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tv   [untitled]    February 10, 2024 6:30pm-6:59pm IRST

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a single macaron at the top. in the name of god. according to mr. kashani , it is predicted that until the end of this year, the production of eggs with an increase of 100 thousand tons compared to the previous year. before
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it reaches 1 million 250 thousand tons, which if this amount of production is realized , it is about 200 thousand tons more than the market needs. the chairman of the board of directors of the national poultry farmers union also exported 125 thousand tons of eggs worth 120 million dollars since the beginning of this year he reported and said: this amount of export puts iran in the list of the first six egg exporting countries in the world. inauguration: one of the largest steel production facilities in qom province with a capacity of 200,000 tons of ingots, the vice president said in the opening ceremony of this factory that in any field that investors want , contracts will be concluded in the shortest time and with ease to start operations. to be launching of one of the largest steel ingot production factories in qom with the presence of the deputy of the presidential assembly. the production of steel ingots, which
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works by using induction furnaces, is also sewing it has more energy or energy saving, and it can produce more, and it is economical. this unit is able to produce 200 thousand tons of steel ingots in the first stage , which cost 1 thousand billion tomans for ahodasan. currently, the cross section is 150 x 150, 150 mm and different lengths, the annual production of 350,000 tons of sponge iron, until next year as the main raw material of the development plans of this industrial unit, we can become an energy hop for the rest of our friends and colleagues who are in the same province of qom. central and neighboring provinces can do this in the opening ceremony of this project , mr. hosseini, the deputy president of the parliament affairs
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, announced attention to domestic and foreign investment and ease of regulations as one of the most serious plans of the government and said that the movement has started in some provinces and some free areas. any area where people have capital, desire, expertise , and provide them. all permits are signed, ready, only the name of the investor remains. seyyed morteza jalali of the broadcasting news agency, nizar industrial zone of qom. export of iranian agricultural products to russia in the year
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2023 increased by 500 compared to 2022. the head of the russian federal animal and plant health monitoring service announced this news in a meeting with the deputy minister of the ministry of agricultural jihad of iran: iran's agricultural products have replaced the goods imported from europe to russia. referring to the signing of the free trade agreement between iran and the eurasian union, the deputy official of the ministry of agricultural jihad said: to increase trade exchanges. iran and russia should remove the obstacles to the entry of iranian goods into the russian market. from the beginning of this year to the end of december, 210 thousand tons of dates worth 270 million dollars from the country it has been exported. according to the head of iran's national date association, about 350,000 tons of products will be exported to target countries this year. according to the announcement of the national date association of iran, one million and 300 thousand tons of dates are produced in the country this year. it is produced and iran
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is the third producer of dates in the world. the problem of the transversal allies of 2019 will be solved. the head of the trade development organization said: with the start of the system related to the return of the width obtained from the export of the transversal allies of 2019, they can fulfill their obligation by paying riyals. as mr. zighmi said , in the next round of the foreign exchange action committee of the three transverse allies will announce the year 1998 to 1400 so that they will take action to resolve the foreign exchange obligation by paying riyals.
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the head of the trade development organization emphasized that by removing the territorial commitment, the restriction related to the business cards of this group of economic activists will be removed. elections for equity shares. assemblies of provincial equity investment companies of zanjan and north khorasan provinces will be held on 23rd and 3rd of bahman, respectively. the shareholders of adalat in these two provinces can choose the directors of the company with their votes after 3 years by participating in the assembly elections. assemblies of other provinces until the end june 143 will be held. in some companies , the management is in the hands of the government. in my opinion, it is not logical to leave the management to the people themselves. the policy of transfer or even people's participation in the management of companies was discussed since the beginning of the victory of the islamic revolution. and
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during these five decades, its effects have flourished in various fields. for example, in 2005, he became a shareholder. 50 million people in companies is one of the fruits of this policy, but the hands do not end here . a few years later, around 2019 , it was decided to hand over the management of shares of some companies to the public. every let's form a company in the province. that company can have managers who are killed by the people themselves. get elected and manage those stock managers in that portfolio . the importance of people's participation in the management of their assets in the form of equity shares was such that when the management of provincial equity companies was not handed over to the people in 1400, the symbols of these companies were closed. at
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that time, it was decided to stop the symbol until the process of forming the general assemblies of these institutions. to be held legally, the members of their board of directors should be elected. now it is the 103rd of bahman, after 3 years , the shareholders of justice of zanjan province as the first by holding the assembly, the province will elect its elected board of directors from among the qualified candidates in two ways, in person or online. zanjan province is one of the provinces that is going to hold its own assemblies in the first stage. shareholders of justice. they should participate in the assembly and elect the board of directors of these companies either in person or through the dima and online system. the shareholders of the north khorasan provincial investment company of siyim bahman can elect their elected board of directors by attending the meeting or online. maryam
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fadehi of sed and cima news agency. responsible for systems strategic national gas company said that with the increase in temperature in the last 24 hours, the amount of gas consumption in domestic , commercial and non-major industry sectors has decreased and reached about 530 million cubic meters. according to the announcement of the national gas company, this reduction process has caused more gas to be allocated to the main power plant and samhi. according to the forecasts we have from the meteorological situation, we expect that the same amount will continue in the same way, and we can attribute the bulk of gas to the commercial and non-commercial domestic and non-industrial sectors of 530 to 550 million cubic meters. . director general of domestic tourism of the ministry health announced the arrival of half a million health tourists in the country in 9 months of this year. mr. daryabari
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said that the majority of health tourists are from neighboring countries , including the persian gulf, turkey and the republic of azerbaijan, with the type of infertility treatment and orthopedic women. the eye and the heart and blood vessels are transplanted. one of the areas that can greatly boost iran's tourism. the field of health tourism. tourism.
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in the field of health tourism, fars province , as one of the country's health tourism hubs , hosted more than 1250 foreign tourists in the first 10 months of this year. according to the officials of the ministry of health health tourism can grow better due to the strength of doctors and hospital facilities and inter-sectoral cooperation. most of our target countries
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are iraq, oman, azerbaijan, afghanistan, pakistan and a number of persian gulf countries. there is a system that can almost be said to have been launched now. the system is in this way that the patient enters his medical record. in coordination with the ministry of foreign affairs, the ministry of heritage and the ministry of health. and these cases are reviewed by the attending physician. the patient is allowed to enter. 280 hospital centers in iran, tourist license getting healthy, with the increase of these medical centers , the goal is to attract 2 million foreign tourists in the country. nasreen bekpour, radio and television news agency. new york's attorney general has sued a cryptocurrency investment scheme for alleged $3 billion in fraud.
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it has affected many investors in recent years. in the past 4 years, with the implementation of the production jump plan in the rainfed fields, the production of khalat in the rainfed lands has increased by 40%. deputy minister of agriculture, jad kavrazvi, announced this, saying that the production jump plan in the drylands in 21 provinces of the country with the participation of more than 500,000 farmers is running about 420 kg per hectare increased the yield . maybe it doesn't have a long life, but it has twice its life
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. fortunately, every year has better results than the previous year . these experts reached it by using the jump plan in the production jump in the drylands. the production jump plan in the rainfed fields is being implemented in 4 million 200 thousand hectares of the country's rainfed lands with the participation of the executive headquarters of farman imam. more than 400,000 farmers who are more fully implemented 500,000 farmers will be involved in cultivation. a variety of rain related products are working. the people who are present in this matter
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are very vulnerable. on average, each farmer manages and cultivates 6 hectares of rainfed land in the country . according to the executives, the value of the products of this project is more than 23 thousand billion. it is the performance of the farmers that was in the form of a plan that was almost 30-35% more than outside of our plan, and in other words , it can be said that from that place it is 5.
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this plan is placed and it is predicted that the amount of harvest from this cultivation area will be 7 million tons alireza shakti, sda news agency, thank you , good night and god bless you. according to
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scopus, the world's largest reference database, iran's scientific position in the field of medical sciences ranks 15th in the world. 469. we have so many scientific research journals in the country, 97 of which were in isi 199, 79 in scopus, 47 are indexed in each isi, scopus and papmet , now there are 25 research networks, 69 research institutes and 821 government research centers and 40 mission-oriented non-governmental research centers in the field of medical sciences of the country. besides the research networks, we have biobanks, we have about 36 biobanks in the country we have that the data of important diseases are being collected , we have 60 and 48 disease registration programs or so-called registries and health consequences for the optimal use of a research project and solving the health issues
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of the ministry of health in amish sarmeen. klan has defined the region and assigned special missions to each region according to the needs. in the field of our equipment, 40% of the country's equipment needs are provided by knowledge-based companies, although this is increasing rapidly. in the field of medicine , 99% of the medicines needed in the country are produced domestically, although 50% of the raw materials are produced based on according to the statistics of the ministry of health , i am in the top 22, and my works have been published in magazines such as phytomitil or phytotherapy research, which have an impact factor of between 7 and 8.
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now, 279 of our researchers are among the scientists. about 3,000 of our researchers, more than 3,000 of them, have an h-index above 15.1271, in fact , our researchers are in the truth of your site, and 191 of our researchers, in fact, so-called hot papers in reputable journals, have good articles. now, the explanation of the research center is based on 43 topics, including surgical trauma, aging, reproductive blood. digestion, liver, etc. are divided. the country's economy industry and economy the country's health is due to the very good history it has in the country, the works that have been done since the beginning of the revolution , and the extensive investments in education, equipment, medicine and treatment. and other fields of medicine
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in the country have been done in these several years, it is a great scientific, technological and economic capacity. share a quarter of all companies in the country have knowledge. health companies will definitely be one of the drivers of the country's science and technology economy. in the field of new technologies of medical sciences , there are currently 15 science and technology parks, 1391 knowledge-based companies and 9 innovation and development centers in the country, which are the only the number of companies has doubled in the last two years. in science and technology parks approx. 3002 products have been produced in the parks, which are among the medicinal raw materials of herbal medicines that we were able to produce. in 2019, it was licensed in the united states , but it has not entered our country at all
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. it is used for ms patients who have ms attacks and relapses of progressive ms . in the absence of personal protective equipment and health monitoring as well the location is based on artificial intelligence . abroad, each kilo of this material costs about 100,000 dollars , and we managed to synthesize the total price for us with about 20,000 dollars per kilo . bronze medal of swiss competition, bronze medal of turkish competition, as well as the award of the world's best innovative business scall . and 575 companies located in these growth centers. companies that are among the top countries in the world in some productions and in addition
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supplying the domestic needs in the field of export. we export to canada, france, germany, italy, sweden and greece. this unit is superior to the rest of the existing medical dental units due to its ergonomics, quality control, and control. a german model is only available for $250,000. we have $140,000 . we have exported four devices to china so far. 90% of the country's medical universities, which have ophthalmology departments , buy our device. the same dental device as an american model costs 350,000. 100 dollars and 20 thousand actually. the need in the field
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exports also earn more than one billion dollars in foreign currency for the country every year. maryam bikpour, radio and television news agency.
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222 in the march of 22 bahman this year , be a reporter by our side, here in the asheri neighborhood of chavashe bala, with photos and narration of the scenes that our
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reporters saw from the frame of our cameras. for this, it is enough to take a video and photo horizontally using a mobile phone and send it to our address in yes, soroush ita and rubika messengers, god willing, wherever we are today. in a few days, we have a march on 22 bahman , god willing, our dear people will participate in this passionate march, this shows the authority after
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45 years of people every year without a holiday, one turn in these 45 years, on the 22nd of bahman, coming to the streets all over the country in big cities, small and even villages, and chanting their own revolution, defending the name of the honorable imam, and obeying themselves and pledging their allegiance to imam of renewal
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have a nice trip to the refrigerator and dishwasher . buying from pak shuma is a journey. by purchasing any of pak shuma's products , there is a possibility of winning an exciting trip for you. buying from pak shuma is a journey. clean up you always went with you, hossein, sir. yes, sir, what happened to the refrigerator? how many times did i not ask for a guarantor? it was as you said, no. asking for a check, no advance, no guarantor , i bought a first-class baklava with a refrigerator. when i told you to go to the house, apart from my refrigerator, you also bought gas and iron for the house, a bed and mattress, a sofa and a broom
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. in the cities of qom, isfahan and tehran. until 2:00 am in tehran, i am your host. unique and limited opportunity to sell with photos.


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