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tv   [untitled]    February 11, 2024 2:30am-3:01am IRST

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there is something that pushes him to do something crazy. israel's economic conditions are not good at all. yesterday, we saw that one of the reliable economic validation institutions lowered israel's credit rating by one degree , that is, it fell from a to a. and this means that the investment in foreign investment in israel will decrease and for an economy like israel that is foreign investment means the death of the economy. even i saw today that an israeli economic expert had written that we suffered a military defeat on october 7th and a the economic failure on february 9 has such a strong effect, along with demonstrations and marches that we have almost every day
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. this group that i mentioned is now stationed in khan younis , which means that it is the same obstacle that it is going to attack later . the conditions are both psychological and psychological and there are a lot of casualties , which is not a favorable situation for the israelis to call for an operation .
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has not found an achievement, in fact, netanyahu is looking for this is to find his achievement somewhere outside of gaza, that's why he is very inclined to either agree on gaza sooner or to do it with a massive military attack . some security circles are putting pressure on netanyahu that you you went everywhere in gaza to militarize, but you didn't do this in rafah , if rafah is the place that has the closest distance to egypt, and naturally, the first place of entry is now weapons equipment, and the last is actually the headquarters of the resistance forces, so if you don't do this, in in fact , you left your mission unfinished because of this the pressure on netanyahu from this side encourages him to take action in gaza, while he has a very shaky position politically, opinion polls show that the number of seats that likud wants
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to win in the next elections is much lower. it is actually mr. netanyahu's favorable party, and in this situation , netanyahu is giving very strange concessions to other coalition parties, for example, two of the parties that are now in coalition with netanyahu are small parties. and what about the gehdota party from netanyahu's coalition if you go out, atalaf will fail and there should be an early election. it will be held last week. in fact , netanyahu gave a political bribe to these two parties in the form of coalition funds . he gave them four and a half billion shekels to spend on building religious schools in israel, which again had protests. the conditions in which many israelis are displaced from the border of lebanon, from the borders of gaza and losing their jobs are not in good conditions, and the amount that is being given to them to compensate
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for these damages is almost a tenth of what they are being paid. keep his coalition is somehow giving a bribe to the buyers to stay in his coalition, so all this is actually limiting netanyahu's choices and he cannot make a free choice so easily . so what do we want to get from this? now that he is not leaving the negotiating table , they are building a buffer zone with hamas one kilometer from the border of gaza towards the interior of gaza, which means that they are destroying the entire area , destroying the buildings, destroying the agricultural land , and destroying the facilities there. they are building a border and there is going to be a mine, and if this happens, it means that the army is going to withdraw does not mean anything else.
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this is part of the clauses that were mentioned in the paris agreement, that is, in the first step, one step , in the second step, in the next step, the entire israeli army should come out of gaza, and it still has that option, and the threat of an attack on lebanon was also raised. in your opinion, this is what is the plan, what goals are they pursuing from the threat of southern lebanon and how feasible is it? it is almost half as many casualties as the israelis in gaza, of course , they do not announce a pardon, the same amount of casualties are suffered by the israelis in the northern borders, and that is enough. a series of israeli telecommunication and intelligence facilities and devices in this region were also damaged and
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hezbollah attacked them. this is a demand from the extremist currents towards netanyahu , which is a reaction to lebanon. but the conditions there are different. hamas was completely surrounded in gaza, that is, a 360-degree siege that could not get any help from israel, egypt, or the sea, but lebanon is not like this, the surrounding area is completely open and the axis the resistance supports it. the israelis' assessment was that hamas inside gaza is about it has 100,000 missiles, although the initial stages are much less than this assessment. but now their assessment was that it has 100,000 missiles , now their assessment is that hezbollah has at least 250,000 missiles. if they want to send this towards the israelis, it will be difficult. the next point is that the land of gaza
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is very different from the land of lebanon. the israelis attacked it from the land side, which was actually a flat land, but it is not like this in the lebanese region, mountainous and forested, and the elites are also in the hands of hezbollah forces, that is, the ship towards the lands of the occupation forces and the hezbollah forces, especially the rizwan forces, have gained a lot of preparation today. mr. amir abdullahiyan had pointed out that it was not a far-fetched scenario for the resistance forces to fully prepare for such a scenario. they should definitely stop thinking about gaza. if there is a conflict in gaza, israel cannot have a fierce war with lebanon, so because now a third of the forces of the lebanese army, the israeli army is on the border of lebanon, and if they don't take care of gaza, both of them will be stuck on two fronts, so for now the threat is now, if both of them are threatening, now the discussion is about
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resolving lebanon, but lebanon can go to lebanon later if it wants to, because now it is a difficult front and it is dependent on internal developments. making prisoners, destroying the political domination of hamas and the military domination of hamas, none of which succeeded. now , what does this want to happen in the lebanese region? it wants to destroy hezbollah in lebanon, if we had a meeting in the american congress last week, the american intelligence community. he came and reported
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to the congress and came to the conclusion that the goal set by israel was to destroy hamas it would be completely unrealistic if he set this goal. the weakening of hamas was a bit more realistic, which is still far from it. in this situation , compare hamas, which is completely besieged in gaza, with hezbollah , which is the supporter of the resistance axis in palestine and has a great capacity to challenge the israelis. because of this, killing is a much more difficult stage than hamas and gaza, and it does not have a goal in mind. what should he do if he wants to go there? for example, if he wants to go and occupy 20 kilometers from the south of lebanon, what happened before 2000. and why did they come out from there because of the heavy casualties that they had, hezbollah of 2000 cannot be compared with hezbollah of 2024
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, they cannot be compared in terms of weapons, strategy and tactics because it will be the end of netanyahu. and the domestic conditions for netanyahu are getting worse. thank you very much, mr. sohail kesiranjad, an expert on the issues of the zionist regime, for being a guest of today's world. the minister of foreign affairs of our country warned that any action of the zionist regime to launch a massive attack on lebanon will determine the end of netanyahu and the end of the current situation in the region will be mr. at a press conference in beirut, abdullahian considered the end of the gaza war to be the end of netanyahu and his cabinet and said that
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netanyahu is trying to hold the white house hostage so that he may be in power for a few more months. in a press conference with his lebanese counterpart, the minister of foreign affairs also asked america for a solution to peace in the region, stating that we have never welcomed the expansion of war in the region. we say clearly that if the us is looking for peace in the region , the solution is to stop the installation of mortars. the minister of foreign affairs of our country in another part of his trip to beirut the secretary general of hezbollah met with the prime minister and other senior officials of this country. discussions about the bilateral relations between iran and the lebanese and other issues
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, including dealing with the crimes of the zionist regime , were the focus of mr. amir abdullahian's consultations during this trip. on the second day of his visit to lebanon, the foreign minister of our country met and talked with the prime minister of this country, najib mikati. in this meeting, mr. amir abdollahian emphasized the unity of the lebanese people against the zionist regime and said: some are trying to create differences. the government of the lebanese nation failed with resistance. the latest situation of the battle of gaza and south lebanon is important the main focus of our country's foreign minister's meeting was with the speaker of the lebanese parliament, nabih berri. in this meeting, the perspective of current developments was discussed. visit of his excellency the minister of foreign affairs of the islamic republic of iran the visit of the minister of foreign affairs of the islamic republic of iran to lebanon takes place in sensitive circumstances. we have seen the threat of the zionist regime to launch a massive attack on the region. rafah in the gaza strip and also the intensification of this regime's attacks on the deep areas of southern lebanon. the presence
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of the iranian foreign minister in beirut in this situation can dampen the wave of pressure from the western governments on lebanon. mr. amir abdullahian also with abdullah bouhabib his lebanese counterpart met and talked. in this meeting, bilateral relations between iran and lebanon and the latest consultations to end the zionist regime's attack on gaza were discussed . the most important meeting last night was foreign minister ban's meeting with syed. nasrallah was the secretary general of hezbollah in lebanon, where the latest battlefield situation in southern lebanon, the gaza strip and the future possibilities were discussed. these ramblings of netanyahu to save himself because he knows that the end of this war means the end of the political life of netanyahu and those around him, but it seems that now the developments are it is going in the direction that we will witness that the ceasefire will be realized with the conditions of the resistance. amir abdullahian also with officials. the palestinian resistance consulted about the developments of the al-aqsa storm battle. mr. amir abdullahian left for syria after lebanon and
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the developments in the region will be interrupted between the two options of a ceasefire or the continuation and even expansion of the war . sima beirut continues the world today with some other news from around the world event. the 45th anniversary of the victory of the islamic revolution of iran in different regions of the world, including neighboring countries held. on this occasion , traditional iranian music was performed in belgrade, the capital of serbia, and in several other cities of this country. commemoration ceremony. the victory of the revolution in some other countries, including south korea, indonesia, india, afghanistan, tajikistan
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, turkey, syria, lebanon, russia, england, greece, bosnia and herzegovina, slovenia has started a few days ago . in this ceremony, which was held with the presence of a group of political, economic and cultural officials, the participants emphasized on increasing relations while congratulating the anniversary of the victory of the revolution. but the government and people of iraq today more than ever on the need to leave according to al-manar network, the american occupation forces have emphasized that the american attacks on the resistance groups in iraq have caused a wave of anger among the officials and the people. the american military
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repeats all the actions that may disturb the security of iraq. american soldiers this time a neighborhood. with this action, they threatened the national reconciliation and undermined the national sovereignty of iraq . the continuous aggression of the us is not a new issue, and before that , iraq had demanded the end of the us military presence , and the iraqi parliament passed a resolution in this regard , recently the american.
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we do not have american military instructors, all elements the iraqi armed forces are facing the threat of terror today. the american forces have iraqi airspace under their control. as a result, the iraqi parliament must once again accept the iraqi government's invitation to the american occupation forces to stay in order to fight against the isis terrorist group. this is while the iraqi government issued several statements emphasizing the need to end the presence of foreigners in iraqi territory and formed a committee to negotiate on this matter.
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america says that it does not want to escalate the tension, but to repeat its attacks against the popular mobilization forces and to violate the rule. use all options including option a military force has been revealed to maintain the national sovereignty and security of iraq. statistics show that 17,000 children in gaza lost their father or mother or both in the war . according to the tart channel, the united nations violated the rights of children in the regime's war. in addition to the images that are published every day from gaza, the statistics show that the occupying regime of israel
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is targeting children in the war that started against the gaza strip last october. united nations israeli attacks on children. described it as dangerous and announced that such a thing has never happened in contemporary history. the most victims in the gaza strip israeli attacks are children. the rights of children living under israeli occupation are severely violated . because this is an unprecedented violation, we have not seen anything like it in modern history. we want to talk with the israeli delegation. they have lost their lives in the war. the number of wounded children is more than 42% of the total
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war wounded. about 3,000 of these children were immediately sent abroad for they need . in addition, more than 900,000 children have been displaced by this war. in addition to killing and starving the children of gaza, israel's killing machine has orphaned many of them. on based on the statistics announced by the gaza information office , 17,000 palestinian children have lost their father or mother or both in the gaza strip. almost 2 days have passed since the general election in pakistan, but the official results have not yet been announced. unofficial statistics show that none of the parties have been able to get the necessary votes to form the government. in this way , a coalition government will be formed in pakistan. the delay in
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the official announcement of election results in pakistan and the protest of some opposition parties. although hours have passed since the end of the general election in pakistan, the official results have not yet been released elections by the government. not announced. according to the unofficial results, so far 11 independent candidates affiliated with tehreek-e-insaf, 73 candidates of muslim league, 54 candidates of hizb-e-mardom, 17 candidates of muttahida qaumi party and 8 candidates from other parties have won. meanwhile, the delay in announcing the official results has led to the protest of some parties, and some parties such as the tehreek-e-insaf party
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announced in their latest report that there are more than 50 million people in the current election. qualified people participated and the participation rate was 48%. the victorious independents are obliged to within 3 days join a political party. it remains to be seen
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which of these parties the victorious representatives of tehreek-e-insaf party will join. majid hashemi , radio and television news agency, islamabad. let's see some short news from the world together. from your movement , the biggest iceberg is tall. to the south to oppose the british representative in nato for ukraine's membership in this military security pact. the largest iceberg in antarctica broke away from the ocean floor and started moving. this iceberg, which is called a 23-e , is slowly moving towards the north and towards the open waters. the area of ​​this iceberg is about 384 square kilometers. this is the iceberg after reaching the ocean waters gradually it will melt and disappear. climate change has accelerated the melting of icebergs. a
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safe landing of a plane at the airport of sao paulo, brazil. despite the loss of one of the wheels, this plane had to land at the saulo airport after leaving riodani airport due to the separation of one of its main wheels. the missing wheel was found a short time later in a breakwater near the first airport. the us federal communications commission has banned the use of ai-generated voices in robocalls. with the establishment of these regulations , the general prosecutors can take action against the calls made in they take legal action from the artificial intelligence voice simulation technology used. according to the law , companies that make these calls may be fined up to 23 thousand dollars for each call. previous month. the american president's voice was produced by artificial intelligence, encouraging people not to vote. the lack of fuel from a pipeline in mexico caused the evacuation of thousands of people. damage to
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a fuel pipeline near guadalajara caused a significant gas leak friday morning, forcing many residents to evacuate their homes. computer companies in canada users' medical information they sell applications. in a report, the cbc tv channel analyzed the impact of the presence of artificial intelligence and new technologies in the field of treatment and medicine. while this new process has provided new facilities for doctors and patients , it has also brought challenges. thank you for your company with the world today, have a good night and god bless you.
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3:00 am
it is saturday morning tehran time, and dear viewers, welcome to this news section, march 22


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