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tv   [untitled]    February 10, 2024 1:30pm-2:00pm IRST

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the government announced that the position of the parliament, as representatives of the nation, is this proposal . we brought the minister of the interior of our group and our own line to the parliament for that meeting in november 2018 and we brought the plan to criticize it, while it was against us. they used to say that this
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is your line, but we are the people's line here . yes, these events are not in the way of the people's line . when the structures are not transparent, you are not transparent. you are a refuge from the darkness of people in the chatter and decisions on the phone, vital decisions are made. these are to be clear. in your opinion , when you were in the 10th parliament, what important work should have been done that was not done ? first of all, many things were not done. it was because we believed that the budget of all public companies should be included in the budget table.
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in addition to the fact that you brought a basket of goods, we also blocked the budget . right now, i see that it is every week or i don't know what kind of weekly it is. every now and then they get a report from these licensing systems , what is the current status of these systems and according to this reports which is very good, by the way, except karai. then kashef realizes that we are playing games, that is, we have that determination . i once went to mr. jahangiri's government at the beginning of mr. rouhani's second government. year of arrival
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we said about electronic government and electronic government in the 10th parliament in the 10th parliament at the beginning of the formation of the government i.e. in 1996. well, after mr. raisi came to a meeting during the period when he was elected but the president was not yet seated , we also reached out to him. i will serve him there with a group of people i repeated the same and said, i said this in the tenth government. if you are a building, it is a tower. the winner should be put on the nation's table as a report card. what is the leaf of these thousands of expectations from you ? these are the so-called electronicization of the government . the free circulation of electronic information of the government means providing easy and equal access for people to the electronic information
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of the government. the money that suddenly comes from a place you don't know where it is, like a flood , makes the coin market exciting, the dollar market exciting , the real estate market exciting, and shocks everywhere that this money will turn its back to. where is the money behind this money ? it is not clear. i call these money. this money is dirty money. in my economy , they say dirty money, but they have very technical and complicated definitions. this is dirty money, which means this dirty money in elections. it shows itself in the field of art , where we are present, your excellency, and among its indicators i show
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he goes to different areas and turns the field of struggle into a dirty field and leaves the sweet and fair competition. and in the field of economy, it forms this class system , it forms this terrible class system that we are witnessing now, the necessities that are now becoming more and more necessary, that is, in the age of artificial intelligence, which we are in within a few years. we are getting closer to the generation of artificial intelligence, that is, the generation of artificial intelligence is entering the demand market. we from my generation used to say, father, the first generation, how much trouble did you put yourself through? according to your results, they are the generation of new technologies . because they are the generation of new technologies
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, they may fulfill your wishes by shortcut . we did not do this right. we still insist that this generation is the first, well, at the age of over 80, it is still the source of affairs. we have entered a generation under us, the generation of artificial intelligence, this generation of artificial intelligence , its level of demands, its quality, its quality, its coordinates . how much energy is there in it, and there is so-called distress, it is true that there is an outburst, but we do not know
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when this generation of artificial intelligence will come. which is coming, this level of demands is very high. different from what we thought, if it is to be, then in fact, the government of the 12th parliament should put e-government at the top of the country's needs , that is, the 10th parliament. which field has given attention to the field of economic intelligence? now i will give you an example. if we were on transparency platforms, in your opinion, a case like chai debash would suddenly come to the nation's table, or similar, which has either come
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or is coming. well, now a little bit. also about that work if so , what was the most important thing in the 10th parliament that you thought was the most important thing that came to a conclusion ? this was the ban on the employment of retirees, which was a popular plan in my opinion . of course, it may not have been done correctly in some cases, but in the plan that with all the young generation that we have staying behind the doors, a number of retirees are still renewing with various excuses. don't leave these and these positions, but there are a lot of unemployed people behind it, in my opinion, this is the plan. it was a good thing in the 10th parliament, at the time, in the unification commission, where i was a member, there were some of our fundamentalist friends bringing a plan under the title of high salaries, because we passed a plan under the title of setting a ceiling for
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managers' salaries to prevent astronomical salaries . we passed a good plan under the title of a competition. in iran, at that time in 2017, we said that the salary limit of managers would not be more than 12 million, no one has the right to have more than 12 million in so-called received rights. it takes even specialized sections, for example, one person. is there a pilot or someone who is an engineer in the so-called technical fields? i don't know anyone it has a high job sensitivity, which we used to say, if managers don't have the right to get high salaries , they should get astronomical salaries, but if
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you make these areas of expertise difficult for them, the neighboring countries will become their first base of immigration . why do these people do quality work, it's a shame we don't see the country in the hands of a handful of carnable people and its resources, let these elite people stay in the country with the same gravity of rights now. they came to say no, all salaries should not exceed this ceiling, imposing a tiered tax on these salaries. then they said, "should we bring the salaries of the lower ones up, exempt them from taxes , but put a ceiling on the upper ones , not allow them to grow, and punish them ?" you are reformists in that plan because justice
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has been done and i will be on tv anyway , they think that they are thinking of something populist , as i said right there that this is a communist idea, you are the father of this society. chaman, don't assume , dad, let the differences be recognized to the front let the one who is below be given the opportunity to grow. you know that as a result of this plan, which was later approved in the 11th parliament, unfortunately, many times in specialized companies, i know that in holdings, the driver is a respectable person and worked hard to get his salary from that engineer. . who has been studying in sharif
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for many years, studied and worked hard and knows how to work in that specialized field, all of these are in his service, and he does his work correctly , his salary is less than that of a driver, sometimes we use the head of the funnel in the name of this by forging these jujubes we reverse a value , that is, if we do not have a correct understanding of the concepts we are falling into an anti-development legislation . therefore, in my opinion, even now in the so-called 12th parliament, one of the tasks that are their priority is the system of equalizing the pensioners' income system. there is a difference between military and country pensioners. misplaced work. for whatever reason
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, we are caught up now that we are talking to each other. it goes in the eyes of the nation, then the representative they put it in the budget for the council and sometimes to satisfy the clients and assignments without determining the source of the income, but they are unaware that the same budget will turn into unsupported money and then it will turn into inflation in the eyes. our nation is plagued by disharmony in your country, we are plagued by disharmony in the energy fields , we are plagued by disharmony in our banking system, we are plagued by many, many disharmonies , the most important task of the 12th parliament, which is a very, very
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difficult task, is that without shomani, if a few wise people speak out this parliament and some development oriented people your statements in this parliament should help us to get out of this volume of discontent. the country is under the burden of these discontents , yes, it is breaking, it is breaking now, the soup of discontents, we are still suffering from discontents, it is not the product of a government because it is a process , that is, for example, the water we got here today belongs to this government and that government belongs to a process. our resources have been hoarded and rebuilt. it has to be , our capital resources are safe, in the face of this conflict
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of capital resources and assets, we always had a winning tower. i wrote several articles about this. in the past, i wrote like this we have an added value in the name of human resources . this added value is a trump card that compensates for this hoarding of capital and property resources, but now i have to say with a sigh and regret that whatever i look at the scene, my capital resources are hoarded . how many children do you have? our human resources. i have three children. i have three children. how old is the eldest, 29 years old? yes, all three of them are boys . i have a daughter. two boys, one girl, two boys, one girl. if we don't do it correctly and on time, the human resources themselves will wear out human resources are exhausted. human resources are exhausted
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. you know, the depression of the young generation is not only in the mental areas of the so-called mental health. a forgiveness of the so-called "b" is inevitable. if we don't care, we don't pay attention. this inattention causes it to be personalized, that is, the elite part of the society prefers to be indifferent to the fate of their country . they should go. do this, everyone is in their own four walls, this is the confinement of human resources in the four walls, which are now a very reformist group. i understand that now you are reformists. and i don't know that fundamentalist. i don't know. let's name a part of the society and not bring a part of the society into the game. now that we are concerned
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about participation. i always said that political participation is dependent on economic participation. if we make people participate in the economy, it is participation in politics. at all, this sentence is very thought-provoking, the relevant official is reporting that we are in the place of total. for example, we had this achievement. we became the company that replaced total. for example, we had this achievement. then the leader asks serafat, what do you mean by the executive headquarters? the
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leader says where does the private sector come from? the private sector of such and such. the leader who has just been accused of having an executive staff related to him is warning himself, he says no, he is not the executive staff of the private sector, he should not do this and he should not do this , where is the private sector? let's do whatever guild is formed , then we will interfere in it in some way. the election, which is not only the parliament election , just three or four days ago, they also said that work is meaningless, that we will hand over the shares of the factory to the people, then the government will manage them. we decided that you will never be the owner of a management site , and you still have a management site
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in the name of equity shares in the name of other people . especially in the fields of oil and petrochemicals, but it's all over , you don't have a management site at the disposal of the government, so what kind of game is the private sector playing? now i will say a sentence, why is it at that time? kurd is just a manifestation that it is not only parliamentary and presidential elections, the main manifestation is that people should be in the field they should understand their social, economic and cultural life . because it took a long time, i will say a few words. i personally believe that an important choice
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is a person's choice. we are the winners and losers of our choices in life . the quality of our choices. if we respect the price of choices, our victory is the choice in the job. the choice in the field. we will be our electoral culture should become a sensitive culture. we choose sometimes we underestimate ourselves, we look at our choices very
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carelessly. if the choice becomes important , the choice becomes important. what choice do they want to make? let's put a price on our choice, we put a price on it. in my opinion, the choice of the two rulers, despite knowing that a good choice means a competitive choice, but a concern has turned them from a good choice to a choice, which means they replace a good choice with a bad choice, and that is in the desired result is in the equation between the desired result, which is necessarily a function of choice, from the point of view of the one who defines the desired result for himself, or a good choice, but the result is not desired, always in the direction
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of our national interests, the good choice has been fruitful, no , i will just say two briefly. in 1976, after the mikens trial, the europeans decided to recall their ambassadors. you must have remembered the country. in the freeze-freeze of foreign relations, a good election, but the unexpected and undesirable result of the open country changed the playing field. according to the islamic republic of iran, the election is the best opportunity in the time of deadlocks. there is an opportunity to change the playing field for the benefit of national interests. one of them was in 1976. if those who do not remember him, they know what kind of situation we had found and what kind of water was put on the fire that was burning. even in 1984
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, the country was politicized, so the people again once again, they are going to the atmosphere of cynicism in 84 in the name of justice, now what happened after that, i have nothing to do with it. 84 as a result of successive resolutions against us in the name of the jcpoa in the security council and inflation from everyone's hands the shift in 1990-1991 must have been remembered by many who had these fluctuations for a second, causing inflammation in the 1992 election. the playing field was changed to the islamic republic. it was good, not
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in the desired result of these political currents. if they step back a little from this desired result, good elections will happen because they obey the requirements of good elections. we do not obey the requirements of good elections now. then we expect a good election to happen. very good, this is the last order of mr a lawyer, in my opinion, one of those sentences that i should write in gold that your choice improves you , the chooser is more important than the chosen one , and your choice makes you yourself. good night. various political and economic trends compete in the elections. the importance of elections in electing a
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strong parliament is in the hands of the people. what prevents your competitors? prescriptive pricing. it is impossible to fix the land price by order. how are naftabadan of qatar paying him for football? your words are more behind the scenes and hurt these known media. the press eats the board of directors we don't want footballers. do you agree with the concentration of all activities in tehran? you can say that this problem will be solved by moving the capital . wherever you are
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in a few days, we have the 22 bahman march , god willing, our dear people will participate in this passionate march. this shows the authority of the people, after 45 years, every year, without a holiday, one turn in these 45 years, on the 22nd of bahman, in the streets all over the country, in big cities. small even villages and chanting their own revolution, defending the name of the great imam, and renewing their obedience and allegiance to the imam, this year will be the same, god willing.
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have a nice trip for their refrigerator and dishwasher . what happened is that buying from pak is a trip. by buying any of your pak products, you have the possibility of winning a
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trip. it will be exciting for you. buying from pak shuma is a journey. pak shuma is always with you. special sale of television on the occasion of the asian nations cup with amazing conditions in the iranian grand palace. installment sale without advance payment without guarantor in sarai great iranian for every iranian. a television in a large iranian house until 2:00 am in tehran, i am your host. bashland prize draw festival. congratulations on your new home. the first prize is a two-bedroom apartment, a car, one billion rials in cash and 10 years of monthly salary in washland, a land full of prizes.
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it's opening now, i'm tired, i searched. i said that it's open. i said it's open. it's open. let's go this way. in 10 minutes , we'll reach the city of home appliances . let's go. let's go. well, i said let's go. surrey in the best places it has been made available to you dear ones.
2:00 pm
in celebration of the 45th anniversary of the islamic revolution , iranians in 1400 cities and 35 thousand villages will perform the largest chorus of the anthem of the islamic republic of the great people of iran at 112 minutes across iran. the heads of the powers of the great authorities.


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