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tv   [untitled]    February 8, 2024 11:00am-11:31am IRST

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only at the top. have a good time. dear viewers , welcome to the news section at 11 o'clock. iraqi security information center in the statement. he called the american terrorist attack on baghdad, which led to the martyrdom of one of the commanders of the iraqi hezbollah resistance, a clear violation of the country's sovereignty, while only 5 days have passed since the martyrdom of 16 popular mobilization forces in the american military attack on the border between iraq and syria. last night, the americans assassinated one of the commanders of the popular mobilization forces in baghdad
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. when i heard this tragic news , i rushed to the place of martyrdom. our hearts are full of blood from this american crime has been we will not rest until we avenge the martyrs. it is said that the drone that martyred this basij official had taken off from ain al-asud base. the iraqi government once again strongly condemned this american crime and described it as a clear violation of the country's sovereignty. angry iraqi citizens who were present at the place of martyrdom.
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the mobilization of people who were martyred by american terrorists within the last month increased to 20 people . jalal khalidi of al-mushtdal region of east baghdad. the spokesman of the guardian council announced the approval of the qualifications of 14 candidates of the sixth election cycle of the assembly of leadership experts. mr. tahan nazif with announcing this news: he said:
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there is electoral competition in all the seats of the assembly of experts. according to the confirmation of the qualifications that took place recently and also according to the use of some candidates of the legal capacity to change constituencies , there are currently enough candidates in all constituencies to hold elections, god willing . the priorities of hajj tamattu 1403 have increased . the deputy of the hajj and pilgrimage organization announced that the holders of hajj tamattu deposit cards until the end of november 2006 can do their initial registration by referring to the system. according to mr rezaei and investors can choose their caravan by paying the initial amount of 140 million tomans . iran's quota for next year's hajj
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is 875 people. on the eighth day of fajr international film festival, four films are scheduled to be shown at the festival house. the films bagh kianoush, abhi roshan, nowruz bebai kahaman will be released on the silver screen today. the fajr film festival will host those interested until the 22nd of bahman. the adventurous story of the people of a village and the intrusive presence of war in their homes and their lives is told in the film bagh kianoush. cinematic narrative taken from a book of the same name it is one of the first films of this year's festival. well, let's go guys. mohammad javad mohd is the producer and reza keshavarz is the director of this work. the process of writing the text took about 6-7 months. from writing the first idea and the initial adaptation of
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the book, and then finally reaching the stage of the film text and its rewrites, and from the beginning of this year , the production actually started. abhi roshan is another film on the eighth day of the exhibition at the festival house. this movie tells the story of a man who discovers a rare turquoise in his quarry, and then his life becomes a challenge. babak khawaj pasha the director and hossein miri are the producers of this work. we had to bring actors from whom the audience has no preconceived notions, that is, in the first few scenes and... maybe in the first half of the film, the audience cannot decide with its own preconceived notions whether this hero is going to win or not at the end of the story. a mythological story from today's events to
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the many legends told in the nowruz movie , "come to me, shanbali, yes, raise your fame, raise your fame " with ali nasiryan as the main character. directed by sohail mawafaq and produced by mohammad reza naderi. narration of the hero is also the narrator of the story the curiosities of a character named bebai who always reads the heroic owl magazines about flight and wants to fly like a bird. how long do you want to make useless flying equipment? directed by hossein safarzadegan and maysam hosseini.
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on rahimai, 22 bahman this year, be with us as a reporter. here in asheri chavashe neighborhood , we are going higher than higher by sending videos and photos and narration of the scenes that are captured by our reporters' cameras . take videos and photos horizontally and send them to our address in yes messengers send soroush ita and rubika, god willing
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, wherever we are today, we will be higher tomorrow. a young palestinian died in the west bank due to severe injuries. two weeks ago, mohammad khalil barghosi was injured by israeli soldiers in the town of kafrain in the northwest of ramallah. the occupying forces also bombed a house in the city of hebron, nablus, in the west bank. the occupying forces also fired rockets. they attacked noroshams camp in tul karam city in the west bank . the zionist regime killed another soldier he said this army officer of the occupying regime was wounded in the conflict in gaza not long ago. in this way
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, since the al-aqsa storm operation , the zionist regime has killed 564 soldiers of this regime, according to daniel hagari, the spokesman of the zionist army, since the beginning of the war. so far, 2771 israeli soldiers have been injured in gaza and 388 soldiers are still hospitalized. and the family members of a number of british people held captive by hamas asked the zionist regime to stop the war so that their captives could be released. opponents of the gaza war emphasized in a press conference that their prisoners are because of heavy bombardment the zionist regime is in a difficult situation of life and death. and this situation should end as soon as possible . opponents said that israeli prime minister netanyahu should be tried if the war continues and prisoners are killed. thank you for your companion.
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greetings and courtesy to you, dear viewers , mr. yaqub watani, one of the good football experts of our country, one of the football coaches of our country , is with us. mr. watani, you are very welcome to our program tonight. what do you think? i know that you are also affected by this result and we were very hopeful that we would go
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to the finals and, god willing, be the champions. how did you see it? the game was played in the name of god, strength and truth . if we go back to the past, we do not want to run away from the reality. in order to reach this community of nations , all the presence of the four semi-final teams. we knew it was a success for that transformation because our team went from a situation of working with a coach who had been in our national team for a decade to an iranian coach to new conditions and in this transformation, being in the final stage is our success. we knew it, but then a good thing happened after the game against japan. well, the level of expectation from the national team went up . we expected that we would really get a better result, considering that they won the korea cup and beat iraq, beat japan, and beat an easy situation. we
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all felt that we could reach the finals, but this reality was not the issue, the reality of what happened on the field was to accept that qatar had analyzed us much better than us , it knew our conditions, this team's sinuous process our national team has a good half, a good game, a good 10 minutes, a good quarter a little bit of bad, a little bit of good work was done to us and we could not achieve what we deserved against qatar , many things happened. it changes the game. we were affected by the events of the game . in my opinion, iran's game against qatar was a game full of incidents, a game in which there was not much logic. even qatar's own team did not have the same logic as in the previous games
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. we were told that we went out of logic, the game is an accident. in this incident, the one who is luckier will definitely be more successful, but we could have won the game with our thinking. we came to that thought and spent a good few minutes . in front of qatar, from the beginning of the second half to the 80th minute , when we scored , we scored a goal similar to japan's goal. go back to japan's goal. at the penalty spot , we left the opponent's attacker empty in front of the japanese team. compensation here from japan we didn't do it, so we conceded a goal, but i mean, after the goal, considering the events that happened in the jani cup and the nations cup, we knew that we would be on our side with at least 10 minutes of overtime.
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we had time to compensate with good thinking and good logic . it could have been compensated, but the fact is that we didn't use it . we will discuss it with three people, sir , tell me what you think about this loss we brought it, and this regret that continued , we could not go to the final . yes, in the name of allah , the most merciful, i am also at your service and your good expert, mr. vatani , i am at your service. we did not go to pina. i mean, when
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we have this generation, a generation that everyone says is a good generation, but unfortunately we can't go to the final and become champions , we all talk. bad game we were half good and half bad in my opinion. let's assume that there is something else, no, there shouldn't be anything special. yes , we were not very good in the first half of our game against japan , but in the second half, we pressed from the front and played a good game. we were able to defeat the japanese team . i myself, because the team i played for the national
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team. some of us iranians play a good game and some of us play a bad game . kid, when you work from this base, you should learn football, you should always teach us this motivation of rome, no one thinks i didn't want qatar to reach the finals . i was one of them who said that qatar is too weak , there is no danger of going to the finals, but little by little their team improved, the quality of their team was fantastic. you with. the preparations of our friends, we won the qatar team, but unfortunately, even jordan , mr. d, did not play well at all in his preparations , and now he has changed. we return football experts and of course people together, iran, qatar
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, iranian football, the people of that country, in the heart of a nation, what was the expectation of breaking a historical spell tonight, but despite a good game for the kid and the support of millions of iranians, our balls did not score in some scenes, so we reached the final with all the merits. let's stay, in the end, it's a long short, but akram, at this stage , we played well until now, only one half of the game against japan. i didn't expect that qatar would really want to take us. qatar and the arab teams are years away from us. we are football. i say that now we played japan very well, but why don't we play qatar in the same game at the same time? i don't know why we every time we win a game, the second game, i don't know what happens to our football teams who think that everything is over. the tournament is over because we won japan. sometimes i don't know
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why we get out of our game, a football that we can always present. let's win, we ca n't win, but the performance for the kids in the 18th cup , even though the football fans were expecting iran's victory, was very good, unfortunately, they lost a lot of time. everything we hit hit the closed door or was caught or the crossbar came to help them. it was a good game , it was very good, but we shouldn't have lost. it's luck. he had no luck, if football had three halves, mr. qalenoi could have injected that excitement into his team that he gives between halftime and before the game, and
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maybe we could have won the game for the children of the national team. we are satisfied with you, god willing, you will continue this path and god willing, we have made the hearts of these people happy so far. i really want to thank the fans. better for our country's football , mehdi ziai, falah region radio news agency tehran, how good these people are. how kind they are. now, to be honest, my players apologize at the end of the game. it means putting everything they have in the sincerity floor, but it didn't work. anyway, mr. watani, we are talking to you . technical staff, according to your opinion, let's go a little smaller . the replacement was right, especially at the end of the game. you were talking. you could have improved the situation and turned the page in a way, especially
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the extra 13 minutes. in my opinion, the technical staff was good under normal conditions, when our progress was good, but when we needed to think better , we were really at the point there. we showed our weakness mr. asadian and mr. guardiola have assistants on his bench who are older than mr. guardiola and sometimes they have even more experience. we really did not have an experienced technician to help mr. qalanoi in this critical situation. the technical reason is that if we and we will bring reza esadi , but if that is the case, why did they come to the game? why didn't ansari frey, who had scored a goal for us in the required time in the world cup, why didn't qaidi come who can make a stop for us with his own technique. when we are 1 person , our number is less when there is a team of 10 people he takes a station, which means he has more time , he has more space
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, he is not counted as one person. in those moments, he could have come to take free kicks for us. we will make good use of our station . if our technical staff comes back, think about this issue, will they repeat this historical mistake once again because mr. qalnai is under the influence of circumstances. the game is going to be on the line, we all know how stressful the line is, but they can't really help them, mr. din mohammadi. dear, you are with us, i am still asking you the same question, our composition has changed a lot, especially since the beginning of the cup until now, every time the composition has changed , it has not reached a fixed composition, of course, it was the opinion of the technical staff. manage in such a way that we are least affected by the substitutions.
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remember, we didn't have any substitutions until the 88th and 89th minutes. the team was playing well, and they didn't give up on the team. i think this is very good. the team is playing well . there is no reason to change. we didn't have any substitutions until the 89th minute. we went, the same players, so we are coming we will make changes. now it is the technical staff's opinion. i have my own personal opinion. i will say that when mohebi becomes the best player on the field. yes, then mia is in the next game, he is in the mood now, so he is ready for the next game to score goals again , show himself as the best player, he is mentally high, but mia
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is coming, i say arjun because i am a football player myself , i have this feeling. when they say arjun, i see you. i'm not an elbow, this is naturally psychological at all . i'm milli mohammad. that's how we were until there was a change in our team. it's natural that when there's a change. it seems that the work will change a bit if the technical staff does not touch his composition, it is true that mr. tarimi worked hard for our national team , but do you believe that tarimi should not have played from the beginning , in my opinion, there is no doubt about it , we should have, for example, left the second half of their defense team. let's give it a good shock. it can pass their defense easily. their defenses are tired. my personal opinion is that maybe it will slow. yes, thank you very much. mr. din mohammadi, with
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one piece, your entire organization, all of our defense structure and all of our football, will really destroy us tonight. in fact, we can say that. that akram afif these kids we had towards football in our internal team, maybe you can answer a few questions in a few words. how much skinning is needed ? our national team now has a lot of time and we can do such a thing until the end of our lives. hosseinnejad , we had a lot of hizbabi in our defense, and your opinion is not right now
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, we should really continue with his technical staff . i want the cup. yes, we were faced with a high-quality national cup with high quality the gathering of nations that was held in qatar was wonderful. a qualitative opinion from a quantitative point of view and a question that was raised by football for football, is this the stars' cup or the coach's cup? we will return. jordan's national team with its good coach has gone to the finals and qatar has gone to the finals with its really superstar star. we are waiting for the finals. whether it was the stars or the coach's cup , the teams that succeed from the second after the end of the game don't think about the previous game, move forward and think about the future, and in our country's team, there must be a change, the technical staff must be
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analyzed . present yourself to be analyzed and discussed regarding these issues , god bless you in the hope of good days. hello, dear viewers of majlis movie program. what are you doing i am creating a slogan for the businessmen of the majlis in the world, that is, the lobby. however, the lobby has rules. in the middle of mr. hashemi's work, he braked badly. were you not threatened in the seventh round because of whether you vote or not? the session of the parliament in conversation with
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former representatives every day at 1930 on khabar network. the special sale of air conditioners in a large iranian house began with exceptional conditions. selling apartments without cash , payment, without guarantor, in a large iranian house until 2:00 am in tehran, i am your host. to
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are. it is better to pay attention to these points from wherever we are going to buy an appliance . what does the consumer price of the remaining cash mean? let 's assume that the consumer price of this washing machine is 20 million tomans. now let's calculate the remaining cash if we pay 20% in advance. it can be 4 million tomans. now we have to subtract this 4 million from the consumer price, that is, 20 minus 4, so our debt will be 16 million tomans. fees and commissions should be calculated based on this amount. at the same time , be aware that the installment fee should be from zero to 1 percent. home appliance city. celebration washland prize draw. congratulations on your new home. the first prize is a two-bedroom apartment, a car, one billion rials in cash and
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10 years of monthly salary. bashland is a land full of prizes . welcome to the economy and market news. the minister of economy for entrepreneurs and investors, mr. khandozi, in last night's vijeh khabari talk show, said that the automatic issuance of licenses has started since 15th of bahman for about 97 thousand pending licenses. the good news tonight , during fajr, is that we have re-issued automatic permits for the past few days, exactly from the 15th of bahman this year.


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