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tv   [untitled]    February 10, 2024 4:30pm-5:00pm IRST

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it includes southeast asian countries. noodle soup with chicken or beef broth is one of the notable vietnamese dishes. the most important holiday in vietnam is the new year celebration known as tete. tet is a time of celebration, visiting and exchanging gifts. the economic growth of vietnam is the fastest growing in various sectors. and clear prospects have been reported for this country. the effort of this country to attract investors is increasing day by day and the government of this country is very interested in opening the way for economic growth . vietnam is the sixth largest economy in southeast asia and the 57th economy in the world in terms of production. vietnam's gdp in agriculture and forestry. and fishing has reached a good rank and
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has grown a lot. this country has registered its main export items in the field of wood products, rice, coffee, machinery. the most exports are in the fields of clothing, shoes and marine products, as well as crude oil and electronic devices . the economic components in vietnam have been on a growing path since 1990 until now , so that today vietnam is called the economic tiger of asia . nowadays, the name of vietnam is no longer synonymous with war . vietnam is now a country, a culture and a center. commercial
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the country of vietnam is several thousand years old and this history is always forgotten and not seen under the shadow of contemporary wars in vietnam. while having a one-party system, this country benefits from a democratic parliament. but how is the role of parliament defined in this country and how are parliamentary elections held in vietnam? the subject of our conversation with mr. long kok hui, the honorable ambassador of vietnam in tehran. we will see with this conversation. the guest or maybe it is better to say the host of this window program is the ambassador of the socialist republic of vietnam to iran mr. long kuk khoi. mr. safir was born in 196 they are in the city of nik yang in vietnam. he has a degree in international relations. and
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they are familiar with vietnamese, english and lao languages. mr. long kokkoi is married and has three children. for many years, he worked in the embassies of vietnam in laos, sweden and the united states , and since 2020 he has been in tehran as the extraordinary ambassador and plenipotentiary representative of the socialist republic of vietnam. in the name of god. in the name of god, mr. ambassador, thank you very much for joining us in this election program . mr. ambassador, what is the role of parliament in your country? it is defined and how much it affects important issues in your country. yes, the national assembly of vietnam is the highest people's body in the country . it has the highest powers in the republic of vietnam.
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it exercises the powers of legislation and drafting the constitution. he decides about the important issues of the country. it exercises supreme control over government activities. many duties and powers are in the hands of the national assembly. i will mention only a few of them here for you. the first is the national assembly. work reports of the speaker of the national assembly of the parliamentary committees, the government, the supreme people's court, the supreme prosecutor's office people of vietnam, national election council, audit.
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it decides the mandates of the country's social and economic development . the national assembly also decides on the basic policies of the country at the national level in financial and monetary fields. he decides about the country's ethnic policies and religious policies. the national assembly decides on the referendum.
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the third characteristic of texar and the fourth characteristic
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is its independence. let me explain. popularity means that the government should provide favorable conditions for citizens. provide so that they can exercise their right to vote. the government should ensure that citizens from all walks of life can participate in elections. equality means that each voter has one vote, regardless of gender, social position, ethnicity, religion, etc., in terms of quality , it is equal to others. equality also requires that the number of representatives be allocated rationally to ensure the correct demographic proportion of the number of representatives in areas of social classes of ethnic minorities and women.
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what institution is possible to monitor the election or organize it in your country? repeat the question. institutions
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of legislative power in vietnam are vested in the national council of vietnam, which is one of the highest governmental institutions. and it is responsible for many functions
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. let us know a little more about the political structure and the national assembly of vietnam. with this part, we will see that vietnam is a socialist republic or a one-party system . the political power structure of vietnam is divided into three pillars: the communist party of vietnam, the government and the parliament or council national. in this country, the national council is responsible for legislation and has 500 seats, whose members are elected by the people for 5-year terms. the national council is the highest level of people's representation. the highest organ of government power of the socialist republic of vietnam. the national assembly performs three main tasks. legislate, decide on important national issues, exercise supervision. excellent on all government activities. the president of the socialist republic of vietnam
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is elected by the national council of vietnam from among the representatives of the national assembly. the president has the second highest position in the political system after the general secretary of the communist party of vietnam. the president is the head of government in this country. this person was chosen by the vote of the national council among the members of this council and generally for the period. he is elected for 5 years. in vietnam, the national council is responsible for legislation and generally has 500 seats, whose members are elected by vote. people are elected for five-year terms . parliament or the national assembly is the highest constitutional body of vietnam and the legislative branch of this country. according to the constitution of vietnam, the parliament has many important political duties, such as it oversees the election of the prime minister or the election of supreme court judges. the national assembly also
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has the power to amend the constitution of vietnam and therefore plays an important role politically in this country. preparations for the national council elections are made with complete preparations. some time before the elections, the national election council is formed, which is responsible for monitoring the elections. and providing necessary instructions for he is in charge of the election process. in addition , for each of vietnam's 63 provinces , there are election committees that supervise the election of members of the people's councils. the most important role in the selection of candidates is played by the patriotic front of vietnam. an organization consisting of various pro-government grassroots organizations in vietnam. which are closely related to the communist party of vietnam. in
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preparation for the elections of the homeland front , consultative conferences are organized in which they choose the candidates who can participate in the elections. and potential candidates after the process selections will be included in the final list of elections . representatives from north, central and south vietnam should have a balanced number of representatives . at least 18 of the candidates must belong to an ethnic minority and at least 35% of the seats must be held by women. a quota has been set for various organizations and institutions. ministries of the central government such as unions, the army or the farmers' association nominate candidates. the exact explanation is determined in advance by the national election council, while 10%
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is reserved for candidates who are members of the communist party, while 90% of candidates must be non-partisan candidates for each constituency, a maximum of 5 people can be elected for the local people's councils and a maximum of three representatives for the national assembly. the exact number of members of the people's councils. it depends on both the population of each region and the level of voting, whether the elections are held at the provincial level, the city or district, the number of representatives of each province is determined by the national council in advance. it accommodates up to 4,000 voters in these centers. voters can register with their voting card and cast your vote. according to
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the constitution, every vietnamese citizen over the age of 18 is eligible to vote. in the last election , according to the official statistics, voter participation was stable at around 99%. according to your laws , what qualifications should candidates for parliamentary elections in your country have? eligibility of candidates. i can say, the nomination conditions for the representatives of the national parliament are that they must be loyal to the motherland. be loyal to the people and the constitution. they have to implement the
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reform process towards having rich people. strive for a strong country of democracy, fairness and civilization. they must have only one nationality, which is vietnamese nationality. they must have good moral competence, be honest, be honest, impartial, and be a role model for others in rule of law. they must have courage.
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he is responsible for organizing election campaigns and campaigning for candidates. is there an advertising law for election candidates? yes, of course there is. we
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have very specific regulations for advertising name introductions. the national election council will be responsible for handling all complaints from voters to candidates. the working procedure is such that all complaints regarding the results of the national assembly elections and the people's council must
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send it to the national election commission within 5 days after announcing the election results. only in the parliamentary elections, the participation rate was more than 90%. voters go to polling stations.
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giving voters' trust and their interest in establishing the rule of law in a socialist state. although the corona virus left its mark, the elections
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were held without any problems and in a professional manner. no incidents were reported in any of the polling centers across the country. the election shows great confidence in solidarity among the people, the voter turnout rate in remote areas and gohestani was high. people walked one to two kilometers to vote. people's trust and unity are decisive factors. the election shows the power of the people and the great unity of the nation, which made the vietnamese revolutionaries under the leadership of the party win , witness the impressive and historic achievements in the recent developments of the country . in spite of the problems caused by the global
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corona disease and the observance of shia disease prevention measures , the elections were carefully organized and successfully held. people still wanted to vote. we want the lively atmosphere created by the election we felt it everywhere. this is my first time to vote and it is very important for me, this is my right, this is my duty. it is very clear that there are three important components in our political system, i.e. party, government and government institutions. if these three pillars perform well and work in harmony with each other, their functions and duties together will create a strong political system. which will lead to the implementation of party policies and improve the way of governance in the country. if the party is transparent and strong, but the political system is not like this at all levels, the goal
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of building a happy and prosperous country, strengthening innovation and becoming a high-income country in the middle of the 21st century on the 100th anniversary of the founding of the party will be really difficult. the right to participate in parliamentary elections and appointing representatives in the parliament is one of the basic rights of every nation and political system in the world. in this way, the people of their country participate in the big and fateful decisions of their country. from this day, when parliamentary elections are considered an important part of democracy and democracy in a country, and it is natural that countries with good parliaments have reached the end of the panjah program, i thank you for being with me until this moment.
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in the march on 22 bahman this year, a reporter is with us this is asheri chavashe neighborhood. take videos and photos using mobile phones horizontally and send them to our address in
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yes messengers. hossein, sir, did you go to the house? yes, sir, what happened to the fridge?
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as long as he didn't ask for a guarantee or an advance , it was like you said, no check, no advance, no guarantee . i bought a refrigerator with an advance. sofas, carpets, brooms and ovens to complete the blessed wedding dowry , which, god willing , will be available in a special sale for retirees in a month. social without check and without guarantor advance payment without going to the bank in the large iranian palace in the cities of qom, isfahan and tehran. until 2:00 am in tehran, i am your host. dishes for refrigerator and car. have a good trip.
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buying from pak shuma is a journey. by purchasing any of pak shuma's products , there is a possibility of winning an exciting trip. buying from pak shuma is a journey . pak shuma is always open with you. madam , i said it too. it opened. it opened. it was night . let's go this way. we'll reach the city of home appliances in 10 minutes. let's go. let's go. well, i said let's go to the city. household appliances are available in all branches in tehran, isfahan and sari in the best places.
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aser, dear compatriots, we have arrived at 17:00. we present the news of this hour. his highness ayat marjah makarem shirazi nouri hamdani and javadi aamili invited the people to participate in the 22nd bahman march .


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