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tv   [untitled]    February 9, 2024 1:30pm-2:00pm IRST

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pressure groups have a lot of influence on the representatives. it's true that yes, i myself feel that the further we go, the more threats there are and the effectiveness of my representatives unfortunately increases. and this is not a good thing. i believe that one of the factors that improve people's self is what i have . i emphasize that i also serve a memory. let me tell you, mr. ofgami, i told you to completely separate the discussions of the representatives of tehran with the representatives of the cities in my various meetings, even in the meetings that it has elites, that is, suppose that in a teacher 's circle, in a circle of university professors, the only thing that is not asked of the representatives is what role you played in line with the legally defined duties.
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can a so-called representative, who is actually a serious conscientious person, enter the parliament? well, how can people recognize that the representative of some people who need to spend some time should play the role of the so-called elites ? the so-called election arena our society is very poor and even unfortunately i have to say that at the level of the cities, i am saying that it may be the same in tehran, see many places and individual cases. when the election is discussed, the educated elite in the city will ask , who is faz and jab to naf? i believe that this question from an educated elite is ugly. he should say yes, who is the elite? he should do his work, then he should consider it his duty to wake up the people, so to speak, to guide them . you came from babylon. yes, you are in the cities. small of course.
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people expect that each and every one of them can go to the representative's house whenever they want and see the same discussion, the same approach, the same level of demands . i am here, mr. ofgami . we did not get to analyze what factors played a role in this administrative corruption, did the representatives play a role at all?
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of course, you know that the people of the cities have a lot of problems, it's true that they think more to meet their own needs, that is, the macro view is not very important for them, i believe. i want to address these dear and noble people , although there are so-called problems, there are small problems related to the so-called persons and individuals, in other words, we must look at the national interest, in other words, mr. afar. you were also in the parliament and you have been summoned that the so-called type of functioning of the parliament or the representatives in the pursuit of affairs deals with the local and regional interests . what does it mean that when a representative is elected from a constituency, he is the representative of the whole people? the representative should think about national interests and ask for yes.
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this is what i want to say. the so-called constitution defines the constituency . when it defines the constituency, what does it mean that the representative must also think about the local interests. i believe that it says there is no conflict. the meaning is that the representative must put the local interests in the heart of the interests. national should see and chase, see, the missing link is here , mr. ofgami, that is, because we are not used to denying local interests. let's pursue the so-called national government. what is happening? the fact of the matter is that when lobbying happens between the representative and the executive body of the ministry , it is the corrupt person, that is, in fact, he cannot use his monitoring tools seriously. .
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you should really clarify that in a case where, for example , there is a conflict between an issue that is the need of the people of babylon and an issue that is the general need of your country, they will tell you, for example , that you should vote for a certain bill that has a national impact. we want us to instead, for example, about it we will vote on such and such an issue that is related to babylon , which you like. well, in such cases, there is often a deal. it happened from the heart of so-called national interests and local interests. yes , at all, i personally believe that this is the key to the success of an agent who says, "i have an agent position . i use it like this. this is beautiful. it means that you did not make a transaction. it is true that there may be an interaction . you were also serious as an agent in the position."
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representation in your dealings with the executive body, but you achieved my own interests. i want to say this as an example. now , god willing, people may not think that i want to talk about myself, because you are past us. for example, the discussion that exists in the budget bill , well , do you understand that people among the so-called different proposals put forward a small example ? because our area is agricultural i have a sample title, i say, sir, i came, i added two words, and i said, and
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the dams and dams , well, look, you have come to the heart of the so-called national interest, which wants to serve everywhere. now many people are using this, a law that i think was passed in the parliament after you, but you, as the supervision department, must know which parliament is the law to raise the price of gasoline to 90% of the fob price of farsa, that is, the price in kharij fars , we have to buy gasoline at the same dollar price raise the price of gasoline and, of course , targeted direct payment.
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he studied this for five hours, but it was one, so to speak, in the same atmosphere of the parliament, you could see what the program is, what the plan is, what the bill is. one of the principles and techniques of legislation is that the legislator must know that the law he is passing is capable of being implemented, considering that at all , gasoline has affected the country's products and goods . now, for any reason and considering the current situation , i feel that it may not have been implemented at all. we should have done something and done that. either i deserve it or offer to implement it
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i didn't have it, i had a weakness, i have to say, yes, i had a weakness , go with me, i don't have the strength, and if it doesn't have the ability to perform. for any reason, you see, for any reason , while what is expected and expected by the people, they must convince the public opinion, for this reason, for this reason, for this reason, i did not implement this thing that is in your favor , that is, to convince the public opinion, i believe that the serious demands of the people today are these , that is, we neither implement the first one nor the second one , so these are the questions that accumulate in people's minds. we had enough and necessary courage to come to meydon, we said that this is why it should be gasoline , we were convincing the public opinion, so i want to see such laws. the most important laws are whether they have been approved, not implemented, or
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not yet approved. what does it mean? now, if you go again in this period , you would want to be a candidate in this parliament, and you would have gone to become a member of the parliament for the next period. surah 12th, what was your emphasis on? the important thing is that it should be looked at carefully and precisely from the chapter that can be implemented. in the category of my childhood, i am already used to many laws. yes, this is a weakness. this is one of the weaknesses of the parliament. why doesn't the parliament deal with it? you do the math. suppose that i am in the same period where the so-called budget layer is now. well, it ended yesterday . well, now. you know that the executive branch of the president has also announced that yes , the so-called disharmony is actually a very serious and outstanding budget
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. the same budget layer that you brought , yes, i approve of this, a bit of hammering i will not add, i will give it to you, but if it is not implemented, you will no longer be you, you will see that it is no longer you , because the hand of the representative, from the president to the so-called ministers, can control everyone. under the question, it is not a compliment that the state administration has, but we did not bother to say that yes, in fact , you did not see the resources, it was not enough, but what did you specify for us, we say, no, you saw this budget , you also brought the assignments yourself, one year as an example . we used to take this excuse away from them forever, so now, when it is not implemented , he says, "you have to do the work for us, so to speak." you did while you did not see their so-called sources, so which ones now? the laws should be written so that we insist on
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their implementation, which means that we both approve them and insist . maha, this has been approved under the title of revising the laws , it has come to all the institutions by the year 2019, it should happen and be finished under the title. a device should come and enema the rules related to that device, in fact, it should enema and say yes, it can be implemented. until the end, he should announce it to the parliament. well, unfortunately , the so-called institutions were still supposed to do this until 2019. we reached the office of his highness, and he said that a representative can represent well if he only thinks about that one term. do you remember, i think it was in the 6th period , that is, if the representative came , he said yes, i am thinking about the same period, and
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i said that the so-called discussions that exist, the approach of my people should be changed to raise the level of demands, so to speak , be promoted, if a representative like this he thought that he thought about national interests and really entered with this view i feel that this parliament is going to be a parliament that should be expected . which of the representatives of the parliament do you think were able to achieve such success during their term ? it means that they had a brilliant representation period. of course , being representatives, i believe that, but very it doesn't stand out, that is, you, that is, if you want to give a so-called grade, be precise . those who have the attraction of lobbying and lobbying are usually not aware of it. they don't have the expertise, or maybe they don't have the courage , you both see.
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they have the courage, they have the expertise , they have the patience to lobby. yes, you see, some of them may be, so to speak, in fact, in this department, there is more scientific weakness, more scientific weakness , he doesn't want to think about one course , he wants to think about another course, because often in babylon, what did the local people want from you? not that these demands should not be pursued, i say that this should be pursued in its own way, see that it should be pursued in its own way, i said that you should pursue local interests instead of the so-called national interests. it wasn't bad, it was good, of course i like it too i would like to tell you that unlike the atmosphere of the 6th parliament , which of them is the best leader compared to mr. karroubi , there is a debate between the 5th parliament and mr. the speaker of toumeh's view is to have compliance, because this was the view, naturally, management
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is easier, unlike the sixth parliament, which was not like this. well, now the seventh parliament was more efficient, or the sixth parliament. i feel that the representatives in the sixth parliament are much more serious than my seventh parliament. there are more local representatives in the 7th local parliament , which means that, for example, they think more about local issues. be themselves, of course, in all courses it wasn't like that much in the sixth period, but it was less . yes, it was less . i said that i had a bigger view . which is to say , to be a bit serious in non-political cases, to be more serious than to deal with executive bodies, yes , i can do this. how many children do you have? i have four boys and a girl, three boys and one girl big boy, big chin, our big boy, big girl or boy, not
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big boy, your big boy, how old is the big boy, how old is our big boy, 38 years old, what are they doing? this is the case of expanding the family and strengthening the family foundation what should the parliament do about increasing the number of families? that you have passed laws, under the so-called youth of the population, they have passed a law that we as the monitoring department are actually following , that is, we are taking the report on what happened and how well the devices are performing their duties. you have to explain that facilities are also given because those who have children, if
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you remember, in the same parliament, the so-called 6th, 7th , so-called, it became a one-time thing. we were in the cultural commission for a while when mr. dr if this is your opinion , yes, well, there was a so-called discussion that we actually came. supposedly , as an example, we said that if a soldier is married, he will be transferred to his own city. the place itself is like an education like this , or supposedly a loan or the likes of these articles, and this is in the youth of the population, so to speak. it is possible to be the fourth child, as you now know that they say that the earth is the so-called child of this so-called, in fact , it was the incentives that so-called happened and we we are also monitoring, we are really monitoring and we are also reporting how much the institutions that are required to provide these so-called improvements have implemented or not, but it seems that it has not had any effect . of course, now we have to see that if it
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wasn't for this, what would have happened, i want to say the same thing , so that it would increase a lot. but this question may be raised that if it were not for this facility, maybe it would be even less, so this should be taken into consideration, but this is serious. it can be followed up, it is effective, in my opinion, what devices in the parliament did you see during the time you were there that came into being and grew and became effective ? let me tell you this . it should be strengthened, of course, yes , based on the so-called busyness that exists, the representatives may not be able to spend time as they should , but unlike the period we were in, later things happened that we can feel or claim that he is repairing this matter. and everything is natural, so to speak
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going forward, things will happen in the whole world . the research center of the majlis is very powerful, unlike our period, that is , they are fully prepared for any moment to present their expert opinion in specialized commissions in relation to any plan or bill, that is, this research center was in the sixth period. but it was not to this extent , it means that now the so-called body has been strengthened a lot. on the other hand, you have an advisor that for each representative, there is this so-called law that the representative can hire 5 advisers. in fact , this has come from the qibla period, from the period from the previous period, in fact, each representative can choose 5 so-called advisers of his choice . voters should be careful who the representatives of the previous period chose as their adviser for example, if he is supposed to be a representative in the previous term
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and wants to be a candidate this term , he wants to be a representative . in the evaluation of the representatives, people should see that yes , how much weight do these 5 consultants that this representative chose, this can be one of the evaluation criteria for the representative of his family has chosen himself, which means that he should just keep him busy. how much is their academic ability ? this can be one of the actionable points .
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may you have more opportunities and a lifetime to see us again at your service. may god bless you. good night . various political and economic tendencies compete in the elections. the importance of elections in choosing a strong parliament is the key. you agree with the concentration of all activities in tehran, you can say that this problem can be solved by moving the capital there are 4,400 business applicants in the agricultural sector. to close the door, the debate on the trends on the eve of the election every day at 15:00 from
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khabar network, today, wherever we are, tomorrow , higher, higher students had. that you were sold as a child, or we had a student who, in your presence, had a history of theft, had a history of prison , and, in your presence, a student whose parents were drug addicts and wanted to get an education to leave our uncles. he says to his students that he stayed by their side and not only lessons and books, but life lessons he taught them now with the help of imam reza . this lady teacher who preserved the history of the city in the form of a museum, the students of the teenage and young generation can find an intergenerational relationship with them and
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be proud of their past. or this bright-hearted teacher who made all mathematical concepts in a tangible form for blind students, i came to strengthen self-help and self-reliance in these students , that is, what, for example, did i teach them how fold their clothes because i was blind myself and believe me. like them , their morale improved. the winners of the event are called teachers. i tried to guide my students to be professional researchers. now in every field they are doing research, in honor of mr. waqar haider jafari from the country. pakistan appreciates the teacher's efforts for friendship and unity among islamic religions based on the narration of the messenger of allah. we chose the title of the teacher's award, an award that wants to tell us that a teacher
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is not only limited to transferring knowledge to the minds of children, but also to grow. it's the children's lives. these six teachers have reached the final selection stage in the international teacher event. we had 99 candidates from 17 countries other than iran in this award period. among the 12,000 teachers who are elected by the people and students. the teacher's award for honoring the position. a teacher in society is formed by the people themselves, mr. ali sidi , come up to acknowledge the teacher's efforts to preserve the environment, worthy of being recognized in the first teacher award. mr. wazir also said about the support that should be done to protect the methods of these teachers . are registering an event that experience this teachers who are a great treasure and sir.
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served in the border areas. we have attracted many students who have dropped out of school , fortunately some of them are working with us now, and they are talking about a program that will serve them for the coming years. what kind of job are you willing to change your job to ? i am ready not to change any job. i made a covenant with my god until the end of my service. i will serve these lovely people in marzi avesta and ash'ari glas. zahra shabani, sed and cima news agency. there are less than 3 weeks left to go to the polls and elect 290 mps. by modifying materials from parliament election law, the broadcasting organization was also allowed to increase the capacity. and use its facilities to introduce and advertise candidates . from the possibilities of the radio station. use agents. this organization is also for law enforcement.
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he took action and launched 200 television channels along with his provincial and national channels with the aim of achieving justice and creating an equal opportunity for election campaigns of parliament candidates. these election advertising channels will have 24-hour election advertising opportunities for seven days. we considered every engagement. have 20 minutes of video ads . in these 20 minutes, he should introduce himself and his supporters. i would like to invite you to express your opinion on the basic issues at hand and predict an opportunity for areas with a small number of election candidates. areas where the number of candidates is small, we are the ground
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for debate. we also designed it and, god willing , interesting debates can take place in some constituencies. at the same time, registration of applicants to appear in television advertisements from 25th of december in the system of the broadcasting headquarters with the sign em 1402. o arid khord. according to the announcement of the election headquarters of the broadcasting organization, each candidate must submit their videos in the format. approved for broadcast in a video package of about 20 minutes, which includes records, video of supporters, mandatory and optional questions, talking to people , candidate assistance card number, subtitles and qr id of each candidate. sara eini, sed and sima news agency.
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special sale of carpets with an attractive design of replacing old carpets with new carpets in the iranian grand palace . i am your host. i am your host. looking for the right opportunity to buy carpets, all carpets beheshti at the factory price. now is the time an unrepeatable discount in the beheshti carpet sales festival. from february 5 to march 5. bashland prize draw festival. congratulations on your new home
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. the prize for the first place is a two-bedroom apartment, a car, one billion rials in cash and 10 years of monthly salary in washland, a land full of prizes. in the grand festival of home appliances city, for every 35 million tomans of cash or installment purchase, get a free vacuum cleaner as a gift, for a limited time in all tehran, isfahan and sari branches.
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welcome to the half day news. the official opening of the tv channel doiz for election campaigns by order president. in the name of. in honor of the holy prophet of islam and the dawn of the islamic revolution , we are starting to use this comprehensive network, with the blessing of blessings on muhammad and the family of muhammad, may god bless him, at 24:00 tonight , the last chance for advertisements to register for newly approved television advertisements.


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