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tv   [untitled]    February 9, 2024 6:00am-6:31am IRST

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pani and jabdar of the islamic republic of iran. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, may god bless muhammad and the family of muhammad, and hasten their fate, ladies and gentlemen , dear fellow viewers, hello, good morning, good friday. welcome to this news section . the guardian council confirmed the eligibility of 15,000 candidates to participate in the parliamentary elections, tahan nazif added in an exclusive conversation with khabar: this
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number of qualified candidates includes more than 73 percent of the candidates participating in the elections. today's election television advertising channels with the presence of the president opens. the channels that sada and sima have considered with the aim of creating an equal advertising opportunity for the candidates of the parliament elections. with less than 3 weeks left until the voting and election of 290 members of the parliament, by amending articles of the parliament election law, sedasima organization was allowed to use its capacity and facilities for the introduction and election campaigns of candidates. do this organization also took action to implement the law and, along with
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its provincial and national networks, broadcast 200 television channels with the aim of achieving justice. and created an equal opportunity for election campaigns of parliamentary candidates. these election advertising channels will have 24-hour election advertising opportunities for seven days. we considered each candidate 20 minutes of video advertising time. in these 20 minutes , he should introduce himself and his supporters . it's not enough for us we also planned the debate and god willing, we can do it.
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interesting debates will take place in some constituencies. at the same time, the registration of applicants to appear in tv commercials was started from 25th of december in the system of the advertising headquarters of the broadcasting company at the address am 1402.ayr. according to the announcement of the election headquarters of the broadcasting organization, each candidate must submit their videos in an approved format for broadcast in a package. a video of about 20 minutes, which includes records, video of supporters, mandatory and optional questions, talking to people, candidate assistance card number, subtitle and qr id of each candidate. sarah aini, radio news agency. the national rite of golbaran and the procession of martyrs' graves across the country with the presence of people and officials. it was also held at the ceremony
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of the martyrs of monotheistic religions in tehran, tabriz, ghabarobi and golbaral. everything we have is from the martyrs , we owe it to the martyrs. may the end be good , may our end end in martyrdom on the 22nd of bahman , the day of allah , and the photos and narration of the scenes captured by our reporters' cameras. for this, it is enough to
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use a mobile phone and video horizontally take a photo and send it to our address on yes sorush ita and rubika messengers, god bless you, wherever you are, tomorrow, on the occasion of eid mubarak and 22 bahman, all impounded cars that do not have a court case will be removed. the spokesman of the country's police chief announced this and said: owners whose cars have been impounded in the framework of the traffic regulations and hijab regulations since saturday can contact
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plus 10 police offices across the country or through the my police application for check your car. about four: we are against operation torfan al-khasa the occupying regime of the palestinian land went through an operation that , from the point of view of the people and civil activists in england , the consequences of which created the most damaging conditions for the zionist regime and its supporters and revealed their true face more than ever to the public opinion of the world . al-aqsaad storm operation shattered the zionists' propaganda about their intelligence and military power and revealed the inability of the israeli regime against the resistance forces. following this defeat, the occupying regime of jerusalem increased the intensity of its attacks and committed crimes that are considered genocide by many. a number of
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people in england have consequences for this event they note that, according to them , it is not reflected in the western media. my jewish friends in the occupied territories are selling their houses and possessions and telling the palestinians that we are leaving here and will not return. since october 7, 500,000 to 1 million jews have left israel , and 250,000 jews have left israel after the attack by hamas. people's awareness about palestine, how to occupy the land of palestinians and zionist conspiracies in the country, did not return to the occupied territories. related, this baseless advertisement
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is no longer effective. my friend and i have already discussed this we were talking about how america, britain and europe are trying to deceive and try to solve the crisis in palestine. relate to the seventh of october , while it goes back to the distant time, i.e. 1948, when the israeli regime was established, or even before british foreign minister balfour gave palestine to the zionists. the establishment of the israeli regime is an imperialist conspiracy in the middle east so that the colonialists can use this regime as a foothold in the region and create a crisis. despite the propaganda of the israeli regime and its supporters in the west. popular support for palestine has been strengthened. many experts politicians in england believe. after the al-aqsa storm operation, the ideal of forming an independent palestinian state and the freedom of the palestinians
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is heard even in the corridors of the power centers of the western governments. mojtaba ghasemzadeh, radio and television news agency, london. good friday may god protect you on the 22nd of bahman in the month of yom allah yam allahu akbar in the march of the 22nd of bahman this year
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and send to our address in yes soroush ita and rubika messengers, allahu akbar.
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bread is very important for us . bread is the blessing of the table. i am a baker. i am proud to be around 34 years old. this is my job, it was just my job before it was lavashi, but we have been baking sangkam for a few years . this bread belongs to our own nanai. the bread we give to people must be of high quality so that people are satisfied, but there has come a time when people are satisfied with any quality. an example of this was a year or two ago when hamedan's water supply was cut off . eat fast, don't go to school today , he says to his sister. are you going to do it today? yes, i left it. in the afternoon, nano is busy and we have time
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. i will do it. today the exams have started. the voice of john is good for you . it's good for you . it took a while for people to drink water, wash, bath and cook. it would take people a week there is no water here, even if you wash your clothes in shoshan, i have a water well in this city. i remember that at the beginning of the water cut off, we used to open the house, the neighbors would come and get the water they needed from here. in addition to the fact that even the officials of the governorate or the governorate were delivering water to
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the houses by tankers, we were providing partial services to the people here . here too , we had given the keys to the neighbors, they would come by themselves, open the door , and the tea here had a dynamo, and the mold would light up by themselves. they filled their water containers and took them home. there was a day in our life when there were queues with 20-meter water wells. hello, no one thought that we would not have water for several hours a day. it was not a joke . there are springs in these mountains, where they used to get the water they needed and bring it to us . in the previous days, we had a real problem in some areas where there were 30 bakeries
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. i was closed because of the lack of water . put the chicken in oil let's fry, let it be a fish concert, one of those low-fat masa that i bought, let's go, let 's not hurt. among the issues that are suffering people today in these provinces and in the city of hamadan is the issue of water . some of my colleagues, who were on the edge of the city , stored water in 20-liter containers, well, most
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of our colleagues were shocked by this issue like normal people, but in the first two or three days, they came to the conclusion that they should deal with this issue and accept themselves with the conditions. wof the body means when it is clear that the water talwar does not come at the specified time, everyone came to work through the meetings of the crisis headquarters , which was put in the work of 15 years
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. in the hands of the people, this is not an unattainable ideal , but it has happened. now, thank god, we don't have a water cut anymore, if it happens, it is very limited, and since then we have agreed to give salavati bread to the people once a week , with the intention that, god willing, this problem will always be solved and the people of hamedan will vote for water again. no problem decrease in precipitation. in recent years, sediq batan, which was the water supplier of hamedan city , gradually lost its capacity. as a result, the city of hamedan experienced a water cut for 1401 hours in the summer. the authorities quickly
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provided hamedan with drinking water using several wells. in continuation of the operation of the sadvar water transfer project to hamadan. from the first days of his life together, he says that 47 years ago, he was a newlywed who had become a lucky man in the house of imam khomeini, because we did not have children. i used to copy imam imam , he used to fill it like this from morning to night, and my brother
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shahid javad did those murals from night to morning. well, he used to write on the walls, at that time, for example, i was a bodyguard , he used to do it in front, i stood there so that no one came from behind, he wrote, i didn't write on the walls , now sometimes i had to write , for example, i had a marker in my hand, which quickly, for example, now we used to spray with both , we had spray and we had magic, all the undergarments of shahid javad were colored and full of spray and magic. later, the pregnancy of her first son became an opportunity in order to continue his activities, my pregnancy became a good shield to convey the messages of the revolution , that is, i could easily move the leaflets in this pregnancy shield, and as the famous saying goes
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, we disguised these leaflets and everyone thought of an attack. this is me, i am pregnant now , it was pregnancy, but we were carrying my pregnancy notice with me. he was a resident of mashhad and one of the houses near the shrine of imam reza , peace be upon him. i didn't want to go, that's why we rebelled against the evil system pahlavi because there was a lot of oppression and corruption.
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when i was young, i went to america with the intention of studying medicine from a girl who leaves her medical studies in america and joins the imam in paris. there could be other young girls in all corners of the country, here i am, i am chanting, this is my wife. if there was an imam or ayatollah sadouqi, i would get the announcements from the imam or the imam's speeches , and
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they would give us carbon copies from night to morning and write the announcements the next night. the boys used to take shabnameh , we used to come in blood, we used to pour the imam's informant here , we would put books when the weather became a little milder , we would be more enlightened in the hands of those we wanted from those days, although the hardships of the struggle and the tortures of savak they remember that they tortured me 14 times in a horrible basement , they went down 40 stairs, their agent came down, they took us there , there was a very powerful electric device, it was as tall as this , they attached it to our body, then he came and started to connect cables. because this cable was a very difficult job , they are very tired. very heavy and painful it was at the same time that
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he was putting the cable on my leg, and it took an hour out of two hours . the whole time, he was smoking cigarette after cigarette and putting all of his cigarettes on my leg and hand . i came to the cell and saw how much my hands and feet were burned. i mean, the pain of that whip thing was so much that i didn't really feel the burn anymore. the scenes are heart-wrenching and enduring from the previous months and maybe from the year they are preparing themselves to be able to do what they can do in this difficult situation . today, we are witnessing that after 40 years of the victory of our revolution , you see young people who have not seen the era of taquto, not seen imams, none of these
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, how they commit suicide based on the belief that they are motivated by god. the title of the defenders of the shrine, the defenders of security, or until the end, this fight scene continues today in various forms . it is very enjoyable to take this fatigue away from my age in this way whatever we have to do, today is gaza , god willing , it is israel's last obstacle, we hope for this. the islamic revolution of the iranian nation is getting closer to its fateful days. the streets
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are full of people who are counting down the time to overthrow the pahlavi regime. they used their last efforts to preserve the monarchy. on this day , scattered conflicts are going on. two days left until the final victory of the uprising, the people of the nation are happy with this action and eagerly await the introduction. the interim government of may revolution stayed on the same day, the prime minister of the interim government went to tehran university and
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announced the plans of his government. in the name of god. the fans of sultan bakhtiar, who saw the government on the way to fall, formed a rally in amjadiyeh stadium in tehran . on 20 bahman, he announced that the pictures of imam khomeini's arrival will be shown on television. according to hamafran, when the picture of the imam appeared on the television screen, tanin salavat filled the hall of the tehran air force barracks, and at the same time, members of the imperial guard shot at them and a fight broke out. the people living around the barracks started when from when the guards were aware of the attack , they gathered by the wall of the dormitory and supported the hamafrans by shouting allahu akbar.
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the situation in the north is a war situation, it is a fasting war, a war that we are afraid of .
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in response to the zionists' threats, lebanon's hezbollah targeted samagheh and raisat alam bases in the heights of the occupied shabaa shrine twice and once, respectively. yeftah garrison was another target of hizbullah's offensive operations. five areas in southern lebanon , including jabin , were targeted by zionist regime fighters, cannons and drones this regime is also blasphemous. kafr shuba and 5 other areas were attacked. the head of the council of settlers in the north of the occupied territories considers the return of displaced zionist settlers to the northern areas to be far from reality in the midst of threats from the authorities and the zionist military. hassan azimzadeh of sed and sima news agency in front of the military and zionist settlement of matullah, the border between lebanon and occupied palestine. the most victorious person in this world
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and the hereafter is a martyr. his first action was the danger of this nation. prevention or the common term known as deterrence is achieved with sacrifice. why the enemy of civilization? this is our human duty if it is possible for someone not to love a martyr , is it acceptable for someone
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to throw his life in the fire for my home, my honor, my comfort, my peace, my place, my position, and i hate him, by god, i do not love him. what can it look like? this is gymnast publications. we have always tried to serve you with the most up-to-date methods, and today we are going to offer you 60% of your educational resources completely free of charge, just by sending the number 5 to the sms system 300 48 55, 60 % of your educational resources are completely free. receive
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, look at the smiling sun, say hello to hello tomorrow, look at the sun in the future.


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