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tv   [untitled]    February 9, 2024 8:30am-9:01am IRST

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sepahan with farazbam dehdasht oil and gas, gaj saran , tebas coal, sepahan novin with pikan sabzevar, and iraqi aluminum with rozavi air flight . the head coach of the national basketball team invited 17 players to participate in the first selection window of the asian cup. these competitions will be hosted by three teams of iran, qatar and india next month. it will be held today , friday, 20th of bahman, 28th of rajab, 9th of february. the noon call to prayer in tehran will be at 12:00 p.m. and the maghrib call to prayer will be at 1758 minutes. dear viewers , we have reached the end of this news section. thank you for your company. have a good day goodbye.
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on the importance of elections in electing a parliament. niromand, the key is in the hands of the people , the iranian coach sharaf iran has a telegram, he is playing with the whole country, why do n't you set the price this month? wherever
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you are, we are in the name of god, the most merciful, the most merciful, the people of iran , dear compatriots. hello, have a good time . happy eid. may god bless you. well , we are proudly at your service with another higher program . the leader of the revolution in his recent speeches. the frame they called the real election one of the pillars of the election, which means that an arena for the entry of different views and opinions regarding the country's issues will be opened, and different factions and currents with different views regarding political, economic, social and cultural issues will enter the field of competition. if they hold elections and compete in this field, then the plan is higher. in
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the khabar network, preparations have been made for this purpose, so that different points of view regarding the country's issues can reach your attention, so that, god willing, it will help you to make a better choice in the upcoming elections to the islamic council, but the issue that we are examining today the topic of organizing the elections is the organization of weekend holidays. it has been more than 10 years since the topic of organizing holidays in our country has been raised . from the very beginning, we have had supporters and opponents. the number of these holidays is less and some believe that the reason for the lack of holidays in our country is that the weekend is one day and this day should be increased to two days. what days will be closed at the end of the week, is it thursday and
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fridays of every week are official holidays or fridays and saturdays , today we will discuss this topic with the presence of two experts . i would like to introduce mr. seyyed hossein razavipour to your service, mr. seyyed hossein razavipour, an expert , hello, be healthy , he is an expert in human resources and a university lecturer, and mr. abbas argan is a member of the team of the head of the tehran chamber of commerce . we are at your service, mr. reza. let's start the discussion on age with mr. argon argon, basically, what is the state of holidays in our country, give an explanation.
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allow me to discuss this topic, in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful . i offer my greetings to his excellency sahman, dear viewers of the program, and congratulations . i would like to discuss the topic of the prophet of islam first. i am here to answer your question. please be advised that our country and djibouti are the only two countries in the world that have a one -day weekend holiday and the rest of the countries have a two-day weekend holiday. the holidays of other countries are less. most of the countries have holidays starting from 110 days to
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129 days, the average holiday in the world is 119 days . recently, i heard that even one of the european countries is increasing its holidays to 3 days, but the situation in our country is that our total holidays are 78 days a year, with an average of 52 weeks, of which we have holidays on fridays, and 27 28 27 28 days are national holidays and we have a religion that our holidays are better than average holidays. that if we come, this holiday will end if we increase our week to two days , it is almost the same as the world average, about 125 days , considering that some of our days
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fall on thursdays and fridays , it will be about 125 days, which is in line with the global pattern and with the countries of the region. and for the persian gulf region , i would like to inform you about the extension of the weekend holidays to two days. well, this is a very good measure. the bill has been proposed by the government to the islamic shura majlis and has been reviewed by the social commission, and now it is being considered as a priority. at the end of this month, it will be discussed in public the positions that are helping to strengthen. tourism in the country , well, we have many branches of tourism . we
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have 16 branches of tourism . that is our inner part. the occasions that occur in a week when one of our holidays reaches two days, you can see what a flood of people want to go to tourist destinations, and practically, because this is not explained in a balanced way, during the year, we have a heavy volume of traffic in those days. sometimes we have to stay in traffic for 10 hours for a two-hour route. now see how much energy is lost here, how much gasoline. it is consumed, and more importantly, the amount of people's time, which has no price, is somehow wasted here. thank you, mr. argon. anyway, our discussion today is not unrelated to the situation that we have been in for a couple of days , because right now, the exact same thing that you are talking about is happening.
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you say that there is a holiday, now it is between the holidays, now it is not known whether saturday will finally be closed or not, but as you say, the routes to our tourist destinations are full of traffic. lt is. increasing vacations reduces productivity and we, as a country that is progressing and we want to reach those limits and standards of development anyway , we have to work more than other countries and now with these conditions we want to take more vacations and these it is possible that we will fall behind that general goal. is it really possible to take advantage and do work if the holidays increase? the forces will decrease. yes , greetings, courtesy and respect to you, to mr. argon and to all the dear viewers of this program , i congratulate the holy prophet.
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muslims of the world, regarding the above issue, we should first see what benefits the increase of holidays from one day to two days can have and what. it can create memories for the country. its benefits are the same as mr. argon said, that travel and tourism should be distributed throughout the year. the number of road casualties will decrease, the number of traffic will decrease , and issues of this kind are of interest anyway , in addition to that, in the general policies of the supreme leader's administrative system, the issue of work-life balance should also be emphasized, so for the government as it seems, the issue of manpower productivity is more important it has and more. the emphasis is on the number of hours of human activity. but, well, we have laws
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in this field, the civil service management law has set 44 working hours per week as the working hours of government offices, and therefore it needs to be revised to change the law. which the government has proposed to reduce this amount to about 40 hours. anyway, this is on the agenda and god willing, if it is approved , it will be implemented. now, if we go from 44 hours to 44 to 40 hours, we will definitely want this possibility it was suggested that the half-day working day on thursday, when our colleagues in the government go to work in the cities , this half-day should be reduced, and in fact, the cities also have two days off like tehran. they should have two days off like big cities. now there is a discussion here, whether this
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will actually lead to productivity or if we should divide the same amount of 40 hours into 6 days of the week. for some cities, the working hours are less. okay , every day and noon , our colleagues in the government can go home and spend the evening with their families . the government in this situation exists in the cities, and unlike that in tehran and big cities, where the cost of going to the workplace is very heavy, the time cost of traffic , etc. by the way, it is against us to reduce the number of working days and increase the working hours during the day , so see it seems to me that the decision on whether or not to make the holiday two days or not should be this thursday. it is saturday , somewhere it goes back to the government's policy in regulating
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administrative and employment affairs, which is the responsibility of the government according to article 126 of the constitution, and the government must make a decision in this field in the government board. some issues must be nationalized. to make a decision because it is not a decision that all the government agencies and all the economic activists of the country will somehow take an example from it and adapt themselves to it , a part of it should be assigned to the provincial administrations according to the requirements of the province or the decisions made in the something like peak electricity consumption in summer is decided there, so it seems to me that the parliament should settle for the same amount of hours and leave the decision on which day to be closed or to explain these working hours to the government between days. let the government itself be centralized, don't make a single decision for everyone the institutions are different, the requirements of the provinces are different, and in fact, even
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a part of this decision can be entrusted to the people. which has put the possibility that the decisions that are to be taken in the administrative and employment field will be made on the organization, the elites of the active people can go there. the body's opinion and about the clause of approval , in fact, the body's proposal, here i suggest that the decision of the employment agency organization that it wants to actually present to the government board in this regard. in that system, people should comment on it, government employees should comment on it. in my opinion, this sanctuary of laws should be respected. see , we have something in the constitution that says friday is an official holiday, but we can't. in this case, for example, we want to make a revision
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, let's take this for granted , let's change the 44 hours in the law to 40 hours. the average and employment is that the 44 hours that we have is more than the global average and the reduction of this to balance work and life and create a balance between work and life. it will help and increase the productivity of human resources. now , field studies should be done about it, but in my opinion, this step should be the constitution of the law. and the powers that are assigned to the governors or the heads of the institutions, thank you very much, mr. argonu, mr. rezai says that we have to make a local decision, that is, the government, now we should give authority to the governors for different places . increased tourism benefits that this two-day holiday it can be realized or not. i
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think we should not do this because you see , we had an experience in the past of this discussion. we left the working hours to the government. one day a government will come. a government from one faction will come with an intellectual approach. the next government would come and pull back. it would say no, it's the same as before . actually, the government does not have that stability of procedure, although well , this happened in the parliament as well, but the process is a bit longer than the government. i think the parliament itself should discuss and determine the task. and set friday and saturday as official holidays if we leave this to the government , we will have more uncertainty in this area and that these two days will definitely help to increase productivity because the spirit of cheerfulness that is created in the employees will make us increase productivity
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. it is possible that our social welfare will develop further. and it is also good for the government itself. certainly , the necessary savings will be made on government expenses. in the field of traffic , we will have a reduction in traffic. in the field of pollution , we will have a reduction in pollution. attention they say that it is about energy consumption and because of energy consumption, working hours. reduction well, you are wondering what happened last summer, we came and shut down some of the factories , we took them out of the production circuit so that we can provide household electricity , so this issue is very influential in the discussion of energy consumption . the hour has been approved and
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it doesn't have any effect on it, but really, if it doesn't have any effect, why did we come this year? i started the working hours at 6 am. we did it, so it has an effect, now there are other factors that make us not move the clock forward what is it, mr. expertise? really, in this world, these are the things that have been done. we should not have to reinvent the wheel again . i would like to thank you. first of all, this did not mean that we should not have two days off per week, but that it should be reserved for the spring. if i am different , let it float because i am telling you, look at me. let me give an example to explain my point of view. this coat, which is my body, i can buy this coat with an embroidered series , an embroidered series that fits my figure , which he doesn't see. in any case, there is one stereotype based on which the girl steals. i will go and wear it. if it was suitable, yes there is a time when i say that i will go to a tailor that suits my body and sew books. if i go to a tailor
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that has a bad cut, i can say that it is a bad tailor from now on. the fact that the government should regulate , in my opinion, is the main thing that we should accept. now, if a government has done a bad regulation, the quality of cooking, kitchen, and decision-making of the government has been poor for a period. we should not think that all governments will be the same. how many is the current government? he has taken measures to improve the productivity of human resources, which is really worthy of praise and should be paid attention to . the fact that it is not in tehran is a bit more obvious that the headquarters devices , which are not very client-based and do the work of the headquarters, their working hours were floated. well, this was an initiative that the government spent. in fact , it reduced the traffic density during peak traffic hours. the decision at the level of the city of tehran and in
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fact the centers of the provinces that carried out this action is the same. the decision of working hours to the provinces in the provinces where the heat is very hot in the summer like hormozgan and mohalistan has been very effective in reducing the energy consumption in the office space . there have been other initiatives of this type to improve productivity. a human being in the framework of working hours regulation and it seems that the current government has the will to regulate in some way, well actually. improve the productivity of the human force, so you have to trust a little, maybe in a certain period of maturity, the governance of our governors
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was not in such a way that they could make proper adjustments and make the best decisions, but it seems that if we have targeted frameworks let's inform the governors and tell them that you should adjust it somehow if these frameworks are written and later we will check those goals , it will be good if the governors are given the authority to act. that is, mr. rezaipour, i am asking that, for example, in one province, it may be closed on friday and saturday, but not on thursday or friday in another province . my point was that a part of the decision should be nationalized for coordination you see, now , for example, if we decide that friday and saturday are our days off , we have to extend this to schools, in fact, schools cannot be a model. the offices of another model should be extended to banks let's see, we have to spread it to other places, so there must be a split in a series of decision-making levels
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and it is inevitable, well, but in some other levels , the issue can be delegated to the provinces. 44 hours has reached 40 hours, and when it reaches 40 hours, it can reduce these working days to 5 days, 6 days to 5 days . we believe that peak electricity consumption in the summer should not be considered in the decision we want to make now you see, these are the cases that, because the government is aware of it , the government should be able to manage the energy deficit during the peak of summer consumption. manage the lack of gas in winter, at the same time limit the expenses , at the same time do not stop the service
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. it uses this capacity when necessary. if the government did not have the authority to work remotely and the civil service management law did not give this authority to the government , would we be able to continue the government's activities without interruption during the peak of the corona virus? but let's implement it using remote working capacity . mr. reza is right. i think the concern of mr. argon and now the friends who agree with mr. argon's opinion is that now, for example, this government came , made a decision and enacted a law, and that's it. the next government came , it was completely different in terms of the country's executive tastes, it made a different decision , friends, this is instability, we must have stability , see now. more than 90% of the countries have holidays on saturday and sunday, and the rest of the countries have friday and saturday, the only country that, somehow, now if
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we want to approve thursday as the second holiday. the official holiday is the only country in the world that is practically closed on thursday and friday, that is , how much of our share in the world economy do we really want to take them with us or should we take them with us? well , we are also under sanctions, we endure various pressures. well, the sanctions have created many problems for the country. well , my officials are looking to lift the sanctions. i think that if we come , the government should designate thursday as a holiday and let it be decided. it is a self-imposed sanction, which means that we have come under an embargo with the sanctions imposed on us by foreign countries we can add that we are doing a new self-sanction .
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yes, we are also closed on thursday and friday . there is still an opportunity for cooperation. well , we should conform ourselves to the global standards as much as possible , accept the rules, and increase our common point and respect the calendar rules that are now in this area that we can increase those points of sharing work with the world, if it is friday and saturday, definitely this time. at least we could reduce mr. razipour, those who believe that thursday and friday are official weekends, justifications and what are their reasons? i am at your service first
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. in the government, i did not hear that the government insists on thursday. now, as the human resource manager of one of the government agencies , i don't see the view of the ruler of the government as necessarily saying thursday and friday. by the way, for the government, for example, friday and saturday is a good thing. i don't think the government is unlikely that both views of rezaipour , supporters and opponents of my forafa, is that the decision on whether or not to close on saturday should be strengthened with the nail of the parliament and become a legal decision and should be extended to the whole country or not, i think. i do with the experience of the last few years, i present this offer to you. you see, we have passed the corona crisis. in the last few years, vacations and reduced working hours due to the crisis of electricity consumption and
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air pollution. and we have gone through issues like this, and all this has had a direct effect on regulating the working hours of government agencies, and we are seeing its consequences in the administrative system . in addition to that stability , we do not need the government to have the tactical authority to adjust and make decisions as needed. yes, i agree in the government periodical. he used to look at the human resources with a glance, which should have long working hours, but since 86, when the civil service management law was actually approved, and since 88, when it came into effect, we have seen that telecommuting started in the same government procedure. and then it was used in the peak of corona , so the capacity and maturity of the government's approach to
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human resources management was developed. and looking at it now , the productivity of human resources is increasing . in fact, in the provision of government services , i saw their emphasis on productivity, not on increasing working hours, and this seems to indicate that the government is looking at a balance between work and life for government employees and...
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a common point. if we expand the world , we will definitely have more opportunities. we are talking about competing with global players. well, when we are closed, they are working. so how do we want to compete ? how do we want to communicate? when they are closed, we are working. let us not reduce this to three days the share of our economy in the world should we really follow the rules of the world. we want to adapt to global markets. there is practically no communication for four days. we want to keep pace with world business. in the discussion of commercial terms, in the discussion of credit cards of the banking system, in the discussion of negotiations for buying, selling, business processes. so, does it make a difference whether the government or parliament does this regulation? he
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must have, they say, worried. the main thing is that friday is the official holiday of the country, so we don't disagree with each other, but on friday, when we don't disagree, our discussion is about saturday and thursday. article 126 of the constitution assigns the administration of the administrative and budgetary affairs of the government to the president, and in my opinion, the parliament wants to enter into these details, and of course the guardian council should make a decision in this regard, but it is incomplete. in fact, i am asking principle 126 , is working hours important or weekends are more important? when the parliament intervenes twice during working hours , it examines once, it says that it should move forward , and then after a few years , it examines again. in this detail, it is entered during the weekend holidays, when the traffic volume is not working hours, official hours.


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