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tv   [untitled]    February 9, 2024 6:30am-7:00am IRST

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look at the smiling sun , say hello to tomorrow, hello, look to the future, the pilgrimage day of agha imam reza
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, peace be upon him, rahim, hello, good morning, welcome, hello , today's reporter, may god bless you and have a good weekend ahead of you. i invite you to join us with today's program , where we will have a look at some of today's events, because my soul
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, my soul, peace has fallen upon me . . i take a breath from my breath, i take a breath from my breath, i take a breath from my breath, life, life and peace it is rainy and i am a stormy beach. you know my pain and you are the cure for my condition and the end of wandering and my life.
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i surrendered to you so that i don't give my heart to anyone , i came to your love, so that you reach me, the king of my heart, i am the flesh of your command, i am not confused, only your hands are in your lap, like my life and my life, and the calmness of the rain, and i am the shore of the storm, my soul, do you know my pain or state? i. healing and
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the end of wandering and my life, you are jani and narani, and the calmness of the rain, and i am a stormy beach and my soul, you know my pain and my condition, healing and the end of wandering and my life. dear friends, you are the peace of the rain, and i used to be a storm, and you know inside me and heal my condition the end of my soul's wandering.
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good morning, stay with us. greetings, today's reporter , the election channels are scheduled to be opened in the next hour with the presence of the president, mr. dr. hassan abedini, the deputy of the provinces of the broadcasting organization , is the guest of the first part of the program's conversation, so we can talk to him about the details of this program. hello, good morning. welcome. i am at your service and all my dear compatriots in the four corners of our great islamic country. i would like to say hello . 200 channels, mr. doctor, about 200 channels will be launched, god willing. encouragement people go to the elections in the form of programs prepared by the islamic republic of iran broadcasting organization, such as the one above, which is on the khabar network, or the martyrs of the majlis , or the debates of the majlis, and the debates that
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are now on various national channels of the islamic republic of iran broadcasting organization. it will be held as well as special teacher election programs. it has been uploaded and broadcast on these 200 channels, but today, god willing, we will have the official opening , and what will happen after this ? is advertising, the work process and the form of work changes according to the election law from morning, that is, from zero o'clock. from the third of march until the end of the ninth day of march, candidates for representation in the islamic council are allowed to advertise. that's why these seven days
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are covered on the election channels, that is, the two hundred election channels , and they are available to the candidates in two days. in fact , a separate program is intended for all the candidates who volunteer to present their election campaigns through the channels, a 20-minute program that asks questions in various fields from these questions are also based on a request from the great people of iran and the people came to say that those who want to be candidates for the islamic council. it is good to ask them these questions. we asked these questions and uploaded them, and god willing, the volunteers will answer these questions in 20 minutes, and we answer them daily based on
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the capacity that exists. by capacity, i mean that some of the fields we may have three or four candidates, some constituencies have more than 60, and some places even like tehran, tabriz and isfahan, the number of candidates is much more. therefore, based on the division of time, god willing , these 20 minutes will be broadcast. in addition, during the seven election days, we have also laid the groundwork for holding debates, which are part of these debates , of course. starting today, these debates will be recorded, and on those days when we are allowed to advertise the elections for the candidates of the islamic council , we will broadcast them through two channels, and people will be able to hear
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the arguments of the elites on local and national issues. the ability of these to respond to problems and provide solutions that can lead to solving problems to determine the future progress of the country in the islamic council, these questions are asked and they are answered . the debates between the candidates are going to take place . in all our stages, in the system that is special for the election campaign headquarters of the broadcasting organization, a system has been designed for the candidates. candidates come to register for advertisements, and then we
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have put a place where they can mark or check that place. and prepare themselves to participate in so express the debates. in both stages, whether in using this advertising capacity to present their own programs or in participating in debates, both of them have been voluntarily provided to the candidates of the islamic council , so the sada vasima election headquarters has only created this platform for a competition and a knowledge that people can have about the program and capabilities of each of the candidates in the constituencies. the characteristic of these channels is that in the constituencies. it can be received , that is, for example, someone in the constituency who
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is an ascetic with his programs in the constituencies neighboring elections cannot be accepted, so some constituencies include one candidate, in fact, one representative, some more, for example, we even have provinces that have one constituency, such as qom, and we have constituencies that have several constituencies, such as for example , isfahan fars, east azerbaijan, where there are 14 to 15 candidates, 14 to 15 representatives and 1,415 constituencies , so this process, god willing, is the basis for participation. people, because of the knowledge they get from the representatives of the islamic council, god willing
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, the questions of the debate will be based on the opinions of the people. as you mentioned, all of these are designed by the broadcasting organization. some of my friends who followed the topics must have noticed that during the past few days, the subtitles of many national and provincial networks . it was that if anyone wants to ask a question to the representatives of the islamic council , they should raise the questions and make them available to the system. which exists because some of the questions were like saying, for example, that the most important challenge in the cultural field is in the chosen field
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is it the most important economic challenge that exists in the constituency? these were almost two questions that were almost present in all the questions that people sent, but the issue was what plan they have to solve these challenges . local questions were, of course, also national questions , for example, regarding the peaceful transparency of the people , they said that the candidates should say whether they believe in the transparency of votes or not, or what plans they have to make the islamic council more efficient, and issues like that. all these questions are almost from
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the networks of the islamic republic of iran in the field of virtual space, iran
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has created a space for each candidate to upload their image for 10 hours through the television network, which means that each of the candidates, in addition to benefiting from 20 minutes of advertising, which is in the form of a conversation, is actually televised. some of these are by national executives and some by local executives. preparations have been made, whoever they want, they will upload it, in addition, and participate in the debates, which will be 120 minutes of debates every day. in addition, radio and television in the field of virtual space also offer this possibility through television. it has provided them because, first of all, the volume
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of loading in the area of ​​television. there are discussions so that, god willing, people will be able to use the television for free during these 7 days, which is free according to the law. god willing , they will not have to pay for the internet. very well, thank you. let's see a report together about we will return to the activity of the election channels , we will continue dr. abini's conversation with you. there are less than 3 weeks left until the voting and election of 290 members of parliament by amending the articles of the law parliament elections were also allowed to
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use its capacity and facilities for the introduction and campaigning of candidates. this organization also took action to enforce the law from sedasima's facilities and launched 20 television channels in addition to its provincial and national networks with the aim of achieving justice and creating an equal opportunity for electoral campaigns of parliamentary candidates. 24-hour election advertising opportunities of these election advertising channels at the disposal of honorable candidates. we considered each candidate 20 minutes of video advertising time in these 20 minutes , he should introduce himself and his supporters
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. . ok, we have designed the field for the debate and, god willing , interesting debates can take place in some constituencies. at the same time, the registration of applicants to appear in tv commercials was started from 25th of december in the system of sada and vesima advertising headquarters at the address em 1402.ayr. according to the announcement of the headquarters the election of the broadcasting organization of any name. zed must portray his videos in an approved format for broadcasting in a video package of about 20 minutes, which includes video records of supporters, mandatory and optional questions, talking to people, candidate help card numbers , subtitles, and
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qr id of each candidate. dear dr. hassan abedin. the deputy governors of the broadcasting organization are our guests . we are talking to them about the official opening of the election campaign channels, which is scheduled to be opened today in the presence of mr. president . please tell me the details of the program, mr. doctor. i hope, god willing, after the last one month , these channels were launched on a trial basis in each of the selected areas, and they were loaded on a trial basis. if the stability of the system is actually acceptable , it will be officially launched today in the presence of the honorable president of the islamic republic of iran , dr. raisi
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. azarbayjan province. west in the northwest of the country and also from north khorasan to khuzestan, that is, all these 30 provinces, of course, tehran it will also be launched. in addition , we have three broadcasting centers, which include kish, mehabad and abadan , which are independent, that is, west azarbaijan province has two broadcasting centers, one is in harumieh , and one is in mehabad or khuzestan province, 2 voices. and there is a tv station in ahvaz and a tv station in abadan. mezgan also has one in bandaab and one in kish, which means that all of these are actually 33 centers that include 30 provinces in
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addition to tehran, which means 31 provinces. these are the frames of all election channels networks, which in some places are the same frame. like qom, some 15 or 16 frames is like. fars, isfahan, east azarbaijan, mashhad and these , which have a large number of constituencies, so god willing , this will be launched at the same time. it will be that our elections on the 11th of march will be a passionate and epic election for
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the people of iran and for the country of iran, which will lay the foundation for national authority and security, in addition to the issue of our islamic council elections on the 11th of march. ir according to the law, iran has provided time slots for the candidates of the assembly of leadership experts and we are recording their programs so that they can talk to the people . we are a provincial network. we have channels related to constituencies. thank you very much for your explanation. let me ask a question in parentheses. this action that you mentioned and we are talking about it from the beginning of the program
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was a legal duty that was specified for sada and cima or not from the initiatives of the transformation period in the sada organization. we have to see wasim. according to the amendment of the election law of the islamic council, which was carried out this year , it means that the radio and television can provide an equal opportunity for election campaigns to the candidates of the islamic council. as the broadcasting organization of the islamic republic of iran, we have assigned this authority to ourselves. the reason is that the supreme leader of the islamic revolution paid special attention to the issue of elections from the beginning of the year, and this is a medical jihad. and we considered ourselves obliged in the framework of the jihad of clarification that hazrat agha proposed both in the shari'i and
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let's come legally and try to be creative in this field. well, this program, which is the largest news network in the world , is not similar to the election channels that we designed, except that the number of countries that even debate the number of those who hold the presidential elections is not higher than the fingers of one hand, but the radio and television have provided the technical facilities to provide the field of the elections for the election of the islamic council, which is a very big task, both technically and one in terms of content as a passing reference, your excellency , we wanted to talk more about this issue. well, according to
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stali's experience and activity in the field of media work and the field of social media in the world, it can be said that, as you mentioned , this kind of work is unprecedented and as a big information project in the world should see this event that is happening and it will be officially opened today. of course, it is like this because basically there is a transmitter in the world in a place like the one we are talking about now, and this transmitter transmits its message from here to all countries , now either based on optical fiber or based on antenna. terrestrial or based on microwaves or based on satellites , but this is not the case in this particular issue. we receive messages in particular, a selective field, and this is almost a very, very difficult task from a technical point of view
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, which now, due to the classification issue, i cannot i will tell you the details of it, but it is a creation that the technical engineers of the islamic republic of iran broadcasting and broadcasting have prepared, and maybe later this can be presented as a plan in the world . now we have done this and this in broadcast on tv channels it is a very large and technically complex action, but in addition to this , it has the capacity for the future of the country, the capacity to convey the views of the representatives of the representatives
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of the islamic council and create enthusiasm in the country during the election contests. let us witness a passionate election, god willing, that the enemy will be defeated. this is the point you mentioned. this space created for election campaigns will be switched off after the election days . we will close the door. open time interval other uses will naturally be a dish. that we
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will see many centers, god willing, in the coming months. we will be them, because it is the right of the people of iran to see high-quality images, this one, but in other areas , we have not yet reached a special conclusion, but these channels can be used in different places, and this is actually the point. there is a woman in the field of television transmitters, we want you to have about a minute. in the final part of the report that we saw together, there was an individual part and a coalition part in that table. it has happened that people have collective and coalition advertisements in these channels , we have not done the coalition very well, but some people may want to have two, three or four candidates in one constituency , we will do joint advertisements. .
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we made it possible for anyone who wanted to come and , for example, these three or four people to prepare a joint program on a common topic, and on that channel , for example, if there are three people, it will be broadcast three times, or they themselves will speak in parts of it. for example, we share common views with so-and-so in this field and we do a joint advertisement because the coalition is one issue. it is legal and they should get permission from article 10 of the law on parties. it is another discussion that now those who have the right to form coalitions according to the law on parties have a special position that can be used by those who want to have joint campaigns because that we created these channels at all for election enthusiasm. therefore
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, it has given a capacity to these as well. thank you very much, dr. abdini, for your presence in the program. hello reporter , dear viewers. stay with us after the news segment. at 7 o'clock, with the continuation of today's program , in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, dear viewers, hello , good morning, welcome to this news section. at least four palestinians, including three children, were killed in an airstrike by the zionist regime this morning on a kindergarten in zawairah district in the center of the gaza strip. this kindergarten was a temporary accommodation for palestinian refugees. free.


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