sed and cima news agency, well, mr. dr. khandozi, first of all, please tell me how many percent of the licensing law has been implemented so far.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the answer is that all the components of the law have been implemented except for the final phase, which is the phase of converting the paper license in iran's economy to electronic and unique licenses . all the fields that we mentioned as business obstacles 3 years ago and 4 years ago and economic activists had caused expensive production. the annoying difficulty may have been mixed with bribery and corruption and issues of this kind. thank god for emphasizing that mr. president and the dedication of the government of the national media assembly has helped today in an important part of the processes of exporting people and our work, a very
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low-cost way. we have the latest statistics of about 1 million 400 thousand economic operators . to receive their economic activity through the national portal, that is, without paper, without referring to some institutions, of course , they still have problems, for example, the education and training portal had a problem last month, and for a while, the applicants of this department the business licenses are damaged, but thank god, the route is on track, except for the final stage, which turns paper into a license. there is an electronic system that, god willing , will be available in the entire country from may, the rest of the law has been implemented to a good extent, mr. doctor, please tell me why some licenses are still not issued correctly , what is the
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reason ? it had four stages and goal setting . the first stage was to make the conditions of issuing each license completely clear to all the people of iran. if they want to bother someone , read more conditions and read less. this stage can almost be said to have been achieved in 99% of the country . as i mentioned , some of the devices have not yet been fully implemented . our estimate is that more than 70% of this part of the approvals has been implemented . it really had no basis or justification. now 30 years ago, 60 years ago, 70 years ago
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last year, these obstacles were included in various laws , but today they are really an obstacle for the educated and entrepreneurial youth of the country. it happened that these should have been removed. well, thank god, this happened in the deregulation board. it was sent to the board of ministers for approval, which is a very important step, and the fourth step is to convert paper permits into unique identification or electronic permits. we hope that at the beginning of 1403, we will be able to take this final step of the law firmly and firmly , god willing, in addition to the one million and 400 permits that you mentioned. a thousand permits on earth we also have pending ones. well , these were supposed to be finalized last week . what are our plans for these delayed licenses? yes, as you mentioned, regarding the automatic issuance of licenses, which is based on the law that an
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economic operator really applies when he applies. and it has all the conditions , the executive body should not delay people, if the conditions are incomplete, it should quickly announce that you do not have the sixth and eighth conditions, for example, or your documents are incomplete, complete the documents, if this happens again to issue a license, or if it is complete, accept this story. to be left without an answer and people are waiting administrative mazes of commuting should be in the devices. well, this was exactly the goal that was supposed to be fought from the first of november, the automatic issuance of permits that are delayed by the devices. having started and not responding , which was a very important step, but a month after its implementation , we found out that there is a technical defect in some ministries or departments of municipalities, which has caused the information to not reach this meaning. to give an example, a license
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was finally accepted by the device, but it was not yet reflected in the national license portal, the portal shows this as bella would consider the assignment and go to it herself. to do the automatic issuance, in order to solve these technical problems, our friends worked day and night for two months, and these things that had to be coordinated with the technical infrastructure departments of all the ministries were done. the good news tonight, during the ten days of fajr, is that we have started the automatic issuance of land-based permits on the national permits portal for the past few days, exactly from the 15th of bahman this year . can you predict when this will end? continue. the winners will be announced at the end if there are any number of undecided licenses for their license, first of course, the institutions
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themselves will be asked to determine the task within a deadline , but if they want to suspend the entrepreneurs and economic activists, the national portal of licenses itself with the decree of the islamic council data will do this automatically. these permits that you mentioned were issued on the 15th , can you tell me what kind of permits they were and where they were for? almost a large number, that is, most of the departments that have undecided licenses, that number is actually more than 100 thousand licenses that are still undecided. it was left from the 15th in the order you issued , don't you remember now? please give me a point, not an example , but now an important part of our friends' energy was focused on improving the personal and work environment, especially after the order of the supreme leader of the revolution on the 10th of bahman among the producers and entrepreneurs. most of us and our determination is focused on the last step that we basically
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remove paper and paper licenses from the business environment of the country, considering that during the days of fajr , various other economic news was going on, a little publicity and information about this last phase. we delayed , i hope from the last days of february continuously until the beginning of next year, we will inform you about the very, very good cooperation that the country's asalaf chamber has in these fields, having service desks that will be set up from now on in the main squares of tehran and the capital and big cities of the country, so that the path to licensing we can facilitate the use of electronic permits instead of paper permits. i was a guest of those friends in imam bazar mosque of tehran. there, the friends of the permits portal have created a service desk that
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can facilitate this route without even needing to go to the office. let's do it. very well, doctor . tell me very briefly, what is the delay and what new licenses can be applied completely automatically now, that is , 100. very well, doctor . this issue has been very emphasized to facilitate the space. well, after 12 years , article 24 of the law was also approved by the government. please tell me what are the details of this decree and in what direction will it go. from the collection of people involved in the improvement of the environment of the person and the work, al-haq wal-ansaf, the incident that happened in the last two years have been equivalent to long years that many economic activists wished for, including. due to disciplining the circulars, the instructions, the regulations that
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, unfortunately, in the oil economy model that was used before and was the organizational habit of many departments and executive bodies, it was possible to issue a circular to the economic operator every morning. say, starting today, you should act like this , import like this, give insurance like this , let's change these customs tariffs, and so on. well, thank god, we have two very good resolutions this year from the cabinet we received one in april, behesht and two in february . these two resolutions, one covering article 24 and one article 30 of the law on continuous improvement of the business environment , had the overall message that in order for the economy to be predictable, it must first be these friends. sometimes they say why the government and the officials of the country are from themselves. they don't start. exactly , the government started the reforms by itself and said that
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there are executive bodies that should act in a disciplined and regular manner. what does it mean? this means that a 10-point list of all types of economic regulations was formed, and this ten-point list is between 30 days and 90 days of course, for permits for building construction and completion of work and inside and outside the sanctuary. 180 days before the implementation of those regulations, the economic operator should be notified. in the area related to export and import, 30 days before the implementation in the area of ​​customs affairs, about 30 days before the implementation regarding the change of water and electricity rates of economic centers and producers, 30 days before the implementation of the areas of environmental and health regulations of production units. and industrial settlements 3 months 90 days ago. from the implementation of the mandatory standards of social security insurance tax, all these
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must be informed to the economic operators 90 days before the implementation of that regulation. let the producer be able to plan his export and import cargo at once so that the contracts that are closed inside and outside the country are not caught behind the border, and this is fair, you may ask because we ourselves are in the seat of responsibility and accountability. but among my friends and chambers of commerce in the provinces, because i have many meetings , it is really considered to be a revolution in the field of economic regulations and ordering the directives of government agencies and predictability for production and economic activists. mr. dr. another issue in the ministry of economy finally, the meeting was about the creation of this treasury unit account. please tell me how much the creation of this account will help with financial discipline and how much it will help with the point you mentioned that we started from the government itself and tell me how many devices
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are involved in this task. is there any device that has not yet achieved this? ok or yes, you have correctly mentioned the account of the treasury unit and next to it a credit payment for the ultimate benefit, which i will briefly explain to our dear people, two disciplinary measures, starting from the government itself , the executive bodies of the country's managers, if we we want to bring order to the society, it is not possible for the executive body to be the cause of disorder themselves , to avoid transparency and financial discipline themselves. don't tell the others that you have to be married and you have to be clear. we have two types of accounts. in very simple terms, one type of income and receivable accounts where the funds that are deposited are considered as government income, now it is tax income. customs and various types of income are a group of accounts payable that
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are spent on budget approvals that must be used for salaries. to buy goods and services, buildings, construction projects, etc other expenses should be used. in fact, and in simple words, the single account of the treasury was to organize the revenue accounts of the government, instead of being scattered and disorderly, it is very interesting to have this number in the corner of your mind. we have used 250,000 accounts of government agencies that were used between the massive and complex banking network, sometimes unknown. after this order, it has been reduced to about 25,000 and it has been disciplined, all concentrated in the treasury of the country , the accounts of the central bank of the islamic republic in a completely transparent manner, and it has been 2 years, unlike all the previous years, all the previous decades of the government.
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it turned out that he can manage his public budget without needing to borrow money from the central bank because his accounts were cleared. there were resources, but they were undisciplined. on this side, the account of the treasury unit, which from our point of view, this project, which has been the responsibility of the law for years , has been terminated. a handful of cases that remain due to the problems that exist between the banking network and that company have not yet been joined to 100, but the project of the treasury unit account to the true meaning of the word is terminated. the second project regarding the accounts that the government wants to spend and pay is simple , it should pay the salaries of its employees monthly. deposit the purchase of devices and organization and equipment and administrative supplies and the most complicated of all pay to the contractors of construction projects, this should not be the way of depositing money in the account of the devices, the government thought that a 100 bridge
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hospital, whatever it built he has paid the money, while the agencies often kept these accounts for several months until they reached the contractor, which was actually the main need of the contractor that he used in that city and province, and with the order of mr. president in today's meeting of the government board, we succeeded in giving credit to the second part of this the ultimate beneficiary is also in the country, one of these ultimate beneficiaries are government employees, what is the point of paying directly to these final beneficiaries of your service? i have to deal with the salaries and wages of employees, well, it was an issue that had been implemented a few years ago. that is, it is not a new thing for this year and the previous year, because in a sense , it is the simplest type of payment for the ultimate benefit of what is clearly defined as salary, which national code, which account is in which bank, the slip of the government agency comes, the
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employment agency organization confirms it, the bank of the program organization and the budget is allocated for it. export the device we used to pay as the ministry of economy . the most important thing, which is considered a big news for the country's construction project contractors , is that the contractors can immediately after the allocations are issued by the program organization, not a few months, but a few weeks later. then, a few days later, a few seconds after the allocation process of the program organization reached the ministry of economy , immediately, so to speak, with one click, according to the words of friends, the total cost that they had spent for that construction project was in their own account, but in the account of the seller. everything that is given at the disposal of this contractor to the final beneficiary account will be deposited. paying out of receipts to some upstream managers
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. can it be prevented by this ? yes, it happened last year, according to the good decree issued by the parliament to collect all the payments. by whatever name and title there is, there is no way out or the government's executive bodies . there is no escape, if there is indiscipline in the field of companies , i hope that the regulatory body has revenues to the corporate sector and now they have these payments in the form of gift cards in various formats. how far did you go to stop this incident ? is the gift card itself legal or illegal? well, you know all this is recorded , that is, in the accounting system of the executive branch, even if it is a gift card or any other method. from the payment, because the money is withdrawn from the funds of that device, and for some of the employees
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, it happens with other methods than prepayment . we established an employment with the ministry of economy, which is the treasury of the country, thank god for this cooperation we succeeded in all three, with a very high degree, that is , we can claim that one of the best points of financial discipline is in the total payments of the government network. it will be the final benefit, besides, mr. doctor, many organizations may receive different titles, for example, the gift card that was mentioned, the line of their budget is for another reason, but again , it does not reach the hands of many personnel, and many of these managers do it for themselves. admit the truth, how far this matter has come you said that this did not happen in the field of the ministry and
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government agencies of the country. today, i can definitely say that with the full supervision of the country's employment administrative program organization and the general treasury , we have almost avoided the deviation. there are none, except for the cases that you are aware of. they monitor the cases of violations of the ceilings specified in the budget law on a monthly basis, and notify them in order to oblige the devices that, if they have a violation, to pay their average amount according to the law by the end of the year. the government is also subject to this issue, or this year in the budget law of 1402 companies you are also subject to and aware of a regulatory and disciplinary regulation. this year, it was decided to focus only on the field of public companies in the government, mr. doctor . let's go back to the issue of licenses according to the legal requirement for all institutions
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. can you please explain a little more what is happening, a series of licenses have been delayed, some of them are now being issued automatically, did this happen in just a few days or not at the beginning of the work. that is, whether related to the past is delayed even today, if the legal deadline for a license has expired, it means that the response that the device should give and the device has not responded will be subject to the automatic issuance of the license . about. we have 97,000 pending licenses on the ground. in addition to the licenses that have been issued, the devices have unfortunately not been responded to within the deadline. my request is whether
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this number has been issued, or do you understand that the review will be gradual because it is not in one day. we can inform you about all the necessary inquiries behind a license it takes a few hours, so it takes a few hours for each permit to be fully checked , and it takes three days for the approvals. it has been given so that the automatic issuance actually happens, but this has been happening every day since the 15th of february , where is the reason for the delay, mr. doctor, see that some queries have been taken, you can log in, and in any case, confirm these devices , please tell me now that according to the number that you mentioned, they are left and must be done . the inquiries for these permits have not been received. what should be done as soon as possible? this happened because the law says that the ministry you and the national permits portal should issue these permits without inquiry. look, without inquiry
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, which is basically illegal, why because. if you are an activist, we are following the government's goal of facilitating production , the goal of indiscipline is to create chaos in the production system of that device . he takes it from different institutions, if he needs to finish his service, if he needs a special education degree. if it is necessary to query military devices, and each of these automatic queries through the process will be done and the license will be issued, but mr. dr. qanun has not defined this for you, that the ministry of economy will definitely want to inquire. basically , the law is different from the one approved by you , minister of economy. which
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is responsible for the deregulation and profit facilitation board, any license. only qualified people can enter this agricultural, industrial, mining, energy, etc. activity. if someone does not have those characteristics, for example, you should assume that he has a bachelor's degree in a field that can get a license have a special business and the like. if these are not verified, the creature will be in danger. we should be middle way in the middle of extremes, not harsh in the business system, not strict. and that is actually the traditional procedure that executive bodies oblige people to take that paper route, this route is the law of the route , inquiries must be made, people must be eligible, and then licenses are issued. now, the devices that mr. did you feel that you were lacking, which devices have more analysis? now, friends of the national portal, i must say the last let me announce your status because you are aware
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. once a week , we find the entire list of devices from the best devices with green color to the weakest devices with red color, and friends and the national license portal calculate this on a weekly basis. the latest situation must have been informed by the media , but you don't have the presence of mind as to which one of the devices is inefficient and procrastinating, god willing, now their friends should inform themselves. very well , doctor, the issue of creating an agricultural account is one of the important issues that we have a legal obligation to do. now for that matter. what is your plan and why this happened it will fall. look, the basis of the budget law in the country is realist receipts and payments, not foreign currency. basically, our national currency is the rial. the country's budget is written based on the rial. the receipts that the treasury makes are received in rials, even though the oil income is indirect, but it comes first in the bank accounts. central currency will be converted into rials, and the rials will be available to us in the ministry of economy, according to which the treasury
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will pay if a new law states that the receipts and lateral payments, which are now concentrated in the oil sector, will be included in the government budget of oil revenue, which is cross statement by the central bank it turns out that there is a need for a change , as such a law has not been promulgated until today , the government will certainly implement that law. in the law, we were required to create a foreign currency account. it was not a proposal that went to the islamic council and was then re-examined in the process of the guardian council. submitted, if it is finally approved by the public forum , then it will become a law, mr. doctor , this law was present and present both in the sixth plan and in the seventh plan , the creation and requirement of this year's budget law. creating a horizontal account horizontal account for currency unit account for the bank and the creation of this single account , i would like to offer you a service in the country's treasury
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, until today there was no legal requirement for a single currency account . this is this year, mr. doctor. now, friends, bring us, finally, all our payments since the beginning of the year are based on the budget rules of the audit office of the inspection and supervision organization. they have note 14 of the budget law, mr. dr. sarahta , see reference 14, the payments are related to the targeting of subsidies, don't get me wrong, it is completely about the sale of oil and gas , gas inspections, this currency account must be created so that money comes. it is not like this if it is placed in a foreign currency account in all the years that 14 have been implemented, there has never been a horizontal unit account. if, for example , there is an export of gas, electricity, gasoline , petroleum products, the distribution and refining company and the oil sub-group are provided to the central bank and converted into rials. and then it enters the government's budget process, if it is in the form of a foreign currency account, according to the requirement of the legislator, he must have predicted that hamitun.


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