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tv   [untitled]    February 7, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm IRST

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and al-qaim in iraq said that this operation will continue and unfortunately this is apparently the second stage of the operation that aims to clear the commanders of hashd al-shaabi , while the islamic resistance of iraq took responsibility for targeting the 22 atanf tower, not the eight al-shaabi and this is the reason for the official communication between the iraqi government. with the announcement of mr. mohammadshi from sudan , negotiations with the americans for the timetable for the withdrawal of american forces have been stopped for the time being. american pressures, see the problem of american pressure, a pressure. both the syrian and the pressure are tactical to the extent that
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neither the zionist regime actually fails nor hamas achieves its goals, and the pressure is not so much that the zionist lobbies inside the united states are actually putting pressure on mr. biden's government, which is very sensitive and fragile on the eve of the elections. in the 20th presidential election. 24. actually , it is not effective. the second thing, if you have my voice, let it be a lady . yes , i have your voice, mr. seyyed afgari . i am listening to beirut carefully today with al-noor radio station assigned to lebanon's hezbollah because
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it emphasized several times that we have not reached any official agreement with our zionist regime. and qatar puts forward and the representative of the political regime has presented his thoughts . this list of suggestions reached the commanders of hamas both inside and outside of occupied palestine and gaza, and our announcements are general topics and we cannot go into general topics now. let's sign each of these titles that are a collection of words and it is just words, it should be transformed into operational and executive concepts , so we
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do not have a positive answer to each of the clauses that have been proposed, whether it is in the name of the zionist regime or in the name of the delegation, and we have to study all these clauses carefully. in coordination with ourselves and other comrades such as al-jihad al-shabiyyah, abul mustafa battalions and other battalions, we must reach a complete agreement and study this proposed text carefully and present our own practical opinion , so we have neither a vote nor a positive opinion for the time being. we have nine negative opinions from the other side of netanyahu he is beating the drum of war as much as he agreed to read this paper, this set of general proposals, not the agreement , it is too early for us to talk about the agreement. the clause is about the issue of exchange. how are the prisoners? the number
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of civilian prisoners is different from the number of military prisoners . the question is whether it is only the withdrawal from the cities or the withdrawal from the entire gaza strip . that's all we're talking about, netanyahu agreed, i repeat that he should read this sheet, read this set of proposals, but he is continuing his war, so show signs of defeat and accept that he enter into negotiations and save himself from this place as soon as possible , so for now, we can agree on something. it has not been a collection of opinions that in the middle of the day, america will promote netanyahu a little, a little too lightly, as it is well known, that it is better for you to study the proposals of hamas or the inter-jigeri committee and give your opinion.
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i want to repeat and emphasize that he is an american in no way do they want to put so much pressure that hamas will win this war and israel will lose , sir. let us know about the future and your analysis, if he accepts this, in fact, these conditions.
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threatening netanyahu to accept any temporary ceasefire in order to exchange prisoners, we will resign . if he resigns , the cabinet will definitely fall from the majority. he brought and there is a possibility that he will go to prison, this is another problem, america came against it. this is netanyahu he encouraged you to show a white card to netanyahu that if these two ministers actually threaten you that we will resign, there are other ministers like lapid, lapid or me like gantz and others who are willing to admit to you that
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your cabinet is the majority does not fall and you go towards a political solution and the exchange of prisoners and other issues in fact. the executive that, well, hamas actually emphasizes that after all the damage , after all the casualties, after all the damage and destruction, and after all the victories we won, it is true that we have not yet won the final military victory, and we in fact, we did not turn the military machine into mud, but we are not ready to come to a half-hearted solution after all the destruction of so many female martyrs, in fact , we are the victors of the field. and all our conditions must be implemented, clause by clause. mr. qanad bashi, what do you think? netanyahu says that if we accept these terms
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, it means our failure, and on the other hand, he said that the negotiation is still going on. see a stalemate that has been created, they are forced to accept this truce. if i said the same d they had continued this ceasefire a month ago, and now they have all these problems and there is no clear future for them not to accept the ceasefire, so they are forced to accept the ceasefire and this will automatically mean their defeat, especially if you see that now is the time. that hamas is going to paris and the discussion of whether its representatives in paris will be recognized as one of the parties, this is a victory for hamas, europe has declared hamas as a terrorist , now as one of the parties to the war, and then the discussion of the two governments is correct. we don't accept government talk , palestinians don't accept me, but in any order the opposition to the vote in your presence is the israelis who
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want to remove hamas and vacate gaza . well, if you say that it is necessary for a government to be formed, this in itself is another victory. they are, but in fact, it will happen that if they fire, i will have to accept. if they don't accept , the same discussion should continue and you will see the broken economy. the levers of not only the economy , the americans have several levers that govern the world, human rights. they are not accepted at all anymore, the lever of military capability has now been proven that they cannot support a regime and that against the dangers that he faces. the americans' hands are empty , they can't refuse to accept it. therefore, if mr. natniyo does not accept
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, it means that this discussion will continue and it will be worse. it means a victory that can be done in a so-called domino way, such as the victory of hamas means the victory of hezbollah , the victory of hamas means the victory of ansarullah, the victory of hamas means victory. i have a question about the same issue. now you are pointing out that the resistance groups in the region are targets anyway they have something in common and they have a common discourse , they are connected and their victory is together, according to the attack that happened a few minutes ago and it is in the news that probably people from the resistance groups were martyred in the iraqi resistance groups. the behavior of the us and the zionist regime still maintains the negotiation table. well, look
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, now it is almost separate, that is, in this situation , the limited war that continues in the region and the war of fire are two things, although they are completely related , but they are two different streams. that the americans are eating, well, now they are answering the same way mr. syed. to say that the prisoners are somehow responding to a separate trend now in the field of action and ceasefire issues that egypt, qatar and france are following is a separate trend, but there is one thing i wanted to say about the iraqi group that has not been mentioned here. this is to see that the iraqi group has a bigger crime that they don't mention in the media, and that is firing a missile at haifa. ifa doesn't attack hezbollah, well , it doesn't hit dela for reasons that follow a few wars. some palestinian groups were able to use south lebanon to carry out some limited operations
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, so the punishment they want is eight branches. punishing them is because they launched rockets from inside occupied iraq and palestine, and they can continue from this, they limit it in the media field, where yes, we had a camp , there was a checkpoint where american officers were killed there. that issue is a minor issue . many times americans are killed in these bases and the americans do not show any reaction. the main point of the matter is that if they really attack haifa at the end of iraq, as you have seen many times, some even in the sea. from gas centers and some israeli ships from missiles that he had flown from inside iraq, so the problem is that you should not limit their news.
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in your opinion, this expansion of the conflict zones by the us and the zionist regime may have consequences for them and what effect will it have on the negotiation table. if the scope of the war is left out of occupied palestine, they have different issues. they fuel, especially the issue of securing the red sea area, as well as the continuation of
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weapons, intelligence and security assistance, and even artificial intelligence. they are helping hamas to discover hideouts and keep the regime's military weapons in the hands of hamas , so their practical policy is 180 degrees contradictory to their declared policy . he, his bases and his citizens and his military forces who are hidden in our region should not feel threatened. i am very grateful to both the experts of the program, mr. seyed afgari and mr. qanad bashi, experts on west asian issues , who were with the world today, but in the conversation with the experts, it was mentioned about the economic losses. the zionist regime has a report in the conflict with the resistance groups in the region. in this regard , let's see that the continuation of hizbullah's offensive operations has caused the closure of various businesses in the occupied territories and the loss of
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hundreds of millions of dollars to the zionists. the northern heights of the occupied territories last year. about one million tourists from inside and outside occupied palestine came to the northern heights every year. but there are no tourists this year. the zionists continue. they consider the situation to be the cause of the destruction of their jobs. this situation is intolerable. the war must stop and security must be established. if this crisis continues.
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fortifications of honin garrison were targeted with berkan missiles, gathering of zionist soldiers in marj base hunin garrison and spying equipment of raisat alam base were also targeted with other heavy weapons. after the events and disasters in gaza, the necessity of deterrence power with more equipment was determined and proved. the criminal nature of the zionist regime confirms the right of resistance to confront it. fighters, drones and artillery of the zionist regime also targeted 10 areas in southern lebanon, including hula khayyam marohin . hezbollah used in response to zionist military attacks on residential areas in southern lebanon barkan and falak missiles
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have increased in their operations. hasan azim zadeh of marjayoun radio and television news agency, lebanon's border with occupied palestine. you are still watching the world today. more than 100 ambassadors of countries and representatives of international organizations congratulated the president of the iranian nation by attending the revolution celebration ceremony on the arrival of the 45th anniversary of the victory of the islamic revolution in iran . it is customary to gather on the eve of the anniversary of the victory of the iranian islamic revolution. ambassadors and representatives of countries and international organizations residing in tehran to congratulate the government of the nation of iran. some years who are living in iran. i want to congratulate the honorable people of iran and the leadership of the islamic republic of iran on this anniversary of the victory of the islamic revolution , and some of them have just started their mission. i
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just came to iran about four or five months ago. at the age of 45, the revolution of desire. they say to expand cooperation with the islamic republic of iran. the authorities of saudi arabia insist that the relations between the two countries progress, and god willing, with the contacts between the two countries, the relations between the two countries will expand, god willing. brazilian president lula da silva has very friendly relations with iran. so there are many issues that we can discuss with each other. our economic relations reach more than five billion dollars. and these exchanges are especially in the field of agricultural products and food that these relations can expand. the host said about the readiness to export and share the achievements of the revolution: from scientific technologies to the development of the frontiers of knowledge, as well as presence
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in space at an acceptable level. we speak and we will not hesitate to give up this achievement, technology and great developments. the president is also the first on the path that iran has traveled in 45 years he drew from the imposition of war to the imposition of sanctions. we have not left the negotiation table. we have always tried to explain our positions both to the agency and to the countries and those who want to know in what direction we want to use nuclear power. there was no deviation. but instead of accepting our logic, they imposed war on us that day,
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and are still imposing sanctions on us today. yesterday's war did not work to stop. the islamic republic of iran has not been able to stop us from achieving its goals and revolutionary movement arrived we have made amazing progress in various fields, both in the nuclear industry, in the military industry, in various industries, and in the fields of science and technology. i invite you to the park. visit the science and technology centers of the islamic republic of iran in any province and see the scientific and technological progress of the islamic republic of iran. we will not be stopped by sanctions. iran's unchanging approach to palestine was another focus of the president's speech.
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the zionist regime is a child. he is committing major war crimes. why does america support? why do england and western countries support? what an answer they have to kill women and children in the land of palestine. what justification do they have? what do the awakened consciences of the world want to answer? if they believe in god , what do they want from god's answer, if they believe in conscience, what do they want from conscience , and if they believe in history, what do they want from history? and finally, it was time for the symbolic ceremony of congratulations of the representatives of the countries to the president. here is the name. are read in turn and this is the waiting queue. here is a short opportunity for the representatives of the countries to have a conversation with the president of our country
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. of course, in some cases, this short opportunity ends in long conversations, a symbolic ceremony it took about 2 hours to congratulate and talk with the president of our country from 100 ambassadors and representatives of foreign countries. hosni sadat shabiri , radio and television news agency. the impact of the islamic revolution of iran on the islamic world and the scientific development of the islamic republic of iran in the past four decades was the main focus of the celebration of the 45th anniversary of the victory of the islamic revolution of iran in kabul. let's see behnam yazdanani's report at the same time as the 40th anniversary of the victory of the islamic revolution of iran in a conference at al-mustafa university. cable. to examine the impact of the victory of the iranian islamic revolution in the islamic world and iran's scientific achievements in recent decades paid. ustad akbari, former senator and deputy
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of afghanistan's shiite ulema council , said in this conference: iran's islamic revolution brought muslims out of isolation in the world. this revolution made the muslims numb and hopeless. and this chauvinism brought to the field, brought to the stage of struggle, prepared for the revival of the greatness of islam, to sacrifice their lives, to sacrifice the revolution of the continent. well, let's look at the details of the news published in the media about the occurrence of several terrible explosions. in the east of baghdad, i mention that at the beginning of the world today, it was presented to you in the form of urgent news. news sources announced that in this attack, a number of
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the senior commanders of the iraqi resistance were martyred. in some media , there is talk of three martyrs in this attack, and in some media , there is talk of four martyrs, and it is also announced that this attack. which was carried out in several areas of baghdad, both with rockets and with poshpad, as reported in the media, this drone was an american drone that carried out the attack , al-mayadeen reporter stated that he saw three missiles in the sky of al-baldiat area in the east of baghdad, and it is in news sources that the car was civilian.
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it is only because the commander informed them that they will leave gaza before hand resistance forces are killed or maimed. i want
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to give you some news. they seek to leave the battlefield, even if this departure is in the form of escape, or even mental patients who, according to the psychological expert, are not able to carry out their mission. soldiers come back with various psychological complications until they remember their memories and suffered from depression and physical and mental complications, and in addition, they have lost their concentration and cannot complete their mission.
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who left gaza promises victory.
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