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tv   [untitled]    February 8, 2024 4:30pm-5:00pm IRST

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siminoff eh. an award for simorgh blu-ray should be presented to the best sir , in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. greetings to you , good viewers of the khabar channel, with the special cinema 42 program , we are with you. congratulations on this auspicious day. may the
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holy prophet, peace and blessings of god be upon him, be with us. on the 8th day of the festival, we will go to the milad tower in tehran, where the media people are still showing four films as planned in the milad tower, but after 8 days of the 4th fajr film festival, we will talk to mr. saeed. elahi is one of the movie critics and movie experts who, of course, have prepared together this year participants join together with a movie in fajr festival.
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they are ready to make simorgh the best documentary of the 40th festival , which they are responsible for producing. may you be healthy. you are participating in this year's festival with a film called miro, a special film that takes place in sistan baluchistan region. if you agree , let's start with miro. there is a film that was started in july of this year under the support of the martyr and veteran affairs foundation and the farabi foundation it was brought up and alhamdulillah, the authorities are aware of the conditions of sistan baluchistan province and the content of the film, and they demanded that a film be made in that region that is suitable for the culture of sacrifice and martyrdom . farabi foundation and with the support of sistan baluchistan governorate and general department of culture.
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we identified a very good one in the province , perhaps it can be said that this happened for the first time, from loved ones who are very passionate about acting, from teenagers who are very passionate in this field, we identified them from the same region, yes, from the same the area is in chabahar city and almost from september we started the movie, we were engaged for almost 3 months in chabahar city, the conditions were of course difficult. of all kinds of political, economic, cultural spaces
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, etc., of course, this expression of deprivation, unfortunately , is always heard next to this province in different decades, both before and after the revolution, maybe this expression itself has caused many people who are interested don't invest in different fields in this province, and i think that cinema and television can take a positive step with their own visual and visual products. the negative attitude towards sistan baluchistan province will be corrected and improved. i hope that with such films we can really show the real life and hidden corners of this province to the people. god willing , what i witnessed now from the interviews that i saw both in the press conference by the actors of the film and outside those who were invited to see the film, expressed their satisfaction with the film, which was perhaps one of the few times that a good face from baloj showed the baloch people and their culture on the cinema screen . i think you are now mrs. chakhmer.
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we are working at all. the way you look at the film is very different. how you see the film. i myself have been in the field of strategic cinema for years . i speak in the media. of course , the film was very important to me. a film should be concerned and problematic, a film that at least engages the mind of the audience if they come out of the theater. i hope that in the next series, the director will be able to show off his technique and the film will have a more attractive art form. this is completely obvious and natural. but i think we should pay our own religion to sistan baluchistan province it is based on the fact that the artistic community, in addition to individual responsibility, has a social responsibility towards the provinces , regions, etc., the incidents that happen inside the country, and sistan baluchistan province, in my opinion , was the first priority. the films that will be screened for the media today on the eighth day of the 4th fajr film festival at milad tower.
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the adventurous story of the people of a village and the intruding presence of war in their homes and their lives is told in the movie bagh kianoush. cinematic narration taken from a book with the same name, which is one of the first films of the festival it is this year. well, let's go guys. mohammad javad mohed is the producer and reza keshavarz is the director of this work. the process of writing the text took about 6-7 months. from writing the first idea and the initial adaptation of the book, and then finally reaching the stage of the film text and its rewrites, and from the beginning of this year , its production actually started. abhi roshan is another film on the eighth day of the exhibition at the festival house. this film tells the story of a man who discovers a rare turquoise in his mine and after that his life faces challenges. babak khaje
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pasha is the director and hossein miri is the producer of this work are. we had to bring actors that the audience had no preconceived notions about. ok, it means that in the first few scenes and maybe in the first half of the movie, the audience cannot decide with their own preconceived notions whether this hero is going to win at the end of the story or not, mr. john . shenblei, yes, you are very famous. a film in which ali nasiryan played the lead role , directed by sohail mawafaq and produced by mohammad reza naderi. the narration of baby hero is also the narrator of the story of the curiosities of a character named baby
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who always reads jaghad kahraman's magazines about flight and wants to fly like a bird , how long will you make useless accessories for flying dear hossein safarzadegan and maysham. hosseini is the director and mohammad mahdi mashkuri is the producer of this work. the idea was formed when the two-dimensional series "babai" was aired on the children's network and found a loyal audience. we hope that he will be seen this year at the khar lamb festival. the hero is one of the four animations present at the 42nd fajr film festival. mohsa khavari of sed and sima news agency. okay , now mr. elahi, maybe it's not a bad excuse. this the report that talked about the diversity of works, at least today at fajr festival, let 's talk about the diversity that we are witnessing this year at the fesh film festival in terms of different types of cinema, and here
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i want to ask you as a film critic and cinema expert about the diversity of works. how did you see this year? the essence of holding a festival is to realize cultural vitality in a society. if we insist that these many cultural and artistic festivals can be held, it is because all these will lead to the slogan of cultural vitality and cultural vitality. at the same time, it leads to the realization of justice it also becomes cultural, which means that many people who do not have access to visual art products and their supply can offer them through festivals , and this in itself creates motivation and desire among the artistic community . it started. i think that the climatic diversity and thematic diversity can be clearly seen in the works. of course, there is a reason to worry that many of the works, even the movie miravi ma, it doesn't matter if they remain at an average level or with a very small percentage of this. if the rank goes higher, this is a bit dangerous, i think
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that we should try a bit more on the discussion of creativity among the artistic community, some subject finding is now a weakness and achilles' heel for the artistic community and our filmmakers, maybe needed. it is due to study and research, maybe i believe that our filmmakers should enter into different layers of society , they should distance themselves from these shallow circles and express themselves in life. natives of all walks of life, perhaps there are subjects among them who can present better films, god willing , but in this year's festival, this is good in my opinion , and the most important thing is the presence of mrs. charkhmakhi. there are young people, that is, we are facing young people who promise us a lot of cinema in the future, although we expected them to shine more in front of us, but this is happening in reverse and this is a bit worrying. i hope that the events a long way to go now dear. almost all of today's films were made by young people. in this period of time, at least in these four
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or five days, every film that shines belongs to a young person , and this young person is now a young person from the 60s or even the 70s, it doesn't matter. it is the winner of iranian cinema and can be i hope that these films will be able to take over the box office and be able to show themselves at the international level, god willing. second, the film fajr won an award, and the film mr. elahi is one of those films. let's see this report together and go back to the next part of our conversation. sarkar khanum dostabi about the efforts of a father to discover the secrets of the crime that happened to his son. a story that is told in an 80-minute documentary called qovi del. life is one ferd m. bagre , who is involved in the case of contaminated drugs in 1961, and wedel
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competed with 6 other works in the 4th feature documentary section of the second faraj international film festival, with documentaries such as ahmed and finally the crystal statue, the best documentary film is awarded to a strong documentary. the traces of the father's role can be seen in the screenplays and in jeshwara's short films. in a work like nazer, almost the same thing happened to my father. it was with me for a long time until it slowly became the main idea of ​​this film and it took about a year to i was able to reach the initial version of the script. in the short film section of farge festival 18 films were selected, from the reflection
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of last year's fall events in front of mikael diani's camera, mr. ghandari and mrs. moini from their colleague, to the narration of kuch do ashagh by omid yousefi, sharif film is also a work of defense moghdisi. that area where he is living, the film that was able to win the crystal simorgh in competition with other candidates. a work by mr. mohammad alizadeh fard. zohra alizadeh, radio and television news agency. it received a lot of attention. very well, mr. elahi. we congratulate you again for simorghi, which you liked so much
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tell us more about this documentary, which is going to be shown tonight in milad tower for the media. the international documentary film of the truth cinema will receive and on the opening day of faj film festival on the 12th of bahman. crystal simorgh should receive an award for the best fajr festival documentary this year. well, this owes to the efforts and creativity of a 17-year-old young man belonging to the same system of the islamic republic of iran. etaman ali farahani sadr yes, we trusted him, we saw his picture in the report, we trusted this friend of ours, and i just followed a formula that in documentary production or even in cinema production, we should not confine ourselves to the mind. our minds are definitely limited. we have a cultural policy or a cultural strategy that a
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large group of elites and intellectuals talk about and discuss about them, and in the cultural engineering plan of the country, we will reach certainty about them. if this strategy is really let's put the criterion at the top of the pyramid and then look for the aligned director let's see that this director is supposed to be with us until the end of the way, he is not supposed to forget us and forget the goal in the middle of the way. how hard is it for you to forget the strategy and go your own way? in the third stage, this is what i wanted to say , and in the third stage, it is the use of professional agents that these agents can use with techniques and rules. if every producer can follow this rule , i think his film will come to fruition by itself . why, ms. chakhmakhi, because our film won three very important documentary awards this year , the jury's vizhi award means the specialty award. the axis and special award of the experts of the first prize of shahid avini, the shahid avini section belongs to the governance and
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policy section of the truth festival, that is, the strategic section of the case and in the third stage. the audience prize, which is a more important prize than this friend and the people 's prize, that is, the audience-oriented prize, if a work can really meet the three sides of this triangle, if that work, in my opinion, will be a national and significant work, now about the difficulties of making a documentary. tell us about the movie, or maybe the other way around . now, have you experienced both of them? i've been through each of them, but each one has its own difficulties. a story, well, due to the amount of work and the number of people who are there and the filming time, well, it definitely has a lot of difficulties and hardships, but it is a documentary, not a documentary, so it boils down to a limited number of film actors, but again, it depends on the subject, that is, if it is really like this subject of the film. the documentary , which has a creative narrative method that has both a tense theme and many reconstructions, that's why it has received special attention from the audience, and this attraction that is created owes its gold to a few people who
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provide this space, otherwise you will easily you can produce a documentary film with a camera in hand do. and this production is considered to be a one-person production, but if it is really the intention to follow that production formula, then you should use other factors that are no less difficult than fiction cinema. it was also in your mind, why did you choose strong heart? the story of strong heart is apparently about the retelling of a challenging and very controversial judicial case , the case of french contaminated blood that belongs to the 60s and 70s, but every common sense knows that now dealing with it after 3 decades is not very logical we used the case as an excuse to explain a series of concepts that mr. farahani and i had in mind as the director, issues such as citizenship rights , such as monitoring everyone, such as not being indifferent
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to the fate of our fellow citizens, such as caring about the rights and rights that are lost to citizens. and the second issue is the most important issue of shlangar to the responsible managers that if you make a mistake, accept your mistake and don't pay money from the pocket of the treasury . if you make a mistake, you have to pay for it because these people trust you. try to be in a place where you deserve it, your plan is for now public screening of the documentary or now maybe broadcast it in the media after the marare festival , god willing, i will go, as we have the parwan screening. fitr means that around the end of april next year, we will be able to show movies and shows in sims all over the country. god willing , we will get another chance and see a report about one of the animations that is going
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to be shown tonight for the media in milad tower . a brief mention in the previous report. he got it but a little. more detailed let's hear about baby hero. dad, dad, baby made a bird with his bite. bebei is the hero of the story. he wishes to fly and things happen to him to achieve this wish. how long do you want to make useless flying equipment? dear ones
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tab is a dynamic network and has been broadcast from this network since 1396 to 1400. the idea was formed when the two-dimensional series babai was aired on the children's network and found a loyal audience. we hope that he will be seen in this year's khar festival. the 3d animation of the hero was made using the latest technology in iran. and after the holy list and the dolphin boy i have to look for my mother here. third. the movie scene of the organization is the peak. the students of the children's school of kar sobh roish also attended the cinema and sat down to watch the hero. i invented an airplane that competes with three other animations in fajr festival 42, all of which are looking for simraq. i am elham akbari
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of the hero news agency, we saw the report that one of the four animations of this year's 42nd paje film festival, mr. elahi , has four animations this year, which is remarkable, in my opinion , it was very good news, that is, me. from the day the schedule was announced and i felt that animation films are getting a good boom, i was very happy because we are moving at par with the international world , you see, among the multitude of visual and image productions in the field of games and animation, it is very unlikely that our policy makers should not pay attention to this issue. i may have mentioned this two or three years ago in the previous government, even with mr. dr. tazami in a tweet in a note. i remember that i warned them, i said look at the world of artificial intelligence and new technologies. maybe you can't back down, or
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you still want to hit the ground running, or you have your own traditional procedure, a document should be drawn up that, according to these conditions, what days should iran's cinema go through, what kind of platform should be prepared for it, i even suggested to improve the technical and take many friends of a group of these loved ones even to foreign countries. while the world is talking about these issues and the world cinema is taking the lead, i think that in this field, our politicians , our politicians, and friends and activists of the field should open their hands a bit more. animation of the game field be sure to activate it and try to use the techniques of the day. i am sure that if we present good content to our audience
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, iranian families will prefer to use domestic products according to the value system that prevails in the society . domestic specialties and according to our native culture can use those products. i hope this will happen . now we are getting closer to the end of our program, i would like to ask you about the support provided by the movie authorities. we, with our state film institutions and centers , ask the filmmakers, whether they make documentaries, short films or feature films, how effective do you think they have been in the works we have seen in the last few years? there is a point that if the center expands documentary cinema experience and animation of cinema society. if they consider themselves as a company , then this process is not a good process, it means that they think that 10 orders must be given, these 10 orders must be satisfied in the festival, and then
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they will be given an award. then i think they played their main role well, which at least i experienced. the center for the development of the experimental documentary sina trusts mr. farhani sadr , a young man born in 1371 who had only made one film so far at the haqirat festival two years ago called rest in peace, when i introduced this young man, they also trusted me and this strong-hearted movie was made by him. it is possible that he will not get this rank, but anyway, they supported an artist to show his full talent . yes, in our policy makers in the centers , i think that it will be better god willing, tell me your prediction for me now. in a few days, the finale will be held tomorrow . i hope for the music technically, because i imagine that
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there will be a fusion of native and rock music in this film by shakhavat doost, and also the performance of sarkar khanum beizai. as a role of a mother, a different role from a mother, i hope that they will be nominated, and if they succeed, if not, we did not make a film for the award. how true was the story of your film to reality ? it was sistan baluchistan alhamdulillah, i was satisfied with phil, god willing , we wish you and your film success , as you won the award in the best documentary section of the second fajr film festival. you were with us from the milad tower in tehran, the place of the media people. tomorrow , god willing, we will be with you . it is the last day of the film screening in the milad tower for the media people, and after that, according to the announcement, the candidates will be announced in different sections, god willing. will be after
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a day actually resting and preparing the tower milad 22 bahman, the closing ceremony will be held until tomorrow, god bless simorgh
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in the evening, dear compatriots, we have arrived at 17:00 and we present the news of this hour. the saudi ambassador in tehran presented the congratulatory message of the king and crown prince of this country to the president on the occasion of the anniversary of the victory of the revolution to the foreign minister. abdullah bin saud al-anzi also stated that saudi arabia's view of relations with iran is strategic and emphasized: riyadh wants to improve relations with tehran in all fields. mr. amir abdullahian also expressed his satisfaction with the growing trend of relations.


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