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tv   [untitled]    February 8, 2024 5:30am-6:01am IRST

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kenan, well, it was an issue that was implemented several years ago, which means it is not a new thing for this year and the previous year, because in a sense , it is the simplest type of treatment for the ultimate benefit of what is clearly defined as rights, which national code is in which account in which bank. the file of the government agency comes, the organization of the employment agency confirms it, the bank, the program and budget organization also issues the allocation of that agency. we used to pay as the ministry of economy. the very important aspect, which is considered a cluster news for the country's construction project contractors, is that the contractors immediately after the allocations from the position of the program organization was issued, they can do it not a few months later, a few weeks later, a few days later, a few seconds after the allocation process of the program organization reaches the ministry of economy, immediately, so to speak, with one click, as friends say. the total cost
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that they have spent for that construction project in their own account , but also in the account of the person who sold the materials, cement , whatever they gave to this contractor , will be deposited into the account of the final beneficiary . it can be prevented by this happening. this happened, yes, it happened last year according to the good decree issued by the parliament, in order to collect
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all of this, well, you are aware of all this, it is registered in the accounting systems of the executive bodies, even if it is a gift card or any other method of payment, because money is finally withdrawn from the funds of that body. for part of the employees , it happens with other methods other than advance payment. the organization of the country's employment agency introduced this since last year . alhamdulillah , we succeeded with this cooperation of seghana, which is with a very excellent grade we can claim that one of the best points of financial discipline is in the payments of the government network . how did you monitor the state companies and how much did you monitor them to make sure that this happens correctly and that the payments are exactly for the final benefit?
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in addition, mr. doctor, many organizations may receive the gift card that was mentioned under different titles for other reasons, but it does not reach the hands of many personnel and many of these managers feel entitled to themselves. you reached this issue and monitored it so that this did not happen, in the name of allah, the light, in the name of allah al-nur, in the name of god, the light of this light, in the name of god, light on the light, in the name of god, light on the light, in the name of god, light on the light, in the name of god, the light of ghalan, in the name of god, who is the master of affairs. in the name of allah, the one who created the first
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, i am far-farud. praise be to allah, allah is the greatest . allah is the greatest . allah is the greatest . allah is the greatest. ashhad an alia, wali
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allah, ashhad an alia, hajja allah , hai ali salalah, hai ali salalah. hai ali al-falah
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hai ali al-hay ali khair al-alam hai ali ali khair al-alam god is great, god is great, there is no god but god , there is no god but god.
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in the field of the ministry and government agencies of the country today, i can say with certainty that the entire ministry, which is the organization of the country's employment administrative program and the general treasury , there are almost no deviations that have taken place, except for the cases that you are aware of, monthly monitoring cases of violations of the ceilings specified in the budget law. they are informing in order to oblige the devices by the end of the year that if they have a violation, they should increase their average payment to the positive limit. at the beginning of this year, a regulatory and disciplinary regulation was approved by the government for only focusing on the field of public companies .
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the law that is for all devices , you mentioned about 97 thousand pending licenses on the ground , which started on the 15th of bahman. please explain more what is happening. some of the permits are delayed. now you say that they were issued automatically. did this happen in the last few days or are we just at the beginning of the work because it is a trap thing, well, it will happen on a daily basis. at this stage, we do not have any stoppage, that is, whether it was delayed in the past or today, if the legal deadline for a license has expired, it means that the answer should be give me a device. even if the device does not respond , it will be subject to the automatic issuance of the license, so whatever you do in the past or what you have done in the current period, mr. doctor , we have statistics that we have about 97,000 pending licenses on the ground, in addition to these licenses that have been issued, the devices
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unfortunately, there is no response within the deadline, my request is this: has this number been issued, or do you understand that it will be done gradually, because in one day we can't inform you ? these permits have not been requested, what should be done to prevent this from happening sooner? it happened because the law says that your ministry of home affairs and the national permits portal must
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issue these permits without inquiry. look, without inquiry, which is basically illegal, because inquiries are part of the conditions. facilitating production, the goal of indiscipline is to create chaos in the production system of that unit, and you did not ask them that all units are required, and i told them that from 15th of bahman, every unit, if it requires the end of service , if it requires a special educational qualification, if it is necessary to inquire about military units. and each of these queries is done automatically through the portal it is possible and the license will be issued, but mr. dr. law has not defined for you that the ministry of economy will definitely want to inquire, basically, the law is different from the resolution that the minister of economy dares to make in the regulation board. i would like to inform you that it is good that the minister of economy, as the person who
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is responsible for the deregulation board and the benefit of facilitating the benefits of licenses, any license, only people who meet the conditions can enter into this activity of agriculture, industry , mining, energy, etc., if someone has those characteristics. if he doesn't have it, for example, you should assume that he has a bachelor's degree in a field that he can get a license and have a special job and the like if these are not verified. which will definitely exist , we must find a middle ground in the middle of extremes , not harshness in the business system, not strictness, and that is actually the traditional procedure that the executive bodies obliged the people to follow that paper path . the path of the law of the path must be obtained from people who are eligible and then the licenses should be issued. now the device that the doctor is issuing
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now, friends of the national portal, i have to inform you of your latest status because you are aware that once a week we update the entire list of devices from the best devices with green color , we feel the weakest devices with red color, and our friends at the national license portal calculate this on a weekly basis . you must know the latest situation from the media from the past weeks . you have no idea which one of the devices is not working. no procrastination, god willing. very well, doctor, the issue of creating a foreign currency account is one of the important issues that we have a legal obligation to do. now , what are your plans for that issue and when will this happen? look, the basis of the budget law in the country is the receipt and payments of realist, not foreign currency, basically our national currency. the country's budget is based on rials it is written in rials, the receipts made by the treasury are received in rials, even though it is in the oil market , but it is first converted into
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rials in the central bank account, and the rials are placed at our disposal in the ministry of economy, according to which the treasury makes payments, if a new law stating that the receipt and lateral payments, which are now concentrated in the oil field, in the government budget area, oil revenue , which is converted horizontally by the central bank , needs to be changed. such a law has not been promulgated until now, the government must implement that law. will do in the law we were required to create the currency account was not a proposal that went to the islamic council, then it was reviewed in the process of the guardian council and sent again. if it is finally approved by the public court, then it will become a law. mr. doctor, this requirement of the law is also in the sixth plan. he has been present and has been seen in the 7th plan of the creation and requirement of this year's budget law. creating a foreign currency account cross account, where is a currency unit account for the bank and creating this unit account, i am at your service
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, in the treasury of the country, there was no legal requirement for a currency unit account until today, it is this year, mr. doctor, now bring friends, finally, all our payments since the beginning of the year are based on the budget laws , the accounts court of the inspection organization is monitoring note 14 of the budget law, mr. doctor, clearly note 14 , look at payments related to the purpose the export of gas, electricity, gasoline , petroleum products is provided to the central bank by the distribution and refining company and the oil sub-category . it will be converted into rials and then it will be entered into the government budget process, if it is in the form of a land account
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, due to the requirement of the legislator, he must have foreseen that he can have better supervision and better control. can you plan a method? yes, this is an issue that has been discussed within the government so that there was an opinion about the order of mazar's interests, but as i said , until today, the accounts of the country's budget and the country's treasury are only rial face is done. mr. doctor, one of the topics that hazrat ali mentioned on the day of the vote of confidence in the islamic council was the follow-up of the systematic implementation of the maadian system . one of the events of the re-discipline of the clarification department, which really made the economic activists aware of these diagnoses it leaves a taste and we will enter a systematic system. this is the resolution that there was about the law of the warehouse system and store bottoms. the latest
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information provided by my colleagues is currently more than 9 and a half million jobs. an active folder has been created for the country's tax mare , which is an unprecedented number in the country where so much discipline has been established with respect to the tax folder . also, 98 million and 43 thousand electronic invoices have been sent to this system by the mare. do you know when it will be implemented? the legality of this system should start slowly from last year it was working, there is a date this year, that is , it has been required to happen since january 1, 1402. the numbers that i am presenting are related to this haluvosh . in fact, 45 days, almost 50 days have passed since the beginning of this legal deadline. numerology of goods that during these days, about
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2,1,900,000 specific product certificates have been issued . public services issued by a significant number of legal entities, i.e. companies of the country, 92736 companies joined as legal entities and a number of real taxpayers who according to the law should have an income of more than 18 billion tomans were connected. we are waiting for the winter deadline, which ends at the end of march, help. make sure that we can complete 1403 along with nowruz eid next year by completing the taxpayer system and store shelves. of course, the time limit was discussed on the first of december. now there was also the discussion of government companies that are required by law, and i don't know what the situation is now, but here are a few points. we have more important things, because our time is limited, the issue that i presented to you is mentioned in the article 17 of the budget law
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, god willing, hazrat ali , please review again tonight, let's go back, doctor, of course, it is in the sixth program. after the warning given by the leader of the revolution improve the business environment. please specify what actions you will take to facilitate this environment , because this is a very important reminder. and to emphasize that there is leadership, i want to inquire what planning you have done, what procedural changes have been made, what decisions have you made, i suggest that in fact, a dedicated conversation should be held due to the importance of the issue and the extent of the events that have happened this time. in order not to leave my question unanswered, consider the same number
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last year and ten months last year and this year. let's cut the circulars that are in the country's trade in half in one year this year, it is 50% compared to last year, which means that economic activists of the country will have fewer circulars and announcements . there is a precedent for this statement, sir, which is not specific to this year's bahman at all . the business environment and the improvement of the business environment emphasize that the law also existed in this field, but unfortunately there was no serious will that we tried to make these things willful and now the steps after this notice please, and we have the time coming, you can specify a time right now, when we will be at your service, and after this
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, please tell us what actions we have taken . the revolution was established for each and every ministry that has responsibilities in the field of business environment to issue specific orders to produce performance reports in specific weekly and monthly periods and to issue progress reports . akhsan and property because responsibility we have prepared more in facilitating the issuance of licenses so that we can send if there is a gap. in fact, you should also listen to the words of the entrepreneurs and the owners of industries and businesses in those sectors, what exactly are their problems? basically , those suggestions are based on the information of the council. the dialogue between the government and the private sector is mostly a place where the government sits and listens to the hearts of producers , exporters and economic activists, and
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it is from this dialogue between the government and the private sector that the axes of reforming the business environment are prepared. stopped for a few months in the discussion council , we had a very useful meeting in the service of economic activists. it was established because after the orders. in order to speed up, instead of the government -private sector dialogue council happening monthly, for now , it should be on the agenda once every 15 days, that is, twice a month, so as to speed things up a bit. facilitate the administrations of the provinces in rome. please listen to the owners of industries and businesses, and god willing, this will turn out well, mr. dr. tarikh , when will we be able to serve hazrat ali for the issue of improving the business environment.
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yes, we are at your service whenever your friends decide . saturday, 22 bahman, we are ready to serve you. god willing, we will be at your service next week. very well , thank you very much, mr. doctor. our last question was about the contractual demands and the implementation of the factory, which took a long time. . it's very short, if you can explain it, god willing, i will be able to serve you next week . thank you very much . i am very grateful to mr. dr. khandozi, the honorable minister of economy . i am grateful to you, dear viewers, have a good night and god bless you.
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problem oil is something very close to gas oil. the ingredients in it are stone oil, gas oil , waxy gas, a small amount of kerosene. mashaal oil was one of the first localized products of technologists to prevent crude oil sales. instead of gases. which we gave, we can use it more in the agricultural, transportation, and uses that have priority . the development of this technological product in daneshmian companies made us come close to preventing the sale of crude oil. one of the widely used raw materials processed from torch oil was polymer. in the last few decades, focusing on the domestic elite of various types of polymers to produce various products with the aim of supply it was built to meet the needs of the domestic market. like. whenever our structure gets small cracks, these repair agents are released from that shell and cause local and partial repairs and prevent
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this, in fact, they spread more cracks or make some kind of polymer to produce special dressings for this. the substance does not have cytotoxicity for the normal living cells of the body and does not harm the red blood cells of the body . in a fraction of a second , we can turn this cloudy water or water that contains suspended particles into a clear water with complete suspended particles at the bottom of the container. it can be seen that the technical knowledge has reached a point where the vital grade of the polymer is lac 1969, which is actually used in the food packaging industry and the pharmaceutical industry, and it is a very widely used industry for the country of iran. it is the third producer of this product, which means that all countries are consumers and must import it. after we meet the domestic needs
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, we will have an annual supply of about 15 million to 20 million dollars for the country. the raw material that was once imported became a response to the needs of the countries of the region by localizing the technology. it is supplying 23% of the needs of the middle east. all the knowledge and technology that a world-class petrochemical has produces world-class products. we made shamis and we are moving in step with these companies and sometimes we produce new knowledge, we create value. we localized it in a way, and the initial resin of the resin is actually a polymer of light polyethylene, which was perhaps not specific to this field, and this was also localized in the country, and we can say zero to 10 iranian technologists' knowledge reached. cooperation companies
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like the former saudi arabia. we can implement for them the ability that has been localized in the country and in our country in our company and transfer this technical knowledge. now in the petushi industry , we can from zero to one hundred petrochemical plants that want in this value chain to one from the technical know-how to the supply chain, we can take care of the actual product from zero to zero. considering all these walls that surround this country, considering all these sanctions that surround this country, zero to 1 , we can do this with domestic power, now the updated version of the first degree. polyethylene has been localized and unveiled so that the portfolio of polymer products can be multiplied compared to previous years. our customers in the world are looking for our brand to get this quality of our product. this is happening
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in the country. it would not have happened unless after the revolution and with the revolutionary spirit and effort, everyone was in fact the personnel of vahid zakaria rat of the sada wasima news agency. when to other parts of the world to examine the structure of parliament and elections in other countries.
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6:00 am
islamic iran. in the name of god. dear viewers , welcome to sesh bammad news section. the secretary of chaldeans of iraqi hezbollah issued a statement while congratulating the martyrdom of the famous wissam muhammad saber, abu baqer al-saadi, and emphasized: we will be steadfast on the path of jihad. the spokesman of the iraqi joint operations command on the invasion of american terrorist forces in baghdad and the assassination of abu baqer from saed.


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